WILMETTI! LIFE March 22. 1929 SCHREIBER'S . WILMETrE, ILLINOIS At Schiller Ave. I Bell Orchestra Plays Tonight REMODELING~SHOE Oar entire store will soon be remodeled. We plAce on sale our entire stock of good shoes to make room for contradora and sacrifice t h e price to the laat cent. Open Evenings SALE Children's Shoes · Sizes 5 to 8, 81/2 to 11, 11112 to 2. All styles, all sizes. Hicbest grades, well known makes. Brand new styles. No odds and ends. All new Eas.ter styles included. SALE starts Sat u t· day, March 23rd. 0 pen Evenings The Swedish-American Bell orchestra will give a concert tonight, March 22, at 8 o!clock at the Wilmette Parish Methodist church. There are 206 bells in the orchestra-the largest orchestra of its kind in the world. In addition to the bells, there will also be a Glassophone trio arid a male quartet. 0. E. Swanson, the director, and his six musicians have won for the orchestra the title, 11 America's Musical Sensation." Their interpretation shows them to be men of real ability with a deep appreciation of music. The concert tonight is under the auspices of the vVilmette Girl Scouts. Tickets may be obtained from any Girl Scout or at the door this evening. KINDERGARTEN s h o e s. Complete stock in oxfords, ties, straps and pumps. These shoes are as fine aa money can buy. On sale now $1.95 ==to $3.45 ==== Values to $4.50 Women's novelty slippers. Beautiful new Easter styles. Pumps, straps, oxfords, ties. High Cuban and Juriior heels. Values to $8.00 on sale now Credit Men's Association Crowded Conditions Cause to Hold Monthly Meetings Rearrangement of Library Rearrangements in the \Vilmettc Puhlic library have been completed. and the entire west section of the main floor is now being used for reference and reading work. A part d this section formerly was used as a work room for the librarian s. The change was made necessary by the crowded condition of the library, according to Miss Anne L. vVitmack librari~n. ' The Wilmette Credit Men's association will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the Village hall for informal discussion. This will be one of the regular monthly session3 which members of the association decided to h::>ld at their meeting last month. Mixed lot of a hoes for chi I d r en. V a I u e a to $4.00. Men's work shoes. Red Arrow and Wolverine brands. Values to $6.00 Boya' shoes and nwii'A·'".t· Good makes, tan and black. Values to $4.00 Mrs. John Welton Fisher, Jr.. 826 Greenwood avenue, returned Sundav from Florida, Washington, D. C., and Annapolis. She had been gone ab::>ut Mr. and :Mrs. E. Kearn Kirchberg four weeks. of Chicago announce the hirth of a -oson March 15, at St. Anne's hospital. Mrs. M. E. Lynch, 1756 \Vashington Mrs. Kirchberg i" the daughter of Mr. avenue, entertained twelve friends from and Mrs. Louis Crush of 710 Laurel Ravens\\·ood at luncheon and bridge avenue, \Vilmette. Tuesday. ' 98c ·""'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ Vol. I Published in the interest of Wilmette people and the Ridge Road · vicinity by the March 22. 1929 No. 11 "I just heard an awful story about your husband." "Tell me; I need a new dress." RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY CARL C. RENNECKAR. Editor. · Martha W ashingto~ Men's Oxfords Nuan, Bu1h, Selz, UniYeraity makes. Any style, any leather. The world's 6neat shoea. Valuea to $11.50 Junior Officer (breathlessly) : Captain, there's a girl stow a way on hoard. Captain (absently): Tell her to hide in my cabin. Easter Baskets-all kinds. Filled or empty. lOc to $1.50. London Curio Dealer: Yes, sir, this is the very handkerchief used by the father of \Villiam Penn. Tourist = Hm, the original pen wiper. Yes, you can park on Ridge Road-right in our own business s e c t i o n - without getting stuck in the mud. One of our \Vilmette women handed in this one, but we E a s t e r Bunnies, Easter Chicks, Easter Toys, Easter Cards. Easter Candy in boxes or bulk. When frying fish or meat in a frying pan, cover it with a col ander turned upside The small down. holes allow the steam to escape, but prevent the grease from spattering. S u r e s i g n s oi Spring : Boys flying kites and playing marbles. Oh, yes-we sell the kites and marbles. The kind of friends to be glad about is the kind that wear, but don't wear out. Our new Drv Goods man in th~ Paul Bleser Building certainly is fixin' things ARCH SUPPORTS The very smartest styles. In buckle pumps, straps, and ties, patents, tans, kid, and suedes. Values to $11.00 $4 .. 85 to $7.85 $2.85 to $5.85 Sale Starts March 23 Space doea not allow to mention eYerythint· Every pair in the hoUM toes on aale. Rubhen, hou.. slippers, mea's and boys' laiala cats. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT CUT PRICES. RIDGE A VENUE PHARMACY Opposite St. Joseph'· School u~ woo~kllw~hw~: P~~ Wilmette ~6 ~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------~-----------------------:~