April. 5, 1929 ' WILMETTE LIFE DTHRYN WITWER SINGS . IN WD.MmE APRIL 9 Noted Lyric Soprano to Be Heard in Spring Concert at Woman'a Club Tuesday Kathryn Witwer, American 'tyric soprano, who has appeared as ·soloist with leading symphony orchestras and has sung important roles with the Chicago Civic opera company and similar organizations abroad, comes to Wilmette T?esday evening, April 9, to give the Sprmg music pro~ram sponsored by the Woman's club of Wilmette. The program will be the final evening affair of the club for t.he current season. The list of patrons and patronesses for the concert includes: Mr. and Mrs. . Hayes McKinney, Mr. :tnd Mrs. E. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cozzens, Dr. and Mrs. Lester E. Mee, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mulford, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, Mr. and Mrs. ]. H. Stackhouse, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor Booz, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, Mr. and Mrs William Harridge, and Mr. and Mrs: C. P. Evans. The spectacular rise of Miss \Vitwer to stardom has been the subject of such widespread comment that her name. is kno~n in almost every household m Amenca. Although still in her early twenties remarkable achievements have been crowded into her career, until her name stands among those of. the leading artists of the day. Her. votce..has ~,een described by a leadmg cnttc as a beautiful lyric soprano, both luscious and brilliant which she handles with ease and fluency. Her art is a persuasive and communiCative one. She tells the story. Her personality is magnetic, and her manner always winning and gracious. I.ntelligence, talent, and beauty combme to make her an artist both satisfying and inspiring." ' I :.....;.----------J At Sundtly Club IIrene Strickler. Wilmette C. of C. ·Secretary. Resigns Auociate Minister of Coapep- Voters to Choose New School Board Dr. D. W. Rapp Takes fielm Members Aprill3 of Optimist Club Tuesday ~ette Optimist club are to be formally Newly elected officers of the Wil- mstatled at the luncheon meeting of the c!ub Tuesday noon, April 9. At that ttme Dr. D. W. Rapp, dentist, will assume the pre~idency. Other officers to be inducted are as follows: Edward Petrie, first vice-president; Charles H. Brandt, .second vice-president j A. C. Pearson, Jr., third vicepresident; R. M. Burns, secretary, and Clarence Braun, sergeant-at-arms. The new directors to be installed are· !{arcus Mick, Joseph E. Shantz, and Arthur Lee. Boost Salary of Village President and Treasurer Sub~tantial increases in the salaries Miss Irene Strickler, secretary of tional Church to Direct U. the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce since September, 1927, has resigned, of I. Pilgrim Foandati. it was announced by ·President John H. Davies at the regular April meeting of the Chamber Monday . night in the Rev. William E. McCormack, who for Central cafeteria. The resignation will the past four years has been the associbe effective May 1, when Miss Strick- ate minister at the First Congregational ler plans to go to California with her church, \Vilmette, resigned this week to mother. ;tCcept a position at the University of Miss Strickler came to Wilmette Illinois as director of the Pilgrim Faunfrom Chicago, where she had been dation. executive secretary of the credit bureau Mr. McCormack c.ame to Wilmette of the Chicag.o Coal Merchants associa- from Newton, Mass., where he had been tion. She was called to her position associate minister at the Eliot church. here following the death, in August, He began his association here with Dr. 1927, of Miss Ruth Forberg, who was · Stephen A. Lloyd and assumed ·the dithen secretary of the Wilmette Cham- rection of the young people's work and ber. · later the entire religious educational A committee composed of E. B. program of the church. The confidence Knudtson, Emil Nord, and Dr. C. B. of the people. of the. church w~s exBlake has been named to obtain the pressed m thetr bestowmg upon hJm the services of a new Chamber of Com- 1 executive leadership of the church after merce secretary. Dr. Lloyd had resigned to accept a call to Pontiac, Mich. During this period Legion Auxiliary to Hear the work of the church was kept well up to normal. Address on Child Welfare One of the chief contributions which Mr. McCormack made to the church waS The regular meeting of the Wilmette in the reorganization of the department American Legion Auxiliary will be held Monday evening, April 8, at the home of Religious Education. Particularly is of Mrs. Fred Von der Lippen, 1011 this found in the high school group Central avenue, at 8 o'clock. The pro- where an original program was worked gram chairman, Mrs. 0. G. Daily, has out involving a course of study which would compare very favorably with the (John Dortcraft Photo) planned an interesting program. Mrs. courses the members of the department Dr. Louis L. Mann, rabbi of Sinai Pearl Duncan, president of the Ameri- undertake in New Ttier. These courses can Legion Auxiliary of Illinois, will Congregation, Chicago, one of Amerbe the. speaker of the evening. She will are elective and are open to both ~ys ica's outstanding religious, educational discuss child welfare work in the and girls. Interest in the experiment by the Congregational Education society and welfare leaders, will speak at the auxiliary. Wilmette Sunday Evening club April Miss Alice Lippen will sing and Mrs. was engaged at the first and the proGevilla N eukranz will play several gram has been approved for use else7. His subject will be: ·'The Fear of where by that group. -: Living." Rollin Pease, well known Ev- piano selections. The Pilgrim Foundation is an. organanston baritone, will be the soloist iz<!tion at the University of Illinois · for Property Owners Request the religious and social expression of this Sunday. students, especially members of the Paving of Three Alleys the Congregational denomination. At presPetitions were read at the meeting ent an experiment is being undertaken of the Board of Local Improvements in education 'in epnnec!tion with t~ Tuesday evening asking for the pav- university whereby students may hav~ ing of the following alleys: between the ptivilege of taking courses in ReLinden and Grenleaf ·f rom Seventh ligious Educ~tion at the Foundation an~ street to Eighth street, between GreenWilmette voters will elect a new receive credit for their work in the unf.J wood and Elmwood from ·Fifteenth school board president and three new versity. In this manner the advantages scho.vl board members next Saturday, street to Sixteenth street, and between of a large state university are supported Washington and Spencer from FifApril 13. Voting will be done in the by the additional advantage of religious Village hall and the polls will be open teen~h to Sixteenth street. Village instruction and guidance. There are· Engmeer Charles Roberts was infr:-m 1 p. m. to 7 p. m. structed to prepare .the necessary data about one thousand Cgngregational stuA citizens' committee headed by G. providing for a public hearing on dents at 'the university each year over T. Hellmuth recently selected the fol- these proposed improvements Tuesdav. which Mr. McCormack will have dired iowlng slate o; candidates for the April 16, at the Village hall. · · responsibility. school hoard offices: Henry E. Cutler, \Vhile the resignation was presented to present member of the board, for presithe board of trustees at the First Condcllt; George H. Redding and Mrs. gregational church on Monday Mr. McErnest H. Freeman for full terms, and Cormack ·does not intend to take ove( Frederick A. Lind to fill the unexpired his duties at Urbana until September term of Mr. Cutler. 1. Until that time he will continue in President Enoch Steen, Gale M. his present position. Brooks, and Mrs. Laura W. Durgin are the retiring members of the board. Pre-School Circle Will ADVANCE TOURNEY HOUR The time of the third annual marble tournament announced for the Village Green, April20, has been changed from' 9:30 to 9 o'clock, Glen W. Gathercoal of the Playground and Recreation staff announces. Meet Wednesday, AprU 1~. of the Village President and the Village Treasurer were voted by the Village b.oard of. trustees Tuesday night Effective Apnl 16, when the new Village officials are to be elected the president wilt be paid at a rate of $1,000 per year and the treasurer, $1,200. The president's salary is now $500 per year. while the treasurer receives $600 per year. Combination Scarifier and Grader to Be Bought C. C. Schultz, Wilmette superintendent of public works, has been instructed to advertise for bids for a combination sacrifier and grader for use in grading work on the roads in the west section of Wilmette. The purchase of the new grader was authorized by the Village board at its regular meeting Tuesday night. Artist-Recital Patrons' Checks Are Due April 14 Owing to the fact that Mrs. Bessie Grant, secretary of the \iVinnetka Music club, has been quarantined because of scarlet fever in her family, the time for mililing checks for next season's Artist~Rccital series sponsored by the club has been extended to April 14. Checks are to be mailed to Mrs. Grant at the \Vinnetka State bank. BUT there's conclusive proof that this paper produces pleasing results. surprisingly Let's demonstrate to you at an insignificantly low cost per ad. The Logan-Howard Pre-School Circle will meet Wednesday evening, April 10, at 8 o'clock, in the art room of th~ Howard school. Miss Marian Taylor, a psychologist at the pre-school branch of the Institute of Juvenile Research, located at Hull House, will be the speaker. Her topic will be "Habit Forming in the . Early Years." A discussion will follow on subjects of interest to mothers of pre-school children. Anyone who is interested is urged to come. PREACHES AT BELOIT The Rev. Vere V. Loper, minister of the First Congregational church, will preach at Beloit, Wis., Sunday morning, April 7, as college preacher at Beloit college. In · Mr. Loper's absence the associate minister, the Rev. W~lliam E. McCormack, will preach at the local church on the subject "Spiritual Reflexes." ~RWIIII·l To Sell Your Home