Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Apr 1929, p. 10

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10 4airiaa WILMETTE LIFE TREE OWNERS April 5, 1929 the , - . t nliaJ.Ic trtc 181'JtfJ etrriu ud co.Utl to be bad. call as. C. of C. Hean Advice for Retail Merchants ]. Frank Grimes of Evanston, president of the Independent Grocers Alliance of America, was the speaker at the. April meeting of the Wilmett~ Chamber of Commerce 'Monday night oi this week. Emphasizing the fact that community prosperity is a vital factor in the growth of the nation, Mr. I Grimes declared that there can be no THOitNHILL BROS. MASTD Tlta Su.GlONS (Not i·clu ol ·II uun) Plloae WD. titS ttl5 8d.Dier An. J.. K·ead the Want Ads r comm1,1nity prosperity unless the independent retai1ers can conduct a s~ccessful business, the profits of wh!ch can be invested in home enterprtse. With the coming of chain s~ores a~d 's imilar organizations, ~{r . .-Grrmes sat4, the independent retailer can no longer expect to be successfu~ unless h~ i~jects new businesc; tact1cs and sctenttfie methods into his sales program. Legionnaires to w:tness . B 0 X ;· n g · Sh OW N exI M Onda .V Twelve American Legion Posts of the seventh district, which includes all of the posts in the territory frop~ Wilson avenue, Chicago, to Glencoe, will , hold an amateur boxing tourname-nt at 'the Hippodrome, Lawrence avenue an~ Clark street, Chicago, Monday evenin~ April 8, at 8 o'clock. In addition to eight amateur bouts there will be a comedy bout as an added feature. Holder ~ of tickets will also be admitted to the Jai Lai games. The drum and bugle corps of Evansston, Wilmette, Glenview, and . t~e north shore will be present and m action. The general public is invited, and all Legion members and ex-service men and women are especially requested to be present. Tickets may be obtained from any Legion member on the north shore and also at Adams pharImacy, in \Vinnetka. ~lr. and Mrs. Charles \Vare. 325 Abbottsford road, Kctnilworth have re-. a motor trip through 1 turr1ed from Florida. They left early in January and have been in Florida and there1 , abouts for three months. UW11UIIUIIIlltrlll111l!lfll(totUIIIIIIIIIIUIJIII'IIIIItllllfllllllllllRIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIII11111lllllllllllllllll lllllllrlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle First Church of Christ, Scientist Ttntb Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, Ill. SUNDAY SERVICES - · I I A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-8 P. M. SUNLA Y SCHOOL EXERCISES-9 :4 5 A. M. MOTHERS PLAN BENEFIT .-\mong the affairs listed on the social calendar for the following week is the benefit bridge party to be held at the Evanston Country club on April 11. under the auspices of the ~I others' club of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mrs. George F . Koester of Evanston is in charge of arrangements. April 7, 1929 Subject: UNREALITY READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVENUE Optn Daily (exctpt Wednrsd.ly and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednrsday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M.; Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. Tbt 6ible and Works of M.uy Baku Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be rud. borrowed or purchased at the Ruding Room. I : Percy B. Eckhart, 206 Cumberland road, Kenilworth will exhibit some of his paintings at the Xorth Shore Art League show which will open to the public today in Matz hall, Community House, \Vinnetka. ~fore than fifty north shore artists are expected to enter the exhibit which will include etchings as wel1 as oils and water - colors. -oMr. and Mrs. Hugh Peterson and family, 212 \Varwick road. Kenilworth have gone to Daytona Beach. Fla. to join ~ir. and ~Irs. J ule Peterson. They expect to be gone a month. · ~Irs. Stanley K. Gage of 93.2 Elm- 1 · ~Ir. and Mrs. Walter Shattuck. who -o-- have had th e Leon Allen. Jr. hou se on Cumnor road, Kenilworth for the CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READI >;G ROOM = wood avenue is giving a birthday party winter, have taken a house on· GreenSaturday afternoon, :\pril 6. i or her \\'Ood avenue in Glencoe for the sumniece, ~Iary Ella \\'aidner. mer. ~UIU11UIIIUIIIIIII111111h ollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill 'llotllliiii i,JIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II1 1 I!IIllllll1:1111111oiiiiiiiiiiii' IIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"III IIUUIIUU~ THE PUBLIC IS CORDlALL Y INVITED TO ATTEND THE -o- What Yo·u r Home May Need Your home may need a new porch, hardwood floors, a new roof, a modern entrance, additional windows. Pouibly th~ interior can be arranged to give greater convenience and comfort; or the appropriate improveJDeDb may be beautiful French Doors, or an additional bathroom. Surprising things can be done wi~b a little of our good materiala in bringing your home up to date. Call on us for anything in Lumber-Wall Board-Insulation-MiD Work-Roofing We are prepared to render the utmost in srrvice. With big roomy trucks, plenty of clean blankets, covers for all upholst'u ed furniture. and experienced careful men ready to relieve you of all responsibility. Our representative will be glad to call and furnish estimates and helpful suggestions. HOFFMANN BROTHERS 1208 Ceatral AYeaue · · Phoae Wilmette 131-190 Forty-Fir·t Year FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE STC)RA.GE 5 21 Main St., Wilmette .Phones: Wit. 3 2 ~ · Univ. 7317

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