April 5, 1929 WILMETTE TEACHER IS ILL Miss Juliet Hanford of Wilmette, English teacher at the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, has been kept from her work for three weeks by a throat infection which -has caused the temporary loss of her voice. Mrs. Paul Chapin. of Evanston, is substituting for Miss Hanford. LIFE Stage Stars Will Be Entertainers at Benefit Dance Elaborate preparations are being made for the annual dance given by' the Chicago Jun.ior school Saturday eYening. April 6, at the Drake hote[ Car_ d s and entertainment are included in the committee's plans for the pleasThe Mi.sses Charlotte,. Marion, and ure of the guest3. Al Kvale of the Elizabeth Eckhart of Cumberland Korshore theater will be there with road, Kenilworth have returned from entertainers, as well as stars from ·a week in Asheville, N. C. Mr. and downtown theaters. Mrs. Eckhart will remain there a Among those on arrangement com- week or two longer. mittees are: Mrs. Bion J. Arnold of the South side , Mrs. Andrew Gray Morse, Mn. W. E. Martin and Mrs. W. A. Gilbert, of Oak Park; Mrs. E. W. Lloyd, Mrs. ]. H. Allen, Mrs. J. Frank G rimes, Mrs. J. E. Stamm, ·M'rs. William E\·ans, Mrs. A. W. Hickman , Mrs. John Stevens, and Miss Marion \Vare, of E\'anston; Mrs. Jacob Netter, Mn. M. Bonnevie, of Logan square; Mrs. Emma F. Stross, Mrs. Max W. Zabel, Mrs. James E. Purnell, Mrs. Mabelle R. Johnson, Mrs. Arthur Schwarz, Mrs. J. \V. Parks, Mn. Abbie Hardie Dalseg, from the North End branch. L. A. Krueger is general chairman of the dance. The hostesses are Mesdames Frank P. Ross, Harold Molter, B. R. Benjamin, F. A. Stambaugh, Anton Johnson, C. M. Yager, Edwin W. Pratt, George Was your lawn weedy and C. Davie~ Isai T. Kahn, Manning patchy last year-full of hue Hackley, ]. E. Duffield, A. A. Arnold, spots, coarse grass, dandelions A. D. Shoup, Z. Z. Jackson, Perry Lanand plantain? dis. George Holmes, Harold Egan, Ralph Landenberger, C. B. Royal, R. The best way to improve C. Millen, Floyd Masters, Robert established lawns is to feed Briggs, George M. Smit.h, Maurice More grass eeed will them. Swan, Phillip French, Harriet A. Wile, h.e wasted unless there is Guy B. Childs. Justus Chancellor, H. abundant plant food present. D. Hinrichs, P. D. Dowler, George Kar_ nes, Marcelite Englander, H. B. Available balanced plant Bczazian, W. L. Harrison, Russell food will promote root Gress, A. A . Carlson, Arthur M. Milgrowth and thicken the grass. lard, Emily Secord, F. Ed.wn White Dandelions and weeds will and Miss Marian Bearup, Miss Maria~ Hatch, Miss Evelyn Von Babo, and gradually be driven out. ~[iss Dnrcthy Pinckney. As soon as the frost comes The proceeds are for the Chicago out of the ground apply 20 Junior school, a home and school for to 30 pounds per 1000 square children who, through the loss of one feet of or hath parents are deprived of home care and influence. It i3 situated on the banks of the beautiful Fox river, one mile north of Elgin. It is a nonprofit organization being maintained by subscription, donations, and funds raised by the activities of the different bran£_hes which have been established, known as Friends of Chicago Junior school. Additional building3 are needed at the school to care for the growing number of applications and the annual · dance is one of the means taken to raise funds. .AnnourS Kenilworth's Outgoing Mail Shows a Decrease .. The aJIIlount of out going mail at the Kenilworth postoffice has shown a noticeable decrease within the last few weeks. according to Douglas S. Crooks, acting postmaster. Kenilworth is in danger of losing its second class postal rating if the postoffice is unable to reach its required quota of stamp sales, Mr. Crooks, states. Miss Catherine Klotz is spending her Easter vacation with h~r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Klotz of Indian Hill, at Palm Beach. She is a student at St. Catherine's school at Richmond, Va. -oMr. and Mrs. Burt Crowe and fam.: ily, 234 Raleigh road, Kenilworth spent last week-end in Indianapolis. Tuesday, Miss Bethany Crowe returned to school afte_.r her Easter vacation. -o-- No Ofllnllye Odar. No Weed SefL Jliii...-a;lli'·I!R liMY ltllultiQalclc.... ClrtiJn. IWW,. ·~,.,., _, to,.,.. ~iter~ for suhriHin 1181 Wllmette Ave.,· WUmette, Ill. UU Sherman Ave., Evanston, Ill. Ask far ducripdve booldee on John Weiland ........... John Weiland Indian Hill, Ill. Wilmette, Ill. Wiii..__....... "16...,. 813 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. E. C. Weisseaberg Indian Hill Auto & Hdwe. Co. Hoffman Bros. 1219 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Millen Hardware Co. Stac:hel'1 Greenhouse Wilmette, Ill. lllt Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. it-& Llnwln Ave., Winnetka, Ill. Wolff-Criflis Hdwe. Co. Thos. J. Lynch Simonsen's Nursery Glenview Road, Glenview, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Staver Moulding, 934 Oakwood avenue, are spending two weeks in Asheville, N. C. Make Your House a Home