Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Apr 1929, p. 77

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April 5, 1929 HELP WANTED-FEMALE tl WILMETTE LIFE SITUATION WANTED-MALE 17 FOR BENT-APABTXENTS FOB 8A.LB-BOU8B8 WHITE WOMAN HALF DAYS BY EXP. CHAUFFEUR AND GARDENER week. Laundry and upstairs cleaning. wants position. Best ref. Albert Bald$14 per week. Tel. Winnetka 2391. affar, 410 South 14th Ave., Maywood, 56LTN28-ltc Ill. · 61LTN28-ltp WHITE PROTESTANT NURSEMAID for 2 young children. Experienced or inexp. 247 Church Rd. Tel. Winnetka 2069. . 56LTN28r- ltc WHITE WOMAN TO DO COOKING and downstairs ·work. No laundry. Must go home ni&hts. Call Winnetka 760. . 56LTN28-1tc WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Call Winnetka 1403 after Sunday. 56LTN28-1tc MAID, EXPERIENCED, GENERAL hswk. Must be good cook. $18. Ph. Kenilworth 742. 56LTN28-ltp WHITE WOMAN, GENERAL HSWK.f small family. Call Wilmette 1129. 56LTN28-ltp ----------------WANTED, WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with housework; 3 in family. Ph. w ·1. mette 2908. 56LTN28-1u li? ---------------------------- HELP lV ANTED-~IALE GARDENER'S HELPER & HANDY man. Phone Northbrook 43. 57LTN28-ltp liS HELP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lVTD.-~IALE & FE:liALE WANTED-A PIANO PLAYER TO play for dancing classes. See Fernando Miaone, 934 Spanish Court after 2 P. M. 58L28-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6& SJTUATION WANTED-FE~IALE PRACTICAL NURSE WANTS POS'Ition as infant's nurse or semi-invalid. Willing to do some housework. Write to Mary Neidhardt, 1121 Orleans St., Chicago. Div. 0964. 60L28-ltp COMPETENT COLORED LAUNDRESS wants 4 days work. Call University 3138 ; will be at home from 5 till 8 :30 p. m. 60LTN28-ltp RELIABLE YOUNG LADY WISHES care of children afternoons and eveningr-:. Phone Wilmette 779-R. 60L28-ltp EXPERIENCED COLORED LA UNdress wants work Wed. and Thurs. Telephone Victory 5838 or Calumet 2036. 60LTN28-ltp EXP. COLORED GIRL WISHES WORK or ' cleaning for Mon., Tues. and Wed. Ph. ·w ilmette 1179. 60L28-ltc EXP. COL. GIRL WANTS LAUNDRY work and cleaning by the day. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 1058. 60L28-ltp SIT. WTD.-N. T. H. SCHOOL GIRL, mother's helper. Ref. Call from 2 to 5 :30. Ph. Wilmette 2853. 60L28-ltp EXP. WHITE LAUNDRESS WANTS washing, ironing and cleaning by day. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 60LT28-ltp NICELY FURN. RM. FOR GENTLEman, convenient bath. Near transp. Phone Winnetka 2010. 66LTN28-ltc DAY WORK FOR CLEANING. 1ST class laundress. Prepare dinners eves. Call University 3204-M. 60LT28-1tp 5 LOWER RMS. & GAR. TO PROTEStants; reas. Mr. Pierce. Call Winnetka 1630 eves. .6 6LTN28-ltp GIUL WANTS PART-TIME WORK mornings. Refs. Call Univ. 7060. 60LT28-ltp ROOMS FOR RENT NEAR TRANS----------------portation. Call Wilmette 2248.66L27-tfc WANTED WASHING TO TAKE HOME by exp. laundress. Will call and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 2130. 60LT28-ltp FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 OR 2, ALSO garage. 1522 Central Ave. Ph. WilWASHING AND IRONING TO TAKE mette 116. 66L28-ltp home; will call for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 3479. 60LT28-1tc 67 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS EXP. COLORED COOK WITH REF. desires a permanent position. Ph. Uni'VP.r~ity 7060. 60LT28-ltc COMP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS housework for Mon., Wed. and Thurs. Ph. Wilmette 4207. 60L21-tfc WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. WINN. 2794. 60LTN28-ltc 61 EVERY ONE OF WHICH IS A REMARKABLE INVESTMENT $20,000 buys homey home with large llv· 2, 3, f, 6 and 6 ROOMS CHAUFFEUR-15 YRS. EXPER., MAR- Here In . Wilmette's most convenient and ing room, bright dining room, con. ried, white. Best refs. Call Winnetka venient kitchen and four light, airy exclusive location, you will f!nd well-ar· 1240. 61LTN28-ltp bedrooms. It has Nokol oil heat an<\ ranged apartment&. All apartment11 a large garage. The grounds are beauhave outside rooms which provide an YOUNG MAN WANTS POS. AS MAtlfull) wooded and landscaped. There abundance of light and alr. Ample chini8t. 31h years exp. Or odd jobs. is a fine rock garden and aquarium and closet space. Schools, churches, and Phone Winn . 1632. 61LTN28-ltc the neighborhood is ideal. This 100 foot ahopplng facllttles within lntnedlatf' access. See .these ~tpartments today. . lot alone is worth two-thirds the value COLORED CHAUFFEUR WISHES of the entire property. Agent on premises. pos. Married. Best refs. Oakland 0868. $27,000 for attractive and modern resi61LTN28-ltp dence with four rooms on first floor GARDENER, WORK BY DAY OR REALTORS and four bedrooms and three baths on Wll. 460 hour. ·Ref. Call Wilmette 1691. 424 Linden Ave. second. It has an extra toilet and lava 67LTN2-tfc 60LT28-ltp tory, a sleeping porch, and an open screened porch. Ample hot water heat BOY, 16 YEAR, WISHES WORK WILL SUBLEASE MY VERY DESIRing system. Garage attached. There able Orrington apartment at a marked around yard and home, by the hour. is 100 feet of beautifully landscaped reduction. Two large rooms with Phone Wilmette 2623. 61LT27-2t'i grounds. The price has been reduced abundant west exposure. Electric from $35,000 to $27,000. kitchenette. Bath and shower. SpaciWORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. ous closets. Complete hotel service. Cleaning woodwork or windows and Ideal In every respect. Enjoyable in $27,500 buys attractive 9 room solid brick; 3 baths; hot water oil heat; heated sun waiting table. Winn. 1657. 61LT28-2tl! every way. Phone Greenleaf 4660 everoom; toilet-.l a vatory 1st floor ; 2 car nings. 67LTN26-tfp brick garage attached; 103 feet beau HANDY-MAN AROUND HOUSE & garden. Mechanic. Call University DESIRABLE 5 ROOM KITCHENETTE tifully wooded grounds in choicest East 3204-M. 61LT2 -ltp s~ctl9n. apt. for rent, $80 per month. Tower Ct. Bldg., Hubbard Woods. Call Winnetka 2420. 67LTN28-ltc SIT. lVTD.-MALE & FEMALE REALTORS COL. COUPLE DESIRE WORK WITH 5 ROOM APT. ROLL-A-WAY BED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS good family, man to do house work and Frigidaire. All light rooms. $90 per 720 Elm St., Winnetka Winnetka 254 drive, woman good cook. Good ref. month. Call Wirn. 1472. 67LTN28-1tc 77LTN28-ltc University 3374-M. 62LT28-ltp KITCHENETTE A P T. POSSESSION May 1. See Mrs. Smith, 819 Oak St., or MARRIED COUPLE, CHAUFFEUR, Tel. Winnetka 112. 67LTN28-ltp houseman, cook. Best North Shore ref. Ph. Drexel 3641. 62LTN28-ltp 4 RM. APT. 'WITH GAR., ALL IM- VERY AT'l'RACTIVE .\ND SUBSTAN tial 8 rm. buff brick home with tile COLORED COUPLE. COOKING, BUTprovements, reas. Glencoe 331. roof. 3 baths, 2 ~ar gar. Finest loca ler. Exper. N. S. refs. Oakland 0868. 67LTN28-ltp tion, 2 blocks from lake, a buy at 62LTN28-ltp $40,000. FOR RENT-2 APTS. ; 3 AND 4 ROOMS, with gla~s porches, gar. ; water heat. ROO~I & BOARD 63 Ph. Kenilworth 3219. 67LTN28-ltc ----------~----- ROOM, BOARD AND CARE FOR FOR RENT - MODERN 4 ROOM APT. semi-invalid or elderly lady, in nurse's Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67LTN24-ttc 1 DESIRABLE MODERN 8 RM. HOME, · 2 home. Ravenswood 5700. blocks from lake and 3 from "L." H. W. he:;tt. 2 baths, gar. ; perfect condition, 63LTN26-3tc FOR RENT_ MODERN 4 ROOM APT. price $225 per mo. on 1 or 2 year lease. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67LTN24-tfc 68 ROO:\IS ---------------}'OR RENT-FURN. APTS. ATTRACTIVE ROOM OR 3 ROOM AND 68 bath, hskp. suite furnished or unfur- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A - N _ D _ nished. Convenient all transp. Ref- ATTRACTIVELY FURN. 1 RM. REALTO:ij.S erences. Ph. Wil. 204 . kitchenette apt. Also furn. room, with 340 Linden Ave. Wilmette 444 66 L 28 _1tp breakfast privileges. for business wom77L28-1tc an. 726 11th St., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. FOR RENT, COMFORTABLE FUR795 or 3155. 68LT28-ltc nished room in private home, $5; suitable for 2. Tel. Wilmette 729. 66L28-ltp G_SJ ____ F_O_R __ R_E_.N_T __ H_o_u_s_E_s _ _ __ ---------------FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS TO RENT-FINE CORNER, 7 RM. NEW 7 RM., 3 BATH BRICK RESID., wooded corner, slate roof, metal weather employed; light and pjeasant; hot and house, 3 bedrms.; lot 100x175, blg trees, strips. Frigidaire, H o 1 1 a n d linen cold running water. Garage space if ' shrubs, garden. Rent $95 per mo. Ph. shades; 2 c;ar attached garage. Big sun desired. Phone Wil. 4207. 66L28-tfc owner, Wilmette 3191. 69LTN28-ltc porch. $28,000. Easy terms. Just as good as it sounds. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BED- FOR RENT OR FOR SALE-BRAND room, in private home. Garage space new 7 r~. home, 2 baths. Garage at- . if desired, gentleman preferred. Wiltached. For information call Winn. 910. mette 3328. 66L2S-2tc 69LTN28-1tc REALTORS FOR RENT-LARGE ROOM, ONE OR 7 ROOM HOUSE AT 1028 DINSMORE 746 Elm St., Winnetka. Winnetka 1617 two people. Two unfurnished houseRd. Tile bath, lavatory. Garage. $200 77LTN28-ltc keeping, $35 per month. Phone Wilper mopth. Call Winnetka 1472. mette 3590. 66LTN28-ltc 69LTN28-ltc LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE EXCLUSIVE lJSTI.NGS QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. I-IEINSEN REALTY CO. BUNGALOW, 3 ROOMS AND BATH, SPLENDID COLONIAL HOUSE IN sleeping porch. Full basement, $65. At mol'lt exclusive section of Winnetka. Pine and Rosewood. Winn. 752. Owner has left town. Wonderful large 69LTN28-ltc grounds well landscaped. Walls canvassed ; H. W. heat ; oil burner. Sur7 RM. MODERN HOUSE. 2 GLAZED rounded by $50,000 homes. Must be sold porches. Garage. Large, beaut. grounds. this week. Only $21,500. Apply owner, 1077 Cherry St. Winnetka 2140. 69LTN28-ltc WINNETKA PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. SITUATION WANTED-1\IALE EXPER. CHAUFFEUR, MARRIED, wants permanent position. Careful driver, good mechanic. Best N. S. refs. Phone Winnetka 3249. 61LTN28-ltp CHAUFFEUR & GARDENER, VERY handy and dependable ; wishing steady position in private family. Bella, P. 0. Box 876, Lake Forest. 61LTN28-ltc 7 RM. EAST SIDE HOME, NEWLY 418 Linden Ave. Wilmette 698 77LTN28-ltc painted & decorated, $125. Tel. Ravenswood 3485. 69L28-ltp FOR RENT OR FOR SALE-5 ROOM bungalow; sun porch, 2-car garage. For information call Winn. 910. 69LTN28-ltc NEW AMERICAN COLONIAL BRICK home. 6 rooms, living room 13x28. 10 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES Large grounds. Price $19,000. FOR RENT-FURN. 5 ROOM HOUSE, (Linden Ave. & Merrill St.) nice sun porch and yard. 1410 Gregory Hubbard Woods Ave., Wilmette. 70LTN28-ltc REALTORS 7. RM. FURN. HSE. 2 BATHS. ATT. 1177 Wilmette Ave. ·wilmette 273 LIVING ROOM (WITH ROLLA WAY garage. Near trans., golf course. For 77L28-ltc bed) ; also bedroom, tile bath ; kitchen appt. call Winn. 1267. 70LTN28-ltp with breakfast nook; Frigidaire. Price $75 per month. ATTR. FURN. 6 RM. HSE. SUN. PAR. Living room (with rollaway bed), bedSl. porch. Near trans. Available May $30,000 room, tile bath, dining room, kitchen 1 for 5 mos. Winn. 1267. 70LTN28-ltp NEW ENGLISH BRICK, COMPLETE IN with Frigidaire. Rental $85 per every detail Inc. elec. ref.: gas stove, month. ?S FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES bkft. nk., 2 car !\.tt. gar., 65 ft. wooded Living room (with rollaway bed), 2 bedlot. A real bargain. 935 Valley Rd., rooms, tile bath, dining room, kitchen 2 NEW STORES-ONE CORNER 24% by Glencoe. Open for inspection ~at. & with Frigidaire. Price $105 per month. 42; one 16 by 44 ; basements; reas. Sun., 2 to 5. All rooms are ltght. Practically new Phone Winnetka 112. 73LTN28-tfc MILTON E. REID & CO. building. Wilmette 1786 OFFICE IN MEYER BANK BUILD- Central 8188 77L28-ltc ing. Call Winnetka 97. 73LT27-3tc §]p)ce~ii&ll LINDEN MANOR APARTMENTS 5 BEDROOl\1S & 3 BATHS FOR SALE IN NORTHBROOK-MODWinnetka 672 77 FOR 8ALE-BOU8E8 YOUNG, EXPERIENCED GARDENER. 5.U Lincoln Ave. ern brick bungalow, 5 nns. ; gar. ; lot 67LTN28-ltc German. By day, week or hour. Priv50x238, $9,000. $750 cash, $60 per mo., FOR SALE OR FOR RENT, 466 ADAMS, ate family pref. _Cornelius Jennen, 554 including Int. No brokers. Ph. WllGlencoe, 5 room studio bungalow, near Center St. Winnetka 3218. 61LT28-ltp FOR RENT-MAY 1ST, 5 RM. FLAT mette 1582. 77LTN28-ltp Skokie Golf, wooded lawn, ftreplace, with sun parlor. 2300 Thornwood Ave., $11,500: terms. Owner, Ph. Delaware Wilmette. No children. Ph. Wilmette EXP. MAN DESIRES GARDEN WORK. 6146. 17LTN27-2tp MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 78 315. 67LTN28-ltp Ph. Wilmette 208~. 61LT28-ltp M«:<G1Ulnr<e & (Q)1rw

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