Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Apr 1929, p. 30

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Latest &hool News VOL. 2 NO.8 Publilhtd uJHklfJ bfl th1 tthool children of W ilmtttt undtt ' upirvilion of Wilm1ttt Playground and Recttation Board JUNIOR LIFE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, APRIL 5, 1929 Told· by the Pupils Basketball Stars Receive Letters; S!one Is Speaker Ex-Champ Speaking I have been asked, as an ex-champion, The basketball letter a wards for the players on school teams were a warded at by the Stolp gymnasium instructor to the Howard school this week. The letters tell the story of how I played my first were awarded at the Stolp school Friday, championship marble games. March 22, at a special assembly at 2 :30 One Saturday morning In April of 1927. o'clock. my friend, Donald Campbell, and myself Ray Conger, outdoor mile champion of came to the Stolp school to watch the the U.nited SU\j:es, was billed to be there boys of the Wilmette Grammar schools but a half hour before he telephoned that play for the championship of Wilmette. he was unavoidably detained, but a "pinch Just for the fun of it, Don and I got hitter" for ¥r. Conger talked. He was into the game. It wasn't long befor ~ Do:· Dudley C. Stone. dropped out but In the end Mr. Stone Boys from each team spoke, telllng announced the surprising fact that I had shout the sea~on that they had had. For won. I got into his car and we went the lightweights, Otis Gooch talked: for up town where I picked out an agate that the heavyweights, Cecil Williams talked. I was to receive for winning. Miles McDonald talked for the middleAbout a month later I entered in the weights and Howard Wtlkins for the North Shore championship game in Evfeatherweights. The four boys made ft.ne . anston. When I got there we had to wait talks. Mr. Davis, who was in charce of about half an hour because It was rainthe as8embly, asked Miss Hayes, principal ing. There were boys there from Chiof Stolp achool, to make a speech which ('ago all the way to Lake Forest. When she did, which was about graduation. The the game was over, there was a boy from letters were then awarded. The following Evanston and I tied. We played it out boys received a letter from Stolp : and I came home with the award as Lightweights Otis Gooch, Donald North Shore champ. Campbell, T o rn Finlayson, Charles The next game was for the state chamLeonard, George Fache and Ialll Denholm. pionship at Soldier's Field a few weeks Rea vyweJghts-Cecll Williams, Dick Pres- later. It was a large meet, track, pole ton, Allen Rossman, Charles Knapp and vayltlng, broad jumping, throwing the Robert White : Middleweights-Miles Mc- discus, shot putting, etc. Marb)es were Donald, Donald Briggs, George Waidener ; played first, and there were boys from Featherweights-Paul Soule · and Howard all over Illinois there. There were three Wllkins. medals awarded by the Chicago RecreaThe following boys received letters from tion board and I got one of them. After Howard: Heavyweights-Arthur Cramer; it was over I watched the · big meet for Middleweights-Edward Horn, Fred Lea- a while and then went horne. The marble son and James DeWar: Lightweights- rules in Chicago are very different from Lee Blaylock : Featherweights - Richard Wilmette rules. - Roger Palenske, SA Steen, Marshall Doose and George Max- Stolp. well. L. F. Ball was the coach.-Lawrence Buckmaster, SB Stolp. Friday, March 29, I went to the Stock Yards. It was the first time I had been there. When we got there we had to go over a long winding board driveway over all the pens. When we got over that we parked the car. Then we went into the office of Armour's. The man saia the guide left at half past twelve so we had to walt 50 minutes. We saw them doing many things but I won't put them in order because I don't remember them in order. They were canning peanut butter, killing sheep, skinning sheep, cutting pigs legs, · and putting them in little runabouts that pulled cars. We went into the cooler. There they were packing bacon. We SJL w the room where they smoke hams and cut pork, and the restaurant where the workers eat. We also saw them wrapping hams. A man put two spike-like things in a ham and by smelling it he could tell whether it was a good or bad ham. The E:mell wasn't such a good one. Then we went home.-Frank Randall, 5B Central. Monday, Aprill, Frank Makes Inspection of Chicago Stock Yards Is a Dreary Day, and_No F oolin' Monday, April 1, was a bad, snow~·, windy, and rainy day. School opened after a wt:,ek's vacation on this bad morning. All the pupils came back ready for the last ten and a half yeeks' work of the year's term. All the pupils are trying to make good grades on their cards, especially the eighth grades of Stolp. Mis~ Hayes is particularly anxious to have everyone go to high school with grades above Good on his card. Aprif'"Fool's day also rolled around with the opening of school and all the puplls had at least one joke played on them. Some were good and sowe were the opposite. The teachers are so tired of hearing about "that spot on your cheek," or the "tear in your dress" that they never want to see another "April Fool's day." Nevertheless when you fail to fool them they ask you to try agaln.-Chester Hanson, SA Stolp. Nancy's Mother Arranges Angus Tells of Visit a Real Easter Surprise to Chicago Kennel Show Eighth Graders Prepare for That Poetry Contest The eighth graders of Stolp school are practicing for the Poetry contest to be read in an assembly soon. The date has not been set as yet. The prizes are money provided by the Parent-Teacher association. Each child wishing to enter chooses his or her own poem and practices on it at horne and in Miss Davis' room. The whmers in the seventh grade last year were: Robert Fletcher, first ; Marjorie Houghton, second, and Beth Mcllralth, third. The eighth grade winners were : Margaret Ebeling, first; Emma Bickham, second, and Janet Benson, third.- Marjorie Houghton, SB Stolp. VERY NiCE EASTER On Easter morning my mothe r mad e up some eggs. She colored them with onion skins so they would be reddish brown. We had a good Easter morning. We went to Sunday school and we had an Easter story. My little sister got a red Easter egg at her Sunday school. After church we went to my aunt's. She colored some eggs for us. My sister and I ate eggs right away. We went to my grandfather's, and my aunt there gave my sister an Easter rabbit baskt't. 'Ve had a very nice Easter.-Howard Moulding, fourth grade, Central. DOES "GOOD TURN" Last Thursday morning as George Facht and I were coming to school we found Mrs. Jones was backing out of her prage and her car stuck. S)le was just I'Oing to call a tow truck when a laundry truck ~me along and the driver pulled her out.--cecn Wi111ams, 8A Stolp. COLtl.KBINE WINS Friday, March %2, during Miss Steven's period the 7A class of Howard voted for the national ftower of the United S~tes. The columbine won by having .aventeen polDta and phlox bad ftve. Mlu Stevens wiU IIeDei them in eo they will count.-Jack JDclmoncla, 'lA Howard. Last week, March 29, 30 and 31, the Chicago Kennel club held its annual show. There were over 750 dogs present, making up more than 25 different breeds of dogs. The wire-haired fox terriers and the Boston Bull terriers were most prominent In the l!enches. The hardier dogs, such as terriers, collies, shepherds, etc., were displayed on the main floor, and the lap dogs like the Yorkshire terriers, pekinese, and pomeranians were up In the balcony. Four judges made owners feel proud and down trodden by feeling of the dogs' legs, back, jaw and looking at their teeth, etc. $1,000 in prize money wete awarded and over four thousand people attended the show which was held at the 13lst Armory on Michigan boulevard and Fourteentll street, Chicagu.The Easter bunny was very good to me. Angus Steven, SA Stolp. On Easter morning I woke up. Downstair:;;, I could hear someone. I went downstair:;; and found mother. At the breakfast table I said, "Daddy, when I came Into the hall I saw some eggs." Daddy laughed and said, "Oh, you have SA Stolp has developed three-fourths of sharp eyes." He went into the living the Pl!..blic school heavyweight players on room a moment. Then he came back with the basketball and football teams. We two baskets . . He said, "When you fini sh had six regulars on the football team and your breakfast, you may hunt for eggR four on the basketball team. Every one but you both have to start at the same who tried for the team made it. · These time." I found six big eggs and eigh- boys have receive_g letters in both basketteen little candy ones and one bag in ball and football : Donald Briggs, George shape of a bunny with chocolate eggs. I Waidn('r, Charles Knapp, George Facht, hope every one had as nice a time as I Robert White, Allan Rossman, Cecil Wildid .--::\-Jarian Cox, fourth grade, Central. liams and Charles Leonard.--:Cecil Will!nm!'l, SA Stolp. Marian Hopes Everyone Had a Fine Easter Day ~v brother and I l[ere coming downr-;tairs Easter ~rning and mother said, "I w111 bring up your breakfast for I am having a surprise for you." So w e went back up. We got our table out an<l had our breakfast upstairs. I asked mother i!._we could come downstairs. She said we should go into the hall and Norma would give us a note and we should go where the note told us to and that she would see us in two hours. The note told us to go to our aunt's and hunt Easter eg!S, so we went there. She was there, too. We hunted Easter eggs there. I thought it was the best Easter I evt'r harl.-Nancy Pickard, fourth grade, Cen-. tral. Athletes Grow Big at Stolp, Cecil Declares Bob White Named Captain of Stolp Baseball Squad The SA boy,s chose Bob White for captain in baseball. He chose the team as follows: catcher, Charles Leonard ·, oit~her. Cecil Williams ; first baseman, Bob White ; second basemen, George Facht and Ro.ger Palenske ; third baseman, Hubert Pelott : right field, Allan Rossman; center field, Charles Knapp: left field, Donald Briggs. The shortstop ~ are George Waldner and Angus Stevens. -Don Briggs, SA Stolp. ENJOYS ."HOME" EXPOSITION Thursday, March 21, I went to the Woman's Club Exposition of Better Homes. When I Rrrived ·there I went in the room to the right and saw the electrical washing machines and health rnachines. Then I went into other rooms and saw electric refrigerators and toasters and other cooking machines. Each on e could guess how many victrola needles in the jar. I guess 316. We stayed there until 5 :30 o'clock and then went home. -Margery Taylor, 7B Howard. Spring Really at Hand; Start Baseball Season Th e bnseball league started at Stolp Howard schools last Tuesday. The games will be played at the Village Green and Stolp school. There will be nin etyeight games all told among thirty teams. There will be one team from every room from the fifth grade up to the eighth with the exception of SA Stolp who will have two teams. The games will be played at 3 :30 o'clock and if a team does not show up within 15 minutes after the set time the game may be forfelted.Donald Briggs, SA Stolp. nn~ GIRLS OUTDO BOYS Mlss Scheidler, our Art teacher, told us to have our art books in Monday. When· we came to class only nine girls of the seventh srades, Howard, had their books ready. The seventh grade boys have about forty in their class and only two had their books ready. They were Marshall Peterson and Alfred Struebing. So I guess the girls are ahead ot the boys.-· Virginia Brady, 7A Howard. FINE STUFF! Mrs. Jones and her class is not satisfied with the low record SA Howard has for JUNIOR LIFE articles or in recelvnig Norshore tickets through them. We had only three articles in last week and this week we are to spend more tim~ on writing ELECT BALL LBADBR JuNIOR LIFE articles.-Virginla Maine, Tbe Howard 'lA baaeball team has SA Howard. elected Ita captain who Is Frederick Aach .. ~er. We have had a few baseball MARBLE TOURNEY APRIL !0 Jii'&Ctlce. and have raleed money to buy. The third annual marble tournament a room bat and ball. We hope we have will be staged at t}le Village Green on ~ ~unci for our aeaaon and a succeas- Saturday, April 20, at 9:30 o'clock.-Roger ·flll· teiam.-Bob Hermaneon, 'lA Howard. Palenske, SA Stolp. INTELLIGENCE TESTS On Wednesday and Thursday, March 20 and 21, the eighth grades of the Howard school took Intelligence tests which w er e written by John Otis, Ph. D. These tests will be corrected and sent to New Trier High school to which we are looking for ward so eagerly, and consist of questions in History, G e o g rap h y, Grammar, Mathematics, Music, Art, Literatun~ THANICS,· MR. TODD General Science, Spelling and General In~ Mr. Todd gaye the seventh grade boys !elligence QU.f.Rti.ons. This test was given m two parts, each consisting of 75 ques- tickets · to the ·woman's club Exposition tions. for which we were given 30 minutes on Better Homes, Wednesday, March 20. to answer. There was a lecture on electrical appliances. There was also a display of household articles. We -are having electricity HOLD PLANE EXHIBIT The Howard gymnasium has been tem- in manual training and Mr. Ball asked us porarily turned into miniature airports. for a report on what we heard the next Nearly everybody is interested in model day in Manual. The boys thank Mr. aviation. Every day for a week there ~odd for getti~ us the opportunity to has been somebody flying a plane. Some- see the exposJtion.-Frank May, 7A times the models fly good and sometim"'s Howard. not so good. Most of the time n p:t.rt of the plane breaks and that ends flying PRACTICE PENMANSHIP for a while at least.-Frederick Leason The Stolp school pupils have been pracSA Howard. ' ticing their penmanship for the Zaner certificate. The papers wUl be collected FriMUSIC MEMORY TEST day, April 5, and sent In with the Howard The Music Memory contest for the school's. The pupils have to write all the seventh and eighth grades wlll be held capitol letters in the alphabet and all the on Wednesday In the gymnasium. The small letters. They also have to write seventh graders wlll have three prizes and the figures up to ten.-Mary Finlayson, the eighth graders will have three prizes. SB Stolp. We have to know the piece and the composer.-Jean Munro, SB Stolp. . SMALL HONOR ROLL The Stolp 8B class has only four on WIN CHAIIPIONSBIP the Honor rull this month, the smallest Howard 7A's second team won the proportion of all the classes. There Is championship at the Howard gymnasium one boy and three girls on lt. 'rhose are : last Monday evening, although they lost Arthur Jones, Marjorie Houghton, Helen their last game with Stolp 7A because It Booz, and Marguerite Mockler. We hope was the first game they lost.-Frank May, to do better next month.-Marguerlte 7A Howard. Mqckler, Stolp 8B. - ' -.: ,.. i

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