Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1929, p. 24

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WILMETTE I.:IFE March 15, 1929 News of. Interest to ·the Chut·ch-Goers of. Our Village Methodist C burch In common with all the churches of Wilmette, the Methodist church is promoting the Community Chest. It believes most thoroughly In all the causes that profit by the work of this organization. Above all, It believes profoundly in the principles back of this organized etl'ort. It bespeaks for all the canvassers who A feature of our Sunday morning serb gin their work next Sunday a hearty reception to each and every home :::.s well vices is the prese nce of so many children. as the utmos t generosity in the matter of Young and Old enjoy the Children's Story as given by Dr. Allison to the boys subscriptions. and girts. His th eme this coming Sunday will be ".Big Bibles and Little Bibles." The church co-operates in th·~ Sunday In these services, the younger children go Ji:venlng club which nwet s at th e ungre- into the Kindergarten room at 11 :30, in gational church at 7 :30. · Thl:' speak er for vrder that their pare nts may give entire this Sunday evening is Bishop .~:<'rands .1. attention to the sermon. Dr. Peter C. McConnt:-11 of New York City. Wright of New York City will share the pulpit with our minister on Sunday and Th(' Junior Hi league will meet Sun- will give an inspiring message. day evening at 5 :30 In the Juniot· departThe Religious Education department ment room. Jnhn Osborne will be the leader. Topic: "The Hero of Labrador." calls attention to the opportunities provided in this church. The Sunday school The Senior H i ~h league will m eet at classes for all a~s mee t at 9 :30 on Sunday morning. The Young People's society 5 :30 In the c J. urch chapel. Leader: J.<"'lorence . St·llery. Topic: "Paths That holds its meeting Sunday afternoon at Lead to Peac ." Speak rs: Walter Lind- ;; :30. On Monday, Ma··ch 1S, the Ann blad and Bradford Fike. Special music: Judson chapter of the \Vorld- Wide Guild Uoy:U, Martin. Social hour nt the home holds its enjoyable missionary mePting for the youn;,;-er girls. Th e Junior choir of Louise Facht. 111eets Thursday at 7 p. m. Last Sunday the · Young People's dePalm Sunday will be a special clay in Jlartment held a rec ption at the home of Grace Roe for Mrs. Kimbell and Mr. our church and all children are invited Kinne, the two teachers in that depart- to participate in the moming chun:h ment. A large and enthusiastic group :scnice, March :?4. gathered for that purpose. They were so 'The Wilmette Baptist church is the }>leased over the outcome of this meetIng that th('y planned to get together at chun~h of the lighted cross at the corner uf Wilmette and FOI't!St a n~nue1:;, lt is monthly intervals from now on. a church with a. welcome. The F ellowship supper and sen·ice will be held n xt Wednesday night. The supper is s rved on the pot-luck style. Coffee and milk will be supplied. · The pastor Fifth Sunday in Lt-nt wlll continue his discussions on the Gospel of Mark. The meeting will adjoum !::>unday school . . ........... ~~ :4 ii A. ::\L promptly at 8 o'clock. Joseph Johnson, superintendent ~lorning worship ............. 11 A M. The Lenten meeting of the Woman's Sermon : "True Hedemption" · Home Missionary. society will be held at the home of Mrs. T. H. West, 723 Ashland A SPECIAL l·'EATURE of our Sunavenue, Thursday afternoon. Every wom- day ·school service next Sunday will be an Is ask ed to brin-g her Lenten Offering tht! opening of the Building Fund Bank for the forty days of Lent. Mrs. S. W. of the Primary department. For weeks Robinson, northern district :>ecretary of th o little folks have been putting their pennies, nickels, dimes and larger coins t·\·angellsm, will lead the devotions. into tlwir Churoh Building bank. They The Young Women's Missionary so- have been waiting for the day when it ciety will meet Tuesday eYening at 6 :30 would be full and they could open it. at the home of Miss Rose Varley, 1014 It will be opened Sunday morning. EdOakwood avenue. A Pot-Luck supper will win B. Knudtson, treasurer of the buildprecede the regular meeting, and each ing fund, will perform the opening feat before the bank is opened, the little person attending is asked to bring some- Just folks will march upstairs with their thing ~ood to eat. bank. They will then make their usual Building Fund Offering before the entire The Official board authorized a com- school, singing as they do their custommittee on Men's Work. This committee uy offering song, "My church, my church, is now considering a schedule of men's my dear old church, My Father's and activities that will reach the entire male my own." The mothers of the primary constituency of the church. children will be the guests of the school at this opening of the bank. Friends The Young Married People of the church an· invited. will hold their l'e<'ond meeting on Tuesday night. The response , to this new THE LPTHf~R LEAG FE will hold its movement ha s bPen so enthusiastic that bi-weekly Devotional and Tea Sunday )Jian s are being made to ef'l'ect a continu- evening, bPginning at 6 :30. Th e young Ing organization. The next gathering, people of the community not having a which will be held in April, will be under church home in Wilmette are invitPd to the general char~e of Messrs. and join our young people in these Ren·ic·es. Mesdames ~f. C'. Greigg, 0. E. Geppert, The¥ are worthwhile. Rtaver Moulding-. Arthur Long, L. F. THE MEN'S BROTHERHOOD m{·t at Todd and 11. C. Pif(>r. All young married peopl~. not afliliated with another the church Monday evening, March 11. church, are Invited to unite themselves P. A. Kier presented his resignation, efft·etive at the May meeting of the with this fellowship. brotherhood. Mr. Ki£.or and family are from our territory. Mr. \rt~1Ur The music for next Sunday morning moving Wernecke was elected president. Since is "0 Lo,·e That Wilt Not L t- t Me Go," this left him with two offices, Mr. A. W. by Egg~rt, "Riess Thou the Lord," by Washo was elected to the ·chairmanship Ivanoff, and "All In the April EYening," of the Program Committee. President by Homer. Tht> mini~ter'::; topic will be \Vernicke will be installed at the May "Signs of Spring." meeting of the Brotherhood. It will be in the form of a Father and Son's banThe women of the First dh·hion are quet. Two new members were received cordially Invited tn a Sll\·er Tea at the into the Brotherhood. Wm. F. Arndt home of . Mrs. B. C. Davison, 1437 Forest and 1'ed Peterson~ The Brot-herhood now avenue, Tuesday, March 19. MrR. John has twenty-six members. A delightful Groves Is the hostess for the occasion. light lunch of sandwiches, potato salad, ca ke and coffee was served by 1\Irs. P. The Swedish-American Bell orchestra A. Kier and Mrs. Fred Janssen. Mr. A. wl!l give a tine program at thf" Methodist D. Gash was the speaker of the evechurch Friday evening, March 22, at 8 ning. Hi!J subject was "Personal Evano'clock. In addition to these unusual gelism." orchestra numbers, there will be a fe~ SUNDAY, MARCH 24, marks the benumbers on the "Glassophone" and the male quartet will sing. This program ts ginning of our Loyalty Crusade. The under the auspices of the Wilmette Girl Crusade will close Sunday, April 14, with Scouts. and tickets may be secured from Dr. A. C. Hageman of Philadelphia bringany Girl Scout or through the Methodist Ing the message of the day. Sunday, March 24, will be Loyalty Sunday. Every church o~ce. member of tbe church is urged to set aside these four special Sundays for church attendance. Two very special features of the Crusade will be two Comer of Wilmette and Forest avenues dinners the week of April 7. On MonRev. George D. Allison. pastor day, April 8, the ladies will serve the Men's Dinner. On Wednesday, April We cordially invite anyone not having 10, the men will serve the Ladies' Dtna church home in Wilmette to come to m·r. Friends of this church are cordially our vartou· eervlcea, which at this Easter Ltvlted to take part In our IJoyalty It you do not attend any ...on are of special Interest and value Crusade. for penonal faith and comfort. Our church In Wilmette, spend these four minister Is giving a new series of Wednesday evening discussions based on the .Gospel of John, under the general heading, "The Seven-Fold I Am." The great saying for next Wednesday, 8 o'clock, is "I am the Light of the World." We ~x pect another great meeting. The deacons hold a preliminary meeting at 7:30 to receive applicants for church membership. will be Revelation. The living stream of eternal truth has its striking illustrations in the life of Wilmette today. All Bible stu· SEVERAL NEW MEMBERS will be dents are cordially invited. rece ived into the church on Palm Su,nday and the week following. One Y?ung man A cordial invitation to unite with this is to be confirmed, several w1ll be re- church by letter, confession of faith or ceived by letter. If you are not a mem- reaffirmation of faith, is extended .to. all ber of any Wilmette church, the pastor those without present church affihabon. will be glad to cal_l with reference to The Session will meet at the close of any your uniting with thts church. We have a program which will challenge t·he be.st service to receive new members. that is in you. L et us tell you about 1t. Our Spring Communi<;m season is :;tPship High school, St. George's High schoo'l pointed as follows: Bapttsm and receptwn of new members, Sunday, March 24; Communion of the Lord's Supper, G~od Friday night at 8 P. M., Easter serviCe, ?\ext Sunday will be the fifth ~un~ay Sunday, March 31. in Lent. commonly k!lown as 1 asswn sunday, beginning PassiOn we.ek, the w eek Boy Scout troops meet each week, before Holy week ushered .m by Palm 7 :30 'p, M., at the church. Troop 5, MonSunday. This is called PassiOn week beca use th e C'hurch's teachings begin. to day. Troop 5B, Tuesday. dwell on th E' coming passion or suffenng Sunday school business meeting Monof our Lord. Th ere will bE' Holy Communion nt 8 o'clock in the morning.: day, March 18, 8 P. M., at the church. Church schools anrl Bible classes at !) :4" and mnrning prayer with address at 11 Rebecca Spoke, regular meeting, Tuesday, March 19. Dinner at 6:30 P. M. o'clock. Annual meeting and election of officers. ?\ext Sunday, hdng th e third Sunday in the month , there will be a corporate March is the month designated by the communion for the Daughtt>l'l' of the '\Vomau's 5;odet} for renewal of Auxiliary King at (o'elocl< in th e mornin g. memberships for Olivet Mission. Mrs. H. Ellis, 823 Greenwood avenue, There will be extra c('l(·brations of Hcoly William Communion next week on \V e di1L'Sda~ at phone Wilmette 1328, will receive con7 o'dock in the morning and · on Fnday tributions for this cause. at 10 :30 in th e morning. Sundays in our ohurch. You aceorded a hearty welcome. St. Augustine-'s The AS!-;OCiated Gtiilcl:-; will m e t in th(· (')ub hous ~> t oday imm f'diately after th e 10: :30 sPrvicE' in th e church. Lun cheo n will be ~wr\'e<l at noon. On \Y edn esday en· nin~ th er e will be .a shr>rt .sen·ice of worship. l hurch Will be :·t S o'clock in the e\'ening, and will b P followed by d t- \·ntinnal pictures of our Lord '~ life shown in the Pari:-;h House until 9 o'clock. The Community Che5;t campaign begin~ today. A 11 ~hould be l't!ady with their pledges when the canYasser ca11s. This is a Christian as well as a community enterprise. To support it is both a ci\·ic duty and a Christian pri\·ilege. By on£> substantial contribution to the chest you can share in th'e work of the eight· rnajor organizations which demand our support. First Cong'l Church w. Vere v. Loper, Minister E. McCormack, Minister of Education English Lutheran The Church school meets in the following departments on Sun?aY: 9 :30 a. n:t· -Beginners, Primary, Jumor, Intermediate departm_e nts; 10 :45 a. m.-Cradl ~ Roll department, and Beginne rs and Pnmary continued ; 12 noon--Senior department and Forum for Adults. At the morning worship service at 10:45 Mr. Loper will pt·each -on "The Discovery of God Within You," another of the Lent~n Reries. Bishop Francis J. McConnell of New Yor·k City, pre~ident of the Federal Counc-il of Churches of America, will be the spen ker for the Sunday Evening club which m('ets in the auditorium of this Next weel<s' speaker at the noon-day church ::tt 7:30. Milan Lusk, violinist, Lent en service at the Garrick theater, furnish the music. Chicago, will be the Rev. E. Phillip~ Osgood of 1\finneapolis. The Men's club wili meet at the church on Monday evening at 7 for dinner. Dr. DaYid J. Davis, dean of the medical school or the University of Illinois and a f'hur..l· of the Holy Comforter member of this church, has been secured On the fifth Sunday in Lent, March 17, as speaker for the occasion. Dr. Davis is a celt-bration of the Holy Communion will an outstanding a.llthority on bacteriology and will speak on "Bug Battles, or What bf' held at 8 o'clock. About Cancer" and will have a specially Tlw Church sc-hool c,pem; at 9 :30 o'clock made set of pictures to illustrate his in the morning. address. ,..,m Kenilworth Episcopal At the 11 o'clock service, morning On Tuesday the Neighborhood Circle pntyPr, the r ctor will preach the sermon will meet at the home of Mrs. C. N. after an abl"-Pnre of two Sundays, due to Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue, for luncheon a slight illness. at 1 o'clock. The women of the parish will meet The :Wekeacafila Camp Fire Girls will at 11 o'clock in the Guild room to con- meet at the church at 4:30 p. m. tinue their Lenten sewing. Luncheon will be served. Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will meet at the church at 7 :30. The Rey. Harold L. Bowen, rector of St. Peter's church. Chicago, will preach Sea Scout Ship No. 7 will meet at the at the Werlnesday e\'ening service March church at 7 :30. 20. Dr. Bowen is recognized throughout the Diocese as a very able speaker, and On Wednesday at 6:30 p. m. the Church we are fortunate to have him with us. school faculty will hold its regular monthly meeting and dinner. Choir rehearsal _will begin promptly at 7 o'clock on Wednesday evening, preced"Savonarola--Social Prophet" will be Ing the Lenten service. The choir is work- the subject of Mr. Loper's Lenten Ading on Stainer's "Cr.ucitlxion" which will dress at the meeting at 8 o'clock. be given on Good Friday .evening. The Boys' club will meet at the church at 3 :45 p. m . on Thursday. First Presbyterian Ninth street and Greenleaf a\'enue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, B. D. 534 Sheridan road. Evanston Sunday, March 17, morning worship at 11 o'clock. Dr. Wheeland's sermon topic: "The Touch of Jesus Christ." All people of the community not identified with som(' other church are invited to all the services of the Wilmette Presbyterian church. Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. for all age groups. C~ristian The Junior choir will meet for rehearsal at 4 p. m. The Senior choir will meet for rehearsal at 7:30 p. m. Wilmette Baptist The East End Circle will meet on Friday at the home of Mrs. J. N. Macallster, 918 Ashland avenue. Mrs. M. H. West and Mrs. R. W. Jordan will be the assisting hostesses. Luncheon will be served at Classes 1 o'clock. The Northwest Circle wlll also meet on Friday. Mrs. F. R Kilner is to be hostess at her home at 523 Washington w tll be served at 1 Mid-week meeting at 8 P. M. Wednes- avenue. Luncheon o'clock. day. Dr. Wheeland resumes the "Studies in the Book of Revelation" with "The The Blue Birds · will meet at the church Seven Mystic Symbols." An Interpretation of all Spiritual truth as presented in at 3:30 p. m. · (Continued on Page 51) the dramatic plcturlzatlon by the Seer of Endeavor at 5:30 P . M.

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