Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1929, p. 17

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March 8, · 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 17 ~rs. Frank R. Young, 333 Cumnor road, ·Kenilworth, spent the week-end of February 16, at Washington, D. C., visiting her daughter, Jane, who is at National Park seminary. Miss Young is returning to Kenilworth March 22, to spend the spring holidays with her parents. Logan-Howard P.T.A. Mrs. Lillian K. Schaefer Taken by Death March .S ~hs. Lillian Kleinofen Schaefer, wife of George Schaefer, Wilmette motorcycle policeman, died at the Evanston hospital Tue.5day night, March 5, where she underwent an operation the same day. Mrs. Schaefer was 29 years of age and the mother of three children, George Jr., Betty Louise, and Virginia May. The funeral services will be held thh afternoon at 2 o'clock in St. John's Lutheran church, Crain and Vvesley avenues, Evanston, with the Rev. A. ]. Munsterman officiating. Burial will take place at Ridgewood cemetery. ODD FELLOWS MEET A. T. Sherman lodge No. 892, International Order of Odd Fellows, held a meeting February 28 which was well attended. Thursday evening the lodg~ conducted work in the first degree. On March 14 there will be roll call, and every member is urged to be present. ' I I · 1e the Tl evening meeting ?£ ~ ~o~an Howard Parent-Teachers a·~soctatton w.as ,opened by a group of songs by the gtrls gl~e club foll~wed by ~ongs by t~e boys ~lee club. The closmg. nu.m~er wa'3 ~wen by the two clubs ,~mgmg The Wtlmette ,Loyal~y S(:mg. Mrs. Clark, the sch?ol s mustcal dtrector, had charge of thts part ~£ the program. She wa~ present~d. wtth a basket <;>f flowers tn apprectahon of her ·splendtd work. A·3 this was Father's night the meeting was conducted by L. F. Ladd, the !'chool principal. A large gathering of mothers and fathers ·showed their interest by coming out and filling the gymnasium . and part of the balcony. Mr. Hellmuth, acting as program chairman. made a brief address, and then introduced the speaker of the evening, Frank Bentley of Chicago, who spoke on "Our Responsibilities As Fathers," According to Mr: Bentley, more could be expected of our chitrlren if we as parents would give more time and thought to the activities of the child, as well as to the companions our children choose and the example we -set before them. because in most cases the boy's hero is his father, and what dad does is perfectly all right for son to do likewise. Former president R_oo~evelt wa3 quoted as saying, "Raising a large family is the biggest job a mt!n can tackle, if he does it right." Mr. Bentley also read a number of poems to expres'3 different passages of his address. At the close of the talk Mr. Hellmuth read an announcement of the Better Homes exposition to be held at the Wilmette Woman's club, March 20, 21, 22, and 23. Mr. Harper pre.5ented the work of the Community Chest drive, and also spoke in regard to the poster exhibit that was shown before and after the meeting. Many of the postert3 were selected by Mrs. }i1aher during her trip to Europe last summer. This collection was exhibited by the Wilmette Art league. The nominating committee for the officers of the coming year are, Mrs. John W. Behr, chairman, Mrs. S. B. Groves, and Mrs. H. G. Nevins. Mrs. Edmonds gave an interesting report of the card party held February 12. She announced that Mrs. Grove's eighth grade room won the prize for having the largest percentage of parents present at the meeting. A pleasant social hour was spent after the meeting, and refreshments were served by the second grade mothers. The Babies' Friendly meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William G. Schleier, 1629 Central avenue, March 14, at I :30 o'clock. Anyone who is interested may attend the meeting. A tea was given for Mrs. Glennon's room Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. F. Lewrs, Jr., 610 Washington street. Mrs. I. K. Stover was assistant hasteS's. The affair was attended by an interested group of mothert3. A delightful program. of music was given by :Mrs. Wilbur O'Brien, who sang two songs, and Mrs. Frederic Ebeling, who played the piano. Orders taken for Black Walnut Ice Cream and Orange Bisque CAR KILLS HORSE One horse was killed and another injured when a buggy driven by David McNabb, Wilmette teamster, wa·., struck by an automobile driven by A. R. Hartt, 2121 Schiller street, Chicago, Saturday evening, March 2, at Locust road and Lake avenue. The case was settled out of court. fancy Ice Cream Moulds Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Wilmette -, I I I I .Annouticing the ret ....cn of I li .' I~ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Powell . from PA.RIS With a comprehensive collection ol Original Models for Spring and .S·u~mer personally selected at the important I l Parisian Openings ·· Replicas, made to your indiviJual measure~ in our workroom, executed with that meticulous care which ·is typical oj P ou:ell Youths Steal Auto Here; Nabbed by Chicago Police An automobile belonging to W. D. Starnes, which had been left standing in front of the Starnes re'.;idence at 925 Central avenue, Wilmette, was stolen Friday, March 1. by two juveniles, who were picked up by Chicago police after the stolen car had collided with another machine at North avenue and Oakley street. Both cars were badly damaged. The boys were relea'3ed after their father paid the damages. 320· AVE NU[, NOilTH

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