April 12, 1929 WI L MET T E .LIFE After--Easter Apparel Selling STARTING 'FRIDAY APRIL 12 Luxurious coats at a price that reveals unusual value. Styles that ordinarily sell for much more. Coats that show the smart fabrics, the ingenious tucking and seaming, bows and scarfs and other touches that give a garment an individually designed look. · We also show many plain coats as well as those trimmed with soft furs including squirrel, caracul, mole, etc. The materials are tweeds, basket weaves, kashas, and broadcloths. Sizes 14 to 46. Priced for this special selling at · For the first time this season dresses of such authentic style, exquisite workmanship_ and superior quality are being offered at such a low price. You will want several of these dresses when you see the exceptional values and pay only what you ordinarily pay for one of a similar style. The selection includes PRINTED CHIFFONS PRINTED GEORGETTES POLKA DOTS PRINTED CREPES and one or two Ensemble Frocks Sizes 14 to 50 Specially priced MARY ANN FROCKS Exclusive But Not Expensive . 1183 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette 19 So. St. James St., Highlanli Park