March 22, 1929 HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED-WiHITE GIRL TO CARE for two small children during day. Call Kenilworth 3210 Monday afternoon. 56L26-ltp housework; no laundry. 3993. 80 WILMETTE SITUATION WTD.-FEMALE LIFE ROOMS FOR RENT FOB RENT-APARTMENTS 5 RM. NEWLY DEC. HEATED. GARage optional. Nr. trans. Good neighborhood. Reas. to non-tobacco users. Call after 6 p. m. Winn. 645-W. 67LN26-ltc FOR RENT-4 NEAT, CLEAN ROOMS and bath; stove heat. 515 Oakdale Ave., Glencoe. Rent $40. Key next door east. Diversey 4133. 67LTN25-2tc MODERN 5 RM. APT. WITH SL. porch, $75. Apply 554 Lincoln Ave. or phone Winn. 74. 67L26-ltp 5 ROOMS AND BATH, 1. CAR GARAGE. 1806 Walnut Ave. Price $55. Ph. Wllmette 573 or 1334. 67LTN21.l-Itp 08 --------------WTD.-EXP. W 'H ITE GIRL FOR Ph. Wilmette ' 56L26-ltc LAUNDRESS, WASHING AND IRONing 1 day a w eek. White pref . Winn. 56LTN26-ltc 1897. WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK., NO washing, no housecleaning. Call Glen . 906. 56LTN26-Itc WHITE NURSE FOR TWO CHILDREN. References r equired. Call Winn. 2069. 56LTN26-ltc GIRL TO CARE FOR CHILDREN every Thursday. R e fs. Winn. 1042. 56LTN26-ltc MIDDLE AGED WHITE LAUNDRESS, CHEERFUL, WARM ROOM, PRIVATE experienced, will do house cleaning, bath, garage Ph. Winnetka 1543. ironing. Steady work, ref. University 66LTN26-ltc 5647. 60LT26-ltp ~===~==~~~~=== ROOM FOR RENT-2 GENTLEMEN 61 SITUATION WANTED-MALE preferred, separate beds if desired. Address Talk B-38. 66LTN26-ltc EXPERIENCED COLORED CHAUFf eur des ires steady position driving for LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO, over Adams Barber Shop, 525 Chestprivate fa mily. Willing a ll around nut. 6~LTN26-ltp worker with A-1 refe r ences. Phon e Sunda y b etween 12 and 2 p. m. Cha uffeur, TRANSUnive r s ity ~04 5 . 61LTN26-ltp ROOM FOR RENT, NEAR Wilmette portation, 725 Prairie Ave. 66L21-tfc 442. Gentleman preferred. GARDE NE R EXPERIENCED IN vegetables, flower s, a nd greenhouses. Married. No children . Best of refer- ROOMS FOR RENT NEAR TRANSportution. Call Wilmette 2248. ences. Address T a lk B-25. 66L26-1tc 61LTNL3-ltp SIT. WTD. BY EXPERIENCED MAN, ROOM TO RENT, NEAR TRANSPOR- FOR RENT-4 RM., 2ND FL. APT. $50. do hou secleaning, wall s, woodwork, tation. vVinn, 2794. 66LTN26-ltc Also 2 rm. light housekeeping apt. Ph. base m ent, a nd ca r s. H ef. Ph . Wilm ette Wilmette 1183 or 4230. 67L26-ltc 964. 61L26-ltc 67 FOil. RE::N'l'---:APARTMENTS FOR RENT-MODEnN 4 ROOM A~T. ------------------------------------------------WA NTED A YOUNG GIRL FOR GEN- WTD. WINDOvV W ASHI NG , GARDEN Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67LTN24-tfc e r a l hou se work, go tiom e nights. Ph. work , housecleaning a nd od9 j obs by (Linden Ave. & Merrill St.) K enilworth 24 63. 56L26-ltc M. c. Sonfeld. Ph. Wilmete 2364 . ·FIVE LOWER ROOMS AND GAR. Hubbard Woods 61L26-ltp Winn. 1630, Mr. Pierce. 67LTN26-ltc WHITE WOMAN FOR GE N ERAL h ou::;ework, no la undry, no children. EXPERI E KC:ED CHA UFFEUH. vVANTS 68 FOR RENT-FURNISHED APTS. T el. Wilmette 2750. 56LTN26-ltc perman ent p o~ iti o n, liYing- qua rte r~ d e- LIVING ROOM (WITH ROLLA W A 'i bed) ; also bedroom, til e bath: kitchen A 'l'TRACTIVELY FURNISHED 1 AND ----------------------------------------------------------sired. G a rag·e e xpe ri e n ce. Best N. S. with breakfast noolt; Frigidaire. Price WANTED COMPETENT LAUNDRESS r ef. Phone W~nn . 3249 61LTN26-ltp 3 rm. kitchenette apts. Excellent transp. to take washing home. Phon e Win $75 per month. Adults. Tel. Wil. 795 or 3155. netka 32H. 56LTN26-lte l\IAN 27 YRS. OLD. ANY REASONABLE Living room (with rollaway bed), bed68LT26-ltc room, tile bath, dining room, kitchen offer a ccept ed . Hal'> h a d con siderabl l' WTD. COMP. WHITE GIRL FOR GENwith Frigidaire. Rental $85 per m ech a ni ca l exp. Address 'L'a lk B-29. FOR RENT-HOUSES 69 e ral housework. Ph. K enilworth 25 32. month. · 61LTN26-ltp 56LTN26-ltc Living room (with rollaway bed), 2 bedroom s, tile bath, dining room, kitchen F ORMER U. S. AVALRY l\'I'AN with Frigidaire. Price $105 per month. would like 110s iti o n hr('aking- horse!". All rooms light. Practically n ew Will t ea ch ridin g-. Ph . Runnys idP 4407 . building. WANTED HANDY MAN TO HELP 61 LTN26- 1tp MODER~ 8-ROOl\f HOME IN N. E. owner with pa inting and h ou se r epairs. vVilmette within 2 blocks of lake. Also Ph. eve nings Winnetka 2935. EXP. GARDENER. HOUSEl\JA N, DEneal' transportation. Spacious living s ires pos. N. S. r efs . l\ln.rri ed , no chil57LTN26-ltc room, sun parlor, 4 master bedrooms, dren. Call Evan:-;, Winn . 125R. 541 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 672 heated sleeping porch, etc. Will dec58 JU~ LP "\\' TD.-1\IALE & FEI\lALE 66LTNL3-ltp 67LTN26-ltc orate to suit; wooded lot, garage. For r ent at $200 pe~ month. WHITE COUPLE WOULD X. En1ployn1ent Agency REFINED like flat or bung·. in e xcha nge for mnn 's lfilG She r·m a n Ave. U niY. !):{4 or Gr. 6l::o l'le r\'i re~ . Write Tnlk B-:lfl. o © o 61LTN26-1 tp ::\Ja id H Chauffeur Wilmette 68 Coupl eR Gardener 340 Linden Ave. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS -------------------------------------------------------69L26-ltc CHAUFFEUR. GARDENER REST OF Here in Wilmette's most convenient and WHITE OR COLORED r efer ences. trcraninn . Call f' venings 58LTN 26-lte exclusive location, you will t!nd well-arUniv. 3585-W. 61LTN26-Itp ranged apartments. All apartment8 &9 UU~INESS OPPOU'l'U:YITIES have outside rooms which provide an SI1'. \VTD.- COL. CHAUFFEU R , REabundance of light and air. Ample 6 RMS. ; 3 BEDROOMS, SCREENED liabl e and careful dri ve r, bPst rf'f. Ph. porch, enamel trim throughout. Excel FOR SALE - LADIES' DRESS SHOP closet space. Schools, churches, and Glencoe 1244 . 61LTN26 -ltp lent cond., gar., $100 per mo. ::\'Tichig;m A Vf'nu e, Chi cago. E ::;tabli shed shopping facilities within immediate 5 RMS. ; 2ND FL. APT., 2 BEDRMS. 11 y e ar~ . Bus y Location. Good pay ing access. See these apartments today. small porch, H. W. heat furnished, $75 busin e ~ s . Small ove rhea d. High class WORK BY THE H OUR OR DAY. Agent on premises. Cleaning woodwork or windows and Both places close to lOth and Centra cli entele. L eaving c'ity. :Mu s t sacrifice. waiting tabl e. Winn. 1657. 6lLT26-2tp school. AddreH s Wilmette Life B -3 3. 59L1'N26-1 t c Wil. 460 WANTED ODD .JOBS BY EXPERI- 124 Linden Ave. Edding-ton & Allen, Inc. 67LTN2-tfc enced man. U ni\'(' r s ity 5647. 60 ~11'TJ A 'flON W AN1'ED-FEl\lALE End "L," 410 Linden Ph. W'ilmette 407 6lLT26-1tp 69L26-ltc ·s iT. WTD.-COOK, NEAT EASTERN GARDNER WORK BY THE HOUR OR liD (81 colorf'd woman .age 33, (lui et and FOR RENT OR SALE, IN WINNETKA dny. R e f. Ph. Wilmt> tte 1691 . ~e ttl ed. Bakes ~plendid brea d and pasbeautiful 8-room Colonial home, conv 61LT26-ltt1 try, unusually good cook, wher e 2nd to transp. & schools. Occupancy can maid or hou seman i/:; kept. N. S. r ebe had either May 1st or latter part fere nces. Brunswick 0776. 60L'l'26-ltp 62 Sl'J'. WANTF.n-:UALF. & FE~IALE of .June. Very reas. Write Talk B-3. 69LTN26-tfc 2 AND 4 RM. APART,,-ANTED WASHING, IRONING AND COLORED r. 0 lJ P L E, HOl SEMAN, A'I'THACTIVB m~nt s , light and airy rooms of good chauffeur, wife g ood cook. Experi enced, cleanin g , by the day, by a Swedish sizt> and arrangem ents, convenient to FOR RENT - 8 ROOM HOUSE FUR best r efer ences. T e I. Cl t> ncrw 1 441. woman . . T el. \Vilmette 481. schools and trans portation. nil'lhed or unfurnished, lot 70x200, 2 car ll2LTN26-ltp 60LTN26-ltp. -H--0 - U--S -E _·_ l _I_A \ __ N __ A __ N __ D __fl _.:s_ A --=-= R=-=D=-= E =· NER. WIFE garage, Oil heat. Everything in A-1 condition, owner leaving town. East SITUA1'ION WANTED, GENERAL g-ood cook, Scotch, 1st class referside. 263 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe. housework, by expe ri enced w oman, b est encf' R. Gl encoe 156R. 62LTN26-1tc 69LTN".26-1 tp r efPren ces, home nights. Gree nleaf 4GO Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800-01 5628. 60LT26-l tp. 63 BOARD & ROO)[ 67LTN26-ltc FOR RE~T. 5 ROOM HOUSE IN KENIL worth, close to transportation and WANTED - SICK NURSING COM- ROOM, BOARD, AND CARE FOH Do You Wish an schools. R ental $100. Inquire at Wil hin t>d with some home work, by da y or semi -invalid or elderly lady , in nurs~·s m E> tte State Bank, Trustee. .. week; can go home or stay nights a~ hom e. Ravenswood 5700. Evanston Apartn1ent? 69LTN26-ltc r equired. Wil. 2261. 60L26-ltp 63LTN26-3tc WE 'LL FIND ONE FOR YOU. JUST EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANT8 GRAD. NlTRSJiJ TAKES ELDBRT....Y AND phone your n eeds to our R e nting De- FOR RENT- PRETTY 7-RM. BUNG A work to take home. Will ra11 for and convalE>scent peopiL in h<' r homf'. Ph. pa rtme nt. · low, lawn, garage, big porch, 3 blks d eliver. 'l'el. Wilmette 3509. WilmPtt e 4229. 63LTN26-1tc from transp. Ph. Mr. Rogers, Wil 60LTN26-l tp mette 2456 or Wabash 0060. 69L25-tfc 65 WANTED-BOAUn & ROO)[ EXPERIENCED LA UNDRESS, UNDERBUNGALOW, 3 ROOMS AND BATH, Hand::; all washing machines and ELDERLY GENTLEMAN WISHES sleeping porch. Full basement. $65. At mangl es. North shore r e f. Douglas· room and meals with r efin ed family. Pine and Rosewood. Winn. 752. GrE>enlta f 1855 528 Davi l;) Stree t 5988. 60LTN26-ltp Good hPalth. attends office daily. BE> N t 69LTN26-ltc 67LTN26-1tc referenees. Write Wilmette LifE> B-2Sl. WASHING AND IRONING OR WASH65LT26-l t.· WILL SUBLEASE MY VERY DESIR- 70 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES ing only. Will call for and deliver. able 0 rri ngto n , apartment at a rna r ked -------------------------------------------------------------Phone Glenview 26-W-2. 60LT24-3tp 66 FOR RENT-ROO)IS reduction. Two large rooms with FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE abundant west exposure. El ectric breakfast nook, additional room on 3rd. WASHING AND IRONING TO TAKE FOR RENT - COMFORTABLE FURN. kitchenette. Bath and s hower. Spaci floor. First class cond. Double garage, home; will call for and deliver. Phone rm. Stationary stand, hot water all ous closets. Complete hotel s ervice. yard and flowers. Excellent east lo Wilmette 3479. 60LT26-ltc the time; near transp.: r eas. rent; no Ideal in every respect. Enjoyable in cation, near transp. May to Oct. Ph. housekeeping permitted, persons emevery way. Phone Greenleaf 4660 eveWilmette 1938. 70LTN26-ltc DAY WORK, LAUNDRY OR CLEANployed. 602 Maple Ave. Tel. Wil. 3587. nings. 67L'l'N26-tfp ing, prepare dinner evenings. Ph. 66L24-4tp 73 l.,OR RENT-S'fORES & OFFICES University 3204-M. 60LT26-ltp ------------------------------------------------~ FRANKLIN BUILDING ATTRACTIVE ROOM IN EAST STDE CHEERFUL OUTSIDE APT. 3 RMS., FOR RENT-SHOP SUITABLE FOR SITUATION WANTED, COOK FOR home. Large grounds, porch es. Very bath, kitchen, close to all conveniences, hairdresser, doctor's office or, interior private hom e or t ea room. Phone Kencomfortable and convenient. Nr. transn., reasonable rent. Ph. Winnetka 382. 'decorator. Call us for further inforwood 2018. 60LTN26-ltp restaurants. References. Ph. Wil67LTN25-tfc mation. mette 204. 66L26-ltp COMP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS housework for 1 day a week, Thurs- FOR RENT WELL FURNISHED MUST SUBLET TWO ROOM KIT. APT. new Spanish Ct. Bldg. Near lake, elec. day. Ph. Wilmette 4207. 60L21-tfc large front room near transportation, refrig. : shower, gar. Moderate rental. reasonable. Garage. 633 Park AveCall Wil. 2920 or Wil. 3372. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 WAN'l'ED WASHING AND IRONING nue. phone Wilmette 3566. 66L26-ltp 67LTN26-ltp 73LTN26-1tc to take home. Wilmette 3256. FOR RENT 1 OR 2 FURNISHED 60LT26-ltc rooms in private home, reasonable, 4 ROOM APARTMENT WITH GAR- OFFICE FOR RENT- LARGE SPACE p,lenty of hot water. Wilmette 729. age, all improvements, reasonable. Ph. on main floor, desirable location. HOUSECLEANING BY DAY. COOKING Glencoe 331. 67LTN26-ltp 22lhx17lh. Tenant can sublet space. l~tp or serving. Grace Dahl, Northbrook 23. ---------=--~~-----=~~6=-GL=-26_--= SINGLE OH Ph. Winnetka 201. 73LTN4-ttc 60LTN26-1tc ROOM FOR RENT double. Near trans. South end of 6 ROOM FLAT, AND BATH. STOVE Hubbard Woods. Winnetka 1632. HOUSEWORK BY DAY OR HOUR. heat. $40 per month. 161 Prairie Ave. ·MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 71 Wilmette 4227. 67I..26-ltp 66LTN26-1tp Call Winn 2794. 60LTN26-ltc LINDEN l\1ANOR AP ARTMEN1'S ~JP)®~n&ll IMI~CGlillnlf® & (Q)rrrr S. LINDEN CREST APTS. WILME'rTE ~ Mlo JJ llnlTil~ \tcnmn & CC© 110DERATE RENTALS QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. n cdl n ITil JH[ nnn ---------------------------------------- AJP) CID.rrttm® ITilfc~