· March 29, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 19 Ravinia Club Will . · · I ·Garde. n .Talks · Present Two Famed Artists in Concert!-----..:.------Vittorio Trevisan and Han's Hess wilt appear in a charity concert in the Ravinia auditorium Friday evening, April 12, under the auspices of the Arts committee of the · Ravinia Woman's club. These artists need no introduction to the public as both are famo~s-Mr. Hess as a great violoncellist and Mr. Trevisan as a superb operatic singer, who has for years pelighted the patrons of the Chicago Civic Opera, as well as the Ravinia audiences. Tickets for the concert may be obtained at the door, or from Mrs. J ame·5 Cady Ewell, chairman of the Ravinia committee. three talks on gardening was given Wednesday under the auspices of the art and literature department of the Winnetka Woman's club. · Mrs. John Lind of Kenilworth is of-: fering a garden course of four lectures Monday mor:nings in April, at the Hotel Sherman, that are open to anyone interested in gardening. Her course is given at the request of district chairmen of gardening of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs. August Butzow Dies in · Florida; Funerai ·.Here Word has reached here of the death· of August Butzow at Lakeland, Fla. Mr. Butzow, who has been a member of St. John's Lutheran church for many years, was a resident of Winnetka. The body will be brought batk, and the funeral services are to be held this Saturday afterpoon at 1 :30 o'clock at the residence and 2 o'clock at St. John's Lutheran church. Miss Elizabeth Manson ' · · Taken by Death, March 23 Miss Elizabeth Manson, millinery designer at Marshall Field's for many vears, died suddenly Saturday morning, March 23. The funeral service was held Tuesday morning at St. Anne's chapel, Techny, Ill. Burial took place at Mt. Carmel. Miss Manson is survived by her mother, a brother, John FLYING CLUB TREASURER Manson, and a sister, Mrs. John Harold K. Weld, 1282 Asbury avenue, Cooney, of Wilmette. Many of Miss Winnetka, was recently elected treasManson's Wilmette friends attended urer of the Chicag0 Flying club, whose her funeral. airport is located on west Irving P~rk Mary Jane Donahue, daughter of houlevard near Cumberland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Donahue, 907 Elmwood avenue, entertained at a St. Mrs. Arthur Wakeiey and her daughPatrick's dinner party last Monday ter, of 234 Leicester road, Kenilworth 1 are at Miami Beach, Fla . evening for sixteen of her friends. MOTHER IS ILL Supt.· E. L. Nvgaard, of the Joseph Sears school. Kenilworth; Mrs. Nygaard, and their children, Helen and Dorrance, left Tuesday morning for Oshkosh, Wis .. where Mr. Nygaard's mother is seriously ill. They expeCt to be gone several days. ..... I "Corset Problem'J What Is The "Corset Problem"? It is to find a garment that will answer all the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is it comfortable? Does it support? Does it give the figure graceful lines? Does it reduce? Is it a perfect foundation to a gown? Stayform has answered "YEStt to all these questions. Stayform has truly . solved the uCotset Problem." STATS BANK AND TRUST BUILDING Fountain Square EVANSTON CHICAGO SHOP.S. EJtefiJater Beach Hotel 1524 Stevens Bldg. 51 East M aJiso· Street 4231 Lincoln .A.ve,ue