Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1929, p. 24

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WILME'TTE INVITE D. A. R. TO TEA The Skokie Valley chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution has received a,n invitation from thl! Kaskaskia chapter to attend an afternoon meeting and tea at the Chicago Historical society, on Tuesday, March 1:?. The program will consist of aa historical pageant of early American women. This is a most gracious and cordial thing for the sister chapter, Skokie ·valley chapter feels, and members are asked to send acceptances to Miss Anna Lockett, S.t2 Roscoe street, Chicago . not later than ~larch 8. LIFE March 8. 1929 Mri. Ida Lamson Johnston Claimed by Death March 3 Mrs. Ida L a mson Johnston, mother of Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, \\yilmette, and Warren A. Lamson, Hubbard Woods, died Sunday, March 3, in Milwaukee. Funeral services were held at Milwaukee Tuesday afternoon in the Emanuel Presbyte r ian church, of which Mrs. Johnston's husband, the Rev. Howard Agnew Johnston. has been pastor for the last six years. D!'. Cleland B. McAfee, of the Presbyterian Theological seminary, Chicago, officiated. A special service for Chicago friends was held \Vedne sdav afternoon at the First Presbyterian church. 64th street 1nd Kimba rk aveuue. Chicago. Burial took pl.1ce at ~fount Hop e cemetery. ~Irs . Johnston was born in DeKalb county, Ill., April 26, 18.t9. She was married to Lorenzo ]. Lamson Feb-, I' Uary 20. 1868. Th ey came to Chicago, · \vhere th e Lam ·on home wa;; estabiished at 3i20 Grand bo ul evard. For fiftv \·ears \Irs. Lam son \\'a " activ e ill the- First Presbvterian church and ·was a leader in va;ious \ovclfare organizations . .-\fter the death o f :\[r. Lamson in 1915 she wa s marri ed tn Dr. John sto n. then presirfe nt of th e Chi :::ago Churrh F ede rati o n. o n ~far rh 13. Garden Talks l 91 i. This Evening Hour Belongs to Your Famil1 "In many homes the evenina hour ia the only one which really belonp to the entire family." So aaya Good Houaekeeping IDItitutc in the article. "Hou.ekeepen Diacuas Diahwaahinl MaChina with the Institute," iD February Qood ~· Ultra Violet Ray Lamps $45.00 up HEA LTH AND HAPPINESS IN THESE MAGIC RAYS dening. with Peat M?s:.;" by Fred~rick ]. Rock\Yell and Wtlltam G. Breitenbucher. in the chapter on seeds, I found the following: . "A seed when you stop to constder it. is really a marvelous piece ?f mechani sm. Here. within a bomb-ltke ·.;hell, -;o tiny that in so"file instances, y_ou ~~ most need a microscope to see tt_, l~es hidden th e infinite.;imal germ ot hfe which ma\· have to lie dormant for we e k s. month s. or even years, before it receives the sign~l from outside ~_u tomatically to set ttself off. The .tfe within. which has been arr.e.;t ed, miraculous!\· start s anew. \Vtth a force, whic-h, if · it could be measured in terms of pound- pressure- per 3quare-inch, ·would be simply s tupen_dou s, the swelling germ burst~ from tt s sealed co ffin. and Sl'nd s one tmy sprou t upward toward,; the sunsh!n e and th ~ air and anoth e r d0\\'11\\'ard 111 search o t m oisture and food. "Truly familiarity nree d s cm~ten:pt. All thi s miracle oi seed g e rmmat10n an d gr o \\'th we tak e for granted. Th e real w o nd er is that seed s can thus re·,;urrec t themse lves. come to lif e, and u ush th ei r \\'a\· o ut of the :-.oil pri on. ~ \· e n u nd er th e nw.;, t fa \·orable con- - - - - I diti o ns. And \·et we cover them with load :; of ~ oil ti, ey canno t possib ly lift, \Yith ::. oil that bake s. tmd er r epeated x ~t t e rin':..!· " · tt) a cement -like cru st. and ri ri e~ o ut 50 th or o ughly to th e depth tt ,,·hi ch th e se ed,; -are planted. that t he d l· li c at e fir,; t tendril -like ro ot is .; hri,·e le d to a cri sp. and th en \\·e \\Tite 1 in to t he "eed sman a1~? t ell him that '1 i:- :'t't' (b a re no g ood .. 1 Gold Glove Champs Perform at Initial Shawnee Stag Event More than 700 men atten d ed the St~g dinner and ente rtainment at the Shawnee Country club, last Monday evening. The boxing ·.;how staged by the athletic committee of th~ ~ tu b un. der A. A. C. ru les and s u pervt~ton feat ured several Golden G love wmners of the recent Chicago Tribune tournament held at the Coliseum, Chicago. Harn· Garbe l. 118-pound Golden Glove ~vinner, Barney Ross, 126-pound winner. and Johnny Ros·,;, Centr~l A . A. U. 160-pound champion and wmner of the Golden Glove bout in t_ he recent tournament, all won thetr bouts handi ly. . . Johnny Ro ss parttcu_larly. fu~mshed the audience \\·ith a thnll by sco nng the only knockout of the show. . Johnny ~{eyers. fo~mer tmddle \oveight \ne stling c~ampt?n. :net Tony Hajeck in a time lim1t exhtbttton. match: The pair uem o n·.; trated a vanety o t "holds." . , Edward Purdy, one of Ch1ca go ~ fnremo st referees, officia~cd at the boxing bout s. and Al Smith, anno':lncer d e luxe. wa maste r of ceremon1e s. H e i:-; the famou,; Al Smith who ann ::)U~ce_d the Demp sey-Tunney fight at Soldter . Field. Th e show \\·as voted one of the mo t ' Uccc~ s fu l entertainments ever _held on the north shore. The ath lettc com mitte e. Tohn B. Ctley and Arthur E. Tador. -,\·ere co ng r a tulated ~pon th e sp ie11 cl id en t e rtai nn_1e n t pr~vtcie d f o~ their fir st big athlettc e\'ent 111 th e ne\\ : lub building. . . Tudge \Vi ll is Brightmire and Chte_ ts 0 (Po lice L e ggett of vVilmette an? \ \ 'tl liam Freeman of Evanst o n w er e Judge:-. of the bouts. T I .... I co~E:f\ DtsliwAsttEI\.. dishwashing dt'Udger, No l~r need diahea be done after every meal. ~_])lace yout' d in, diahca in the CON VER, out of ailht, until the moac convenient dme to do them. And enjoy your eveninp with your family l.natead of wutfna them in the k.itcbcn with fO'U diaba. Pho"e Today UNIV. 4523 Free home demo,stratio" doesawa,tAJith North Shore Tai 712 Church St. L:-IUIII Machine Co. a ttt' nded tlH~ regular monthly meeting I o f the \\'o man' auxiliarY of the Episcopal Dioce se of Chicago. in the State and Lake building. Thursday. :\ g reat number of the Epi scopal \\'Omen attended tl1e meeting in order to hear an ~ddres s bY Dr. H. P. Almon .-\bbott ,) f St. Chn·sostom's cliurch . Dr. .-\ b bott has - recently been elected Evanston , Bi shop of Kentucky. Episcopal Women Attend Chicago Auxiliary Meet St. John's Cadets Have .-\ gr o up of w0m en fr o m th e Church Part in 'naugural March oi th e H oh- Comfo rter. Kenilworth, Cadets Charles R. Ford of \ Yilmette and R obert Parker ·of Ev~nston: _wlw are attendi ng St. ] oh n s )of thtary ac;-1.dem,· at Delafie ld. \\'is .. were two of a set'ected g r oup of boys to serve as "'sco rts to Governor Kohler of \ \'isconduring the ina ugural activities in \\'ashington last ~f o n day. · They participated in the ina ugural parade. as well as in othe r activities. Charles For ci :~ the 50!1 of ~frs. A lex R. Ford . .t27 Central avenue, a nd Robert Parker is the .;;on of ~fr . and Mrs. ]. \ -. Parke~. form e rly of \\' ilme tte. ;in Aslc for a demonstration PUBLIC SERVICB COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOII .JOSEPH W. KEHOE, Dlst. Manager t l J. Cbureb Street ill Main Stre~t T elephone UniTerslty ltOO Haady abe for amall k.itchena $9425 and ltltcbenctta · · · The CONOVER abo co.a ia ...,. Luacr Ata. TO GIVE BIRTHDAY DINNER ~ ~ r . :1nd ~r r . .-\. T. K in caid of Farmer CitY. Ill.. arr ived this week from T oledo, whe r e t hey had been \'isiting relati\'es. and w ill be the guests of their daughter. ~Ir s. C. :\. \ \' h eeler, 2n5 \ \ ' ood Court. for ahout a mo n t h . ~[ r. Kinca id will bt· 85 years o ld Satu r cla,·. and )of rs. \\' heeler wi ll ente rt ain at ·an informa l birthday ditine r fo r her father. and Renting ~r r. a n d ~I rs. Bently ~fcCloud, 338 Keni lworth avenue. Ken ilwor th left T uesda \· fo r Califo rn ia. Th ey a r e meeti ng frie nds at Oma h a w ho a r e ta k ing th e t rip with th em . They aH will go t o Del Mont e. Cal. fi r st. for a fe w days of golf, before going to Lo..; .-\ngc les. -o11r s. Karl B. Korradv. fo rm erly K enilworth a nd no w o( the Orring t on hot el, has r e turn ed from t h e east. whe r e sh e spe nt a m onth visiting at th e ho m e of he r siste r 111 G r ee nwi ch . Conn . SlnA"er Drop beads. Up Eledrle Portables. {Used) {Used) ...... .. . . lTew Singer and White Haelllnes at Bedaeed Prlees. Old Maeblnes Taken In Trade. $1 5.00 $24.50 Up -oAgai n last S unday. M r s. V irg inia H edrick Leimert, whose hom e was in K enilworth. wr ot e a ve r y inter es ting article in the Metropolitan section of the Chicago Tribune. This time it was regarding the history and growth of Winnet ka. PATTERSON BROTHERS 1515 SberlllaD AYe EVANSTON CIUcqo Store, 1135 lniq Park BIYcl. UniY. 910

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