March · 8. 1929 W"ILMB'TTE LIFE 23 1!----------------z TO EDIT MAGAZINE ABROAD Dr. Kenneth Colegrave, professor of political -science at Northwestern uni- · versity, has been granted a year's leave of absence to -accept the editorship o"f European Economy and Political Sur· Dr. 1ohn Dill Robertson will speak vey, a magazine published in Paris. at the P. T. A. meeting in Stolp gym- He will leave for Paris with his family nasium Tuesday afternoon, March 12, early in June. .. at ' 2:45 o'clock. His years of experience in connection with Chicago's Mrs. Burt Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, health program enables him to bring will entertain her bridge club at lunchparents and teachers a valuable mes- eon this afternoon, at her home. sage. In order that all mothers may -QI attend, a teacher will care for small Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Spinney, children in the kindergarten room. 927 Ashland avenue, left last week for Other features of this program, ar- a several weeks' trip in California. ranged by Mrs. \Villiam L. Hart, wiil he numbers by the school orchestra, directed by Miss Katharine Granqui st, and athletic dances by members of Miss Peacock's classes. C·entral-Laurel P.T.A. MELSON LAUNDRY ·a nd Dr~ CleaDiDI &~stem We use soft water ar;td Ivory soap. It's so gentle to clothes Liberal Dlseouat oa Brlag and CaD CENTRAL AT MAIN ST., WILMETTE Phone 1800 I A meeting of parents and teachers of seventh and eighth grade pupils \\'as held Tuesday evening March 5 to confer with Miss Elizabeth Packer of New Trier High school, regarding courses of study and ways of helping rach pupil to develop his own !1ersonality. The room · teas sponsored by the P. 'f. A. are proving to be a source of pleasure and profit to mothers and teachers. The fall term opened ·with a series of teas, which made it possible for the new teachers to becon'1e acquainted with the mothers early in the year. During the present series there is an increased interest in methods and spring programs. The follo\\'ing teas have taken place recently: ::\[rs. Glenn A. Ricks, l 236 Fore~>t avenue assisted by Mrs. A. S. Holoway. entertained for Mrs. Vernon and mothers of 7A Stolp Rchool. l\.Jr:-;. J. T. P eterson, 1202 Chestnut an:nue. was hostess to the mothers of the fifth grade and Miss Fox, the t eac her. :\Tr~ . J . Kiel , 911 Greenwood avenu E', was a!':~i5'ted by Mrs. J. A. Ronan and :\1rs..Jam e:;; C. Crossley when she opened her home to mothers of 7C and all the seYenth grade teachers. ::vrrK W. F. Horsting and Mrs. L. B. Baldwin were hostesses to the mothers in MiBs Burtner's room, where a praetical demonstration of the "children at work" was given the mothers when they were invited there for t ea the afternoon of February 21. Mrs. Edward Blum, 914 Oakwood avenue, opened her hom~ March 1 to mothers of first grade Laurel, and Miss Whitmack, the teacher. She was assisted by Mrs. J. F. Mehlhope. MrR Emil A. Anderson was hostess on March 1 to mothers of the sixth grade, and assi~ting her were Miss Johansen and 'Mrs. .Julian. A tea for mothers of children of Miss (llemon's fourth grade room wa::; given at the home of Mr~. B. F. Lewis, 610 Wa!'hington avenue, March 5. She was a!'!'isted by Mrs. I. K. Stover. On the same afternoon the home of :\'lrs. George H. Oakley, 305 Driftwood lane, was open to mothers of children in the room taught by Miss McPartlin. She was assisted by Mrs. Frederic}{ Strube and Mrs. Herbert Smith., Friday, March 8, a tea is being giver\ at the home of Mrs. G~orge Lamb, 115 Woodbine · avenue, assisted by Mrs. Robert Mcintosh for mothera of the third grade Laurel, taught by Miss Karst. On the same afternoon the mothers of Mi::;s Loag's fourth grade pupils will be entertained by Mrs. Lowell D. Snorf at her home, 230 Tenth street. Frigidaire alone offers the new .... Cold Control Faster freezing ·.· more desserts 80 d~licious recipes_ are contained in a new book we want ta give you free. E have collected eighty unusual new recipes in a new book which we want you to have absolutely fret. Simply call and ask for it. And, while here, be sure to see the Cold Control that makes countless delicious salads and desserts easy and practical .t o prepare. It is a simple dial with a lever which you can set at one W Supt. J. R. Harper and Principal Lowell F. Todd of the Howard school reported on the annual convention of the National Education association held in Cleveland last week at a meeting of Wilmette public school teachers in the Stolp school Monday afternoon. Mrs. Paul R. Soule, 915 Lake avenue, entertained at luncheon last Friday for Mrs. Roger Erbe of Palm Beach, Fla., who is staying at the Evanshire hotel until she finds a permanent residence in Wilmette. -oJo MacMorran, the golf professional at Indian Hill Golf club is back from Scotland and is giving golf lessons at the University club, Chicago. TELL OF CONVENTION of six different freezing speeds. There is one point for unusually rapid icefreezing. Another for a particularly rich dessert. Another for routine refrigeration ... six freezing speeds under control. Cold Control is the latest Frigidaire improvement. There are many other features exclusive to Frigidaire. Stop in today and learn about them ... and about the new low prices ... the easy terms ... and ho~ quickly Frigidaire pays for itself. FRIGIDAIRE The QUIET Automatic Refrigerator Michigan Ave. at Randolph St., (151 N. Michigan Ave.) Randolph 4950. Evanston · 1631 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 4480 Highland Park · 382 Central Ave. Highland Park ISO H.u bbard Woods · · 890 Linden Ave. Winnetka 1512 Public Service Company of Nortlaem Illinois, At all their olicea. 1311 STOVER CO.