12 ' WILMETTE LIFE I April 5, 1929 New Trier Student and F acuity Party Stops at M t. Vernon · (Washington Photo Co.) One hundred New Trier High school students and faculty members returned Friday, March 29, from a week's spring vacation educational tour through several of the eastern states. The party is shown above at Mt. Vernon, George Washington's famous estate. Washington, D. C., Richmond, Annapolis, the Arlington National cemetery, Jamestown, Baltimore, Williamsburg, and the Gettysburg battlefield were among the places of interest visited by members of the party. The tour, which was the third of its kind to be conducted at New Trier, was in charge of Donald Frisbie, faculty advisor of the New Trier Tri-Ship Boys' club. Linus Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Count Frederick D'Aix, 307 Melrose Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Chandler, Claude Smith, 123 Kehilworth avenue, avenue, Kenilworth has gone to Mex- former residents of Kenilworth, who Kenilworth has returned from Carle- ico where he has large timber lands. returned last week from St. Petersburg, Fla., to their home in Freeport, ton college for his spring vacation, He expects to be gone two mo~ths. Ill., stopped on their way to spend several days with Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue. -0- TO BEGIN GARDEN COURSE Mrs . . Maud Jacobs will commence her course of garden study Tuesday, April 23, to continue each week until May 21. The talks, which are open to anyone interested in gardening, will be given in the Village hall from 10 until 12. .,. , When Public Officials Build Durable, Economical, Concrete Pavements, They Protect and Mrs. C. R. Erwin, 615 Warwick road. Kenilworth has returned from her winMrs. Edith L. Ames, 500 Maple avter home in Florida. Mrs. Erwin enue, returned last Friday from Florispends part of every winter in the da, where she had been touring through South. the state with friends ·from Chicago. -oShe had been aw<!y about six weeks. Mr. and : M rs. T. Weller Kimball, 333 -aLeicester road, Kenilworth are enterMrs. ] . W. Sinding, Warwick road, taining f.ri~nds at the dinner dance I Kenilworth is at Hot Springs, Ark. this evemng at the Kenilworth club. for a few weeks. I Does You· P·ope·ty Need Any I 1 1 1 Repal·s! 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Fireplaces a Specialty Porches and Walks, Plaster Repairs Stone and Brick Chimneys All grades of Stone, Brick and Cement Work ~~"'~""~~~~"""""""""""'"l · ~ ~ Safeguard the Taxpayers' Interests ' I ~ ~ ' I I ~ L SHORTRIDGE 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth Ph. Kenil. 2735 I I ~ L_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,,J Highest Grade PORTlAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 33 West Grand Avenue UPHOLSTERING ~abinet Work Drapery and Upholstery F abrica CHICAGO 1o · ell National Organi,ration ImprtWe and Extend the Uses of Concrete Offices in 32 Cities ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order H. G. LINDW ALL 808 Oa~ Street Highest Grade Upholstering Eatabliabed 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145