REAL ESTATE SECTION April 5, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 61 BUILDING IN WINNETKA SHOWS ANOTABLE SPURT Se' enteen Permits, Seven for Residences, lssue~e Home to Cost $82,000-Total $275,900 Old Man Boreas, who has been blocking the path of building ac;.ivity in Winnetka for several months, was administered a knockout blow by Optimism & Demand, who entered the villag-e about March 1, and who have been gaining in favor since. Seventeen building permits were issued during the past month, accordi· to the report of Building Inspector A. B. Kreig. Seven of these were for new residences costing $247,500; six were for remodeling jobs costing $18,400, and four were for garages costing $10,000, a total of $275,900. One of the new residences is to cost $82,000; another $60,000 and another $50,000. Here's Glencoe's New Incinerating Plant HERE'S a. picture showing what our progressive north . · .shore vtllage, Glencoe, is doing. It is the new · in~merator which is being built at a cost of $45,000. It 1s notew~rthy that Glencoe, when the plant is completed, will have the only plant of this type between EYanston and Highland Park. The new plant is being constructed in the southwestern park of the village, being just north of Tower road and east of Happ road and the tracks of the North Shore Electric line. Brick is being used in the construction and the building is to be two stories high. W.ork has been going on rapidly in recent weeks and th.e vtlla?e authorities state that it is expected the plant w1ll be m operation in six weeks. Thirteen Room Residence The former is being built by Donald DeFrees, at 165 Locust road. It is to be a brick veneer, Qn tile, comprising 13 rooms and attached garage. Rawleigh Warner is building the I $60,000 residence at 1205 \Vestmoor road. It is also of brick, on tile and comprises 15 rooms and garage. ' The $50,000 improvement is also on \\'estmoor road, located at :Xo. 1110, where Merrill Gilden is erecting a beau~iful nine room he · e and garage, a bnck veneer, on frame. ' A perm_ it was issued to Adolph Salmen the past month for a two story f~ame and Qrick veneer residence of eight rooms and attached garage. at 1197 Chatfield road, costing $18,000. L. B. Dean is building a two ston frame and brick veneer residence 8 rooms, on Scott avenue, costing $16,000. of New Home for Oak Street A permit has been issued to Ben- jamin Dollimore for a two story, eight room residence, with attached garage a frame and brick veneer structure, at 1260 Oak street, costing- $11,000. Jf. G. Gleason has taken out a permit for a two story frame and brick veneer of seven rooms and attached garage, at 1166 Ash street costing $10,500. , Rudolph Kurschner Buys Public Service Co. State Bank Builds Residence In Northbrook Acquires· Property Addition to 1J1eet Rudolph Kurschner of Glencoe, IlliHome for J. B. Stout Being on Twelfth Street Business Expansion nois, has bought the attractive home Built in Westmoor Trail Expansion of business requires expansion of quarters and for that reason the \Vilmette State Bank at Twelfth street and Central avenue will before long have more space for business operations. Excavation is already well under way for a new addition to the Bank building which is to cost in the neighborhood of $88.000. The new addition is to be two stories hign and will extend northward from the present building a distance of 62 feet. Then in the other direction-to the west-the addition is to extend 65 feet from Twelfth street, this being fifteen feet wider than the frontage. · It is expected that the new addition will be completed in six months. When that time comes there will be a general re-arrangement of the departments of the Bank. The Real Estate and Loan Department which is at present on the second floor will be moved to the first floor. of N. Jorgensen on Western avenue in Northbrook. Mr. Campbell, of Wyatt and Coons Real Estate company, was the broker. After selling his garage business on Vernon avenue in Glencoe Mr. Kurschner and 'his wife tpok an extended trip through Florida and the south. They then returned to the north shore, and finally decided to make their permanent residence in Nqrthbrook. A new home is being built for ]. B. Stout of Winnetka in the new Westmoor Trail. This is the second residence for this section. A fine stone ~ouse for Joseph E. Winterbotham bemg the first under construction. Three ~ore new residences are to be built lll. Westmoor Trail by Winnetkans this spring, according to the Glen C. Bull Realty company. REALTORS TO TRAVEL IN AIR Airport accommodations for the airplane fleet expected to converge on ~oston bringing Realtors to the Natt?~al convention will be the responsibll~ty of a special committee to be appomted by the Boston Real Estate Exchange. The board will also appoint a special committee to look after garage accommodations and parking for the convention delegates who may be expected to motor to the convention. SI i ent utomatic Burner Locates in Hubbard Woods A · The Silent Automatic Burner corporation has leased space in the Tower Court building, Hubbard Woods, for five years at an annual rental of $1,800 for the first year, 2,200 for the secqnd, 1 1 and $2,400 for the last three. V. A. , Smith is manager. According to the real estate transfer records, the Mahoney property, lying between 12th street and the North Shore tine and north of Washington s_treet, has been bought for the Public Service company of northern Illinois. The deal was handled through W. G. Hatem an. No definite information is available at this time as to the development of the property but it is thought that the Public Service company bought the land for future development of business facilities. It will be recalled tha~ the Public Service company recently acquired a new business site in Evanston and has also recently constructed store and office buildings in_ Joliet, Oak Park, LibertyviJte, and other locations. For some time they have occupied a store building in leased premises at the corner of Central avenue and Wilmette avenue.