Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Apr 1929, p. 28

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WILMETTE LIFE April 12, 1929 Although the annual meeting of the Kenilworth League of Women Voters does not occur until next month and there are no special announcement s from this particular league, it wishes Clarence Gregg, catcher; Grant Phillips vacatiOn · · h h'1s parents. wtt to ca1l the attention of the readers of ~njoyed a lusty session, in company and .Lyman Rigby, pitchers. -othe WrME'M'E LIFE to the Radio pro*ith three or four local recruits. At t ~1e close of last season a number Mark Cresap, Jr.. son of Mr. and gram sponsored by the Illinois leagu e The next practice is scheduled for of local sportsmen asked to be re- Mrs. Mark Cresap, 535 Warwick road, and occuring at dates in the near Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock, and minded this year of the fact that the Kenilworth, has arrived home from future. Manager "Doc" R_ennolds wants to see team, which does not carry a salaried \Villiams college to spend his spring , · · d · h 1 vacatt'on . The programs at 2: 30 o clock tn th e Th 1 I 1 1 _m_o_r_e~o_ca~t_a~ e n_t_ ·~~e~ te_a_m~a_t_p_r_e_se_n_t~p~ay_e_r_,~a-pp_r_e_c_la_t_e_s~o_n_a_t_lo_n_s~t_o~_e_p~~~·~~~~~~~~ - ~~~- - afternoon over WGN wi ll be given 011 ~Iondavs anrl Wednesdays. April 10. ~[rs. \ r. Do dge Sim ons, chairman of th e ch ild welfare, fllinoi s Leag ue, spoke on the subject "The Nation's Concrrn for Jt c;; Mothers and Rabie" . Thi~ i-; a \·e rv timclv subicct for the driv e in Kenil~·o rth ·for th e fnfant s' Welfar<' work is to begin \\·ith a t ea on April 15. On Ap ril 15. ~fr s. B. G. Jami eson will give new . of the general a ssembl y. On April 17. L. A. Stebbins will give a talk on "The Pan American Trea ties." Mr. Stebbins is chairman of the .committee on foreign affairs of the Chi cago City club. The meeting of the Forum of th e League of \Vom en \ ·otcr s which will be held on Saturdav of t his week. April 13. will be th e- annual meeting . ~ o admission \\·ill be charfTed. Th ere will be the election of office-rs and th1· report of the pre sid ent. ~[ r .\\'. :t Roberb . ~~ r ~ . Craig ~[ill e r. former Penonal ~upervi~ion of Frank Smedberg president of the Michi ga n Lea gue Df \Vomen Voter:' will speak nn 7 A. M. TO 2 A. M.. INCLUDING SUNDAYS "Patriotism. The tfi~sinn of th e L eague Breakfast Luncheon Petit" Goulet Evening Dinner nf \\" om en Voters." r r to 2 7 to r 1 2 t'o 5 5 to 9 mette BDseball · Nifte Invites More ·· Recruits to Drills is last year's outfit, but "the best man wins" is "Doc's" motto, and room will be made for anyone who can make the grade. · buy equipment and togs. Anyone interested aiding the nine financially, is asked to see Emil A. Nord of Schultz and Nord. in . w·ather areeted the Wt'lmette Fall' " l't· Ol·aalkr of Commerce baseball team · da y mornits'·illitial practice last S un h ittg at the.... Howard sc ooI groun d s: · f u 1l f orce an d The boys were out m ·t The present list of players includes Ch ares 1 A . H owe, son o f Mr. an d BilJ Baker, Joe Borre, Rudy Tagtmeier M rs. C hares 1 H owe, 240 1< em·1 wor th and Muny Rudolph, infielders; Bob avenue, Kenilworth, who is a student Burmeister, Ralph Janetz, Hal Porter- at K nox co11ege, returne d to K em·1 k d h' · field. and Russell Smith, outfielders; wort h 1 ast wee to spen ts spnng Women Voters Call Public's Attention to Radio Programs .. 524 DAVIS STREET EV ANST. ON Two Artists Will Present Orrington Musicale Sunday The ~unda v evening mu;-;i cale. April 14. in the Tudor Lounge oi the Orrington hotel. Evanston, fr om 8 to 9 o'clock. will be a joint re cital given by Ollin Ahara 1 oprano. and Burdette Squire. harpi t , a~si~ted b~ C ordon Camphell. accompani ·t. The prog ram will he as follmvs: .Mermaid ong Haydn Shepherd. thy . demeanor var~· Brown Blackbird's Song Scott Ecstasy Rumm el Miss Ahara Zabel La Source Lorenzi Impromptu. Caprice arr . Thomas All through the night Miss Squire Mv soul is an enchanted boat \\. oodman The little sheperd's song \Vatt s Verschweigene liebe tandchen Straus· Miss Ahara Etude Ditzi Spanish Dance . . . . PedesLhi Sextet "Lucia di Lammermoor" Donizetti Miss Squire The little silver ring Chaminade Si mes vers avaient des ailes Hohn Spring's singin~ . Macfadyen Miss Ahara and ~fiss Sqmre ..., COw Gift ofGifts for the c§f3ride · Nothing ever talus the plaa of Silver· A WEEK-END AT SHAWNEE Young people of the sixth. seve.nth. and eighth grades are to be entertamed at Shawnee Countrv club Fridav evening. April 12. The following -afternoon children up to the sixth grade will be the guests of the club at an affair that 1f rs. George H. Dorman is arranging with the assistance of. among others, Miss Jane Triggs, Miss' Sarah Page, and Mrs. D. L. . Todd. "Hank. the Mule." wilt be there to entrance the little guests. and favors and refreshments will be provide<;! them. Their hour of pleasure will commence at 2 o'clock and last until 4. Saturdav eve!1ing the club will give a dinner bridge. Mr. and ~Irs. Hugh Foresman. 515 Essex road,· Kenilworth have returned from a two weeks' trip to New Orleans and Biloxi. SPAULDING & COMPANY Jewelers and Silvtrsmiths Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO .. Orrington Avenue, EVANSTON

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