Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1929, p. 58

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/ Latest School News VOL. 2 NO.7 Publilbtd Wttkly by tb~ acbool cbildrtn of Wilmtttt undtr 1 uperviaion of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board JUNIOR LIFE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MARCH 29, 1929 Told by the Pupils 16=====~ I Recreation Board Sets April 13 as Roller-Skate Day The Wilmette ·Playground and Recrea· Uon board will stage its third annual roller-skating meet Saturday, April 13, at Thlrd . street and Laurel avenue. The meet will start at 9 :30 o'clock. The program in detail Is announced as follows : D: 30 O'clock Class A Girls 1. 50 yard dash Class A Boys 2. 50 yard dash Cla~s B Girls 3. 50 yard dash 4. One !.egged Race (one skate on and one off) 5. Double Race (two skating together) Class B Boys 6. 50 yard dash 7. One Legged Race (one skate on and one skate off) 8. Double Race 10 O'clock Class C Girls 9. 100 Yard Dash 10. 1 One Legged Race 11. Double Race Class C Boys 12. 100 Yard Dash 13. One Legged Race H. Double Race ; Clas~ D Girls 15. 100 Yard Dash 16. ' Double Race 17. ' Backward Race · Class D Boys 18. 100 Yard Dash 19. One LeJ:ged Race 20. · Backward Race Entries may be made before April 12 at the Recreation Otflct·, Tenth and Central streets.-Lawrence Buckmaster, SD Stolp. A Trip With Lindy I passed an airport when coming home from the store where I had purchased a new ·autograph book and decided to go in and learn a little about aviation if I could. I went into some kind of an office and found a man sitting- at his desk and reading a newspaper. Probably the manager, I thought. Anyway I told him what I was about, so he said: "Come witll me. You'll probably learn mor~ than you expected to." So I folfowed him to get my information. Just then I heard a plane ~oaring above. "Who is . that aviator?" I asked, "He surely knows his fancy stunts." "Why that's Lindy. He's coming with the air mail," he told me. You can imagine how thrilled I felt. Then he landed and all the mecbanics, pilots and other people such as photo-. graphers and reporters crowded at·ounrl him. The manager intt'oduced me to Lindy saying that I was a new aviatrix and was learning fast. Lindy said he was going to take me up to try my bravery. Naturally I felt very flattered and agreed. The photographers were taking my picture and thf' reporten.; were wt·itin,, Items. How .thrilled I was! My name in t.he papers. ··._My picture in the papers with the grea.tW..indy himself! I jumped in the plane a~ Lindy soon followed my example. Then.·· we looped the loop and did some sky Wt'iting and after an hour or two we landed. Then, remembering my autograph book, I thought I'd make use of it. Just as Lindy sign~d his name a voice said : "For goodness sake! How many times do 1 hav~ to call you in the morning'? Hurry or you'll be late for school." .I had been dreaming.-:-Winnifred Barry, Etghth grade, St. Ft·ancts. 88 Boy Cagers Get Edge , tn ontest tt h 88 G. trIs . c w· 0n Wednesday ·. l\Iarch 20, the sn boys play d the 8B gtrls. The boys won by a score of 14 to 13. _This game was )llayed at Stolp gymnasmm. The 8B girls were Ella Jean Porter, Jane Moore, 1\Iar~uerite Mockler, Jean Munro, Mar:r Fmlayson, Esther l\1cKelgha.n ~nd _Dorothy ,Jane Orr. The SB bo;\ ~ were·. Joe Ha~ es,.,:\rthur Jones, Billy )' ou~gq~tst, Selim ltdeman. ?len Roberts, Ed\\ard Solomon and Herbert Naper. This wa~ a very long game n_s at the end of the game the score was t1ed 11 to 11. l\fr. Stone who wa~ watching ::;aid we might have two more minutes to play. During thi~ time th' boy~ made two baskets and the g·irl~ made on<' basket and one free throw. It was an exciting game and both teams played well.Dorothy Jane Orr SB Stolp. ' Grades View Film~s A bou "f Lt·qut·d Air · Frank H aS W Onderf U ( Day an d T ranS pOr f Q f JOn The seventh and eighth grades of Stolp saw three reels of moving pictures, Thursday, March 21. The eighth grade~ at 10 :45 o'clock and the seventh grades at 11:30 o'clock. There were one reel on liquid air and two reels on water tran!3portation Mr Todd principal of How. · · · , ' . at d. school, showed the pictures. Liquid. air, the first film. sho~ved first the makmg_ and the numerous exp~riments. ~t Is first made by C?mpressmg the air With 600 poun_ds .. Then 1t 1s cooled until it becomes a h.q~nd. . A . few. of th13 <'xperimen~s were !->o11tng IJqUJd mr on a. chunk of Ice, makmg mercury and makinr, rubber brittle. "Queen of the WaveR" was a film in two reels on water transportation. It first ~howed the Indian log as the first boat, then the raft. The Indians then made a dugout and built the first rude canoe but when they saw Columbus on the Hudson, they then made boats. Robert Fulton invented the first steamboat the Clermont. One hundred ten years later, the New York, the biggest battleship, was built. The film · then showed thP. "Queen of the Waves," tht~ first electric steam generating battleship and how it was built. It first showed the shiJ)yards where they were assembling, then the buildings where they were building the dynamos and pourin~ the steel. The second reel showed the completing of the "Queen of the Waves" and the launching. The latter part of the reel was takt>n up with diagrams about generating steam. - Lawren~e Buckma ter, sn stolp. liE's LIKE "SlnTTY" Mal'shall Doose's allowance won't cover a crushP.r hat this month so he is Wt>aring his four year old brother's. This afternoon when Marshall carne to school without it we asked, "Where is your crusher?" He answered, "Aw, my kid brother wouldn't let me wear it."-Fleeta Freeman, 8B Howard. The Shawnee Country club dedicated its swimming pool Monday March 11, by a big tank meet. The associatious represented were Chicago Athletic clpb and Lake Shore Athletic. The schools r~presented were Evanston High school, New Trier High ~chool, Nicholas Senn, Main Township, Deerfield Shields, Waukegan and Northwestern university. The · first event was the high school 50yard free style which was won by Harrell of New Trier. His time was 26 and 1-5 second. The next event was the 50-yard free style by the members of the C. A. A. The winner of this event was Springer whose time was 25 3-5 seconds. The third event, the 100-yard breast, was won by Brenner Qf Senn. The diving was won by Harrell of New Trier. Events five and six were the hundred yard free style. The high school event winner was Holmes of Evanston. The C. A. A. free style was won by Wilcox, time 55 4-5 seconds, a second faster tr'tn that of Holmes . . The seventh event was a medley swim exhibition by Walter Laufer. The world's record for this event is held by Johnny Weismueller of the I. A. C .. His time was 52 seconds fiat. Johnny did it in 51 but it was not accepted as official. However Laufer broke the world's record by one-fourth of a second. However this record probably will not be accepted as official. Events eight and .nine were 100-yard baek stroke. The high school event was won by Anderson of Deerfield, time 1 minute 9 3-5 seconds. The C. A. A. backstroke was won by Halstead whose time was two ~econds slower than Anderson. The 200-yard free style was won by Steinmetz of the C. A. A. Event eleven was an exhibition of fancy diving. Tht! twelfth event was the medley relay which was won by Evanston High school. Event thirteen was also a relay. The la::;t eve..nt was a water polo game. -Wallace Crawford, 7B Stolp. Shawnee Country Club Open Wilmette Cagers Swim Tank With Star Meet Take Afeasure of Evanston Tossers Wednesday, March 20, all Wilmette basketball teams played all Haven teams, Peewees, lightweights middleweights and heavyweights, at Howard school. Peewees sta~ted first at 4 o'clock. Wilmette Peewees were winning at the half 8 to 2 when the lightweights came on the floor to play the first half of their game. At the end of the half the Wilmette lights were winning 5 to 2, when the Peewees came on the floor to finish their game. After twelve more minutes of play, the Peewee game was over and Wilmette Peewe s had won the championship of the north shore. Neither team had been defeated. In the la!'lt. ten seconds of play in the lightweight game, Haven lightweights made a basket and won the game by one point, 10 to ~. The Wilmette middleweights won 7 to 6. The Wilmette heavyweights won 10 to 6. Averages for Wilmette teams are : Won Lost Peewees . . ...... .. . ... . .. .. 6 0 Lightweights . . ... . . . .... . . 3 3 Middleweights ... 3 3 Heavyweights . . . .. 2 4 -Paul Soule, 7C Stolt> Go-Getters Annex Game From Horsefeather Team On Thursday, March 21, the SB GoGetters of Stolp defeated the 8A Horsefeathers by a score of 10 to 6. This game was played in the Stolp gymnasium. The 8B girls were: Jane Engel, guard, Helen Booz, guard, Betty Southwich, guard, Sylvia Stoerck, forward, Mary Finlayson, forward, and. Dorothy Jane Orr, forward and center. The 8A girls were: June Kehl, forward and center, Eileen Burke, forward, Alison Burge, guard, Beth Mcllraith, guard, Eleanor Jackson, guard., Eleanor Mouldin~. forward. This was a very exciting game. At the end of the ha1f, the 8B's were ahead uv ·the ~core of 6 to 4. Both teams pinyed a very good game. The next basketball game will end our basketball sea~or. and will also decide who is champion. The two teams playing are both 8B's teams. Thefr names are Go-Gett rs and Fighting Warriors.-Dorothy Jane Orr, SB Stolp. Fighting Warriors Trim Basketball Boobs 11 to 8 Thursday, March 7, the 8B Fighting 'Varriors played the 8A BasketbaH Boob8, and won by a ~core of 11 to 8. At the end of the half the score was 5 to 4 In favor of th(> Fi~hting Warrior:>. This was a very exciting game: both teams played their best. · The pla~·ers on the Basketball Boob!'. team are June Kehl, guard, Lucy Clagett, guard, Janet McNulty, forward. Franc<'s Ellis. forward. The players on the Fighting \Varrlors are Jane Moor(>, forward, Esther McKie~an, forward, Marjorie Houghton, guard. i\farguerite Mockler. guard. Th Fighting Warriors' recorrl 80 far is: Won 4, lost 0, tied 1. The Bask tball Boob~ Is the team they tied. -'!\.farguerite Mockler, 8B Stolp. .rl Basketeers Take 88 Gl Game From Rivals in 8C On Thur~day, March 14, the 8B girls played the SC girls in basketball. The ~B girls won by a score of 16 to 3. This game was played at the Stolp gymnasium. The SB girls were: Betty Southwick, guard, Jane Moore, guard, Ella Jean Porter, guard Sylvia Stoerck, forward, Mary Finlayson, forward, Dorothy Jan~ Orr, forward and center. The 8C girls were Helen Winslow, forward, Rosy Ku·so. forward, Selma Wax, forward, Ruth Seymour, J'Uard, Virginia Mayer, guard, Anna McNaughltey, guard. Tbl· -wae one hanJ and exciting gam«>. -Dorothy Jane Orr, 8B Stolp. Sunday, March 7, I went to the zoo. It's fun to see all the animals. V\Te saw monkeys, the elephant being fed and they gave about :"even loctve~-; of bread. But they didn't slice them up or cut them · h If H · t t th h 1 m a . e JUS a e em w o e. And we went into the bird house. When you go into the bird house just about all the birds are talking in their own language. We went into the small animal house. It's a new building which they keep small animals in. When we were in there, everybody was looking at the animals when we heard erie~. Then we all went into one cage where two monkeys were fighting. , Then war-; a good time to look at other animals while all the peO})le were at the one cage. In front of the small animal house, for the first time, I saw the statue of W;\·nken, Blynken and Nod. Then we Wt' nt into the ·fish house and saw the different kinf'!.s of fish. We saw the lions and tigers, too. I like the lion best of any animal not counting dogs and cats. On the wav baek to the car we walked on the high sidewalk and looked down and ::;aw the animals that have cages and caves. I saw, a man throwing peanuts to a bear and the bear sat up. In another rag·e there were two cag0s next to each other with bears in them and I heard thPm growl and th0 bears in both cagrs ran for something but I don't know what it was .-Frank Randall, Central 5B. v·lSI·t·tng Antma . IS at z00 First Grade Teacher Ill; Pu!>ils Mail Her a Letter Our teacher, Miss Mulford, is sick at Woodlawn hospital. When we came to f,Chool in the afternoon we got in line and walked to the post office and mailed a lett r to her. We said in the letter: "We hope you will feel better. We are getting along nicely with our circus" and we said in the last part, "Love from your children." Then we went to the florists and got some tulips. 'l'hey had pretty red ribbon on the white paper wrapped around the flower pot. Then we got some spring flowers and the lady mailed them to Mis~ :Mulford and Miss Mulford mailed a letter back to us. We are writing this at Joan's house after schooL-Valerie AdamR and Joan Kilmer, Central school, first grade. Paul Finds Pleasure in Burton Holmes Lectures Every Friday night my father and I the Burton Holmes lectures. The first one was entitled "Madrid," a city · in Spain. The second one was entitled "Moorish Spain," the third "Motoring Throu~h Spain," and the fourth "The Irish Free State." Although I have not g-one to the fifth It is going to be very intt'resting for the name of it is "Siam, the Land of Chang," which I am sure is ·about China.-Paul Moore, 7B Stolp. !l ttend Clock Saves Pupils From Penalties for Tardiness Friday morning the electric clock at How:-trd wa~ five minute~ fast. At about 9 :50 there came in about fifteen tardies. Ev~ryone l5aid I rang the bell early. Later Mr. Todd came in the .office and I said, "Good business today." Mr. Todd took out his watch and said, "That clock is fast by my watch." I replied, "Same with mine." Miss Scheidler asked, "Are all my children tardy?" Mr. Todd asked me wh:U Paul Davey's phone number wa.S. He phoned and asked the time. It was 9 :45. Everyone was excused· ,for bet~ tardy.-Marshall Doose, 8B Howard. _: :~~~ · UO'V ARD WEATHER DUBIOUS The weather around Howard school these days Is quite distressing for spring. It i~ cold and rainy with no baseball or marbles to play. · George· Green, 6B Howard. . CATCH "MIBS" FEVER All the boys have marble fever and they play big ring, small ring, fats and anythin~ else that you can play with· marbles and there is one big call for "mibs" as they are called for short and believe me there is always lots of aruglng.-Alfred Bartnick, 8B Howard.

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