Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1929, p. 10

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10 After a six weeks' motor trip to and through Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Joyce are at their home, 531 Essex road, Kenilworth. Their · daughter. Ruth, who stayed at the M arywood chooJ during their ab sence. is a! o in Kenilworth. ~HRISTIAN WILMETTE SCIENCE SERVICE LIFE March 29, 1929 *I'E WHERE 4I I "Reality" will be the subject at the services in the First Church of Christ, Scientist.' in Wilmette, Sunday morning, March 31, at 11 o'clock. Sunday \Villiam Conner and \Villiam Anderschool convenes at 9:45 o'clock. ·on won first place in the annual amateur contest for !\ew Trier High school bovs held Thursday night, March 21, at -the school under the auspices of the Tri-Ship club. The winners staged a three-round boxing match. Use Tested Second place was a warded to the Fertilizer and Plant Vagabond quartet. composed of ClifI ton Darling. \\'illiam Gibson, Robert Food 1 Brown, and Leon Dickinson . Lindsay Fields took third place with a group To 1Weeten your Iof readings. ground we I The contest was judged by two Xew "GLENCOE LIME" Trier faculty members, Clyde Grader and Donald Frisbie. 50-lb. bags, 7 5c A dinner in the Xew Trier mess hall preceded the contest. FERRY - VAUGHAN BARNARD SEEDS ANNOUNCE TROTH LAWN SEEDS ~fr. and Mrs. \\.illiam E. \\·att. 193 Sold In 10, !i, CLOVER Sold Ia J, ,, ~o. 100 lb. bags Sheridan road Evanston. announce the GARDEN TOOLS 1t, t,, U and Not unpleaunt to engagement of their daughter. Emil:.-. JH lb. bqs handle to \Vatter Clyde Jones, Jr., son of Mrs. \\.alter C. ] ones, of Evanston. Miss LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED CORRECTLY \\'att is a member of the Alpha sorority at Xorthwestern and ~Ir. Jones is e, mem.....!?er of Beta Theta Pi fraternl ity. Tri-Ship Presents Awards to Winners · in Contest Event NORTHFIELD DECIDES TO ENGAGE IN BATI'LE Opposing Camps "Dig In" For Fight-to-Finish at F ortbcoming Village Ballot The annual spring election at Northfield the new village to the west and adjoining Winnetka, is approaching in a manner indicative of a storm. The date of the election will be Tuesday, April 16, and, the calm w~ich pr~ cedes the "blow,' now prevatls, tt ts said. It is almost certain that there are to be two tickets in the field, but the two parties which have. ~eretofore con- . tested in former rnuntctpal battles do not intend showing their hand, it is said, until the very last moment. The last day for filing will be this week-end, at which time the t\-\'O political slates will have been completed and recorded. Up to the middle of t~is week, however, there was . no defintte announcement of what etther party intended to do. Vote For President This is the year when a president and three trustees on the village board are to be elected. There are many important things to be ~one it: this new village, and a full ttcket vtctory on April 16 will give the winners a rnajorit~· on the board. The term of President John Happ expires this spring, as. do . also the terms of Trustees Louts Bnetzmann. Henry \Vahls and George Selzer. The Village of Northfield, t~vo yea:s a:go \\·hen there were two ttc_kets 111 the field, pulled a total of 12::, votes, out of a pos~ible 127. . The population has mcreased somewhat during the past two ye~rs. a~d it is said that the coming electton wtll, in all probability, be a 1& percent affair as far as total votes, as ~ompared with population, are concer~ed. Water Problem lmmtnent One of the big things which Korthfield nO\\. has before it is the plan t.o obtain lake water from \Vinne~ka. T.hts matter has been under constderatton for more than a year, with a result that the two village boards h~ve a))o~t come to an agreement, w~tch, . tt 1s said. will soon be the subJect tor a public hearing at ~orthfield. . The village is satd to be very anxt~us to obtain this very important scrnce from the village to the east,, but ~he consummation oi the plan, tn\·olvmg_ as it does a release by Nor.thfield o~ a portion of its eas!ern ter:ttory whtch would be taken mto \Vmnetka. has brought up more of a problem than the mere contracting for a supply of la~e water and the laying of a water mam across the Skokie, as was done for .t\orthbrook by Glencoe. Geo:-ge Nixon, the welt known s~b didder \Yho has been busy develo~mg an extensive area of several acres )U~t west of the tracks at Northfield .. 1s said to be planning to ~o ah~ad wtth his building operations thts spnng. He expects to build fifty houses, perhap~ before the end of the summ~r. Plans like this in the Ntxon area and other development me.asures und~r wav in both the residenttal. and bu~t ncss sections of the new vttlage. 'Ytll, it is said. receive a most valuable tmpetus with the final a:nd .favorable settlement of the water questton. John Sheridan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sheridan. 935 Forest avenu~, returned this week from !he Umversitv of Illinois. where he ts a sophomore and member of Phi Kanpa fraternity and Skult and Crescent. HELP YOUR PLAIITS GROW H~RDWA:RE LINDEN AVE. VOU'LL LIKE TO TRACE PHONE WIL. 2843 ~Ir. and ~Irs. Orville H. \\.arwick, 713 :McLain a\·enue. Kenilworth, returned Friday from Cuba and Xew York. They had been gone since the first of ).[arch \vith ).Ir. and ).Irs. Geo.rge H. Dovenmuehle of \\'innetka. DANNEMARK ELECTRIC CO. Announces 1929 Ba I ~eJt r\ad 10 ~ FAMSTEEL This set, through its basic electrical design, literally eliminates static from broadcast reception. In like manner. the objectionable hum of the ordinary A. C. set is done away with. The result-PURE TONE REPRODUCTION-unmarred by electrical disturbances. In the same way that a high grade car glides over a rough road, the 19 29 Balkite over-rides all outside interference. It is a super-power radio, beautiful 1n appearance as 'well as in performance. Hear this new and better radio now-today! Hear music reproduced in our shop exactly as it is played in the studio. Attractive band carved cabinets priced from $300 DANNEMARK ELECTRIC CO. 1151 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 214 -oJimmv Donahue. ·son of Mr. ann Mrs. James F. Donahue, 907 Elmwood ay~ ntte. vas operated uoon for appen~tct tis thts week at the Evanston hosp1tal. Jimmy attends the Central school and is in the s~venth grade.

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