Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1929, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIF·E March 15. 1929 Fashion Show and Tea AttractS Norlh Shore Residents Spring Fashions Bring Delight to Guests. at Benefit On Ticket Committee Sunbeam League Is Gioing Dinner Dance Will Annual Benefit April 2 Dedicate Shawnee The Sunbeam league of Chicago is giving its annual bridge benefit Tuesday afternoon, April 2, at 2 o'clock, in A tribute to Erin will be paid by BY JEAN TEN BROECK the Grand ballroom of the Hotel Shawnee Country club this week-end. Fashions of spring beamed upon ·by · Stevens. Miss Virginia Anne Erland- The eve of St. Patrick's day will be rays of a warm afternoon sun streamson of Evanston is general chairman celebrated by the formal dinner dance, for the affair, and Mrs. Carl Van the club's dedication, which will be a ing through the soft-hued hangings Sinden of 1320 Ashland avenue Wil- brilliant affair. The beautiful rooms of the Winnetka Woman's club held mette, is one of the members of her of the club will be especially decorated the eager attention of several hundred committee who is selling tickets. Tea for the occasion and music will be north shore women Thursday afterwill be served at the close of the played during the dinner hour. Later game. noon of last week. Their coming in the evening, Dick Ede's orchestra The Sunbeam league, through only will play for dancing in the ballroom. served a two-fold purpose. They detwo larg~ benefit'.; a year, a card party The entertainment planned to interrived their own pleasure. from viewiQg and a ball, raises funds to carry on its sperse the dancing is to be a surprise the newest twists of ever capricious · work. This work, at present, is main- for the guests. fashion while their presence materially taining six kindergartens, which it has Sunday. March 17, also will be a day aided the \Vinnetka board of Northestablished and equipped, employing a of special celebration. Dinner will be western University settlement in raistrained, graduate KindergartneT for ing funds for work at that philaneach. It conducts two at the . Cook · served fr om 1 o'clock on, and the proCounty hospital, one at the Home for g ram for th e music hour, which will thropic center. Convalescent Women and Children, be given hy Mr. and Mrs. George ·w. Violin and piano played respectively one at the Home for Destitute Crip- Allen of Winnetka, will include Irish by Mrs. Sidney F. Bartlett and Mrs. pled Children, one at the Emerson songs. Mr. Alle n has a tenor voice. He Ernst von Ammon of Winnetka, gave Settlement house, and one at \Vesley has been a former radio announcer and musical accompaniment to the display Memorial hospital. In addition to this, director of a radio station. ·M rs. Allen, of gowns and frocks and children's the league has endowed beds, ass isted a soprano. is a member of the facultv things. Over their teacups the guests to support their children, con- at New Trier High school and at the widows exclaimed over and commented upon Chicago Cosmopolitan School of tributed to summer camps and to numeach model as its wearer stepped her Music. erous other organizations intere sted in way first from the stage down the the welfare of children. Following the music hour, tea will runway erected through the center of Miss Anne Whitmack of 1021 GreenThe Sunbeam league,. which today be served in the gallery, where at the auditorium, to descend the steps leaf avenue, Wilmette, active in the and saunter through the club lounges regional alumnae branch of Western has a membership of three-hundred either side of the fireplace, tea tables or more, started about sixteen years will be arranged with Mrs. A. W. and hallway, that all might see. Reserve univer.;ity, is on the ticket ago when a small group of girl s or- Crawford and Mr ~ . Charles W. Triggs Wardrobes for the infant were rep- committee for the benefit performance ganized for the purpose of "bringing the hostesses: They will be assiste -1 resented in the exhibit of Mrs. John at the New Evanston theater Mondav sunshine into the lives of children in Slade who is in charge of the Layette eYening, March 18, when the Karl Chicago hospitals or wherever else it by Mrs. W. }. King, Mrs. A. B. Seibold, Mrs. Perry Smithers, and Mrs. shop of the Cradle. Way players will present, "Jack in the may be needed." From its original -Lester \Vood. Uniforms for the maid were ex- Pulpit. " The affair is given in behalf plan the ideas of founding kinderMonday afternoon will be the occahibited by Mrs. Walter I. Wilson of of the college endowment fund. gartens was evolved. sion of another progressive bridge Winnetka. Dresses, coats and hats Mrs. Edward Uhlemann of \Vinn- game with tea served at 4 o'clock. for little tots and juniors were disetka is first vice-president of the Monday bridge days increase· in popu· played by the Italia shop of Evans- St. Francis Hospital league and Mrs. Van Sinden is super- larity. Owing to the absence of the ton. Marian Calkins of Winnetka exto Benefit by Party visor of the kindergarten of the De s- bridge chairman. Mrs. William hibited sports clothes and the N. A. Plans progress for the annual card titute Crippled Children's home. Holmes, Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher preHanna company of Wilmette and party and fete given a· ,; a benefit for sided this past week. Mrs. Holmes' Spanish court showed an array of St. Francis hospital Friday evening. committee includes Mrs. Edwin Redafternoon frocks and the gowns for a April 5, at the St. George High School W elf ate Auxiliary Plans Mrs. George C. Kidd, Mrs. bride and her maids that came as a auditorium. 450 Sherman avenue, EvAnnual Bridge Luncheon tick. Arthur B. \Vinslow, and Mrs. B. G. sur Jrise to close the revue. Katherine anston. Mrs. Frank Jones of EvansThe Junior auxiliary of the Infant Calloway. Walker Smith of Evanston offered a ton is general chairman for the affair. \N'elfare society meets again Monday, Mrs. Max W. Zabel is in charge of showing of lingerie and Madame MarCommittee chairmen at work for th e March 18, at the home of Mrs. Wil- the Thursday evening bridge commitguerite of Chicago displayed evening benefit are: liam Hart, 623 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. tee and Charles W. Triggs is chairgowns. Mrs. Napoleon Picard, chairman for Seymour Jone s, Mrs. S. W. Drake, man of the entertainment committee. Acting as models for many of the Chicago; Mrs. Char1C'3 F. Bunte of and Mrs. Murdo Ross will be assistgowns and frocks were the Misses Wilmette, representing the Tranquilla ing hostesses. Elizabeth Lamson, Margot Atkin, club, a group organiz ed to work for During the meeting plans will be de- Club Celebrating Louise Nelliger, and Virginia Lamson, the St. Francis hospital; Mrs. Thoma:· veloped for the annual bridge lunchSt. Patrick's Day Mrs. Sturtevant Hinman, Mrs. Charles Mack, representing the St. Mary's eon the auxiliary will give April 15. Goodrich, and l\f rs. E. Ashley Ger- Parent - Teacher as· The ways and means committee of 3ociation; Mrs. Arrangements for the affair are in hard. Frank Dougher, St. Athanasius Parent- charge of Mrs. R. Armstrong, social the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette The sunlight enhanced the pastel Teacher association. chairman, and the members of her is giving a St. Patrick's day party this color scheme used by Mrs. von Mrs. William Schildgen, representing committee, Mrs. M. C. Hecht, Mrs. J. evening at 8:30 o'clock, at the \Vih1.ette Ammon and Mrs. Herbert Butz in the North Shore Catholic Woman's }. Johnson, Mrs. Lester Mee, Mrs. F. Woman's club. the setting of the tea table where league; Mis· .; Irene James, the Young E. Parry, Mrs. A. }. Ruby, Mrs. James Arrangement:'3 for the affair are in Mrs. Oliver Morton Knode and \Voman's auxiliary of the Evanston Shedden, and Mrs. T. E. Thompson. charge of Mrs. Samuel H. Moor\:, who Mrs. Harry \Vells presided. On a Catholic club; Mrs. Gale Meginnisc; of is assisted by Mrs. John J. Downey, linen cloth of pale green were little the Woman's Catholic club of vVtlMrs. William J. Fit.z Patrick, Mrs. Dance April 6 bouquets of spring flowers, their tulle mette; Mrs. Edward W. Belle, the St. Robert R. Fontham, Mrs. John T. With the opening of the Better streamers of pink and orchid and George's Mother3' club. Janette, Mr's. F. Joe Koza. Mrs. vVilgreen touching the floor. A large Bridge, five-hundred! bunco, anrl Homes exposition at the Wilmette liam F. Krippes, Mrs. G. Wallace \Voman's club Wedne·3day, March 20, ivory bowl was .filled with spring euchre will be played. Moore, Mrs. George Ortseifen, Mrs. nece ssitating as it does previous days flowers and ivory candlesticks upheld J. J. Tracey, Mrs. Arthur]. \Vernecke, of preparation and arrangement of pastel tapers. and Mrs. Frank Widger. Gives Luncheon booths, the committee in charge of Several local shops, while ,not ex: Mrs. Frank \V. Cherry, 422 Abbotts- arrangements for the 'Subscription hibitors, contributed their gifts to add ford road. entertained at a luncheon to the success of the afternoon. Ilg last Wednesday in honor of Miss Ina- dances sponsored by the ways and Betrothed and Borovicka, of Winnetka, Mueller helle Branch of Evan'3ton, who is to means committee of the club has postMr. and Mr3. , Arthur Wellington of Glencoe, and the London Flower be married tomorrow to Benjamin R. poned the dance scheduled for Satur- Best of Ashland, Wis., announce the day evening March 6. until Saturday, . shop of Evanston sent the ferns, Lones. engagement of their daughter, Hester April 6. flowers', and plants that graced stage, Elizabeth, to Gordon Dymond Smith, lounges, and tea table. Beach and son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sin:ps ·:m Geils of Evanston and Winnetka Club Gives Dinner Dance Ole Town Folks Meet Smith of 98 Robsart road, Kenilworth. Club Vista del Lago will be the donated the candy. ·The first board meeting of the Ole The wedding will take place the latter Mrs. Towner K. Webster, Jr. is scene of a St. Patrick's dinner dance Town Folks was held Monday eve- part of June. chairman of the Winnetka board of Saturda~· evening, March 16, from 8 ning at the home of Edward SchiedenNorthwestern University settlement o'clock on, which will be attended by helm, who is president. Plans and and sen·ing with her as a committee members of the club and their guests. arrangements were discus·3ed for the Luncheon for Bride-to-Be in charge of arrangements were Mrs. coming spring meeting. Mrs. Thoma·,; Mintz of 50 Crescent \\~arren A. Lamson, chairman, and To Give Dinner for Members place is entertaining on Saturday, Mrs. Robert Biddle, Mrs. Harry Wells, . Club Vista. del Lago is giving a Mrs. P.}. Kirwin, 1607 Elmwood ave- March 16, at a luncheon and bridge in Miss Edith Kohlsaat, Mrs. Harve dmner for Its members and their nue, entertained at a party last honor of Miss Virginia Krafthefer of Badgerow, Mrs. Oliver Morton Knode, wives preceding the general meet- Saturday afternoon for her small niece 901 Oakwod avenue. Miss Krafthefer's Mrs. Allen L. Withers, and Urs. ing_ the evening of March 21. The on the occasion of the latter's fifth marriage to Eugene Schwartz of NapFrancis Hardy. birthday. dinner hour is 6:30 o'clock. ervilJe will take place in April. Club on March 16 II ..

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