Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1929, p. 32

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WILMETTE LIFE March 29, 1929 BOY SCOUT NEWS of the NORTH SHORE · TROOPS A regular feature page prepared each week by member· of the Boy Scout P.tess cIu b, N or th Shore Area Council Scouting Leaders Hold Dinner M eel at Highland Park Scoutmasters Dine and Talk Junior Leaders at Cabin Conference Having Great Time Nearly sixty Scoutmasters and other (Special from Camp) leaders gathered at the Scout headHere is the news on Spring camp quarters building in Highland Park direct from the Cabin ·-in-t h e- \\' oods Monday evening, March 25. at 6 :30 written at noon, ~1onday , ?\1 arch 25. and held a fine dinner meeting. This inorning we opened Junior Before dinner the Scout leaders inLeaders' Spring Camp conference. spected the nc\\'ly orga nized council First we organized into patrols. then · office. After th e dinner party in the v..·e nt out for " ·ood. \Vc then had a spaci ,ms dining- room adjacent to the di sc u ss ion on map-making and stuclieJ office, the men joined in si nging some hovv to teach the test, a! o a 1 atrul peppy songs, led by Rudolph \Veight call and yrl l contest. Scoutmaster 0f Troop 77, l\f undelcin, The purpose of the conferencl' is to with Mrs. Ryl)()lt at th piano. help leaders to h e b etter leaders; Each ~c0utmaster present then relea rn how to conduct patrol m eetings; ported to the roll-call of the troop s. learn how to pass Scouts on tests, b_y giving their name, rank. and le1igth ' etc. ~ Scoutmasters of X o rth Sh8rc Area troops meet at dinner at headquart er s of service in Scouting. Mo. t eyery The Junior leaders attending the troop was represented. 111 Highland Park to discus s matters of mutual b _e _n _e _ fi_ t_ . -----~ conference are: Bob \ \'hite patrolKarl D. King, president of the counClaude Hamilton, patrol leader, Troop cil, welcomed all these leaders and nou ncecl that we are going to hav,' 13. Kenilworth; Tom Sinding, Assistextended· appreciation in behalf of th e a hike on ~aturda\· , ~farch 23. From ant patrol lead r r. 13: Jack Sinding, 13; council for the fine attendance. no\\' 011 the mc e ti;1g will he held o n Jack Stebbins, 13; Harvey \V ecsc, 13; Dr. Charles A. Steele of Glencoe. ~I onda·~, nights. Ben ~fathews, 13. Did-Dot Patrolchairman of the council camping comLowell Comee, patrol lcaclcr. -l; Paul mittee, prese nted information about HOLD GET-TO-GETHER Sterner, assistant patrol leader, ..J.; The Eagle Patrol of Troop 2. \\ il- Hugh Carrington, 3; Bill Lehle, 4; the new camp site in \Viscon s in . He I PLAN VACATION HIKE stressed particu:~rly !l.lc i~ea of . tlv~ Several 'troop. in \Vi 1 !netka ha \...... mctte had a meeting last Thursday . ] ack Osborne. 3. Bea\'ers-] ohn Ball1 Scoutmaster taklllg h1s o~' 1_1 t.~oop t~ planned vacation hikes. 1 roop 18 and Th e me ting was held at 701 Forest inger, Patrol leader, 16; 1f. SwabachPatrol Leader, Allen Ross- er. 17; Mahlon Sharp, 18; Bob Meleny, <"amp. He told of the. man) c~ch ,lJltages lfl of the \ \ ' innetka Community House a\'Cnuc. man and Scouts Billy Youngquist and 20. and Louis \Villiams, 20; Bull Patrol of the r~ew camp s1te and how a.de- arl' both goiug to their Scout cabin quately Jt fits the needs of Scoutt.ng. near \\'heeling; Troop 18 on \Vednes- Sclim Ted man were pre se nt. \Ve - John L. Brenner, Patrol leader. 2 :· Myr~n C. Rybolt, sc<?ut cx.ecuttve. day and Troop 16 earlier in the week. made plans for the Patrol Contest Bill Youngquist, 2; Richard Haugthen ~tscussed an~! outlmecl th e new Troop 2-J. of Sacred Heart church, starting the Tue sday after Yacation. ness.lO. · councd procedur(' m r('gard to Co~trts Hubbard \Voods plans a two-day ses- The m~eting \\'as called to order at Robert \\. Townley, Scoutmaster of of Honor and !'roop Awards. ~l~e sion at the cabin this Friday and Sat- 3 :~ 5 · and adjourned at -l :30.-:..;cout Troop 13, Kenilworth, is here and is ~clim Tideman. Fagle Patrol. troop awards wJll be made for c1v1c urda\'. Troop 21 .of Glencoe Union going to lead us in some outdoor servtce, for advanc,en:tent, for. c~mp church . had a successful trip to the games this afternoon. 11r. McManus, enrollment, for boys llfe subs~npttons Cabin-in-the-\Voods last week -e nd. TROOP 2 HOLDS MEETING assistant Scout ex.ecuti\'e, is in charge. and .for the standard troop rat mg. Full while Troop 23 of '-'t. Elisabeth's Troop 2 of \\'ilmcttl' Congrcgationat George Bersch, our cook, just got detatl on the Court of Honor proce?- church, Glencol' take their hike this church had one of the finest meeting:; through feeding us. ure and the troop award are now 111 ~:; · 1 .. _ 'I I) l..::'cottt for attendanr~ a:-> theY have had this ' . ·' . . an d avat'1 a bl e at Scout I1ea dquar- ,, fl( ' 1~- ·' . The program that is posted on the prmt Year. \Ve had t\\'Cilt\·~ tln' Scouts. five bulletin board shows many interesting ters. The comment and discussion on ~1fticcrs and t\\'eh·e -visitors. Among these new plans indicated a real pleas- TROOPS HOLD JOINT MEETING the Yisitors "'Cre the distingui hed things for us in the next couple of Tuesday, March 19, Troop 10 visit~d ure and appreciation on behalf of the :..; tacn· C. Den net. District Cnmmis. days. Our Patrol contest includes Scout leaders tO\vard these necessary '!'mop 3. · \\' c had a Court of Honor sione~ of \\'ilmettc; :\fr. \\'i lson of the such things as a treasure hunt, wool at ' '" hich ~1r. Harper presided. ~[r. changes. "\ \ ' ilson Bakery" and ~{ r. ~[c~f anu-;, hunt, inspection, stunts, tent-pitching, The Scout 'eaders gathered in a Ryan, Scoutmaster of Troop 10 told assi. tant scout executive of the north fire-building, knot-tying, fire-by-friclarge circJe and with their arms over a ghost story at the closing of the shore. Mr. ~[c~f anus was getting in tion, and a number of other things. Kospar, Scribe, each others shoulders dismissed their mecting.-Rudolph the application . for the annual Spring The patrols are getting peppy now. meeting witn the Scout Benediction. Troop 10. Camp coming off this week. The Things look like we are out for a good troop has reserved the Cabin for April time. vVeather is fine and things are SPECIAL "MOVIE MEETING" Want Scouts to Assist 19 and 20. The meeting was called setting pretty. \Vell, its time for Mr. Thursday night, March 21, Troop 4 to order at 7:30 and we had inspec- Townley to lead us in a discussion on With National Handbook of St. Augustine's church. \\'ilmette, tion. \ Ye had a patrol contest and "Taking Patrol Hikes" and we all want The manuscript is finished, artists invited all the other troops to come then played "Blind Volley Ball" after to get in on it. Watch next weeks' are at work on illustrating it but in to the meeting room and see a three- which we had short patrol meetings. Scout news for all the returns on our addition to artists' dr awings we should reel movie on "How Steel is ~fade." ~r r. Cook then closed the meeting by camp.-Tom Sin ding, Troop 13, ] unior like our new Handbook to contain Quite a few Scouts from the various reading us a chapter from the hook Leaders' Camp Scribe. ' photographs of actual live patrols at troops attended. We had continuou . "The Grey Seal."- Troop 2 Reporter, work or at play; no mere pictures of music throughout the show. It was Robert Fletcher. Get New and Brighter smiling groups are wanted. \Vhat is furnished by Dave Henderson and needed are photographs of genuine Kreig Stoddard with their KollmoniLamps for Use at Cabin PREPARE FOR CONTESTS patrol activities, Patrols in camp, at cas. Thank goodness the show did At our last scout meeting of Troop That three new gasoline lamps for Patrol meetings, at handicraft projects not interfere with the troop meeting 22 of the . Glencoe Union church. we use at ·the Cabin-in-the- Woods had or Good Turns, in fact any good, clear for we held it last Monday. -Scout worked on first aiel and knot-tying. been received, was the announcement photographs depicting the actual do- Bitly Lehle, Troop ..J., \\ ilmette. Knot-tying seems to be the hardest from headquarters last week. These ings of real patrols. If you have for us to get speed on. We are plan- new lamps are large and so designed photographs of this kind, please send TROOP 5 HAS A GOOD MEETING ning for contests with some troops in that they give out light in all directhem to us as soon as possible. so The Tenderfoot and Second Class town. Each boy is suppose to know tions instead of only one as the old that we may make our selection. Scouts from Troop 5 of the "Wilmette twe!ye knots and to be ahle to d0 ones do. They first.. proved their Credit will naturally be given every Presbyterian church met last Tuesdav them in speedy time.-Bob McGuire, worth at the ] unior Leaders' Camp Patrol that is represented so be sure cvenit;g. \V ~ played basketball until Beaver Patrol. Troop 22. conference Monday, Tuesday, and that all photographs submitted arc 7 :30 when the meeting was held. W t: Wednesday. The lamps were received clearly labeled with Patrol and Troop had the usual opening. This is sayHIKE PLANNED FOR TROOP at headquarters last Saturday.-Ro·name. Please remember also that we ing the oath, law and the flag salute Troop 21 of the Glencoe Union bert Riddle, Troop 32. can only use photograohs showing The roll was then called and dues church has planned an overnight hike Scouts properly uniformed according taken. Scoutmaster Frank Reynolds to the Cabin-in-the- Woods. They HOLD OVERNIGHT HIKE to official regulations. \\ e shall he inspected the troop. The troop was Troop 13 of Kenilworth has planned very grateful for your cooperation in divided into groups of two for a first will start from the Union church early, S3turday afternoon and will be back an overnight hike to Camp Howell on this matter. aid contest of triangular bandages in All pictures submitted should be ad- which Scouts Bowln and Hall won. early Sunday morning. Everyone will April 5. As the cabin will hold only dressed: "Handbook for Patrol Lead- The two patrols then played against be sure to have a good time playing twenty-four boys, those who are left · ers," Editorial department, Boy Scouts each other in a basketball throwing "Capture the Flag, Cop and Robber, behind can come out Saturday mornof America, 2 Park avenue, New ' "ork contest in which the stag patrol won. etc." Each scout will bring his own ing. The purpose of the hike is prinfood and cooking utensils and we will City, New York. Scoutmaster FratM<: Reynolds then an- cook outside.-Bill McAllen, Troop 21. cipally for the test passing.-Defrees Holmes, Reporter, Troop 13. · I

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