Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1929, p. 2

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2 WILMETTE LIFE March 29, 1929 A. S. VanDeusen SELLER OF GOOD FOOD · Ceamal Aveaae aad IZtb Stnet Pboaes Grocery 510-511-512-513 Meats 514 Supervisor --------------------------~ WOMAN VIOLINIST TO I FEATURE EASTER FETE Ebba Sundstrom of Woman's Symphony Orchestra to Play at Presbyterian· Church Tn the presentation of its Easter music, the First Presbyterian church· ~1f \\'ilmcttc is bringing to the village 111 artist of consummate artistic ability 111 the person of Ebba Sundstrom, \·iolinist. 11iss Suudstrom, who is concert mistr-ess and assistant conductor of the' Chicago \Voman's Symphony Orches tra, is known in musical centers through out the middle west by her : harming personality, delightful grace. 1nd enthusiastic interpretation of each : omposition delivered to her audience. Oualifications hclonging alone to a l·;uc mtt~ irian are hers, for one is read it\· impressed by her natural love and u;Hler stancling of her instrument , th~ 1 ·iolin ~[i s s Sundstrom is assisting the qua rtet. '"hich comprises Catherine Bu:house . soprano, Rose Ludiger Gannon . co ntralto. Tohn B. l\Iiller. tenor, and Ed\\'ard Otis, bass, all of whom arc under the leadership of Erma E . l~ounds. on!'anist and director. The ::omplctc pr~gram will include: Special Sale March 2.9 to Ap·il 6 LEGS OF NATIVE SPRING LAMB. : F or Saturday, ::\larch 30, Only. Lb. . . . . It \vould be a great help to us if you 'vould gtve your order Friday tnonung. · 40C 30c 30c (Bernie Photo) ARMOUR'S STAR HAM. \\' hole or one-half. Lb ................. . FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER STEAK. Ll) .................................. . Spring is here. Can't you hear the robins? It \von't be long before you '"ill ' vant Seeds. \ \ re ha,·e a large assorttnent of Ferry's. CANE GRANULATED SUGAR. 'rhc very finest quality. 10 lb s. . . . . . . . . . Doz. FLORIDA ORANGES. ? .. 0 -J . stze. S\veet balls of juice. FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. 80 size. Doz., SSe; each ............._.. . STRICTLY FRESH EGGS. Doz ................................. . FRESH BUTTER. .'fhe finest quality. For the table. Lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RICHELIEU FLOUR. rrhe vYorld does not produce any better. Ys bbl. . . . . . . . 53C Cl' 1 02 CD · 61 C 29c Sc 39c Mrs. Gertrude :M. Thurston , :.Jew Trie r township supervisor for fifteen years, is the unopposed choi. cc of th e Jud e \: e\\' Trier Citizens' league for rc- Pr"Adagio Pathetique" . . . . . . . Godar!l clel io n at the annual town sip election ::\Hss Sundstrom Tuesday. April 2. ~f rs. 'fhur. ton, it is .\nth ·m "A\\':Ll{e ~ And Sing the Song" .. Wagner thought, ,,·as the first \YOman to hold An tlw m . an elective office in Ne\\· Trier. " .'.walw, ~\wak e , Gtte r A Song-" .. ca~ ,, Offertory "Homan zc" (Albumblntt) ... . . . . .... ...... . .. . .... 'Vagne t·- Willwlm j :\fi ss Sundstrom "I Know that 1\Ty Redeemer Lh· th' ' (1\Iessiah) . . . . . ... . ... Handel l\Iiss Bushousc . Th ~ Ne lson Laundry and Dry Cleanem mg System. on -:\fa in street at Centra 1 ,\nth ' ·Chri s t the Lord is Risen Again" . Voris a\·cnuc. \\'i lmctte. has added nc\r equip- Org-an Pos tlude ...... ... Faulkes "~\lleluia" ment in the dr)· cleaning plant which Here's a Still That Aids in Dry Cleaning Process ROANOAKE PEELED APRICOTS. Xo. 1. ;4 can. 1'hink of it. Peeled }\pricots at this price. This 1s a s~eal and :hey will last a very short tin1e. Doz., $1.80, can ... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C NATIONAL BISCUIT PREMIUM SODAS and GRAHAM CRACKERS. 2 lb. carton CANADA DRY GINGER ALE. 48 bottles in a case, $7.55; 12 bottles 15 35C Cl'2 00 A~~?eNIIt~l~a~.Lii!l ~~~~;.t ............. $1.43 RI;~:~t a~~1?Li~fq~!~; ............. $1.17 ~ · 1 My Own Blend Coffee. Lb . 52c :\ mild. sweet coffee of supreme worth. Richelieu Sifted Swee~ Wrinkled Peas. Dnz .. $2.70; can 23c Richelieu Tomatoes. There is !:lttch a diffl'rcncc . This is the mo=-t perfect tnmato . packed. '\n. 3 can. Doz., $2.95; can 25c Richelieu Golden Bantam and Doz .. Maine Sweet Corn. 20c $2.30; C:\ 11 Richelieu Colossal N a t u r a 1 Asparagus Points. :\ o . 1 can 38c is the final .;tep in purification of naph tha utilized in the cleanin g establish- Name C. of C. Committee ment. on Air Marker in Village Thi s nP\\' mach ine prO\·ides a di stil Postmaster J oscph E. Shantz, Dr. lation process \\'hich removes oils or any other discoloration from the fluid after Charles H. Eldred, and Henry B. Gates a previous procc:-s ha s taken out the compose a \Yilmctte Chamber of Commerce committee which is work;ing -;oJids, it is explained. .::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=, - o n pI an s for a proposed air p 1an e 1 marker in \\' ilmcttc. John H. Davies, ELECTROLUX president of the Chamber, was in(; .\S U('iri£.-ration :>trJtcted to appoint such a committee :\' c· mo\·ing- part~ . C'hPa}w:t to at the ).f arch meeting when talks wer e OJWrate . St' f' Tu l:'sclay TribUJll'. ~ircn boosting the proposed marker. Ag·l:'nt for I ff'at ing- ancl ....\ppli:tnt· L' The committee is now getting estimates C'o .. n07 l\1':1in !-it., Wilmette. on th e cost and receiving suggestions \\' rite f or information. · for the l.ocation of the sign. ·LITTLE COLONEL PLAY SUITS College Spanish Queen Olives. Large, fancy. 14 ~ oz. bot. 49c Stratford California Ripe Oliveli. E"'tra large o)iycs. Pint can 35c None Such Pure Strawberry Jam. Fnll 1-lb . jar. Doz .. $3.00; jar 25c Adele Sweet Orange Marmalade. 10 oz. jar .. 30c Campfire Marshmallows. Lb . 30c Richelieu Coffee. Lb. 58c Sprague. \\'arner & Co. u. e the highe t degree of care in the preparation of thi coffee, and I know it to be the highest po;;sible grade. $1.00 The bo.Ys you see in this picture are all weanng LITTLE COLONEL SUITS. ~' ~~ ' W(orthen~Carrico 1146 WILMETTE AVE. Co PH. 5S8--589

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