Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1929, p. 38

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WILMETTE L.IFE March 8. 1929 News o¥ the North Shore Clubs Night School and Select Committees Auxiliary. for Benefit Bazaar Junior Give Club Program Mallinckrodt Mothers Making Plans for Four Day Bazaar for School Building Fund The Mothers' club of the Mallinckrodt Catholic High school for girls is spon· .;oring a four day bazaar, proceeds of which are to go toward the building fund for the new school which is to be erected on Ridge and \Valnut avenues, · \Vilmette. The bazaar will open ~fay 8. clo.;ing ~fay 11. A special Children's day is ann ounced for May 9. The following committees have been arranged and are working earntstly to make their various activities ucces:;ful: Baken· hooth-~f rs. \[. J. Fa her, Yrs. F. -Didier. \1 rs. H. Arndt. o f E\-an ton; Mrs. F. Baer. ~lorton Grove. Cand\· booth - Hig-h 5choo l ju :1iors; Mrs. Robert O'Brien. \lr . Chester Cleveland. Mrs. \\"illiam Pan~ y. ~[r . Fred Murbach. of \\"inndka: ~[r - . \\ illiam Schneider. Glencoe. Doll booth- High school seniors: Mr,:;. F. ]. Orlerich. ~[rs. Ray Pear on. Mrs.\\". P. Seng. ~lr . Henry Schmidt. Wilmette. Fancv wo rk hooth-11 rs. J. :\. Hoffman, \frs . \\". Kumner. ~[r - . ~. ~[iller, Mrs. C. Braun. ~fr . J. Budinaer. \Vilmette. .. Towel and .\pron bo o th-~Irs. \\ tlIiam Schildgen of F.vanst ::)ll. ~n. Raymond Kloepfer, ~fr - . Harry Robert , Mrs. Otto Boheim, \\'innetka; ~lr - . James Enrig-ht, Glencoe; \Irs. Rose Albright, Northbrook. Blanket and Quilt booth - Mrs. George Ludwig, Mr.;. B. Brennan;. ~rs. D. Malin, Evanston; \Irs. \\itlham La vernier. Xiles Center: \{r . John Weber, \\'ilmette; ~Irs. F.]. Thurston, Chicago. Miscellaneous b oth - 1-Irs. Harry McDermott. Mrs. Bernard Lynch, Mrs. William Spillane, Mrs. John Bent, Mrs. James Byrnes, \Vilmette. Grocerv booth-Mrs. J. Ratz and Mrs. Anna Gebhart, Chicago. Ice Cream booth-1trs. Patrick Murray, Mrs. Paul Manzig, Mrs. S. Steffens, M r,;. M. Kelley, \Vinnetka, Mrs. Paul Manzig, Wilmette. Games-Mrs. Paul Blazer, Wilmette. Cigars-~{rs. J. Schaeffer, Mrs. C. Cobb, Mrs. H. Xeely, Miss Helen Jans, Evanston. Tulip Bed-High school sophomores; Mrs. J. Lies, Niles Center. The dinner.; which will be served every evening during the bazaar will be in charge of Mrs. H. Gaul of Chicago. The Evening School for Foreigners will present a program at the next morning meeting of the \Voman's club, of \\'ilmette \Vednesday at 10:30 o'clock. ~ff.;s Gertrude \Vhite, who has been_ in charge of the Evanston School for Foreianers for fifteen yean, will be the speaker. The \Vilmette school will give a group of song selection'-'· 1[rs. Samuel ]. Sackett of Evanston, Shelton Sackett the dramatist, will speak durincr the drama hour at noon. In follo·wing out the general theme of these meetings. "\\'hat to Look for in a Drama," ~{ r ·. Sackett will tell what to look for fr om a playwright's standpoint . \[r -. Sackett i~ t.he author of ·'Land's End." the pl ay gi\·en at the Economy Sh o p tea. and ":\ octurne." \\·hich i..; the elrama the ~orthwestern unin~ rsity play shop ,,·ill enter in the Little Theater tournam e nt. Lunch rn n will be · en· ed at 1 o'clock. and in the afternoon at 2. the ] uni or auxiliary o f the club \\·ill pre ent a program. E\·erything about it is a secr d \\·hich \\'ill he unfolded before t he club member3 \Vedne'iday. To Speak Here .I I ~----------------------~ I Club to Celebrate . St. Patric~'s Day Members of Woman's Catholic Club to Interpret Ireland in Music, Song, and Dance I I I Mary Bartelme Horne · to Benefit by Sewing The ~Ian· Bartelme ho·m e in Chicago, a hon1e for girl , is to be the re · cipient of the sewing done Friday. ~larch 15. at the \Voman's club of \ \'ilmette, under the auspice· oi the philanthropy department. All women of \Vilmette are im·ited to attend the meeting \ -hich opens at 10 o'clock in the mo·rning. Luncheon is served at noon, and mothers who so wi h mav make arrangement to have their chiidren join them there during the noon recess from school. The chairman of the committee for this next meeting i·.; \Irs. Lloyd Yost; its members are ~Irs. Frank R. Adams, ~Irs. A. E. Klunder, 1fr-. George E. \Vest, Mrs. Bruce P. Owens. ~Irs Arthur 1faynard, and Mrs. H. C. Toeppen. Catholic League to Hear of Women in Government· The talk on "\Vomen in Government" to he given by ~Irs. \V. A. Roberts. president of the Forum of the Illinois teague of \Vomen Voters, will form the first half of next Tue·day' s meeting of the North Shore Catholic \\'oman's league. \[ rs. Sidnev F. Beech of Glencoe wa to have -given a group of songs as the second part of the program. but. a:: she is unable to attend. ~[ r~ . \V. B. Pavey. program chairman. haarranged to have Miss Leona Haye of Chicago. well known harpist. play. The meeting is to begin at 2:30 and will be held at the \Vinnetka \V nman's club. The hostesses for this meeting are to he Mrs. ]. S. Cook of \Vilmette and ~{ rs. E. C. \Vei senher~ of Ravinia. Birds and Plants Topics for Garden Club Meeting The \\'ilmette Garden club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. C. L. Ricketts, 807 Ashland avenue , Wilmette Friday, March 8, at 2:30 o'clock Mr~. F. H. Pattee of Evanston will speak on "Birds" and ~Irs. J. B. Schaub will talk about ew Things from the ~ urseries." The garden club feels that \frs. C. N. Hurlbut, general chairman, and her committee in charge of the club's e:<hibits at the Garden and Flower show, are to be highly commended for their work of creating such fine display . The club wa e pccially happy to receive honorable mention for its shadow box exhibit which was arranged by Mrs. \V. W. Clark and ~{rs. ~ Alonzo ]. Coburn. Dr. Herman Bundesen, Cook Councoro ne r, comes to \Vilmette in his first app arance as a speaker, Mondav, ~larch 11. Cnder the auspices c,f the \\'ilmette League of\\'omen Voters, Dr. Bunde sen will give a talk on health problems at 1 :30 o'clock, in Pilgrim hall of the Congre-gational church. ~!embers of the \\'ilmette ParentTeacher association are invited to oe the ~uests of the league at this time. Dr: Bundesen is too well known to Chicago and its neighboring villages to need much introduction. Before he accepted his present position, he was Chicago health commissioner, and the record of his work stands out in public health annals. He · is a nationally known authority on social and health welfare and has been president of the national organization of health commissioners, an organ!zation in which he still is active. He is one of the outstanding health experts m the Cnited States. Dr. Bunde en is a frank. forceful. straightfon,·ard speake r, with a message of interest to every woman voter. The League of \Vomen \"'oters extend- a \·erv cordial invitation to members of tlie Parent-Teacher groups in the village to hear Dr. Bundesen and if thev cannot attend the lunch eon at 12 o'clock. thev mav come at 1 o'clock. · · !n addition to the lecture, Mrs. Homer Long- witt give a music program. Luncheon reservations are to be made with \Ir s. T. -f. \{oreau. \Yilmette 1592. bv noon ·Saturda\·, ~{arch 9, it i- announced. The meeting i.;; under the direction of the :-ocial h~·giene department of the learrue. of which ~Irs . Rav \Varren is chairman . . and will be pre~ided over hv ~Irs. \{erie B. Snyder, program chairman. t\· St. Patrick's day will be observed by the \Voman's Catholic club of Wilmette at its next meeting which will be held Tuesday afternoon, March 12. at 2 o'clock, at the \Vilmette Woman's club, when Mrs. A. \V. Boylston, Mrs. Frank Daegling, Mrs. B. M. Lupton, Mrs. Forest Miller, .a1:d Mrs. Harry Sherwin are entertammg tne fine arts department. An interesting program has been arranged by 1frs. Louis Crush entit led "Ireland in Music, Song and Dance," which will be given in costume by the club members. ~frs. Crush will read a paper, "Ireland the Beautiful." :Vfrs. \Vatter Bermingham, ~[ rs . Charles Xorman, and ~1rs. Frank Rothing will sing Irish folk songs, and ~[rs. Harrv Lombard and ~lrs. ~1. B . ~farris will play - a duet of a medley of Irish national airs. ~f iss Helen O'Donnell ,,-ill give Iri h readings and 11 rs. \V. J. Harrison \\·ill appear in an Irish folk dance while Miss Jean Miller and \Iiss \fargaret Bell will give a ymbolic dance reprC:ienting the Irish Free State. \fi ._~Iarv Schneider, a reader, will gi\·e selections. During the social half hour, 11 rs. B. ~f. Lupton has arranged to entertain the members with a ::urprise feature which she calls "The Art Institute." On Tue dav afternoon also will be held the exhibit of handicraft of the club members. All members are urged to bring any work from drawings, paintings. manuscripts, all kinds of needle work. hooked rugs. exarn;)les of new art, do,,·n to the culinary arts, and enter them with ~Irs. F. X. Thale. 710 Linden avenue, by Monday, 1farch 11. As much interest has been manifested in this display. the committee expects to have a large collection. ·· Business Women,s Club to Hold Meeting Monday The Club for Business and Professional \Vomen of \Vilmette \vitl meet for a business session }.1onday evening, ~[arch 11. at the home of Mrs. Sarah Ga,-. 929 Twelfth street. at 7 :45 o'clock. -After the disposal of the business affairs, the members· will play bridge. Henrv Gates and Charles Beat gave interesting talks to the members of the club ~[on day evening of last week. when, with the use of motion picture:>, thev showed the development of the telephone through its instruments and the progress of its system. The \Vilmette cluh '"'ill co-operate with the Illinois Federation of Business and Professional \Vomen's clubs in sponsoring Business \Vomen·s week from ~farch 10-16. inclusive. :Jo ... ··x Press Chairmen to Meet ~f rc;;. "'alter Sch·wedler. press anrl publicity chairman of the Illinoi.;; Federation of \\.omen's club.;, will meet \\'ith the district chairmen on ~fnnrla \', ~[arch 11. at 10:30 o'clock in the mnrnintr. at State hearlquan.._r · . 30 \\·. \\·a shingtnn treet. Chicar;o. All pres-; and publicity chairmen of the clubs of the Tenth di-;trict are invited to this meeting. Friends tn Council Meet The next regular meeting of the Friends in Council of Evanston will be held ~[arch 8. at 2 o'clock. at the Orrington hotel. The board will meet at 11 :30 o'clock in the morning and luncheon will he sened an hour later . ~[r.- . Henn· Furter \\·ill speak on "\\'0m~n of the Bible." Miss Margaret Ha \':king is president of the association and ~[ rs. Julius Schoeninger is corre . . ponding secretary. Speaks to Garden Committee For the second time this season, John Lind of Kenilworth gave a lecture Monday at the meeting of the garden committee of the Illinois Federation of \\'omen's clubs at the club headquarters in Chicago. · \Vith a number of other", 'M rs . Lind was instrumental in effecting the establishment of a committee of its own for tht> development of the interest in gardC'ning which rapidly has forged ahead. ~~ rs.

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