March 22, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 53 TOURING EUROPE IS NOT AN EXPENSIVE PASTIME President Hayes · of Chicago Motor Club Finds Fair Prices Are Asked for Gasoline Gasoline prices in Europe are almost on a level with those in the United States and American motorists who tour abroad in their own cars should encounter no difficulty in securing motor fuel easily and at fair prices, according to Charles M. Hayes of Winnetka, president of the Chicago Motor club. Mr. Hayes, who based his statement on a report by the foreign travel division of the American Automobile association, pointed out that in some parts of Europe the prices of gasoline were comparatively high, b11t those localities are not on the principal routes traveled by tourists. The A. A. A. reported gasoline prices in the principal courtries of Europe as follows· Here's List of Prices Austria, 26 cents per gallon; Belguim, 27 to 32 cents per gallon; Czechoslovakia, 31 cents per gallon; Danzig, 27 cents per gallon ; Denmark, same; France. 32 cents per gallon; Germany, 25 to 28 cents per gallon; Hungary, 28 cents per gallon; Irish Free State, 25 to 27 cents; ~ etherlands, 23 cents; Roumania, 22 cents per gallon; England, 21 cents per gallon. It is p'o inted out that these price· may vary slightly, just as they do in the 'Cnited States, but the abO\·e are usuallv standard. Some of the higher prices for gas are found in Italy where gasoline is quoted at 53 cents per gallon, in Spain where the prices vary from 32 cents at Seville to 50 cents per gal!on at Bilboa. and Switzerland where the price is 35 cents per gallon. Europe Tour Not Expensive The cost of touring Europe in one's own car can be brought down to th~ realm of the average · pocketbook if steamship and hotel accommodations are carefu11y selected at the right season. A party of young \·'Omen under the direction of the foreign travel division of the American Automobile association recently toured the old world at an average cost of $5 per day for ~ach person. They stopped at small 111 ns and effected other economies but did not curtail the route they he~d planned. That all Europeans believt Americans to be extremely wealthy is a mistaken idea. The fact is a trip to Europe no longer is considered a vacation for the wealthy, but has heen brought into the realm of the average American. This has largely been brought about with increased facilities for shipping the car. the low cost of steamship transportation and the elimination of customs barriers. At the same time, European nations have learned the economic value of the American motor tourist and. place every resource at his command. ANOTHER CHAPTER IN FINE CAR HISTORY OPENED BY PIERCE-ARROW · t fHEREVER fine /automobiles are shown, \ \ the new Pierce-Arrow easily carries off the honors-and offers warm reassurance that the receQtly expanded Pierce - Arrow organization is, more intensely than ever before, Pierce- Arrow. The new . Straight Eight is the loveliest automobile in the PierceArrow tr·a dition. It is long and low-swung without being bulky, and has fleetness in proportion to its 12 5 A distinguishing feature ofAmerica 'smost distinguished motor carthe fir.der lamps of Pierce-Arrow horsepower. There was never a big car so completely free from the unwieldy, so altogether ~ymmetri ... 1l and eye-satisfying. It arrives at the psychological moment. Pierce-Arrow mechanical detail embraces every device of proved character known to the engineering of fine motor cars. THE NEW STRAIGHT EIGHT BY Insurance Leaders Fight Compulsory Bill in Illinois Opposition is offered by Illinois insurance interests. through the Insurance Federation of Illinois, to the compulsory automobile liability insurance bill now in committee at Springfield. Certain sections of the motor vehicle law are amended by "the bill, which would require every applicant for the registration of a motor vehicle to file a motor vehicle liability policy in the amount of $10,000. This policy would be filed with the secretary of state and would provide indemnity up to $7,500 in the case of a person injured or killed and up to $2,500 in the case of property damage by the motor vehicle while being operat~d by the owner, or by any person with his express or implied consent. 'BoditJ And Engine by Pin·u- Arrow- And Pitrtt- Arrow in Every P4rl FROM $2775 TO $8200 AT BUFFALO The purchase of a car from income has been made an altogether attractive procedure by the Pierce-Arrow Finance Corporation. The average allowance on a good used car usuallY more than co·vers the iniiia/Pierce-Arrow payment. Chicago Pierce"' Arrow Sales Co. 2420.. 22 S. Michigan Ave. ·Tel. Michigan 2400 Chicago Benell Motor Sales 5714 Broadway