April 12~ 1929 WILMETTE LIFE ' 35 ' Bie~emeie~ t~ Ad~ress R. ~·. ·F. Bi.esemeier, of ~ilme!te, In recognition of the presentation of supervtsm~ engtneer at New Tner Htgh the cabi t f ] h D · k school, wtll lead the discussion of , une . scene · .rom ,S> n rm "Problems of Plant Maintenance and waters Abraham Lmcoln at the 1929 Operation," which is to be the after Lincoln's birthday exercises for high :linner to~ic Thursday evening, April 18, schools of Chicago and suburbs, the at the North Shore hotel, Evan s.ton, 1 Union League club, which sponsors the when members of the Northern Indtana . Principals' club will be gue sts of exerctse~ each. year, has presented to Northwe·s tern university. The Princi- N~w . Tner Htgh school a sand dune pals' club is holding a two-day ·session pamtmg by ~· . Darge. The painting next week, April 18 and 19, which will ~as been h~ng 111 the main floor corbe attended by administrators of nOrth ndor oppo tte the school offices. M. E. Duckles, New Trier faculty member, shore high schools. Fridav morning April 19 members of pla~ed the part of Lincoln when the · will observe ' scene the club the' widely dis- cabmet b . was , p r ese.n t e d, an d memcussed guidance system in operation at ers of Lmcoln 5 cabmet. were porNew Trier High school. Thev will be u~ye~ by seven New Tner boys Karnopp.' Dorrance Ny~a~rd, luncheon guests of the Ne,v Trier ad- C 111 fs :ninistrative staff Friday rwon Follow- G~r all, Martm Cassell, Wilham ing the luncheon there ,~·ill be a 1 tbson, 1ohn Betak, and John Atwood. discussion of the guidance ·.svstem led CHILDREN'S MOVIES by members of the New Trier guidance staff. Scenes in the British Isles will be featured in the moving picture films to b~ shown at this Saturday's free enor ore eac ers to 1 tertamment for children at Field Mus.Hold Institute Saturday eum of !'J.atural History, given under the, provtstons of t.he Raymond ChildPublic schools in the north shore ren s Fund. There will be five films villages will be represented at the onei~ all, the titles being as follows : "Scotday institute for teachers of Cook ti h Tidbits," "The Emerald Isle" county to be held Saturday morning, "British Castles," "The Horse an'd April 13, at 10:30 o'clock in Fullerton Man" · and "National Bird Refuges." hall, Art institute. The conference Two performances wilt be given one was called by Edward ]. Tobin, Cook beginning at 10 and one at 11 o'~lock county superintendent of schools. Dr. in the ] ames Simpson theatre of th~ Norman E. Richardson is scheduled mu.seum. Children from all parts of to give an address; "Pre ent Dav Chtcago and suburbs are invited. Trends in Character Education." The meeting of the Lake Shore division of the Illinois State Teacher s' Vote The Peoples Party Ticket a ssociation at LaGrange on April 22. also will attract a large numher of t eacher s from \Vilmette, Kenilworth, TUESDAY, APRIL 16 \Vinnetka. and Glencoe. This meeting \\·ill include schools in Cook and Lake A Cross in the Circle Will Do It counties, excepting Chicago. Pnnctpals Club M~et Donate Dunes Painting I~---------------------------.... to New Trier's Gallery Jl fOVNTAIN SOVARL · LVANSTON Wilmette 3700 N th Sh T h J Wash Your ()ishes Once a STRAIGHT ()ay-- the Conover Gloves Gloves that add the final touch of perfection to the spring costume. A variety of styles and smart new shades. have found that the most efficient way to wash dishes is to wash them just once a day. You can store them · away out of sight in the Conover-ready to wash them in the morning. The Conover itself rolls into a corner out of the way when not in use. It is simple to operate, requires no new plumbing or sink attachment. Hous~keepers Washable Kid Tan. $2.9 5. Gloves, hand sewn. Washable Suede Pull-on Gloves in beige and gray. $2.9 5 a pair. Kislav Washable Doeskin Gloves in pullon s~yle. Beige, grey and white. $4.2 5 a pmr. Glace French Kid Gloves in nude, suntan, grey, black and white. Novelty cufls. $3.9 5. It washes, rinses and dries your dishes in less than half the time it takes you to do them by hand. An electrical appliance the entire family will appreciate! The apartment size Conover for small apartment kitchenettes, rolls conveniently under the aink. The Conover is an ornament to the smartest kitchen. Lord'a-First Floor