Latest School News VOL. 2, :\'0. - JUNIOR L. I FE \VIL~lETTE, Told by the Pupils I !!:::::=====' Publilhtd weekly by tbt achool cbildttn of Wilmette undet a upervision of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board ILLIXOIS, MARCH 15, 1929 Thf- f-ighth grades o! Howard school ba\' l.lf·e n writing plays with the instru ·ticm r,! )Irs. Stalling, our ct,mpof;itlon teacher for_ the last month. The flrl'lt attempt was made when one morning we apr,rared in CtJmpo!-!itir,n clas and found part (Jf a scenf- written f1n the black hoard. Upon Inquiring w e found that we were to copy thiR and nnl!-~h the play. Though Wf· must al· way!' admit thf·se play!'! w rf:: not entlr ly a HUCC~"-l'I.R, thf-y wHf:! a start. The following wePk Wf· wrr,te play~ ,,f our cholc~ .. The thrr::e best were written by Ruth Bl·rs(·h , Ev~lyn H rJward ar 1d J>i<:k Stf·t-n. :\frF. Stalling suggf-f-!ttd that thf'~ three bP. pn·!«.!ntf-d at an assf-mbly. Thf' thlnt and lal-lt tlmf·, it was a dramatlz~tlr,r. r,r on"' r,f thf- str,rif· ... In r,ur textbor,k. Arter this J am surf- Wf- will all appredatP thf' work and knr,wlf-dgf: It tak ·!'I trJ write a play, al!-:o th~" f·,undatlon on which all dramatizations are IJa srd. -Yirglnla :\fcl'onnf-11 , HrJv.ard R.-\. Playwriting Now . Holds Attention . h h G ra J erS Q E tg t I INRUIRING REPORTER Question: Do you think tht: ~ortb Western railroad track s In WilmeW: should b(: rai sed . lowen:d or lf:ft as they ar.;? Eleanr, r Shaplrr, 7.-\: There havP heen many aC'r-idHtt ~ latf-ly and I think it would he sa!H and )rJrJk b8ttrr if tht:y w£-re lowered. ~rr ~. Yern r,n: Fr,r thf.: prt:s~ nt time )f-ave thf-m a~ they are. · Tht:y are J;uarded by gates and \\'atr:hmen. The approaches arf- wide and tracks may t,f: S+:t:n and !-' (J arlo! ~afe if yrJu will exP.rcise rJrdinary f'art:: and look bt::fore ~·ou cross. Jr,}m B eam: Th Py r,u~lH tr, b~'- left until furthH d·· ·:· JrJrJm· ·nt:-=. J think r hat It wrJu ld imprfJn· . thr· l,r,ks r1f thr:: Yillaitr: tr, bf· Jr,wHf·d . A lir'r· FrH·m an: J thi nk that thf·\· '-' hnuld }1f: ra isH] anrl < t ,·iadu (' built . I .Jac·k Sla\·tr,n: J think thf-,. ~h<mld I :-- ta,· as th;·y <\ r l'-. :\s it wr;uld cr>st ;I brg ... sum nf mrJOf·:> to r· of Easter Bunny I thF-m .-nuth .-\ndHsr,n , ";,.\ Str,lp . Dre Hll Comel T nJe; Egg1, T 00 "Th e L ig ht R ace " p I eewees Win at Evanston; But LI.ghts Take Short End 1 ~a id to have stirn: d up more excitement in th e l..."nited States during th e past· two years than any othH mel()dy-maker ir. the past t en yt:ars. He made his fir<:t Chi(;ago appt:arance at the Auditorium la!-'t Sunday afternoon. Tht: prr,gram was as follow ~: r:onc:t:rto in G ).finor Yivaldi-Franko RrJmance in F :\Iajor Beethoven Adaigr, in G :\Iinor ::\lozart ~araband~ et Tamhoirin. · . I;eclair ConcHto ;n F ~harp ::\TaJIJr ' ' e1mawskl 1 AL dah 1: om K1ppur . . ~lock Rr,ndo . . . . . . . . . Shopr-Persmger 1 I htlpiti . . Paganini ThHe was a Yf!ry largr:: audi ence and Then we wt:nt back to the station to tn-mf!ndous applaus··.-EI anor Steen , get the train for hom e. We had a good 6.-\. Howard timP going home. EYeryone said that I they en joyed the trip and that it was worthwhile because of the knowledge of Ht and beauty required.-Lois Cote, 7.-\. , Howard 'Vilmette Peen·ees and lightweight baskE:tball teams had a game with Hav en at E\·anston, :\larch 7. '\Vilmette Peewees were winning at th ~ half 15 to 6. Then the lightweights came nn th<: florJr. At the en~.. of the first half fJf thf:! lightweight game, the Ha\·en t~am was winning 8 to ]. Th e PeewH:s came on the floor agai:1 a nd at the end of the game the \Viim E: ttf:! Pee\Yf:!t:~ won 23 to 6. '\\·hen th~ li.,.htw'"i"'hts "'ot through WI't h th e game, ,.., " ,.., · ,.., Hav n won 14 tr, G. \\.ilm ette's average is: \Von Lost tra we nt to ht:a r Yehudi :\Ienuhin at th e I Auditorium th t:atl': r . Yf:!hudi ).[enuhin is IOrchestra Members Hear !Howard 7th Graders I Menuhin, Child Violinist visit Art Institute; I Last Sunday, thirteen or fourtef!n I F eed p. ~;hildre n in the Wilmette schr,ol orche~tgeonS, S ee A T/ I . .. On Friday, :\I!irch 1, 7rA Ho"ard w~n .. 1 to the Art Instltutre. :\e took. the :52 to Ad~m~ and. \\abash. )l~s. Gro\ es and :\I1ss Scheidler accompamed ~s. On arriving there, we fed the pigeons outside. They were sq tame that th~y a te out of our hands. Then we heard ~Jiss l..."pton talk on picture study. It is interesting. All the pictures wera original paintings r,f cathedrals. The artist::; have Yerr bt:autiful harmony. Then :\Irs. Groves toiJ us that our time was up !"O we had to leave. w~ all wish to vi s!t the Art Institute next year. Howard Gets a s.·g Earful About Land of Porto Rico Pupils learn How Mankind Does Job of Fire-Making lJunn) . 1 hf·Y lf't hun thtnk that th,~ re wa. om·. .:'\(JW ll"' hacl a dog 11amr·d Tips. On· night ht- (] ('(·idf·d to stay l awakt to !"E-f· thf.! Eastf-r hunn·.·. (·uitf' . I Thf- ~f'n·nth and f-i·rhth grarlf·!" ·· ~ r·f I ate that !'light hf· hE-ard hiH dog hark" lng. H e jumped up and ~aid that hi!" Stolp were shown an int~"re~ting movingdog would oltr the t1 unny, that thl' pif'ture, "The Light Race," Thur:-day EastPr IJunny wr,uld not lf·aw· any eggs. r~ornln.g, March _7. at 11 r/r·lor·k in .'.Tis ~ Th("y had a hard tim· cr,nvirwing- him Stf-nn s room, ~tol~ ~chool. Nrxt morning ~ure f·JlfJUgh thf· Easte~ :\tr. Tr,dd, pr1nc1pal M th,. Howard hur~ny had lt·ft th~· f-~gs a!'! u sual, and !-IChor,), showed the film which was a f' wn!'l RO happy.-Ruth Kr,f'g··l ('f·n- r,m·-re ·1 movie. The f'ighth ~rad.-r~ -~~ w tral. fr,urth grade ' ' the picture from 11 o·(·lo('k tr1 11 :'Hi . The ~f·qmth graders from 11 :~() trJ 12 r;",']r.r· k . - ---·- -The pir·ture started out ~howing th prr.grPf'~ in light and the fir!-lt tr, C,'f't light. First the canman an d hi" fl1nt ;.nd ~teel. next ruhbing tw n stkk c.; tr1\\' dn£-!-!day th e ·IKhth grad s saw some gHhH then the first lamp was m:}.,l·· r1111l pictures on how different people made of grease from animals, thE: fir!"t r·andlt·l' light and firr. It began with the cav·· thr· samf' w~y. The bow drill wa~ inThf-n man whfJ l'tart"'d hi H flr e l>Y rubbing two ..- ·r1tf·d and i~ !'1till U~f-d tr,day. piece. M f11nt to producf' fin· a s they Lucifer lnn·ntt:d thP mat<·h anfl JwtroII·Um was di!"c·o \·f-r ·d anrl th1-~· U!"t>d \'a lu£-d it n·ry muc·h lJ(· r-aus~' It was so very hard to ge;t. Thf·n thf>y lParnrd lH· rosene lamp!->. that hy rul,!,lng thf· sticks togethf·r H Gas mantlt:s camP lnt() t·xi~tf-nr· ·· nf·xt. would prt,il ur·(· flamf· troo. It s hrm· ··d ho w The ntxt was the biggf·st Yf't. FrankFranklin dl scovPr,·d f:!IN~trk ity . Thf>y lin di sron:red elf·ctrkit \' and Erli~ ;· n inmade a gr at Rf·a rc · hli~ht hut was too ,·e ntf'd the in canch·s(·~·nt light. - Lfl \\·strong to bf: UHf·d In h'lmc·s, thf'n Edison r f'ncr· Bur·kmar-;U·r, Stolp 8B ___ _ ~ __ ·- -di S<·ovcrPd a wav to dirn lt trJ h f' u sf-d In homeK It wa!-1 all vNy intf·rc·~ting. · Ollve Bllllmack, Howard 8 H ~mall._ w:is ~liss Smith's lJrrJth-r, HU ff' th~·ff· v.:a !-1 an Ea st·· r whf!n h1· was I Sub)·ect of Movie L eC /Ure a / Sf 0 Jp ' Pt: e wF~: !" Lightweights - h I Heavyweights ' . I j ~[iddlt::weight!" · St 1 7 A Cl b E . 0 P · U nJOYS I Session of work , M USIC . Current Events Period Interests Sixth Graders The. 'i A clas~ of the Byron Stolp school had It~ wHkly dub m eeti ng, Wednt:l;d ~ty, :'.larch 6. Dick Hall, the president, r·al!F-d the rr,r,m to order at 2:35 o'clock anrJ tht:n Elt:anor Shapiro, the secretary n·ad the minutf>s r,f the la ~t club mt>etil'_lg. Thfn the trPasurer's report v·as gl\'~'n by Tr,m .-\ntrim stating how mur·h there was in the treasury. After thP old and nE·w busine!-'s was given they had the program. :\Iary Alice Hayes P]~~·ed tv:? pi l-et-s on her 'cello and \ n·lan G_ngsl'!y read. some poems by .Jam~"-s ". Rlh·y . Allee Freeman read ~r)m poem~ l>~· A. A. :\£ilne and then T~ e mef·ti~g was adjrmrned at 3:15.J·Jpanor Ri cks, 7A Sto' !' Every year my fath e r goes on a buRiness trip to Por to Rico. He has a good time there. It is warm there. On the way there on th e boat a storm was at st:a. That time there was a hurricane at Porto Rico. "ne n he got th e: re the c0mpany he waf': to work at was blown a way and all the goods were blown away, Then, when they got all the goods back a?"ain it was all right. He sent us many post card and kodak pictures. ~ 0 The people he was staying with gave my many things. They gave m~: . t .2 mother One 0 2 baby sister two summer dresses. .. 0 2 of the things they gave my mother was a luncheon set-Howard )Joulding, )Irs. - Paul Soule, 7C Stolp Gll?nnnn's room, Central Last Tuesday thP fifth grad1·s had a program in th e Byron ('. Stolp g-:rmnnslum . :!\fr. Hr,(,d gan· a talk on Lincoln. which v.:as v~ry lnt<·restlng. Then we had Hf·\' ·ral TJlays. Sotnf" of the dramn tlzations w<-re mad<· up. Others we~e not. Last of all, :!\llss McPartlin. room was supposed to give thl' r egular civic club but It was interrupt ·d bE>r:a u se they wHe going to have a slt-tgh ride. Two of the· girls are sendIng In for button~ for our club. I tldnk our club iR a very niC'e club to belong to -Dorothy J...age rlof, 5C Central Fifth Grades in Program; Present Numerous Plays Crush Hats of Many Hues Infest All School Houses Tn r·ru~h The 6B room · at Howard school has been having a f':ort of current events period. So far our teacher gives each of us a current event which has been· taken from some paper. We study these in our !"pare time and then later tell them to the re st of the class. It is ve ry interesting and we all like it very much. We have subscribed for a curr('nt event paper, from which we will find .Jur own current events. In doing this we not only enjoy ourselves, but learn a great d eal of what is going on in t h e world.Alice Dernehl , 6A Howard thf" last wr·ek thfl populati 0n of hats has lnrreasfod 100 pPr cent. In f-\'f-ry rfJnm nnw there are about 10 IJr m(Jrt· hat ~ in all differe nt colors such . The o~h r d ay ou r t eacher, Mrs. Stalla~ g-ray, rPd ,black, orange, hlur·. grf·en. d e~ 1d e d she wanted anothe r plant. llr()wn . whitt>. and purpl e. I was told ~ng, fhat mght Rhe and Alfred Bartnick wh1·n J hnught mine that even girls are Wf:!nt a tlori~t on Ridge road to buy making- thf·m ovrr by C'Uttlng · off th ~ r!nt". . to Whe n they arrived there, :\Irs. rim and cutting littl e figurP~ out of it Stallmg : "How much for t hi s red and ~ewing them on th e hat part and tulip?"' a~ked B efor the owner could a~swe r I hr·y look nry good. ThE"Y arf' being Alfred said, "i=ieventy-five cents." Then purC'hased In all men's clothing ~tores. the owner !':aid, "Sold.·" The plant has A llt-n Rossman, SA Stolp five t,uds on it no\v and in a couple of da~:s w.t: will have five beautiful r ed tulips m r.ur room.-Fl eeta Freeman .QB Howard ' Alfred Makes ·a Bargain; School Gets a New Plant See Moon and Jupiter at Observatory in Evanston On Thursday, February H, my sister; brother, and myself we nt to the Observatory. We went up some stairs into a room where the telescope was. There was a professor who tells about the stars as you see them. First we saw the moon and then we saw Jupiter. Then the professor took us out on a balcony and showed us the Orion. Then we went inside and saw the Orion through the tele~cope. Then we saw Mars but we didn't see the canals because the air wasn't very clear.-Janet Minor, 5C Central Howard School Pupils Hear Hoover Inaugural Ceremony !\fonday, March 4, the Howard el~hth and seventh and a few sixth grades heard the inauguration of Hoow·r. :\lr. 'ff1dd got the radio at the Wilmette The Wilmette Playground and Recrta- Radio s hop. We could h ear it very tlon hoard will foltage itR third annual plainly. They left the sixth, seventh r oller-l'lkatlng mf'H April 13 at Third and eighth grad R out at 11 :30 o'clock strf>et and Laurel avenue. The meet so Rome could eat their lunches n.n d will f'tart at !I :ao o'clock. LaRt year's come back and listen. Some of them mefot was one or the l H! folt r oll r -sk atlng stayed at home and li stened to Hoov r'!-1 meetK the Recreation hoard h as given. Rpf-t>C'h and lf th~>y did they were !':upJn Wilmette a k f-en Interest has always P(J!-Ied to get h £·rf' 1:> minutes n.ft~r the IJtot-n In Hkatlng. - Lawrence Buckmaster, Hpeech.-Helen Miller, 8B Ho'\\;ard StJJip 8B VISIT FROX HISTORIAN BOOK FOR LIBRARY On March 8, MlsR Kelty who is known Recently, Miss McPartlin's room of a ll ove r the United States made a visit Central school started a book for the to the Wilmette school s. She came to library. This Is the \\'ay we did lt. W e vlRit our room at HIRtory time. We thought or a month and described It so ask ed her Rome questions about the that some one could guess the month It stori es In her books that are diffe rent wu. Next week we are going to de- from others. She explained it in a very cide which ones are best and the book Interesting way. She Is the author of will .oon be ftnlahec1.-PattJ Wlle7, IC our History book.-Ruth Ebeling, CenCentral tral, fourth grade Recreation Board to Hold Roller-Skate Meet Apr. 13 Fourth Graders Busy With Studies of Switzerland Girls Win 'from Boys in Tests at Central Gym Frid ay is 1\Irs. Glennon's roo'tl gymnasium day. Our room has been practicing on the chinning and sit up tests for quite awhile. On Friday we had the two tests. The highest in the room was 77 which Joan Halliwell and Ruth Koegel got. I got 64 . The girls beat t~e boys. Ten was the highest tn chinnmg. The boys beat in that.- Julia Booz, Central school, fourth grade . The fo~rtt. grade of the Central school IS stu.dy!ng Switzerland. The , pupils m;;~. de 1t m their sand table. I am sure ~hat if you all saw it, you would like 1t. . The sand tabl e has the mountains which have h ouses, hotels , tunn els and trees on them. It has a lake between th~m and a waterfall down the mountal~ . I wish everybody could go to Switzerland and also see our sandtable. -Jane Solomon, Mrs. Glennon's room Central ' )lAKE COLONIAL HOUSE Our room is making a Colonial house. Three boys are making the house while the girls are making rugs and curtains. Some other boys are making furnitur~> such as chairs, tables, benches, trenchesbrooms, and warming pans. We all ar~ having a lot of fun doing it .-Gervase Barnhill, 5C Central DON'T CROWD, PLEASE! Mrs. Jones of Howard has a sign on her desk, "One at a Time Please." When she corrects papers there is a crowd at her desks. The sign surely helps. -1\Iarshall Doose, 8B Howard THE EASTER BUNNY When thf! Easter bunny comes this year I may be near enough to hear His footsteps coming to the door As thE-y run across the floor. -Helen Prescott, fourth grade, Central