~larch 4:1 29, 1929 80 I WILMETTE · LIFE II 69 119 FOB BENT-HOUSES REI'AIRING k REFINISHING SIT. WANTED-FEMALE FOR BENT-ROO liS ARTISTIC UPHOLSTE'1ING, REPAIR- EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS 2ND ing Co. Chairs r ewebbe l. $2.50; davenmaid or general house work. Local r e.port, $4.50 and up; rugs cleaned, $3.00 · ferences furnished. Ph. Wilmette 2586. ··hairs cleaned, $1.50 and up. Ph: 60L27-ltp 1-Jolly Court 1193. 43LT27-ltp GOVERNESS AND CHAUFFEUSE; .ft. A SILVER PLA'l'I:SG also willing to help with 2nd work. Be~t North Shore ref. Highland Pk. SILVER PLATING HAVE YOUR 3231. 60LTN27-ltp good old pieces renewed at a reasonable price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. work to take home. Will call for and deliver. Tel. Wilmette 3509. 45A-L34-tfc -· 60LTN26-1t.p ;;o GE~EJtAL REPAIRS LUNCHEONS AND DINNERR TAKE~ JEWELRY REPAIRING AND care of; also some cleaning, by experiREmod('Jing by a cr aftsman of rare abilen ced woman. Wilmette 964. · ity, Paul Davey, J ewele r, 1165 Wil60L27-ltc mette A venue. Phnne Wilmette 6. 50L34-tfc 1 LAUNDRY WORK OR CLEANING BY the day, Ph. University 6637. :,;; I.()ST A'S)) l'Ol) ND 60T ."'N27-ltc 1 FOR RENT, COMFORTABLE FURnished room in private home, $5 ; suitable for 2. Tel. Wilmette 729. 66L27-ltp FOR RENT-2 LARGE, WELL FURN. rooms, single or suite. Ph. Wilmette 1940. 66LT27-ltc ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH. WELL furn. Transp. con v. Lady pref. can eve~. Glencoe 1170. 66LTN27-ltc §]p)ce<eii~ MODERN 8-ROOM HOME IN N. E. Wilmette within 2 blocks of lake. Also Spacious living near transportation. room, sun parlor, 4 master bedrooms, heated sleeping porch, etc. Will decorate to suit ; wooded lot, garage. For rent at $200 per month. - PLEASANT RM. 1 DLK. FROM WINN. station. REALTORS Gentleman preferred. 836 Oak St. Winn. 1559. 66LTN27-ltc 340 Linden Ave. CHEERFUL, WARM ROOM, PRIVATE hath, garage. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66LTN27-1tc ~Jt¥fio JhO>llniiD~lt(Q)IID & (C(Q) o Wilmette 68 69L27-ltc §~®~n&ll ~®ITllil:mll~ LOST-A LIGHT BEIGE HAT TUESday, hetWP('n C'ent. !'\chool and Lloyd Hollister, Inc. offi ce, Wil. 468. 55L27- l t<.: LORT - .WO~fAN'S WHITE GOLD wri st wat<:h, Fridn ~· the 22nd, on f'entrn.l ~trect. V\Tilmette 1507. 5~1..27 -1 tc· :,u II EJ,p WA~'.l'"F~U-l'RliAJ.,F. - . : \HE YOU AN EXPERIEX 'ED WHITE gf'nPra l maid d f'~ iring a position in a :-·nw ll Glen<'Oe housf', ~ in family, :t \ ·a i Ia !ti P hetw t-c·n now and April 15 ':' 5GLT~27-ltc: Write Talk B-45. EX..\lA ID. WHITE, PROTESTA~T. peri t-nl·ed. general h ouse work , must be g-nod ('Ook, good home. 'Vith nr with .. out laundry. 1042 Crt-t'nwood An·. Ph. Wilmette 4!12. 56LTN27-1tc Xl ; R~E 1'0 ASSIST \VITH rPSTAIR:-; work , or se('ond maid to h~J) with ehildr<·u. i\63 Vernon a\"enue, Gh~ncoe 14i:ill. 56LTN27-11c \VTD., \\'IIITE WO:\fAX OR YOUNG _g·irl for lig-ht h o u~ewo rk; some cooking, no laundry. Ph. Wilmette 3667. 56LTN27-1 tc \VAXTED · - 1\IOTHER'S HELPER, white, in family of 4 induding- 2 childrl:'n . Stay nightR. 3H-14th St.. Ph. \Vilm.Ptte 1116. 561...27-J tp 'V AXTED-\iVHITE ·wo~rAX FOR GE~. h~wk.: exp. cook. Phone Winnetka 2577. 56LTN27 -1 tc EXPP.RIENCEV WHITE ::\fATD, GENf'ral hAUSI:'WOrl<, at once. 4 adult!'. Winnetka 2030. 56LT:'\27 -1 tt \VAXTED - EXPETIIE::'\f'ED WHIT8 mnid , good wage~. Call \Vilrnf'tte 6rl a a ft<·r :\larch 30th. 56L27-ltc t :EXERAL HOUSEWORK . f;OOD COOK. Otht-r help employNl. 4 in family. Refs. r eq . T el. \Vinn. liil. 56L27-1tJI - - ;;; Hl~LP WA~'I'}~D-lL\LF. S'l'OCK BOY 16 TO 20 YEA RR OPPORtunity to learn the auto buRiness. Apply \Verlited Motor r.o., 562 Lincoln Ave. 57T..~TN27-lte \Vinnetka. REAL ESTATE SALESMAK SALARY and commisRion. Apply Sat. or Sun. JulPR Dixon & Co., Glenview Rd. west 57LTN27-ltc of Glenaire station . ,jfl HF.J,p W'I'D.-)JALl~ & f'FJlALE '\'" AN'l'ED-EXP. DRAPBRY SEWER. c·apable of cutting and supervising. -'lust be good and rapid power machine operator and able to do upholstery l-'ewing, to work in North Shore Studio. A splendid opportunity for rapid, ac('Urate and exp. worker. State experie nC't- and qualifi cation in ~:our rt-pl~· . \Vrite ·w ilme tte Life B-40. 58LTX27 -1 t<' .t9 nrsJst~s~ OPPOR'IT~ITIF.~ REST AURA:-JT LOCATION \\"f' have a choice lo<'ation on Vllaukegan Road. 100 feet north of DeerfiE-ld A v.-> .. Spact> ~uitable for a good restaurant. is 14tt.x55 feet. Individual hot water he:1t . Reasonable r ent. V"AN1" & SELTG Realtors Dt-erfield FOR Phone 15:> 5f.ILTX27-lt-:· DRir\K SOFT RF.XT- TWO On~> on Dempster St., one on (}len\'if'w Rd., rt>n~. Jules Dixon & Co. Glt-nview Ru., west of Glenaire station. 5!H. . T~27-1tc -:tand~. 60 'VTD.-DAY wonK. LAUNDRY AND elt.·aning. Exp. Ph. Wilmette 18!10. 60LT27-Hp \V ANTED-WASHING AND IRONING to tal<e home. "\\Tilmette 3256. 60LT27-ltc "" r. WA ~Tt~D-l"'EJJ ALF. - ROOMS FOR RENT ~EAR TRANS- 10 r. 3 baths, 2 car gar:, oil ht. ........ $250 portatlon. Call Wilnwtte 2248. 7 .)', 4 bdrms., sun & fllp. pch ., oil ht .. 225 66L27-He 7 1'. 4 bdrms., s un & slp. porch, oil . . 185 7 r. 4 bdrms., s ip. porch ....... . ... .. 175 Ph. Wilmette 4207. ROOl\I FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPIXG, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 \VA~l nxn A~n TRONIKG 1'0 TAKE n ear transp. Ph. ·wilmette 1!H3. 6 room bungalow . ........... ... ... . 125 t ome ; will call for and d e liver. jJhone 66LTN27-ltp Wilmette 3179 . . 60LT27-lt<' (Q) 1111 ( 'LI:'~.-\.:\", ~UNNY. WELL VENTILATED EXP. COLORED OOK WITH REF. room for 2: Xear tram; . Winn. 2299. REALTORS d esires a permane nt position. Ph. 66LTN27-1tt1 Wilmette 273 11 i7 \Vilmette Ave. Univer:-;ity 7060. 60l./PN27-ltc .. 69L27-ltc - u; FOR REYl'-APARTl\IE:STS Rl SITUATIO:\" "W ANTED-1\lALE RM. HOUSE, $100; 8 WI~XETKA-6 rm. house, $110. Good location. See GARDENER, PROFESSIONAL, WITH I agent, 877 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1689. 20 years' experience, lik ' to take car e 69L27-1tp (Linden Ave. & Merrill St.) c,f private garden:,;. :'\atio.n ality DanI Hubbard Woods is h, age 32. Write to Georg-~ L. SorcnFOR RENT-PRE'I'TY 7-RM. BUNG ARt-n, P. 0. Box ~51, Hig hland Park low, lawn, garage, big porch, 3 blks. Illinois. 61T4-2tt; LIVING ROOM (WITH ROLLA WAY from transp. Ph. Mr. Rogers. Wilbed) : also bedroom, tile bath; kitchen mette 2456 or Wabash Qf\60. 69L25-tfc HANDY ~fA)~, GARDENER, I' AREwith breakfast nook ; Frigidaire. Price taker, can drive car. Am"rican. UnderBUNGALOW, 3 ROOMS AND BATH, $75 per month. stand s ge neral repairing and maintt-nsleeping porch. Full basement, $65. At ::111(' WO!'k. Good r efs. Talk B-29 or Living room (with rnl:.nvay bed), bedPine and Rosewood. Winn. 752. room, tile hath, d .ing room, kitchen Tel. Highland Park 2099-Y-2. 69LTN27-1tc with Frigidaire. Rental $85 per 61 LTN27 -1 h · month. LOWER 5 Rl\lS. AND GAR. TO PROTSIT. WTD. BY gxPERIEXf'ED :\fA:-J, Living room (with rollaway bed), 2 bedCall Mr. estants. Eastern section. rooms. tile bath, dining room, kitchen do . housecleaning, windows, walls. Pie rce eves. Winn. 1630. with Frigidaire. Price $105 per month. woodwork , basement, cars and yard 69LTN27-lto All rooms are light. Practical1y new work. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 964. building. 61L27-lt c1:' .F Oil )l};~·r-STORES & OJo'FICES GARDENER EXPERIENCED IN vegetables, flowers, and greenhouses. OFFICE l~ MEYER BANK BUILDMarried. No children. Best of refe:·- :141 Lincoln Ave. 73LT27-3tc Winnetka 672 in g. Call \Vinnetka 97. ences. Address Talk B-25. 67LTN27-lt<· 61L27-1 tp OI<'FICE FOR dENT- LARGE SPACE on main floor, desirable location. EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND ~:!lhxl7'h. Ten1;1nt can sublet space. landscaper, work b y day or month. Ph . 73LTN4-tfe Ph. Winnetka 201. Wilmette 2128 or University 5590. Yovam-;on. 61LT27-ltp ;; FOR SALE-HOUSES 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS EXP. GARDENER, HOUSEMAN, DE- qere In Wilmette's most convenient and sires pos. N. S. refs. MarriE-d, no chilexclusive location, you will fnd well-ardren. Call Evans, Winn. 1258. ranged apartments. All apartment!" 61L27-ltp have outside rooms which provide an H abundance of light and air. Ample CHAUFFEUR WI'1'H REFERENCES, closet space. Schools, churches, and colored ; also willing to do garden work shopping facilities within lmmediatt- 1 $Z 2,000 BC"YS THIS CHARMING, or go out of town. Ph. Oakland 4644. access. See these apartments today. modern home on a finely landscaped lot 61L27-1tp Agent on premises. near the Indian Hill Golf Club, alone EXPETIIENCED CHAUFFEUR \V ANTS worth hetween $12,000 and $14,000. It pe rmanent position, living quarters dehali thr<>f' bedrooms nnd three enclosed REALTORS ~irf'd. Garag-e experience. Best N. S. hot water oil heat and a good wn. 460 porches, r e f. Phone Winn. 324!1. 61LTN27-ltp ~24 Linden Ave. garage. Owner gone to California. 67LTN2-tfc WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. - - · f'leaning woodwork or windows · and $27,000 BUYS THIS INTERESTING waiting table. Winn. 1657. 61LT26-2tp home in one of Winnetka's exclusive neighborhoods, with four bedrooms, two RELIABLE C'H A UFFEUR, PRTVATJ<; baths and an extra toilet and lavatory. fn mily, ref. : 8 yrs. exp. Normal 78:3~. WE'LL FIND ONE FOR YOU. JUST There is a nice sun room overlooking phone your needs to our R e nting DeFoster. 61L27-ltp a beautifully wooded section. Hot partment. water nil heat. Owner leaving town. BOY, 16 Yf·~An. 'W ISHES WORK arm.;nd ynrd and home, by the hour. Phone Wilm l:'tt e 2fi23. 61LT27-2tc $20,000 BUYS THIS HOMEY ...HOME with large living room, bright dining 62 SIT. W1'D.-JIALE k FEl\IALE mom, convE-nient kitchen and four light GreP-nleaf 1855 528 Davi~ Street aiJ'Y bedrooms. It has Nokol oil heat SIT. "\\r'TD. - MARRIED 67LTN27-ltc COUPLF., and a large garage. The grounds are chauffeur. houReman, cook . Best North -beautifully wooded and landscaped, Shore ref. Ph. Drexel 3641. there is a. fine rock garden and ac62LTN27 -ltp quarium and the r.~ighborhood is ideal. This 100 foot lot alone is worth two5 ROOM APAR'fMEN'l'S WITH GAR6:1 thirds the value of entire property. BOARD & Jt001\l agE> and electric r e frigeration. New $!.10 and up. Trier school district. See ROOM, BOARD, AND CARE FOR "Mrs. Pittman, !l24 Spanish Ct. Tel. ATTRACTIVE 9 ROOM SOLID BRICK; semi-invalid or elderly lady, in nurse·~ fi7LT27-1tc Wil. 2920. home. Ravenswood 5700. 3 baths; hot water oil heat; heated sun room; toilet-lavatory first floor ; 2 car 63LTN26-3tc brick garage attached; 103 feet beautiVERY DESIRWILL SUBLEASE MY 66 FOR RENT-ROOJlS fully wooded grounds in choicest East able Orrington apartment at a marked section. large Two rooms with reduction. FOR RENT - COMFORTABLE FURX. REAl~TY abundant west exposure. Electric rm. Stationary stand, hot water all kitchenette. Bath and shower . . Spaci'the time; near transp. : reas. rf'nt; TlO REALTORS Complete hotel servlee. 720 Elm St. ous closets. houF:el<eepi ng permitted, p e r~on!< emWinnetka Phone 254 Ideal in every respect. Enjoyable in played. 602 ~rapl e AYe. Tel. Wil. 3587. 77LTN27-ltc every way. Phone Greenleaf 4660 eve66L24-1trJ nings. 67LTN26-tfp A 'fTRAf'TTVE ROOM OR ~ ROOM AND bath, h::-.kt1g. RUite furnished or unfur- FOR RENT - MODER~ 4 ROOM AP'£. Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67LTN24-tfc NON RESIDENT OWNER SLASHES r.onvf'nient all transp. ni~hed. Refprice on 8 room Colonial. 3 baths: erenC'eS. Ph. Wil. 204. 66L27-1tp h. w. heat; garage; near tmnsp. Won:\IODERN 5 Rl\f. APT. WITH SL. derful investment opportunity. For inporch, $75. ApJ)ly 554 Lincoln Ave. or FOR RENT-FURN. RM . SUITABLE spection see nhone "Win n. 74. )lenr tram;p, 67LTN27-ltp for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Reas. 62!.l Park Ave. Ph. Wilmetto s~rONE 2345. 66L27-1 tc 6S }'OR ll.EN'l'-}'"l'UNISHED APTS. REALTORS ·WINNETKA 1544 · FOR RENT, FURNISHED ROOM SUI'I'· FOR RENT-ATTRACTIVELY FURN. 77LTN27-ltc 1 and 3 rm. apt. Excellent transp. able for 1 or 2, near transportation. Adults. 726-llth St., Wilmette. Ph. 1323 Wilmette Ave. Ph.. Wilmette 332·1. Wilmette 795 or 3155. 68LT27-tfc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 71 66L27-1tc CO~fP. WHITE WOMAN hom~ework for Mon., Wed. WANTS and Thurs. 60L21-tfc 1MI ~U: & IFll&Iffi®Irtty LINDEN 1\1ANOR APARTMENTS M«:;CGlillnirce & (Q)lflf . 1 LINDEN CREST APTS. WILME'rTE I-Ieinsen Realty econ1endations: Ind. Hill Colonial QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. . Do You Wish an Evanston Apartn1ent? \Vhite Colonial IB3 &lllfcdl & wfaliriril®Ir Hubbard \Voods Buv ·-· Spanish Court /\ partn1ents Foreclosure! $27,500 1-IEINSEN CO. Reduced $2,500 HILT, &