Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1929, p. 57

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March 29, 1929 of children will be resumed on Friday afternoon, April 6. We will be very glad to receive new scholars at .that time. The classes wlll continue until the beginning of June. . , A luncheon will be given by the Ladies' Aid and Missionary society on Thursday after Easter, April 4, at the Sunday school rooms of the church. It will be followed by a short program. The regular meetings of the various organizations in the church will be held the first week in April. The church council Tuesday at 8 at the church. The Senior Y. P. S. and Walther league on Thursday at 7 :45. · The .Junior Walther league, Friday at 7:45. We have just received at this writing the news that August Butzow, for many years a faithful member of our church, passed away at Lal<eland, Fla. Mr. Butzow has been a resident of Winnetka for some years. The body will be brought back and the funeral services will probably be held on Saturday afternoon at 1 :30 at the home and at 2 o'clock at St. .John's Lutheran church. WILMETTE LIFE Congregational Church Wilmette and Lake avenue!' Vere V. Loper, Ministet· William E. McCormack Associate Minister The climax of the Lenten season will rome with the Easter morning service. The quartet and choirs have been working for weeks on a musical program which will lend the triumphant and victorious note through the instrumentality of anthems and special numbers. The sermon by Mr. Loper will deal with "The Continuity of Life." The children's story will be "A Boy Who Discovered Spring." The service starts at 10 :45 but those who desire seats in the main auditorium will have to come early. A special Easter Vesper service will b ., held in the afternoon at 4 p. m. The l'ervice will consist mainly in a cantata by the choir, "Ollvet to Calvary" by Maunde·r. Mrs. Amy Leslie Toskey, mu~ic director, will be assisted by Miss Emily Roberts, organist ; Miss Beulah Casler, ~opt·ano; Miss Ethel Heide, contralto; Mr. Oscar Heather, tenor, and Mr. Lester Smith, baritone. About thirty new members will be received in the church at this service and a number of babies will receive the rite of Christian baptism. The Church school will meet in its usual departments on Sunday. Special programs will be given to bring the Easter message to the children of various ages in a way to cause their greatest appreciation of the meanin'!" of the day. The Sunday Evening club will hold its usual meeting bringing the Easter Sunday to a splendid conclusion with Dr. John Timothy Stone as preacher and Florance Macbeth as special soloist. The trustees of the church will meet on Monday evening at 8 p. m. The Crescent Circle has its regul:u· meeting on Tuesday at the home of its chairman, Mrs. John B. Bomcamp, 200 Sixth street. Mrs. L. F. Becker, chairman of the luncheon committee, will be assi~ted by Mrs. A. W. Craig, Mrs. G. F. Holden, and ~rs. A. T. Calkins. The Wekeacafila ~amp Fire Gil"ls, and Roosevelt Troop No. 2, Boys Scouts and Sea Scout Ship No. 7 will hold their regular meetings on Tuesday. The mid-week service of the church will be continued until the first of May. Mr. Loper has beer :1 ::;ked to continue his Lenten series ' ' . important figures i · church hist.Qr; He will speak ·m \\'f'dnesday night <; Martin Luther. The Cozy Corner Circle will hold an ali-day meeting at the church on Thurs- · day. Lunc~eon will be served at 1 o'clock by ·a committee under the direction of Mrs. Warren Darst. The Boys' club, Junior choir, and Seuior choir will hold their regular meetings on Thursday. Members of the Central avenue Circle will meet at the Woman's club on Friday ~t noon. They will assist in sewing and hold a s}lort business session at the close .Qf the luncheon. Mrs. J. M. T. Boyd is acting as chairman of this group. The complete musical program for the Easter morning service will be: Organ prelude, "Christ Triumphant" by Yon; an anthem by the Junior choir, "Holy, Holy," by Wilson ; an anthem by the Senior ~hoir, "Christ Our Passover," by Schllling; duet by Miss Casler and Miss Heide, "Magdalene," by Warren; a quartet, "Victory," by Shelley; organ postlude, "Alleluia," by Du Bois. me to 0 Directory of Churches: · Fust Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues nrc The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette A venues Rev. Vete V. Loper Rev. George D. Alliaon St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1 14o The Farst Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton Rev. Horace G. Smith Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf A venue and Seventh Street The F~rst Presbyterian t\urch Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Carl I. Empson Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. Meger Publiahed by the Interchurch Advertiaing Committe., Wilmette Church Ftdttation

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