April 12, 1929 WILMBT1'1 ~ LI.Fa · p~operty ~as Garden Club Will Send Delegates io G. 'C. of .4. Meeting The Kenilworth Garden club has just issued its program and year book and will open the season on April 26. This meeting will be at the home of Mrs. E. F. Snydacker. At the annual meeting of the Garden Club of America, to be held in Philadelphia in May, there will be a delegation of eight members from the Kenilworth Garden club. At this meeting are allowed the president and her alternate and ten per cent of the membership. Mrs. Edwin Phelps, the president, will attend, and Mrs. Rufus Stolp will he her alternate. Mrs. Grant Ridgway, as chairman of the billboard committee, is allowed to attend and Mrs. Hugh Foresman, as chairman of the flo" er preservation committee. ~irs. S. D. Flood is a member of the board of the Garden Club of America and will attend the annual meeting in that capacity. To represent the per cent from the membership of the club, \\·hich numbers thirty, there have been thn·e members elected. They are Mrs. Guy Littell, Mrs. A. L. McDougal, and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick. The March bulletin of the Garden Club of AmeriLa presents the order of events during the four or five days' session and the meetings give promise of being most attractive. They will include visits to most of the beautiful gardens in and about Philadelphia, with luncheon and tea for the entertainment of the guests. Miner Coburn, son of the Alonzo ]. Coburns, 915 Linden avenue, returned last week from a tour of the \\Test and the South with the CofferMiller Players, who present old classic plays at schools and colleges. Church Friendship Ljnki to Hold Luncheon Meetings The following Friendship links of the Wilmette Baptist church will meet as follows during the coming week: Link R, Mrs. \; Villiam Huggins, kade~ will meet Thunda~ April 1~ at the home of Mrs. E. Anderson, 1729 Forest avenue, for 1 o'clock luncheon. Lin.k I, Mrs. B. J. Taber, leader; wilt meet Friday, A_pril 19, at Mrs. Taber's home, 1487 Edgewood lane, Winnetka. I Mrs. E. H. Kerr will be assisting hostess. Link E, Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, leader, will meet at the residence · of Mrs. Herman C. Heaton, 162 Abingdon , ...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; avenue, Kenilworth, Friday, April 19. Link N, Mrs. A. Heerens, leader, will meet Friday, April 19, at the home of Mrs. Anna Johnson, 1721 Forest avenue. :Mrs. Russell Johnson will be .assistant hostess. Link D, Mrs. William Burns, leader, will meet Friday, April 19, at the residence of Mrs. A. C. Youngberg, 1503 Lake avenue. The time for all the meetings will be 1 o'clock. Locust road for school purposes. The acquired at an extremely Members of the Board of Education low figure, it is ~tated, so that the purof School District 40, which comprises chase ·represents a gr~at saving to t~ the former Village of Gross Point, an- payers of the district in the light of nounce the purchase, during the past the anticipated rapid development in year, of a five-acre 't ract of land on the west section of Wilmette. ~~~~~~~~;· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUY LAND FOR SCHOOL USE "! l AFTER EASTER 3 ·DAY CLEARANCE SALE ONLYFRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY One Lot of Hats at $3.95 One Lot of Hats at $4.95 All Twelve Dollar Hats, Ten Dollars WORTHEN- . MISS MAC . CARRICO CO. 1148 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 588-589 BAHA·J LECTURE Sunday afternoon, April 14, at 4 o'clock, in Baha'i Temple foundation hall, Linden avenue near Sheridan road, Wilmette, Dr. Vail will give his second lecture in the April series on: "The Divine Origin of Man-His Natural and Spiritual Evolution." The public is in\·ited. OPENS INSURANCE AGENCY George R. Widger, 128 Fifth street, Wilmette, former New Trier student and a gr_ aduate of Notre Dame, who has since been with Luberman 's Mutual Ins.u rance company, has severed his con. nection with that establishment and has opened an agency of his own with offices in the Federal Reserve Bank 1 building, Chicago. Grows beautiful lawns and flowers! You Can Still Buy your shoes at a considerable saving. Our stock of men's, women's and children's shoes is still complete. There are no shoes in the house over a year old. This is yottr opportunity to stock up on your spring, summer and fall shoes. Shop on uThe Ridge" and Save the Difference Success for all with Vigorol Users find that this ideal plantfood gives a quick vigorous start-more velvety green grass, better flowers, crisp succulent vegetables. Vigoro is odorless! So clean you sow by hand like grass seed! Plants get a balanced ration throughout the season. Enough concentrated Endorsed by Leading Landscape Gardeners&. Nurserymen nourishment in a 100 lb. sack for lawn or garden 50 x 50 to 50 x 100 feet. Only 2 to 4 lbs. per 100 square feet. and not at all costly! Full directions for apply· ing Vigoro in every bag. In paper-lined bags of 100, 50, 25 lbs., and 5 lb. packages. Order Vigoro today for all the things you grow. A Swift & Company Product I -:o, . ...;L AQ ' J~ 1 oo ·· J:. " l BONE MEAL 125 SHEEP MANURE lb. bags lb. bags $5.00 CATTLE MANURE 1 oo $2.50 LIME 50 lb. bags lb. bags SCHREIBER'S SHOE SHOP SOl Ridge · R oad $2.50 75c Wil111ette OPEN EVERY EVENING .Ar~nour:S ----------------------· f/:::3.7: GROWER 1219 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 3060 II II MILLEN HARDWARE COMPANY