March 29, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE Waltonians Make Mothers' Club to Meet Pla~s for Annual to Make Bazaar Plans Meet Apri/18-20 The Mothers' club of the Mallin-· North shore chapters are interested in preparation for the forthcoming seventh annual national convention of the Izaak Walton League of America to be held at Chicago, April 1~. 19, and 20. The headquarters for the convention will be at the Stevens hotel where 2000 rooms have been resened for delegates without regard to reservations made at other hotels. Every indication points to thi s convention being the most enthusiastic ever held by the league for variou;-; reasons. First, because of th e elevati on of the honorary preside·nt of the lea gue. Herbert Hoover, to the Pre idcnc\· of the l:nited States. Second. to the -fact that several new govenors of states ·who are thorough vValtonian s han· assumed their offices and alread\· arc putting out con servation plans - that are either sponsored or recommended by the league. Third, because th e growth of the conservation sp irit throughout the nation has :nspire<l in tense activity among the chapters oi the league in producing membership drives to which the public is re sp.onding in droves. Because of these conditions it 1:-; anticipated that a greater army of dele~ates than ever before will attend the convention. This number v;ill be swe ll ed hy members of chapters from every· part of the United States "vho \\·ish to learll at first hand the cotbervation projects that will be taken up by th e national organization. Dr. Henry Baldwin Ward of the Zoology department of the University of Illinois, who is president of the national organizatioh, already has secured speakers of national and some of them of international reputation who will address the convention. As the list is not yet complete the name s of the speakers cannot yet .be announced. General Manager Fred H. Doellner at national headquarters of the league is the recipient of the enthusiastic report s ckrodt High school will meet on Friday, April 5, at 2 :~0 o'clock, ,at the school. Anyone wishing to assist at the bazaar. to be held on May 8, 9, 10. and 11 ts invited to be present. :\I :s. Frank O'B rien of \Vinnetka :s president of the club; Mrs. ]. A. Hoffman of ,, \\' ilmctte, vice-president·' Mrs. F ran k , 1 . Darry of \Vilmette, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Frank Oe.lerich of \Vilmette has been ap!>Ointrd publicity chairman. :\f rs. P . .\\'. Trudeau of 254 Scott a \Tn ue. Glt ncoe, announces a benefit card party to be given at her home on \Y cd nc~clay. April 10, fur the Grocery booth 111 connection with the Mallin ckrodt bazaar. Those interested and wishing to attend. arc asked to call :\f r~. Trudeau at Glencoe 1-US. An outstanding feature of the bazaar will be the displav of hundreds of articles of exquisite handwork made hy the Si_sters of Christian Charity ·who are m charge of Mallinckrodt. This unusual needlework will be on sa le. :\1 iss J ca n Drayer, daughter of 1f r. and ::\[rs. Clarence E. Drayer, 103-t Elmwooc! avenue. returned for the holidays la st week from the Cniversit,oi Illinois where she is as sistant edit o.r oi the Cni,·ersity Press publication s. shO\Ying .. hat in many cases large delegations arc intending to attend the COII\'ention. The great I nterna tiona} Outdoor and Sports Good show, ponsored annually by: Outdoor America, the League·s fficial publication. will be held in conjunction with the annual convention. but opening one day earlie r, that is April 17. Tl , exhibits already arranged ior this show indicate that it will surpas s any outdoor goods show hitherto sp on so red by the ·magazine and the league. 43 Soa~ Cfrome~t say that everyh9dy likes these Melachrino bridge prizes Many clever hostesses have discovered that these Melachrino "Introductory Offers" made dandy bridge prizes, and now even bridge clubs are ordering them for tournaments. Miss Frances Heckscher, says: "I know that my party, whether it be · bridge, theatre or dinner, is a success the minute my case with its fragrant Melachrinos is passed around." Melachrinos are the most perfect .cigarette in America. They are a blend of the choicest and most costly tobaccos obtainable. Their cork and straw tips give an added pleasure and refinement to smoking. This introductory offer is a delightful and different way to introduce yourself and your guests to Melachrinos. It consists of 60 Melachrino Cigarettes- Cork tips, Straw tips and Plain ends- a score pad with the latest rules of contract bridge, and two packs of beautiful cards on which we will imprint your own monogram. This offer would ordinarily cost $4.75, but by using the coupon you need pay only $ The cards are the fa~nous gilt-c:dge Congress Cards and have no advertising of any kind on them. Under a special arrangement, monograms will be imprinted qui~ker than usual. Just fill out the coupon, printing the initials of your monogram plainly. Your first package will convince you that MELACHRINO IS THE· QUALITY CIGARETTE. A MLGfq;V, off.. thc =face tailored Hat in Navy Felt and other colors $18.§2 . , , Harmony 1n 1nes II.... con t out"S designed to express Persona[ity .... distinguish the creations of II[· The Union 'fobacco Company 511 Fifth Avenue, New York City Gentlemen: Please send me your introductory offer of 60 Melachrino Cigarettes, the score-pad with the latest rules of contract bridge, and the two packs of the famo~s Congress Cards hearing my monogram, for which I enclose 82.50. · Dept. 272 "America '.s F ailaion Creator" 600 MICHIGAN BOULEVARD" SOUTH CHICAGO Name·---------------------------------------· fni tials_______ _ Address. _ _ _ _ _ _ _City_ _ _ _ _ State_ _ __