18 WILMETTE LIFE April 5, 1929 IRED ALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES If you are breaking up housekeeping this Spring, the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory thing to do is to store your furniture and other valuables. They will be safe from all ha.zards and you will be relieved of all worry. Estimates gladly furnished. Bride· Bridge Tea, Style Show Will Benefit Alpha Phi House Aloha Phi sorority at Northwestern universitv will hold its annual card party for the benefit of the house fund, Saturday afternoon, April 13, at the Evanston Country club. There \Yilt be a fashion show presented by ~Irs. Nellie Hanna of vVilmette and the . Cozette Slumberwear shop of Evanston. ' The following compose the committee in charge: Miss Frances Cutler, chairman; Mrs. Robert M. Cole, tickets; :Vliss Neola . Xortham, fashion show; 11rs. George H. Young, ~Irs. Laurence McClure, and :Mrs. George Delano, prizes; Mrs. Charles Redmon and ~1rs. \Vatter P. \Ving, tables; :\[rs. Victor Ligare, refreshments, and ~[rs. Brewster Kimball, publicity. Patronesses are: Mrs. \Villiam Rufus Abbott. Mrs. Perkins Bass, ~[ rs. Budd Clark Corbus, Mrs. Heber ~. Goodsmith, ~frs. Allen G. ~filler, ~Irs. Thomas C. Mo 1· iuing, Mrs. ~1ar tin K. ~ortham, Mrs. Lillian Raymond, ~T rs. Hobert Lindsav Scott, ~·[ rs. \Vatter Dill Scott, and -~Irs. Raymond C. \\'ieboldt. Photo by Mathew Francis Active members of the chapter will Until her qtarriage last Saturday, be models in the fashion show. Mrs. Ernest Albert Hall was Miss · Lillian Kroll of Wilmette. Her ·wedVACATION IN OHIO ding was solemnized in the chapel at Miss Marjorie Stanton, kindergarten Lake Forest university with Dr. Her- teacher at the ] oseph Sears school, hert 'Moon., presidt>nt of the univer- Kenilworth, spent the spring vacation sity, officiating. unly relatives and in Cleveland. intimate friends attended the ceremony. ~f r. and ~[ rs. Hall . will make Alvin Culver, Jr., son of the. Alvin I their home in Rogers Park. Culvers, 103 Broadway avenue, who attends 1\otrc Dame university, returned I Jack 1\ason, so n of the Frank to school Tuesday, after passing the 1 Xasons, 733 Cummings avenue, Kenilspring vacation with his parents. · Mr. v.:orth, will return Tuesday from the Culver had as his guest during the Cniversity of \Visconsin to spend the holidavs. Bruce Eaton of Eaton, Colo., spring vacation with his parents. a schoolmate. 1723 BENSON A VENUE, EVANSTON PHONE WILMETTE 1332 STORAGE BENNETTS present ORESSES for those women who would look their best this Spring A REAL BUY IN "BIKES" Here You Are BOYS & GIRLS These Bicycles Have rich "Duco" en.amding, h e a v y nickel platingheavy seamless tubing. i 8-20 inch double bar-motorbih type-28 inch wheel-New Departure Model C Brakedrop side guards. tru!;s · fori<-braced bars-rubber grips and pedal stand and high grade tires on aluminum covered nms. Dresses that cannot be ex· celled for style and smart. ness. New model. in every detail. There is a certain individuality in these dresses that your style-sense will immediately recognize and accept. "BETTER BIKES ARE NOT MADE" Specially Priced at (Evanston Store) $31· 95 to $36· 50 For Week April 5 to 13 COMPLETE LINE OF SPORTING GOODS 1609 Orrington Avenue (State Bank Building) See Us for Electric Appliances and Repairs Dupont Paints Fertilizers (Vowntown Store) 2nd Floor,Kesner Bid~. (South Side Store) 5 N. Wabash Ave. , <Comer Madison' 843 E. 63rd St. <Near Maryland At~e.) Enameh H_AR, D"WA~B WHERE YOU'LL LIKE TO TRADE Lawn Seed Garden Tools 411 LINDEN AVE. PHONE WIL. 284 3