April 12, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE aboard the Areoplane ship usaratola-.. At Balboa they flew in the United States Naval Scout planes, .and YTs. Roche dr<>ve the plane herself. .· : Mrs. Roche and Mrs. Elder have been away since January. N. S. Art League SpoDSOra Shawnee Club Music Ou~-of-Door Painting Clau Programs A t tract An out-of-door painting and sketchLarge Audiences ing class sponsored. by the North Shore By P. H. The Shawnee Sountry club presented Milan Lusk last Sunday afternoon as artist in the ·series of musical programs given each week. Not so many years ago Mr. Lusk was starting on his career and making his first tours 'to foreign countries. Since those days he has played before many of the crowned heads of Europe, been entertained at Court, and feted and praised for his beautiful art in most of the states of America. It was a real treat to listen to his skilled work and his beautiful program last Sunday. Mr. Charles Triggs, as chairman of the entertainment committee, deserves unstinted praise in his choict: of artist.s appearing before members of the club and it must be gratifying to him to find such enthusiastic response from the club members. On Palm Sunday, Howard Preston a resident of Wilmette, and a singe; of international reputation, gave a delightful program of songs before a capacity audience. Everyone was moved with the beauty of his voice and charm of his personality. On Easter Sunday, at the regular hour, 4 o'clock, B. Fred Wise, with a very pleasing tenor voice, presented a most appropriate and well arranged program of songs. In spite of the inclement weather, the large lounge of the club was filled. Many of the members were unfortunate in missing the first part of the program, coming late. although the hour was announced as 4 o'clock. Mr. Wise opened with songs appropriate to the Easter season, ·following these with quaint early ballads Art league, an9 sketching in several of the gardens of Winnetka and GlencQe, will begin a session of five weeks, under the instruction of Allen Philbrick. The class will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9 to 12 o'clock. The first meeting will be held next Tuesday, April16, at the residence of Mrs. Clarence T. MacNeille, 828 Bluff street, Glencoe. This class is not ·limited to members of the league. A limited number may join, and all those interested may telephone the secretary of the class, Miss Alice Mae Jackson, Wilmette 439, this Friday or Saturday morning, or write her at 1017 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. Braithwaite of Monrovia, Cal., but formerly of Wilmette. At Mazatalan, Mex., their ship escaped the Mexican revoluti9nists. At Balboa they were entertained by Robert Glau, and at Christobal, Panama Canal Zone, they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McDonna, who own a large banana and pine.apple plantation. They have made several trips on tarpon fishing vessels and have even penetrated the Central American jungles. They were guests of Commander Walker on the Battleship "Utah," and FRATERNITY DANCE TONIGHT. Phi Mu Delta fraternity of Northwestern univ.e rsity is sponsoring a dinner dance at the Georgian hotel Friday evening, April 12. · \Vatter Gold is iti charge of the affair which will be given in the Main Dining room. Jungles, Battleships Thrill Women Travelers Mrs. Paul L. Roche, 801 Central avenue, and Mrs. James G. Elder· of Winnetka will return Sunday after an adventurous and extended trip to Florida, Panama, and Central America. They are returning by way of Los Angeles, having been guests of Mrs. Roche's mother, Mrs. Charles W. ---------------- of a li_ghter vein and songs of the sea. His interpretation of "Sittin' Thinkin' " will long be remembered as his final encore. Sunday afternoon, April 14, the club presents William Hughes, pianist. He is at home from a concert tour with Arthur Kraft and Gladvs Swartout and is available for that'.·reason. These concerts are a lovely feature of the club program of activities. LO Has Solved the "Corset Problem'J What Is The "Corset .Problem"? Wllnn u~ [mru flDUO~§§~ § . Observe, ple~se, how many disdnguiahed travellers and around..the-world racers como and go on White Empre~~e~. They are tho Pacific's Blue Ribbon Fleet-leaden in speed and smartness. Suites and bedrooms with bath. ~ and swimming pool. Cafe off tho ep0rta deck. Wonderful Filipino orchestra. Even, a foretaste of suave Oriental service, backed Watch. lor the Dew by Canadian Pacific management and sea- EMPRESS OP JAPAN manship. ready Ill 1930 Only ten days, V~couver to Yokohama · · · then Kobe and t~·agasaki ··· Shan&bal aDd Hong Kong ··· Manila. R. S · .Eiwortby, Steamship General First Class fares, as low Agent, 71 E. Jackaon Blvd., Cbicqo, as $300. We will gladly Ill., Telephone Wabash liM. For arrange your itinerary, freight appiJ' to W. A. Kittermuter.. make all reservations, G. W. F. A., The Rook_,., Chicago. etc. Phone or write your It is to find a garment that will answer all the following questions: · 1. Is it comfortable? 2. Does it support? · 3. Does it give the figure gracefullin~sP 4. Does it reduce? 5. Is it a perfect foundation to a ·gown?· Stayform has answered "YES" to all these ,questions. Stayform has truly solved the ucoraet Problem.,, THE STAYFORM .· SHOP STATE BANK AND TRUST BUILDING Phone Greenleaf 7077 Fountain Square EVANSTON Giiidie~n Pcadfit: a . CHICAGO SHOPS Etltew.oter Beoch Hotel 1524 Stevens Bldt. .. A:a:#"Z c., Ccanadi4ta Padtic &praa Trowllcn C...,.._-!,.ood:C ~ g-' A # staa«t r't r't World'· Greateat TraYel S·lltem """'*w'& ,;'; A ......... ,........ -.' · 57 E 1111 M odiso· ·Street 4237 Lincoln A venue . i ·