Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Mar 1929, p. 64

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·:.---------··-D-D_a______ eatro I ~eviews i A t t h e . N 0 r t ,h del ···------·----1·---~-----·-·-------·-·---~---La go . ' WILMETTE LIFE M~rch 22, 1929 ) ,_~--------~ "Abie's Irish Rose." screeization of ~ahmlny, )rnr<·h 2!1 "Simba, " the story of the African ··t'nelt· Tnm's Cabin" Varsity wilderness, where adventure stalks the the famous Anne 1\ichols play, star- "A hie's Irish Rose" . . _. . . .. . .. ... Norshore · · rmg Charles Rogers and !\ anc_ ,. Car- "s· · tm ba' ...... . . Teatro trave ler on every side, is now showing at the 'featro del Lago. The engageMATINEES roll. will be the Norshorc: attraction +or " :\hit·':- lri ~h SuJJthl:J', )Jar<'la 2 1 !lose" Kor~hot·p ment ends this Saturday uight, March SATURDAY. SUNDAY the week beginning this Saturday. "Tht· "\\'i11d" .. Teatro' 23. lt took Mr. and Mrs. Martin .March 23. ::u onclay. Jlnr('h 2;; Johnson four years to gather all the SATURDAY ~ SUNDAY 'Tiw Cirl on the· Barg·e" _ Varf'ity 111 atr·rial ,,·hich makes up "Simba," as Doors Open 1 : 3 o The stoP·, 111 case ' ·ou dl)n't kno"·· · '1'1 · 1 { 1 · · " '" pictoria l story is entitled, after J · H· c ·< eemmg- Stn TPatro their Show Surts at 2 p. m., Continuous is about the difticultit:s tnat hv~ct the "Abie's Irish nose" . 1'\orshon· the S\\'ahili name for king of beasts. 1 11 1 Eveninga During Week path of Abie Levy and Rosemary 1fur- "llun :ino· 1 1 ~ ~. {~~,~; ~'cr; : ua~~~~ 1 ~~~mity llousf' This Sunday, March 24, the Teatro Doors Open 6:30 phy ·who meet and lovt· n\'crscas. \\·here: i"Abic·':-- lri:--h Hose" _-_._ __.. ___ .Norshore del Lago \\·ill present Lillian Gish ;n Show Starts 7 p. m. one is a soldier and the other an en- "The Redeeming Sin" . . . . . . Teatro "The \\'incl." The story is Frances tcrtainer. Thev COIIH' hnme, marn· "The Girl on the Barge" · ·Yarsity ~1 arion's adaptation of Dorothy ScarPJUHHtA )I STA H'l' IX<; ~lAUCH 2!1 secre tly, and then han· the old folk-s .. . Wedne~~ay, J\lnrell 2i __ .'I'e,'ltr·o I borough's ,,se.nsa. t ional n.,ov. el of the to contend with. ..The ~l.utkt"tlu \\ 11 ·h 1 I Tht' lJtrl on the Barge" .... . \'nrsity :::o uth\Y CS~ wm? country m t e. ear Y Thurs., }'rl., Sat., ~larrh 21·22-23 I 1!' ]. Farrell MacDonald has the role "A hie's lrlsh nose" . Korshore , davs. ::\ftss Gtsh plays a dehcately :\1 R. and :.liltS. 1 UAU1.' 1N I of . the irate Jri. h father. while ]can 'l' hurs1laJ, :uar('h 2s nurtured Southern girl suddenly thrust ,JUJIX~OX'S ANHL\L t>fC'J'l ' lt·~ ·rf('l't·nct·" Teatr<, into the windstorms, the rigors, the I I fer sho lt plays the equally irate Jewish " lnt < ~~siMBA" I iather. Nick Coglc_,. as a lovable ·'Abie's lrish Ros ·" ~orsh<.>re hardshit>S, and the elemental })assion s I "Th·· Flxer"-Uig lloy Catholic priest and Ca111illns Pret<tl as "Luc·J\y Boy" · · · · · · · V arsi t Y of the })ioneer life. Lars Hanson, I l'l'i tlay, )IHI'C'h 2!1 Puramount N(·ws a broad minded J en-ish rabbi v.'ork "Abi~.::'s Irh;h RoBe" . . . . Noa·shore 1 Swedish actor, gives a splendid per-Suturdayanxiously in the cause of peace and "Luck.· J;"v " .... V:u~ity formance in the principal male r_ ole , l'ir('Us Tlmf' · J>utlu· Jlt'l'lf·W "tlltl· t:ft.n· tH-·t.·" Tentro a primitive cowboy, who loves the finally bring about a reconciliation. ..\(·!WJ·'s }'ulJh·s The production of "Ahie's Irish "UNCLE clclicatch· nurtured girl and saves her Rose" \\·as sur>erviscd h~· it: author, TOM'S CABIN" at last i·rom madness. ~uuday, :unrt'h :!4 Anne Nichols. · Dolore8 Coste llo's latest starring J,IJ,LL\X (;JsJI anll On the Norslwrc ~talTC next \H' ck Famous Old Story to Be Presented production "The Redeeming Sin." LAUS JIA~SOX AI Kvale and hi s l azz C<,IJ egians \\'ill on Screen at Varsity Theater This come:-; to the Teatro del Lago, next make the atnw-.pherc \\'c:;tem \\'ith Saturday, March 23 Monda,- and Tuesday, March 25 and "'I'(·I(·,·Jsion (~(·urgt>H-G(·orge a show entitled. "Dude Ranch." 26. "The Redeeming Sin" is a thrill~JWrtlight - ])ally :X t·ws The widely heralded $2.0UU,UOO Lni- ing and glamorous romance of the . J\luogrum ~ t·ws \·ersal supe rproduction of "lnclc Paris underworld in which Miss CosTO PLAY PRESS AGENT Tom's Cabin" has been schedu led for tello plays the part of a cafe dancer1 Pat O'Malley. \·ec ran sc re en actor . .\lou. untl 'J'nes., Jlart·h 2:.-:!6 presentation at the Varsity theater in ruled hv a thief and rescued by a young will play a press agent in "The ~fan T ])OLOUES <'OSTELJ,O and Lm·c." all -talking- romancr of th e box- Evanston this Saturdav March 23. do<:tor. - \\·ho is called to save the lif e ( ' OXHA1J N 1\G.EL ing- ring, in \\'hich Richard Arlen and The gigantic feature wa·s' close to t\\' O of her \·oung brother who has been \'ears in production and more than accidently shot. Surrounded by forces !\lary Brian are ieatured. 5,000 people were use d in making it . of evil s.h e finall~r finds wh:'lt she wan~s SWANSON FILM READY SOON Every financial, technical, and physical mos!-love an~ pea~e. Mtss. Costello s resource of the tremendous u ·versal leacltn .~ man 111 thts film t.s Conr~cl "~mnrt Stt>Jlpt>rsH Cloria Swanson's new organization was employed in 111bring- Nagel, who. has appeare d ';nt h h er 111 l:tl U('ll tlounl Comedy ·"Queen . · Kelly." ,_. . ptctme, 1s ·' c.hed ul ed for .late sum1~er ing the famous old )]a t 0 tl a number (It recent productiOns. J·nrnmount Xt·ws release. l\11ss Swanson s supp 8rt111g · . 1 Y le scre en: 1 . " · l·dn(·s(lny, Jlnn·h 2i player·3 in this film arc headed Ly \\'al- 1.. ?mce tl1e ~rst st?ge presentation ot James ~1u~ray and. B~rbara K~,1t t B r r l r L ncle 1om s Cabm" nearlv sevenh· 1,an 1h c leadtng role~ 111 The ShakeJA:\n~s ~lliURi\1. and erd Syron. ~O·oung '.ng 1S 1 1 ea( m g man, \'ears a(Yo it is estimated that mot:c down," coming to the Teatro next JUUH .\UA KE~T an ecna wen. e.. ' 27 . Tl 1e stor). o f than 220 "Tom shows" have taken \Vednescl a~' . M arc 1 1 I to the road. It seems that there is 110 thi~ film is built around the crooked IN "MAN'S EST ATE" lessening of the popularity of this pla~·. 'fig-ht racket. .Tt discloses how un"llls ~ .. "' St··nogrUJ)IH'r" l lnh'ersul Comedy Earle Lari n10re and Margalo Gillmore, and manv stock companies still use it srrupulous hoxmg managers :::tage fake who were in the performances of "Vol- to ' recoup losses. Klnogmm ~t~ws · fights with "setups" in order to milk pone" and "Marco :!\[illions" hv the \'ext· MondaY. Tuesd!)'·· and \\'eel the un stlsp~ctin g- public with. "sure" 'l'hur. anti Fri., 1 Uureh 2S-2U Theater Guild in Chicago last fafl. will ne="da _ , . the Varsit\' will sl;ow "The Girl b~ts. A clel1ghtful love story gtves the E\·t:J,YN JJUEX'J' IIJHI ha vc the leading roles in ":!\{an's Es- on the Barge." a· gentle. slow moving pt;,ture great a~,Peal. ( 'Ln'}: llltOOK .. tate." to he staged in K cw York soon. ~ ton· about th e dau. g hter of a Scotch Interference, ca11cd 1}\· crtttcs one bargeman. Sally O'Neill again scores of the best pictures of recent months. "Lib<·rty" a hit "'ith the same costume and the is to be the attraction at th e Teatro Stun Luurel fiiHI Olfnr J-lartl.r srlmc rxpn ss.ion in which she won her del Lago next Thursda,· ancl Frida.v. I>antmount Xews I fir st succe ss. a pair of overalls and a The principal parts are taken b~' \~11pout. Jean Hersholt is the star and liam Powell. Evelyn Brent. Cln·e . ~aturtlay, )larch :JO gin's hi~ usual .l!ood charactcriz~tion . Brook. and Dori s Kenvon. ~{ r. PmY~ll .KAUL lL\X t: nnd HJo~ OlWJo: 1~. AU'I'HlTU Ceorgc .Je~sel in "Luck,· Bov" \\·ill is a roue who " ·in s th~ lo~·e of Jvflss he the Varsitv attraction for Tliursda" Rr.rnt and tosses her astde tn favor of ~"ALL Fri. & Sut. Jrnrch 22·23 and Friday. ~1arch 28 and 29. · Mt~s. KenYon. He goes t~ the. wars "'fhe Skywaymon"-H<'ed Howe s ancl 1s renorte(l dead. Mtss Kcn\'011 Patlt(l Rt·l:l.-w - "\··soJI's } 'niJit-s marries C'liyc Brook. a doctor. and is li\·inc- h;-~nnilY until Mr. Powell bounces Sunda). )lnrc·h 31-EastH ~undny hlithrh- h:"tck to life. ~.fiss Rrrnt. the "THE WEDDING JlAUCil" rfl.stoff swcetir. hears of this .:::lnd heF.rh· run Stroh.-lm nnd l ' uy Wray Tel. University 8580 r>·in s hlarkmnilin!! ncople. S0nncls inJlon. anti Tu··s., "\prll 1-2 Ear.lt Nit~ ot 8: 11) tere<;tillC!, doesn't it? in "No Man' · Land" Sheridan Road Between Wilmette and Kenilworth Ph. Kenilworth )g8o-3981 "Abie's Irish Rose" Coming to Norshore Saturday for Week "Simba~' 11 Bill-o-Fare ~------------------------------~ Showing at Teatro; "The Wind" Coming This Sunday 'I 1 1 h'fHE WIND" ""THE REDEEMING SIN" 1 ~~rbe Sbakedowa" II ""INTERFERENCE" COMMUNITY HOUSE 1 AT SEA" NEW EVANSTON )ratinPe Wed. & Sat., 2:30 "A WO)JAX Ol' \ t'FA l HS" 0 retu Harbo and John '(; lllwrt , ,. etlUff't1R y, A Jl rll :l "XED JfcCOnn·s U .\.l't~ H'I'EU" Jrent- Ri<·h Thur!l., J.'rl., ~ut., ,\ Jlrll .j.;,.() "P:S('l.J~ TO)I'S ('AJH~" il KARL WAY PLAYERS Present TO PLAY IN BOYD FILM 0\\· en \1 oore \vill he in the cast of "Hi!?'h Y oltaQ'e." \\' illiam Bovd's new Pat he nrmluction . Mr. 1vfoore left the scr~"'en rcr<'nth· to nlrlv one of the leads in "Tl1e ~farria.l!e Red." a stat.re production. Douglas Fairbanks .T r., will nortray the boy in the picturization · of John Van Druten's famous stage play. "Diversion." Carmel Meyers ha" the feminine lead . Tack Holt and Dorothv Revier. who nlaved together in "Submarine." witt he . seen a!?'ain in a Columbia production tentativ~ly called "Father Love." "Tht> -('O)IIX<· SOOXC.lrl on tht.> nurtct>," Jf>nn Hersh nit und Sully O'X t>ll; "l'u ncy BnllJrll&r«-'," A ud rt>y }'Hrls; "Sorrt>ll and Son"; "Tht· ('anury ~lurdt.>r Cast>," Loulst> Brook.-; "Honf'Y· moon," Polly Jloran und }' lash tht> Dog; "Ramona," ])olorf's Df'l 'UIH ar·d Wnmtr Buxtn; "Wild Hrrhldll," <·rt>ta Garbo and J,t'WII" ~tonf'; "The Tt>rror," "Abl«."s Irish Bo.-e." "Tht I,uf't \\'urnlntr." "Ut·cl· kin" "JACK IN THE PULPIT" A · 'rJU,ODRAMATIC COMEDY with KARL HACKETT and DOROTHY HOLMES F." (·nln~. Tuestluy )larch 26 &Oc. 'i'oc & 11.00 Mntlnee, 35c & &Oc Hoot Gibson Ylr!(lnllt Brown Fnln· Brln~e the Children Reserve Seats by Phone CO)fiNG MONDAY, MARCH !otb .. BURNING THE WIND" (' um«·lly · · "Tnrznn" - - :Yew8 "The Broken Butterfly"

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