March 29, 1929 WILMETTE ' LIFE 29 Bob Skelton, Swim Star, · Is Wed to Houst~n Girl Mr. and Mrs. John H. Railton of Houston, Texas, announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Robert D. "Boh" ·Skelton, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Skelton, 2535 Eastwood avenue, Evanston, formerly of 'V11mette, on ~1arch 9 in Houston. Bob Skelton represented the Illinois Athletic c1ub in the Olympic games in Paris in 1924, and won the 200-metcr swimming event in which seventeen nations were 'represented. He attended r\orthwestcrn university. and was a member of the varsity swimming team. ~f r. Skelton is now one of two field rcpre='cntati\-cs for the First Aid and Life SaYing Service o i the Am<.:rican Red Cross. H e has se\·cnteen states ull<lcr his directi on and makes hi s headquarters in St. Loui s. ~fr. ;nHI ~fr s . Skelton \\'ill make their !tome in Houston. Christian Science Churc·h "Matter" ,\ias the subjecf of the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Chri-3t, Scientist, Sunday, March 24. The golden text was, '-'To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" (Romans pri~Pd Melvin M. Hawley Buys · Residence in Kenilworth Baird and Warner, real estate operators announce the sale of the property at 515 Warwick road, Kenilworth, by Mrs. Minnie S. Crandall to Melvin M. Hawley o·f the firm of Adams and Hawley, attorneys with offices at 105 S. LaSalle street, Chicago. Mrs. Crandall is the wife of Bruce V. Crandall. The Crandalls formerly lived it~ Ket{ilworth but now reside at Leguna, Cal. Brokers in .the transaction were George Mulford of Raird and \Varner, and the McGuire and Orr realty firm. fOVNTAIN .~OVARL · EVANSfON 8:6). An-long tile citations which co)nthe lesson-sermon was the fo!lo"·ing from the Bible: "Tf ye then be ri se n with Christ, seek those things \vhich arc above, where Chri':;t sittcth on tli e right hand of God. Set your affecti ::)l]s on thinp;s above. not on thing s on the earth." (Colas ian s 3:1. 2). 'l'hl: lc :;~on-se rm o n also included thr folln\\'ing pas o.; ages from the Christiatt Science textbook. "Science and Health \Yith Key tn the Scripture'.-," by 1\f:l.ry Bakn Eclch·: "The \'Critv of :!\find sho\r s concfu~in·ly how it is that mJtlJalhert Crc,,·s. son oi ~lr. and Mrs. ler ser ms to he, hut is n::>t. Divine H. 0. Crews, 1506 Fore st a\'enue, re- Science. ri~ing above physical theorirs. turn c~l 'rhursday fro1:1 the University~' c:xrludc:-; matter, re so h·cs thin:g-s into ,lf Jlbnol , where he 1s a freshman, to th ought'.:;, and replaces the objects of sprncl the Easter holida,·s \rith hi:, materi al ~cnsc "·ith spiritual ideas" parents. . (p. 123). HEADS W. A. A. Miss Elizabeth Sweet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . E. M. Sweet. 506 Fifth street, was elected prrsidcnt of the \Voman's Athletic association at ~orth we tern university recently. Kenneth Page and John .Iliff arc among tl1 c \Vilmcttc boys who \\ill return from Dartmouth college tomorrow to spend the Easte r ~·acation with theit parents. -n- Shopping by Telephone Here we have a vety much Perturbed L-.dy, who has just been reminded, by a Lord's advertise. ~ent, that 'ihe absolutely must have a r~ew hat to wear with that green J:'l riot she ' hought last week. , She can't possibly tak~ the time to :~u shopping for it -so she simply calls Albert 1'\. Page, 901 A s hlalH~ avenu:. rctnrncd thi s \reck from a husmc ss tnp in the south. I I JJA New () ay for Oishes" This was the sum and substance of the optnton on dishwashing methods and machines of one hundred and fifty consultant housekeepers of the Delineator Institute. That day is now here! We have long since ceased to wash the family laundry by hand -and now we no longer have to look forward to the day of electric dishwashingthat day is here! The Conover· machine has already proved this in hundreds of homes. The Conover Electric Dishwasher ~operates so simply and quickly that it is a ple~sure rather than a burden, to wash your dtsl1es. It lends a very modern and attractive touch to any kitchen. Its legs are enameled to match your kitchen color scheme. Wilmette J700 and asks for MISS JULIE MADISON And herl we have J M i s s Madison, conferring w i t h the P e r t u r b e d Lady, and learn- · ing exactly what sort of hat she needs. Here is the S a le s w om a. n with whose help M i s s Madison l1lr"-~.- selected the Perturbed Lady's hat. And hue, also, is the hat. ... ( The Conover requires no new sink or plumbing attachments. It rolls away into a corner tvhen not in use. If your kitchen is small, the Apartment Size Conover will roll conveni~ntly out of the way under your sink. Here is a much glorified vision of the Delivery Service. A demonstration may be arranged in ·your own home right after breakfast. 1uncheon or dinner! And · .finally, a picturt. of the no -longer -perturbed lady, being petfecdy delighted with the bat. which she bas. of course, received in plenty of time to wear to tbt , - bridge tta ! Telephone Wilmette lord's First Floor J700 fOVNTAIN SQVAR[ LVANSTON