March 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE western mile or two-mile relay teams. Other Purple stars who will compete in the southern meet are Tom Warne, pole vaulter, and ] ohnny Gorby, halfmiter. Wa-rne, a sophomore, is leaping around 13 feet, 6 inches, so far this first appearance in the latter sport this year and is expected to hit a still higher season in the relays to be held at mark outdoors. the Southern Methodist university at Dallas, Match 30. Walter was injured Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carpenter, 239 during the basketball season ~nd was Essex road, Kenilworth, are the parunable to get into condition for the ents of a son born Friday, March 8, inqoor track season. at the Evanston hospital. Mr. and The speedy Purple quarter-miter, who Mrs. Carpenter have two other boys, holdts the" Big Ten outdoor champion- Frank and Billy, and a daughter, ship, will probably run on the North- Marion. 7 Mrs. George Keehn, 100 Church road, Indian Hill, formerly of Kenilworth, has gone east to visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Keehn. .. f ChicagQ suburbs displayed comparatively an excellent building situation in February as compared with a year ago. · Despite extremely bad weather, which held up building and building plans including the filing of permits, thirty-eight suburbs had a total building volume of $5,132,802 last month as compared with $6,225,784 for the ·same month a year ago, according to S. W. Strau·s and company. Comparative figures for the metropolitan area, however, were not so good but this was because of the unusual drop in permits. in the city of Chicago itself. For February Chicago had only $8,756,300 issued in building permit·s, one of the smallest months on record in recent years. This Chicago figure for February is especially noticeable in contrast to the city's record for February, 1928 which was $23,256,300. Winnetka and Lake Forest made the outstanding gains for the month-Winnetka with a monthly gain of 307 percent and Lake Fore·st with a monthlv gain of 288 percent. Kenilworth also showed an increase, while Wilmette and Glencoe totals were slightly reduced. Oak Park had a gain of 101 percent, having a February volume of $2,092.130 as against $1,038.302 in February last year. . Evanston showed a small gain of 4 percent in the monthly comparison. Other important gains were as follows: Arlington Height·s 97 percent, Forest Park 95 percent, Harvey 84 percent, Geneva 48 percent, East Chicago 30 percent and Kenilworth 27 percent .. An upword trend was noted in many suburbs when the comparison of February this year was made with January, 1929. Outstanding gains in February over ] anuary this year included: Blue Island 4.080 per cent, East Chicago 987 per cent, Kenilworth 695 per cent, Arlington Heights 514 per cent, Lake Forest 341 per cent, Oak Park 260 per cent, \i\Tilmette 258 per cent, Harvey 208 per cent, Forest Park 168 per cent, River Forest 157 per cent, Niles Center 127 per cent, Geneva 120 per cent. Evanston, 106 per cent and \Vinnetka 8-t per cent. Rut Walter Is Purple .Hope Winnetka Shows Big in Track Events at Dallas -Gain in February Rut Walter, Northwestern's ·star basBuilding Activity ketball and track athlete, will make his Wanted-House . to Rent Six or seven room house, Wll· mette or North· Evanston. Want quiet res.ldent.lal street. Two year lease. Poss. May lst. Bent 190·1100. Five In famUy. Beat referenees. CALL GREENLEAF 3118 Beautiful Printed · Broadcloth Pique Batiste Dimities and Prints Priced 29c to 59c Smart Cotton Dresses For Children 3 to 10 years with Bloomers Augment Train Service to St. Mary's of the Lake Special '3ervice, inaugurated Sunday, March 10, will be furnished from Chicago to St. Mary's of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein on second and third Sundays in March, April and May, by the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad, announces R. S. Amis, general passenger agent. For the convenience of relatives and friends vi·siting seminarians, and sightseers, extr.a cars will be added to the train leaving the North Shore Line station, 223 South Wabash avenue, at 12 :08 P. M. This train will also receive passenger's at Madison and Wabash, Randolph and Wabash, Grand avenue, Belmont avenue and Howard street stations. On t·he return trip a three-car special train will leave the Serninary gate at 3 :30 P. M., operating over the Skokie Valley route and making regular limited stops ·s outh to the Chicago Loop. Inez Webster, daughter of Mr. and Albert Webster, 314 Oxford road, Kenilworth, is expected home this week to spend her spring vacation with her parents. Miss Webster is a freshman at Smith college. ~1rs. The very newest styles in brand new 1929 pnnts, with just the smartest of smart trimming touches. Patterns of flowers, dots, stripes or novelty figures made up in a number of different models. These are exceptional values~ Priced $1.25 to $3.50 Specials ·for Saturday and Monday Children's Cotton Hose, Derby Rib, Beige. Color, 5 pair $1.00 Cotton Bed Spreads 80x105, Bl~e, Green and Rose, each $1.39 Sheets 8lx99, Good Grade of Sheetin.g, each .........................$1.39 Eight--Pax Sanitary Napkins, Special 3 packages for ... .. :......... 50c W or.then~Carrico Co. Phones 588--589 1146 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette -0- Mrs. Frank Cheeseman, formerly of Kenilworth, entertained eight guests at luncheon at Maillard's last Wedne.J~ day, afterwards taking her guests to see "Skidding" at the Studebaker.