Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Mar 1929, p. 58

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WILMETTE . LlFE March 22, 1929 News of Interest to the Chur-ch-Goers of Our 'Village This will come to its first cullmlnatlon on t}J.e Sunday following Easter. The pastor expects to .receive at that time a Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue very larf!'e number into the fellowship of Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, B. B. the church. This reception of members 534 Sheridan road, Evanston will be followed by another· similar service six weeks later on the great Sunday Sunday, March 24, morning worship at of Pentecost. 11 o'clock. Dr. Wheeland's sermon topic will be "The Supreme Gift." Strangers and all of the community not identified The music for next Sunday is as follows: with some other church are invited to all Elbert Herloclter will sing "'l'he Palms" as a prelude solo; ",Jerusalem," by Parker, thP services of this church. Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. The church will be sung by the choir; "Thy Glory at work in teaching and interpreting Dawns, Jerusalem," wilJ be rendered by · God's will to this generation. Classes for the quartet, and Charles Lutton wlll sing as a closing sol(), "He Never Said a all ages. Come! Mumblln' Word." Christian Endeavor at 5:30 P. M. First Presbyterian ~on. m., the Wilmette Baptist Choir wlll slnf! Dubois' "Seven Words from the Cross and there wlll be a brief message "On Calvary" by the minister. The public is invited, no charge or collection. Link H, Mrs. A. Bremer, leader, will meet 8.t the home of Mrs. Ray Stephens, 921 Twelfth street. Friday, March 29. Link F, Mrs. A. E. Qebert, leader, will meet at the home of Mrs. G. E. Reid, same address, Wednesday, March 27. home at 1214 Lake avenue. Warren Darst and E. H. Burge will assist. East-Dr. and Mrs. N. P. Colwell will be hosts at 520 Gregory avenue with Mrs. F. E. Parry and C. C. Cameron assisting. On Wednesday evening at 8 Mr. and Mrs Theodore Deland will be hosts to the ·members of the parish In the west section at 1501 Forest avenue. Mrs. W. A. Richardson and Thomas F. Cook will assist. The central group will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Macalister at 918 Ashland avenue with Mrs. A. H. Howard The Wllm~tte Baptist church is the an·d L. A. Bower assisting. The east church of the lighted cross at the corner section will be guests of Mrs. F. L. Joy of Wilmette and Forest avenues. in her home at 812 Central ave':'ue. pr. N. P. Colwell and F. E. Parry w1ll assist. Mid-week meeting, Wednesday at 8 M. Dr. Wheeland continues the "Studies tn the Book of Revelation" with "The Seven Vials," an interpretation of Spiritual truth as presented in the dramatic picturization by the Seer of Revelation. The living stream of Eternal truth has Its striking judgments in the life of 'Wilmette today. All Bible students are cordially invited. P. The Swedish-American Bell orchestra, largest bell Ol'(~hestm in the world, will give a concert this evening. March 22, at 8 o'clock In the church. Ticltets may be secured at the church office this afternoon or at the doot· this evening. In addition to the orchestral numbers, the Glassophone trio and the Harmony Four will render a few selections. This program i ... under the nuspiceli of the Wilmette Girl Scouts. This church co-operates in the Sunday I:t;vening club which meets in the Congregational church at 7 :30. This Sunday evening Burton Holmes, famous for his travelogues, just back from a European trip, will present another fascina~ing lecture Illustrated with beautiful shdes and films for which Mr. Holmes is so noted. His subject will be "Motoring Through Spain from Gibraltar to the PyreneesThe Spain of 1929." English Lutheran The Rev. Carl I. Empson, pastor Loyalty Crusade MonthMarch 24 to April 14 Roll Call SUnday, March !f (Palm Sunday) 11 A. M.-"True Confession" Confirmation. ServiceReception of New Members )londay, Jlarelr !a, 8 !!· .~· "History of the Passton On · Maundy Thursday evening a Cand)e Light Communion service will be held. m. the church for the members of the pansh and their friends. This should be the spiritual high point of ~he Hol.Y Week meetings. No sermon will be g1ven b~t an attempt will be made to .present 111 all its symbolic beauty the spiritual aspects of the sacred memorial. This ' church is one of the cooperating churches which has arranged for the noon-day sen·ices in Chicago Temple dur.: ing this next week. EpeciaHy is it interested in the Three Hour Service on Good Friday afternoon. Many members of the parish have attended the meetings during the last week and it is expected that men and women who work in the loop district will find it convenient tn spend their noon hour in these r~marlml>le meetings. To all the people in Wilmette who have not found a church home and who want the services which we can render, we extend a most hearty welcome to attend any of the meetings of the church and Church school and to unite so far as pos~ible with our fellowship. Church Membership-A cordial invitation to unite with this church by letter, confession of faith or re-affirmation of faith, Is extended all those without present church affiliations. The Session will meet at the close of the service to receive new members. Tuesday, Jfarch !t, 8 P. Jl. "History of the Passion" Wednesday, llarch 27, 8 P. Jl. "Preparatory Service" "History of the Passion" 'fhursf1ay, lfarell 28, 8 P. M. "Holy Communion" "History of the Passion" Good Friday, 8 P. M. "History of the Pas!iion" .Boster Sunday, )fureh 81 11 A. M.-"He Is Risen" Spednl music, extra chairs, flowers ~ew . members received Easter Season-Our Spring ommuni()"" season is appointed a!'; follows: Baptism and Reception of member~. Sunday, March 24 ; Communion of thE' Lord's Supper, Good Friday nhrht at R P. M.; The Senior High league meets at 5 :30 in Easter senice, Sunday,, March 31. the church chapel. The leader is Bob \'oungberg. Bud Kimball will furnish the Spoke meetings, Tuesday, March 26, at ~pecial music. the following home!": Spoke 1, with Mrs. E. St>yfnrt, 413 Pat·k The Junior Hi league meets at 5 :30 in avenue. thP Junior department room. The leader Spoke 2, with Mrs. Raymond D. El~nat·, will be Albert Ackermann. Steriopticon 2010 Isabella !"treet. Evan!"ton. ::;lides will be shown. A short sol'ial hour Spoke 3, with Mrs. Charlt>s W. Robb, 816 will follow the meeting. Greenleaf nvenu e. Spoke 4, with Miss Helen Fridman, 242 Next Thursday is Di\'i~ion Day. The Greenleaf an. · nue. diYisions will meet as follow~: Spoke 6, with Mrs. R. J. Bennett, 1033 FI H.ST, 2 P. M.- Mrs. J. T. Edward:-;, 1003 Ashland avE>nue, at 2 P . M. Fore~u \'e nue, ho:--tess. Spoke 7, with Mrs. E. H. Long-hrin, ill , SI<:f'OKD, 10 A. l\1. --l\Irs. R. '\V. Hess, 430 Vine street, Park Ridge. Ninth !'itreet, hoste8s. Spoke S, with Mr!':. Rogers A. Fiske, 134 THIHD- 1\It·s. F. A. Bul'k, 1530 ForeRt SeYentt>enth Rtrt>et. aYenue, hastes~ . Spoke 9, with Mr::;. Nonnnn C. 1 eno_ , 229 F'IFTH entt>nnins th e FOC'HTH at 10:30 Laurel avenuE>. r\. M. at the home of Mrs. H. \V. Mon ", Rpoke 11, with Mrs. R. Tench pt·, S2S Ash157 Woodsto ·I< aYPnue, K enilworth . land avenue. Spok~ 12, with Mr~. non F. '\Vilt>y, 1174 THE I·"'RIENDLY CIH.C"LE will hold Michig-an an·nue. its regular monthly soeial me~:>ting- Tues1 dRY evening at o'l'io<: l{ in th · Young Roy Sc·out troop" nw<'t each Wt 't' l' at l'eoplE>'s House. The hostesse::; for th e 7 :30 P . 1\t. :tt tlw ('hlll'eh. Tt·oop !i. !\lnn - eveniilg- are: Mesdame:-; Jnne:s, Martin, Lundberg, and Koll. All women of the day. Troop fin, Tul:'sday. l'hlll'<'h are cordially in\·ited to comt>, to March is the month designat ·'d hy the g-t>t acquainted, and to t>njoy the ft-llow'VOn1Ji!n'R society for renl:'wal of Auxilint·y shi~) of this friendly group. nwmhershi·1s for Olivt>t 1\fi:-<Rion. 1\frs. This church is co-operating in the proWilliam ll~ Ellis, 823 Gret>nwood a\'enuf', phone "'ihndtt> 1328, will receive con- motion of the Community Chest, and be;peaks for its solicitors the heartiest retributions for this causE>. L'f'Ption everywhere. Follnwinl?' i · 1 h .., mu~it':tl progra Ill for Thl:' grea t miRsionary mystic. K Stan! ., ~· :.iundaY. March 24: Jones, i~ to speak at the ~f e dinah temple 0rfP;1.!l. Prelu<'le-A few 'T'aqu · ,. ·uri u ~" 1\f:lilly 011 the Monday after East ·r. ... Parker tickets may yet hp secut·ed . A g-reat comAntht.· m- ; .lt · ru~alem" pany of yot1ng people are planning- to J?O Anth~>m"Ride ( P' l1irle On!" Scott in a body to· attend this great ser\'ice. Or~an Otrertory"And:t ntf"' <iolterman Solo- "f'al\·ary" Rodman Mr. Otis ReY. George D. Allison, pastor Or~an Pol"tlude-"FPsti\'al Tnf'eata" P:tlm Sunday is to bt' a n ry special Quartetday with us. The regular session of the ("atll.E>rin' Rushou~e. soprano <'hm·ch school will be held at 9 :ao. and Rose Luti~E'r Gannon, eontt·a ltn all the children a.re in\'ited to rt>main for John B. Miller, tenor the morning service at 11 o' loc·k. Palm Edward Oti~. bass branches from the southland will be Erma Rounds, organist and dirt'Ctllr ·li:-;tributed to them. Tht> .Junior ('hnir wil'l have a procE-ssional. Dr. Allison will t<'ll the story to the boys and girls, entitled "Palms and Garn1entR." There All plans and purposes in tht> chur<'h will be a sermon-time kindergarten for now center in the preparation for an the younger ones, while the pastor observance of Easter. The service on nt>xt preaches on the theme, "What Should the Sunday, which Is known as Palm Sunday. Ctoss Mean to Us?" Visitors are welcome. wUl be one of triumphant Yictory. That The Young People's society meets at note will be sounded in both thE' SE'rmon nnd the music. Emphasis is placed on 5 :30, with the program in charge of Trt>at two services during the week. First, the Bur[ls. The "F. A. S.," which stands for Fellowship Service on Wednesday night fellowship and services, also holds its biwill be greatly enlarged and a very gen- weekly meeting at 5:30. eral attendance is expected. SuppE'r will A cordial invitation is extended to those be served as usual at 6:30. The entire l"ervlce will be concludE'd not later than not worshipping elsewhere to consider. 8 :15. The l'econd great sen·ice will be entering actively into the worship and on Good Friday night. This service wlll work of this vital and brotherly church. open with the simple observance of the We have twenty-two applications for Sacrament. This will be followed by the 111(-'mbershlp in the Easter class. You will rendition o,.f Stainer's "Cruclftxlon," which find a welcome. will be sun~ by th(l 41Uartet and chorus Wednesday evening, March 27, we have choir. a prayer and conference meeting on A.a usual. a cnmpaign fot· rww members "The Way, the Truth and the Life." On Is beln~r carried on at the Easter lea- Friday evening, March 29, also 8 p. The Cozy Corner circle of the \Voman's Guild will have a bakery sale at Van Surprise Sunday, AJ)ril ; Deusen's Grocery store on Central at II A. M.- "Why A New Church?" Twelfth street, Saturday, March 23. ~Irs. At lenst fh·e persons representing our F. H. Guy will be in charge. organization will tell why their org-anizati.1n ,i.<.: in fa \'Or of a new chut·eh. Victory Sunday, April 14 St. John's Lutheran 11 A. M.-"Conc erted . Action" Sermon by Dt·. A. C. Hageman of Philad elphia, Pa. Do not mis!i hearing Dr. Hng-eman Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman VV. Meyer, M. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue, Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 S P . 1\T.- Praise Senice SERVICES "A Man Plus" 9 ::W .\. l\1.-Sunday school and Bible Thi:-; i:-:; the only Sunday e\'ening senice. classes. Tlw <·aH\'M;scrs will rt>pnrt. Dr. I lageman !l :4 .) A. l\1.-·First service and sermon. wi II spea 1<. 11 A. 1\I.- Second Rervice and ~ermon. Sermon: "ChriRtlikeness." No funds will b e ::;olici ted except on Victory Sunday. ~luundy 'J'hur!i4lay, Jlu rt·h 2S 7:15 P. M.-Confes~ional servic for communicants. 7 :45 P. M.-Service and Holy Communion. Vere V. Loper, Minister Sermon: "The Table of God and the Body 'Villin m B. McC'ormnel{, A:-:sociat and Blood of Our Saviour." First Cong'l Church Wilmette Baptist Methodist Church 1\londay, Tuesday, Wednesday, at 8 A. l\L Special classes. ' The Sea. Scouts Ship Xo. 7, unclcr the Monday at 7 :30: Choir rehearsal. direction of Mr. McConnack , will have .1 n overnight hike to the f'abin-in-theSpecial Palm Sunday sen·ices wi!l ~e \\·ood~ Saturday, retm·ning- Sunclny morn- held next Sunday morning-. The soloist 1 ..; ing. H. Carlson. The rite of confirmation has not been bestowed at this church on Palm 'rhe ~en· ice of wot·ship for Pnlm Sun- Sunday for some yeat·~. nor will confirmday will b<' held at 10:45 a. m. Mr. Lope " a lion services he held on Palm Sunday wi!l coneluclr· his ~erieR of :;;ermons on this year. Since, however, the day leads "The Di~covery of God" when he speaks us into H0ly ·week we urge all members on "The Discovery of God in Christ." .and friends particularly to attend this The two chorus choirs will sing special service. numbers and the children of the Be!!'innerR and Primary departments will The Lord's Supper will be celebrated it1 take part in the service. two services in Holy Week, on Maundy Thursday and on Good Friday eveni11g. Burton )'Iolmes will be the speaker at the confessional or preparatory services the Wilmette Sunday Evening club which for communicants beginning at 7:15 and has its meetings in this church. He will the regular service at 7:45. Neither Of use slides and films to illustrate "Motor- these services is intended for those only Ing Throug-h Spain from Gibraltar to the who receive the Lord's Supper, but for Pyranees-the Spain of 1929." everyone. We hope that those also will attend who are not to receive the SacraThe special services of the church dur- ment. All those desiring to receive the ing Holy Week are arranged for an In- Sacrament will kindly announce this to tensification of the devotional approach the pastor either after next Sunday mornto the diP.covery of God. On Tuesday ing's service at the sacristy or on Wedand Wednesday evenings prayer groups nesday at the parsonage. wil meet in certain sections of the village. The schedule is as follows : Tuesday eveAll those who are to be confirmed this ning at 8-West-Mr. and Mrs. George ye~r. who are attending the weekday B. Knepper are hosts at their home at classes. V\111 meet at the church during 1404 Maple avenue. A. J. Coburn and vacation week for classes to begin at F. H. Guy will assist ; Central-Mrs. 8.a. m. on Monday, Tuesday and WednesStella )1, Tucker will be bostea in her. day morntnrs. Toda v tlw No1·thwest Circle of the \Ynman\; Guild mt>t>L nt the home of ~rrs. F. R. Kilner, 523 Washing-ton a\'enut·, fnt· lunch<'on at 1 o'clock Tht> East End Circle nwets at the home of Mrs. .T. N. 1\Ia.calister, !llS Ashlnn<l aYenue, for luncheon at 1 o'eloC'l\ al:-<o. Mrs. M. H. \YC'st and Mrs. n. \V ..J nJ'(lan a I'<' the a.·sisting hostesses. Good ·Friday, '!\larch 29 7 :15' P. l\I.-Confessional service for communicants. 7 :4fi P. M.-SerYice and Holy Commu11ion. Sermon: "The Lamb of God and the Death of .Jesus Christ." ]ll~W.l'lNGS

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