Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1929, p. 28

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WILMETTE LIFE "' March IS, 1929 i::=::=:==.::=:=:==:========r~.---------. . Waukegan Defeats New Boo· ks at the · HAMILTON GLASS CO. of EVANSTON GLASS TOPS for Wilmette Library at Miss Anne L. Whitmack, librarian the Wilmrtte Public library, has prepared a list of twenty-eight new books recently received at the library. The list includes non-fiction, rental boo 1<s, travel, history, and biography. Following are the new volumes: Tr1nel, History. Biography Borden-Cruise of the Northern Light. Bradford-Portraits of Women. Le Gallienne- Old Love Stories R etold. Sykes-Mary Anne Disraeli. Repplif'r--Father Marquette. Tanner-1\lr. Pepys. Thorndike-H istory of M dieval History. Ad[tm!'l-Growth of the French Nation. Matthews-French Revolution. Non Fiction Dors<'v- Hows and Whys of Human Behavior. Political Handbook of the World. Day--History of Comm r ce. Carnahan- Short Review French Gram T mar. C'hatfteld-Airplan and Its Engine. Standards in Industry. Moffat- Minstrelsy of Ir eland. Mae;Kann css-ln spit·a tional T enC' hing. Goodman- Quick Curtains. ' Vi!ller-Angel That Trouhl r d the Waters. Rt>ntal nooks Arnim- Expiation. Redford-Jones D' Artagnan. Edmonds- Rome. (;onnell-- Murder at Rea. Gibbs- Dnrkened Room:;;. Lea·-\ Vild-Goose Chase. Rineha.rt-·This Strange A<hcnture . \Vha rton-··Rquad. 'Valpole-Farthing Hall. New Trier to Win Cage Championship FURNITURE A phone call will bring our representative to your home without obligation. I AUTOMOBILE GLASS INSTALLED , ( Large assortment of mirrors) '\and plateaus reasonably priced. I 914 CHICAGO AVENUE EVANSTON Ul~IVERSITY Eighth Grade Playwrights to Present Own Vehicles Eighth grade pupils of Mrs. Lucy Stallin g at the Howard school have written three short plays which they will pre3ent before the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades of the school FridaY afternoon. March 22. Ruth !3e rsch, Dick Steen, and Dorothy Bollman \\'ere the \'Ottthful authors. The nlavs w!ll hl' <firccted by ] ane Kraft, Rilt Sorse11. and \ Va lt cr Haas, also mcmhcr ~ of the ('ig-hth grade cla'3s, a~·s· sted hy Mrs. Stalling. 9634- 9635 ······················ PUPILS GIVE PLAYS Pupils of .Miss Faye Pcrring a t th e Stolp s::hool prcs<.'n tcd 1\\·o . lw rt plays, "Minimum Essentials itl (~rammar" and "Quarrel in Cranunar Land," at the school a~sclnhh· on Tuesday of thi s week. Music for the asset11hh· wa s TO SING IN RECITAL furni she<i In· room 7R. . ~rmc. Srl mman -Hci nk \\ ill gi've a - - - - - - -- ..;u11g reci1al Palm Sunda y afternoor., Robert ~fcKay. o.;on of Mr. and ~larch 2-L at 3 o'c lock, in the attdiMrs. Hobert \. . - ~frl"ay, 823 Chestnut torium of Old St. James' rhttrch. 29t~ 1VCJlttc. will return tnniorrow from ~)t. Snuth \\'abash avcntt<.', Chicago. John's \'filitarv acadcmv for hi s Ea $---- -- --------. er vaca tion . . He will !;ring ·w ith him I Mrs . 1amc :-; F. Howln·. 11 28 C~n en '1 cla" smatr. l ac ·: ~f oorc. \Yh o \\'ill he \\'Ood <l-\ 'Cilttl' , entert:tilicd sc \'t: ral nf the guest of the l\fcKays during h i~· I her friend s from Chical-!n ..t lun clico!l Yacation. anct bri dge Thur ~· da.'· afte··nonn. By Winslow Wright Waukegan's basketball quintet successfully defended the title of District Tournament champion'3, which they \\·on at Waukegan in 1928, when they shoved New Trier into a 27 to 18 de kat in the final tournament game Saturday nirrht before a yelling, cheering crowd of 3,000, which witnessed the struggle in the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium. Before the affair started New Trier seemed to have a slight edge on its opponent-s, who had been forced to play a grueling game that afternoon with Antioch which ran into two overtime periods before Waukegan was able to triumph 20 to 18; but the New Trier five's inability to find the basket spelled defeat. Tl 1 e contest commenced in speedy fashion, for both the teams wished to rtt'.:>h the other off its feet, but both teams being tense a nd over anxious, little scoring was done, Waukegan makin g one· field goal and two free throws to New Trier's three free throws . But in the second quarter Waukegan hegan to exhibit a better offensiYe attack than the Indian Hilt boy'3. M at<i and I~ uke, Waukegan's small, fleet forwards, each made a nice dribbling in short shot before the second quarter \Yas a minute old to in crease the visitors' margin to 8 to 3. N rison of New Tri ·r retaliated with a long 3hot after some minutes of · hard nlaying. hut \ Vaukegan did not intenci to have its leatl cut down. ~f annehach and Luke each added a ringer and Ryckman a free thro\\' to \Vaukegan's total and thus th e half ~ n~led ,,·ith the visitors on the large end of a 13 to 5 count. \Vith the second half about a min ute old and the count 15 to 5, New Trier started a rallv which alm::>st turned out disastrou·.-.; 1\r for the \Vauke ~a n (luintet, " ·hn at - the time of the rallv sho\\-crl the effects of the after noon game. Reed and Sax ton carh san k nic e short shots, which were follmwd \\'ith a free throw hv ~c l s::> n and ' \Y O field goa ls lw . M rLc<{n, which cut ! lwir ri\·at·,.;' lcaci dl)\\'11 h) 15 to 14. ll l.\\'C Ycr. \\ aukcgan brace r!. gltankd rl osc h·. and made a Aurn of baskcb and ~·merged th e Yictnr ; frnm hard canrcrl 27 to lR game . .... ----------------------------- IRED ALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES When conditions necessitate a change of residence to some other city, let lrcdale's take the situation in hand and you will be relieved of all worry. Your belongings will be expertly packed and dispatched. lredale's are an agent of the Allied Van Lines. lredale'a Newest Process MOTHPROOFS Overstuffed Furniture and Rugs! 1723 BE1VSON A VENUE PHONE WILMETTE 1332 SHIPPING

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