i2 WILMETTE LIFE March 29. 1929 100 PERCENT·TAX BOOST . FORESEEN IN NEW TRIER (Continued from page 1) To Defend His Title TO OPEN RADIO SHOP Art League Poster Awards Go to New Store on Sherman and Grove streets, .Ia Second of North Shore Trier High Students Evanaton, Chain township has been carried on without the intervention of the township assessor. He has been designated as a superviso~ without~ however, t~ere being anvthmg for h1111 to supervtse. The measurers were engaged, directed, -upervised and checked by men from the Chicago office, and they will be, or have been, p· a td by the Chicago office. The estimators who will fix or have already fixed the values of the buildings from t.he measurers' cards, are unknown to the township assessor. The value of the lands have been or are being made by a committee of the North Shore Real Estate board. This committee was appointed upon the request of the township assessor at the request" of the real estate committee of the Chicago office, but the township assessor has no control (at present) over their valuations. "There is a serious question as to 1 the legality of an as!'essment made by any other than the duly elected and authorized township assessor, in the thirty townships in Cook county outside of the city of Chicago, so long as the township assessor is ready, able and willing to make the assessment and· comply with any lawful rules and orders pertaining thereto. After all the figures have been assembled, it is then · proposed to have a clerical force in the Chicago o.lice plare the assessment figures in the books, so that at no point in the entire re-assessment work does the duly elected township assessor function. "The statutes of Illinois appear to be very clear as to the township assessor being a 'local assessment officer.' and that he is the deputy assessor of the Board of Assessors. to make the assessment or anv re-assessment for the tov.:nship, an-d if unable, within the time allotted, to make such assessment bv himself. he shall have the assistance of deputy assessors, resiHerman Brassert. 547 Roslvn road. Mrs. Herbert Mesick, 331 Essex road, dents and legal voters of the township, Kenilworth is in London, England for Kenilworth and Mrs. Harry Timmins. nominated by the Bo~rd of Town Audi- What Do You Know About an indifiinite stav. Billv Brassert ar- 71 \Varwick avenue, are entertaining tors and appointed by the Board of Scouting? Answer These rived home Saturday -for his sp rin)! at luncheon and bridge on April. 10. Assessors, and paid out of the county We challenge all Scouts to partici- vacation. at the home of Mrs. Mesick. treasqry. pate in this general test of Scout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j Seea 100 Percent Tax Booat knowledge. "As the assessor for New Trier 1. When the colors pa s by shoulJ township, and in compliance with. an- a Scout in uniform remove his hat? other section of the statute which 2. Name five correct uses of a Scout states that, on a re-assessment, the knife. local assessment officer shall make de3. \\'hat is a "Lone Scout?" mand for his books upon the Board 4. In which Scout La\'\' does the of Assessors so that he may complv word "due" appear? with the re-assessment order, I have 5. \Vhat rock may be used in place made such demand for my books both of flint in the making of fire-byverbally and in writing. I have also friction? advised the State Tax commission in There !s on sale at the ~orth Shore writing that I am, under the law, the Area council headquarters, a Scout : m ly person legally authorized to make Quiz Book containing 300 such questhe re-assessment in New Trier town- tions with answer-; covering Scouting. ship, together with such deputies as tests. I might refJuire. but to this date I have not had a repl:v from either the Board CHILDREN'S MOVIES of Assessors or the commission. From Featured on the morning's free Raysuch information as I ha,·e been able to gather, it looks to me as though mond Fund entertainment for children ur valuations in :r\ew Trier township at Field Museum of Natural History will be increased to a figure which will Saturday, April (), is the moving pic-, re. ult in approximately a 100 percent ture. "The Great \Vhite North," a multip'le reel epic film of life in the Arctic increase in taxes. "I am not opposed to a scientific re- regions, and of the search for a party valuation and assessment. but .I am of lost Arctic explorers. This is the opposed to an attempt to try and do same picture that ·w as recently featured a vear's work in a few months and at leading moving picture theaters i~1 cail it a scientific job. I am also op- Chicago and elsewhere. Another film. po ed to the ignoring of the law with "Familiar Foods from Foreign Lands." one hand. and the attempt to enforce \\-ill also be shown on the museum program. There will be two performit with the other. ances, one at 10, and another at 11 "lt seem . to me, that with aU the delay ensuing before 1928 revenues can o'clock, in t~e James Simpson theater be collected. and with the many legal of the mt1seum. Children from all doubt as to the validitv of the work parts of Chicago and suburbs are mwhen completed as bei ng applicable vited. to 1928 values. it would be far better Davis Street-Downtown Evanston to find a ~ay to have this re-assess- values alreadv assessed for 1928 to ment order applv to the 1929 values stand, and let- the tax bills go out on when ample time wi.JI be given to cor- those values, and permit our various rect any errors, and to permit the ~oYernmental agencies to function." ~ + ·1 ¥ · 1 II I · · I SPECIAL NOTICE Cha.ge Pu·ehases made F·lday and Satu·day, Mareh 2.9 and )0, will be posted on Ap·ll statements, pay· able in May ROSENBERGS