Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Apr 1929, p. 22

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WILMET.TE LIFE April 5. 1929 Spo.r ts and· Other ·Wiliiil!tte ·Recreation Board News Boost Wilmette in Recreation Medium ·Published in East Under the title, "Recreation and Juvenile Delinquency in Wilmette" the following article appeared in the April issue of Playground Magazine, a national publication published by the Playground and Recreation board of America from the New York headquarters. The magazine has international recognition among recreation publications with a circulation in five continents. At the last semi-annual banquet of the Recreation Council of Wilmette, Ill., made up of representative,; of civic organizations taking part in recreation activities, the statement was . made hy the president of the village that the activities conducted by the Playground and Recreation board had solved the t!roblem of juvenile delinquency in Wilmette. "Wilmette is a municipality of 20,000 people just north of Chicag~. Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, serves abo as supervisor of physical education in the schools. The recreation program was introduced three years ago as an experiment. but so successful has it proved that the program has been increased 200 percent and two school gymnas'ium.:~ ·vailable for recreation are constantly 111 use all day and every evening until 10 o'clock. Thirteen thousand, seven hundred and fifty-six people were reached with the program on a budget of less than $14,000. "Recently a department of activities for girls and women was started. "Four evenings each week are devoted to this program and the3e periods are divided between eight basketball teams, three swimming classes, evening groups for working girls and a morning class for mothers, two gymnasium cla·,;ses for married women and an athletic club for high school girls. More than 300 girls and women above the age of 15 years are reached each week through the program. "A gymnasium class featuring folk dances of their own countries will be started for young foreign born girls .who are working a·.; maids." Boosts Recreation SPORTS CALENDAR April 8, 7:30 p. m.-Women's _volleyball league. Howard. gy;m1astu~. April 9, 7 :30 p. m.-Gtrls Athletic club and gymnasium class. Howard school. April 10, 9:30 a. m.;-Be~inn~ng second seme'.;ter women s sw1mmmg class. Evanston Y. M. C. A. April · 11. 6:30 p. m.~Annual Spring banquet. Playground. and Recreation hoard. Howard school. April 11, 8 :30 p. n1. Basketball game. Presbyterian vs All Stars. Howard school. ·April 12, 6 p. m.-Swimming class. Sovereign hote 1. April 13, 9:30 a. m.-Third annual roller-skating meet. Third street and Laurel avenue. April 20, 9 a . . m.-Third annual marble tournament. Village Green. IChampions Compete · in Roller-Skating Meet Here Aprill3 Announce Schedules for School Baseball League The public school Jntrnmurnl Playground Ball schedule was announced this week a.s follows : Grlmes to be nlayt>d at Vilhge Green ar.:l StvlP playground. Games start at :1.3\) o'c!ocl{, 15 minutes The only woman member of the allowetl before forft·it. \.tatJl{·~; pJa.v".1 whPn scheduled. Wilmette Playground and Recreation Team must have five players to start. hoard and the only member who has ~.J:ty us~ ten. been with the organization since it3 n··un~!:l shall cnnsist- of seYen inning-s. Friday, April 5- Howard-Howard fiA Award Pennants Soon to beginning is Mrs. Jay R. Brown: 127 vs. Howard 6B; How1.rd-St<t1p 7B v~::. Seventeenth street, who completes her St. Joseph 7 ; Howard-Stolp 8B vs. St. School Sports Champions third year of service on the board Joseph 8; Stolp-Centr:tl 5A vs. Howard Sixteen pennants representing the May 1. Not only does her member- 5A; Stolp--Stolp 7A vs. St. Francis 7; champion·5 in s~ccer. football, basketStolp-Howard SA w. Stolp 8A-II. ship on the advi·,;ory board of Wilmette ball, and playground ball for the ho" ' communitv recreation include the enntrnl fll3 teams in each of the four upper grades Tuesday, April 9-Howard-f; > tire leng-tf1 of time the board has been vs. St. Joseph 5; Howard-Howaril 7B organized but Mrs. Brown also served "~- Stolp 7C; Howard-Howard SB YS. -fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighthon the original committee appointed Stolp SC; Stolp--Central 6C vs. St. have been received at the Wilmette Franci~ 6; Stolp-Howard 7A vs. Stolp Playground and Recreation board office . by the Village board to make recom- 7D · Stolp--Stolp SA \'S. St. Francis 8 · ' · · and will be distributed to the winmng mendations for the organization of a body to be in charge of community Thursday, April 11- Howard- Hownrd teams in each division at a special recreation. In addition to her work on GA vs. Rt. Francis 6; Howard- Stolp 7A as:.embly in the Stolp and H~ward St. Jo!-;eph 7; Howard- Stolp 8A vs. schools soon. 1he Playground and Recreation board, vs. HO\vard SB; Stolp--Central 5C vs. St. The winning team in each grade for Mrs. Brov·n has been interested in T ·i'rnnc_i!' 5; Stolp-Howard 7B vs. St. many other civic affairs. She served fc~nc1s 7; Stolp--Howard SA vs. Stolp rach ·sport will he allowed to keep the pennant until it is won away from them. a civic chairman of the woman's club of \Vilmrtte for three years and wa'5 Friday. AJ~ril 12-Howa rd- St . .Joseph 5 Tf';~ms wl,n will rereive award' thi<; appointed from that body as renre~en \'S. L:.,..an a; Howard-Howard 7A vs. year are: Howard 8B, soccer and ba stative to the Recreation hoard. She has Stolp 'l3; Ho"·ard-Stolp SA vs. Howard ketball teams; Howard 6A, champion s Stnln- ('entral 6A \'S. St. Frnncis 6 · been a rcsidC'nt of \Vilmctte for six 8B: Stolp-Rtolp 7C vs. Stolp 7D ; Stolp_:_ in soccer and football; St. Joseph 7, football champions; St. Joseph 5, fo~t years. is a graduate of Miami univer- Stolp RB vs. Stolp SA-II. bal! champions; Stolp 8A, football :.it_v. Oxford. 0 .. and of the Ohio ConTuesday, April 16- Howard- Central 6B champion·,;; Howard 7A, soccer chamservatory of Dramatic Art. She ·was an v:s. How~rd 6B; How;.ud- Stolp 7A vs. instructor at the latter school br one .f!oward 1B: Howard-St. Franci!-; S vs. pi~ns; Logan 5, soccer ·c hampions: Begin Track Practice for ;md one half years. ~t. Jo~eph 8: Stolp--St. Franci~ 5 vs. S·olo 7C. basketball champions for Big Public School Meets (~entn~l GA: Stolp- Stolp 7D vs. St. the seventh grade, and Central 6A and Track practice for Field day exhibiF rancJ~ 7..:. Stolp-St(llp ~A ,.s. ~tolp sc. Central SC. basketball champions for tion, a yearly event in the \Vilmette Third Annual Marble .Thursday. April 18-Hownrd-St. Fran- tl~o".e two grades. Public school commencement exercises Tourney Here April 20 ~~s 5 vs. Howard 5A; Howard- Howard The pennants will take the place of in the spring, and also for the North tA Ys. St. Joseph 7: Howard-St. Jo~-ieph shields which formerlv were awarded Shore Grammar scho~l track meet, will The third annual marble tournarnent 8 vs. Howard 8B: Stolp- entral 6C vs. , . f \""1 b . 1 hl' d Howard 6A; Stolp-Stolp 7C vs. Stolp a·.;; permanent possess{ons of the win.>egm or ".1 mette oys 111 t 1e pu tc con ycted hy the Playg-round and Rec- 7B; Stolp- St. J.,rancis s vs. Stolp SA-II ning team. and paroch1al schools next Monday · reat10n b~ard will be held at the ·· after ,;chool at tl.e '· illage Green. Prac- Village Green. Saturday mornrnrr. Anril . Friday. April 19-Howard-Hownrd 6B 6 tice will be held bi-weekl.v on Monday 20 , a t 9 o ' c-loc 1 k . Tl1e s.~BmellgRa~e~, tl1a t vs. St. Joseph ; Ho,-.·nrd-Stolp \ 's Howard 7A.; Howard-Stoln SA Y~. iA Ho,~~ I ,900 Children Enjoy and \Vednesdav afternoons under the were p1 ayeu 1 ast year, u mg an(1 ard 8A: Stolp--Central 5B vs. C'entral Big Easter Egg Hunt direction of Gien \V. Gathercoal and "Fat" will be used again this vear. 'i(': Stolp--Stolp 70 Ys. Hownrd 7B · Nineteen hundred Wilmette school Dudley C. Stone. recreation assistants. The Senior division winners. of last Stolp--St. Francis 8 Ys. Stolp , B. . Last year's stars, Hugh Saxon, Colin year all graduated so the young~r · boys Tuesday, April 23-How:ucl-Central 5C children participated in the third annual Finlayson, George Quinlan, and Frank who lost la·.;t year wil be the chief c~n- " 8 · Lo~rl-ln !l: How:ud- -Stoln iC ,.s. ~t. Easter Egg hunt staged by the Wil7 · Howard-St 'l h 11 d l 11.· 'f · d 1 · G G .Joseph 1 ey, a\'t a gra uate( to 1-..ew ner ten ers t 11s year. e::>rge reen who gc;: Stol'p-C'entral SB. JoseiJll . . C 8 "~· St 0 1P mette Playground and Recreation bo'lrrl R · · · 1ast year wtl '1 ~toln-"t"lu 7R n. st. ·Francis \s. ent1al 6C· Wednesday afternoon at the Howard . years ' squa(I s wt'll b e won t h e .Tun1or squa d s an d t )u,; (t'tvr.;wn 7. ~tolp_:_ 5chool grounds. Onlv children includpractically new. Some of the most also compete in the senior division this Howard 8B vs. Stolp .SA-II. ' · ing the f~urth and ·below the fourth promising material is to he found in year. Tuesday, April 30-Howard-Hnwaril grade were allowed to hunt for tne Arthur Cramer, Marshall Peterson, The Junior division is for ,b<'y~ in 6A vs. Central 6A; Howard-Stoln 7C Marshall Doose. James De \\1 ar, Cecil grades under the sixth and the Senior ,.~ . How·ud 7A: Hnwanl-Hownrd 8B vs eggs and two separate hunts were held. 8B ; Stolp-Centrnl 5A vs. Centrai Eg~s for the pre-school, kindergarten WiJliams, Charles Knapp, and Tom division for h::>~·s in the sixth, seventh, ~tolp 1B; Stolp-Rtolp 7A "S. Stolp 'iD; Stolp-- and first grade children were hidden in Finlayson. Most of these b~ys are and eighth grade. St. Joseph · 8 vs. Stolp SA. the grounds south of the school and comparatively nev.· in track, although A prize "kanick" wilt be prcsrnted Thursdny, May 2-:}Iow::\rd-CPntral 5C t_hose f~r the children in second, third, they are letter men in other sports. the winner of each division. All Gram' 'K St. Joseph 5: Howard- Stolp 7B v~. and fourth grades were hidden in the The two big track days of the year mar ·.;chool boys are eligible to com- Howa.rd _7B; Howard-Howard 8A vs. S tolp-('entral 6A v~. Cen- lots just we5t of Howard school and the are June 4 at the annual Field Dav for pete. Re~istration may be made with ~t. F1 anclH 8; _ t;al 6B; Stolp--Stolp vs. Stolp 7C; Village Green. There were 2,500 eggs the Wilmette school children, and the "Hap" Gathercoal, staff assistant in Stolp-Stolp 8A-II v~. 7A Stolp 8C. hidden. North Sh~re Track meet which is held charge nf the tournament, or with DudFriday, May 3-HowardHoward 6B ---------------at Dyche Stadium, E\·anston. The date 1 S tone. ey C .... . Ys. St. Francis 6; Howard-St. Francis 7 for thr,; year's meet has not heen an\ "S. St. Joseph 7; Howard-Howard 8A vs. Lo~ran 5; Howard-St. Joseph 7 VR. vs. St. Josf'ph 8 ; Stolp-Central 5B vs. Howard 7B; Howard-Howard 8B vs. St. nounced. In the local meet the pupils Howard 5A; Stolp-Stolp 7B vs. Stolp' l<..,rnncis 8; Stolp-Central 6B vs. St. compete in grade divisions and the weight divisions that ar,e 1 ,.\li.~'*r the 7D ; StolP-Stolp 8A-II vs. Stolp 8A. Francis 6 : Stolp-St. Francis 7 vs. Hownorth shore meet is run in the same other sports. 4..~ - . Tuesday, May 7-Howard-Central 5A ard 7A; Stolp--Stolp 8C vs. Stolp 8B. By Dudley C. 'stone The third annual roller-skating meet to be held bv the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board Saturday morning, April 13, at Third street and Laurel avenue, is getting more entries every day. Among those who have already registered are : Lucille and Geraldine Hoffman. Pauline Krause, Lulu Krause, Gilbert Hoffman. D~nald Toeppen, and Howard Ball. Among the skaters expected to compete are Richard Preston, an eighth grader. who, although he has never won a roller-·:;kating contest, has received gold medals for his ice-skating ability; C~lin Finlayson, \Vilmette champion in both roller-skating and "runners," who also competes with the Hei1rv Playground A. A.; Else vonReins-perg, Wilmette girl champion in roller-skating and ice-·.;kating, and a . , kater who goes ~ut of her class to get competition; Dorothy Davis, champion among the younger girls; Elizabeth Todd 1 a rival for honors with D::>rothy. The meet will begin at 9:30 o'clock and will be given under the direction of the Recreation staff.

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