Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1929, p. 14

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I / Latest School News -=======d JUNIOR· LIFE bJJ the acbool children of Wilmette under a uperviaion of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board - ld by Pupils Publiabed weekly VOL. 2, NO.4 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MARCH 8, 1929 Wednesday morning, February 27, my mother took . Mary Oglesbee, my sister and I to th~ Flower show at the Sherman hotel In the loop. We left fiUite early In the morning so we could gt!t back early in the afternoon. When we got there we first went In where people were exhibiting bulbs, gra s::~ seed, seeds and bushes. This was not very Interesting so we went into the next room where gardens were exhibited. The one we liked bs t was the s ide of a ravine where viol e ts and other wil'd ftowers grew. The r e we re mount d squirrels and birds on the trees that made it look very r ea l. When we fini shed this room \V f.! went downstairs where flowers in bun cht·::>, bouquets and bask e ts were shown. W e saw a very rare kind of flowe r call erl the African viol e t. The lea \'e.· of this ftower look rubbery, but the bloom looked like an ordinary purple viol et. Another thing that interested u s was an orange tree with orange blossoms, green oranges, ripe oranges, and small blossoms on it. We al so saw a grapefruit tree with a small grapefruit on it. We saw many different kinds of flowers in thi s room and when we had s <>e n them all l\fary and I we nt to th e othe r end of the room to watch some meu unpack carnations that had jus t arrivf' d from St. Louis. Soon we got tired watching them w w e we nt upstairs t o a s mall room whe r e some more gardt> ns WE' r e exhibited the n we w ent t o a r oom wh e rr.~ tables with plates and l1t-autiful <'t>nt Prpleces were exhibited. The Wilme tte Garden club had a table hut it did no t g t a prize. Around the ·w all s w er e windows with window boxes in it. rl'he 'Vilmf' tt t> G n r den club had a window box but it did not get a prize either, Th e tabl e w e liked the best wa:s a pirate tabl e with a ship of f1ow e r s in the middl e and a wooden pirate on an end. The r e was a 11kull and crossbones and a sword mad · out of cardboard .laid on the table. After we saw the tables Mary and I went into the room where posters mad e plants and trees we r e exhibited. The Wilmett Garde n club had a post r macltout of black and white felt with a tree scene ~aying "Save Our Tr ee ~ . " It got honorable m ntion. I think that wa s the only prize Wilmette got. In the next room we saw model:s of. houses and gard ns and we saw the house Wilme tte exhibitt:> d. 'Vt-' thou g- ht that it f':hould ha\'e got a prize hut th <· judges apparently didn't agree becau st· it did not g t one. We thought we had seen eYerything so we went downstairs. For p('ople who did not know their way around th e exhibit, tht-re we n· arrows all around and a card saying, "Follow the arrows and !': ee everything." Mary and I started following them but we got all twisted up and we came to the conclul'lion that it was better just to wand e r around like we di rl. When we thought we had seen everything we went to ~lar. hall Fields and ate our lun c h. Aft r lunch w e wandered around tlw fourth floor and then ""' went to the third floor and looked at pictures in the pi cture galle ry. Then we went home.-Eleanor Ricks, 7A Stolp Eleanor Describes Inside Dope on What ·B eautiful Exhibits Teacher Thinks About " Here comes that eighth grade class at Big Flower Show .again. My! But they -are nois y. They A Squirrel Story S unda y , F ebru a ry 17, we we re eating brt>akfa st wh e n I looked out and saw four squirrels eating a corn s that we had gathe r ed in the Fall for them. There we r e n't m a ny left so I took some peanuts out t o feed them. One of them w~ s quite t a m e a nd he took the nut right out of my hand. Soo n two more cam e and thi s started our family of foi iX squirrels. During th ~ wee k they wo uld eom e at 8 o'clock a.nd 12 o'clock t o eat the nuts we :::e t out for them. The next Sunday th ey were the r e again and a s it was a "::;peci a l h olida y" the y got pea nuts. 'fhe nE>xt da:1 at noo n ·w h n I was eating I ~a w three squirrels outside and a s the windows in our breakfas t room s lide down in s tead of pull up I slid on~~ d own and called the squirrels. On·: eame right unde r the \vindow and a s he s aw th:tt I h a d a nut h e s tarted climbing- th e s tucco to th e window . H e wa ~ fri g h te ned a t fir:-;t a nd would not come in the window a nd I'O I ti E>d th e nut to a piece o f black thread and swung it do wn. Th e squirrel came up to m eet, th e n th e thread ~lipp e d from m y hand a nd I wa ~ afraid the squirrel would eat th e nut. thread a nd all a s I ha d take n thC' s h ell off. H E> go t t he nut out of th e . tring and a te it. The n h C' gatht>r ed e nough courage t o com e up t o th e siJl.. Soon he became t a me e nou g h to sit on th e sill a nd eat nuts. I had left som nuts on th E> writing de ~k whi ch was n ear th~~ wind ow and the squirrf' l calmly we nt on the writing d esk and s tar ted P a tin ~:~: them. .Ju s t th <· n nur ca t wa lk ed in th e room and the squirrel jumpf'd to tlw windo" a nd we nt out s ide. I put the cat in the othe r r oom :-tnd the squirrel camf' on th>::· sill and I fed him until it was time to go to school. I hope th e other squirrels will grow ns tame a s thi s o n .-Eleanor Ri cks, 7 A Sto lp Howard Glee Clubs Give Program for P. T. Association Tuesday evening, March 5, at 8 :~0 o'clock the Howard Girls' Glee club sang be fore the Parent-Teacher a ssociation. It wa s the first time th e girls hat! sur.g in public this y ear. ·· The y sang the foll owing: "Stars of the Summe r Night ," "Wa te1· Lilies," and the Loyalty song. An announcement was 1:;e nt around that the B oys' Gl ee club was going to ·~ing al so. They ~ a ng three numbe r s and both the boys and girl r-; sang the Loy a lt y fiong toge ther. l\Irs. C lark is director of the club s. The girls wore white middies, whit e skirtf-', and white stockings , r ed ti es , and black shoes. The boy s wor whit e trouse r s . blu e jacke ts, red ties, and bla ck shoes.-Yi olet Lance, Howard 7B mu s t have just come up from gymnasium. Well, I'll just s tand her~ until they qui et down. "No, the room is not hot, leave the window down. Now is not the time to s harpen your pencfl. "We are going to have a test tod a y. Use ink if y ou have it and pE>nci l if you have not. Yes , you may have a pen point. No. I h ave n't a pe ncil. Borrow one from someone. "Jane pass out large lined p ap~ r. The questions are on the board go to work at once. You have only a few minu tes left, it took y ou so long to get quiet- After a v ery few minutes-"Jim, what are y ou d oing ? Jus t borrowing an er af-ie r ? You s hou ~ d ha \' e one of your own. - 'Vh en the bell rin gs" :\Ia ry, collect th e pa pe r s and-Oh yes , for home work-mu eh g r oaningTeache r going on h eedless of inter ruptions. ··· pages 16-27. Study, not r ead. W e ll , I gu e~<s that is all . "Wh ~ w! I a m gl a d that class h a!-:i gone. H er e comes a no the r. I wonder hO\v they a.r' g·ning to a ct."-· Marjori e Houghton , 8_B Stolp Angus Pens, Tribute to Purple Football Captain H e nry Ande r son firs t atte nd ed l.ind hlom h.igh school and h e and two otht- r ff> llow n werP known all through Chicag o high schools for th e ir ability in foo t ball. Afte r graduating from high school, ht> cam e to Northweste rn uniYe rsit y a nd he made the fr eshme n team a s r-;oo n a=he arrived. Las t year, "Heinl ," a s h e is call ed b:-· his fri endf': , made the track , footba ll a nd wrestling teams. H e pla yed guard on th e football t eam, tos~ed the di scu s . hamme r, and putt the shot. H e pla yed in e\·ery game las t y ear and owing to h b fine playing and good sportsmanship h·· was · made the Wildcat's ca pta in . Ander s0n l s now ove r at the Enginet·r ing !': Chool a nd aft · r h e g radu a tes he b to become a civil e ngin eer. During th .:> t"i ntire football season h e was only ou t ten minut es and that was on account of injuries receh ·ed during a. game.-Ang w; Cage Players Who Must Stay After School Lose Stolp 8C's second ba :-;k etba ll team d f' ft'ated Stolp 8B's RE'C() nd team 4 t o 0, Wednesday afternoon , F ebruary 27, at 4 r1' lock. The gam e was pl a y ed at the Stolp gymnasium. 8B r eceived its s cond d e fea t but it \\'a s a very good game . Both t eam s h l' d one man short and had to -s, · ,~ ur <> a st>wnth grade playe r . :\Ioral: Jt':-; bes t for bas ketball pl a ye rs not to h rtvc t0 stny after school on dnys gam Ps are :-:chE'duled. The players on th <> 8B srcond t f> am a r e : nlen Roberts, guard; Billy Youn v,qui:-;t. fo rward; Lawrence Bu <" kmast r, gu a r·d; Rkha rd Simons, ce nte r; and S lim '~:id e m a n, forward. TJ-. E:' players on th e R<· !'eC"o nd team are Ian Denholm, forward ; Jack Davis, furward; Edward ommi:-:k t> y, ('e nter. !'B ~ e cond tenm beat !\A third t eam 2 to I lc;st Wednesday and are pla y ing SA serond t eam next Wedn e~day.-Lawr e nl' e Bu(·kma:-:ter, 8B Stolp Stolp SA Basketeers Win From 8C Rivals 'Y e dn e ~da~·. Ft·bruary firs t tea m pla~·f> d 8C Go-Getters Take Game From Boob Basketeers .On TuE:'sday, F ebruary 26, the SB Gn<-; E:' tte rs pll1Y ~' d the 8A Ba~k e tball Boob:<. The <::core was 8 to 6 in favor of th ,)> Go-C e t te rR. Thi s game was piayE:'d a t th <> Stolp gymnasium. The nlayf' rs on th e Go-G ett e rs t ea m are Sylvia StMrk, for'w ard, :\Iary Finlayl'on, forward, Dorothy Jan e Orr, for._,·:-trd and C(·n te r, Betty Southwick, guard, Hf> IPn Rooz, g-uard, Lorraine Born>, guard. Th e pln~·(\ r s on th e Raskf'thall Boob':-: t ~ am arf> : Jun Kehl, forward and centf> r , .Janet :\k~ulty. forward. 1\Iarjori,. C:: ·· uhold, fnrward, F.ilf'f> n Burke, guard , Fran(· (> ~ Ellis, guard, AnnabE:' lle Brow11, guard. This gnm e wns a very long and ex citing on e· and both t eams played w ell. Thi ,.: '!'a >n ~> Pnd f' d thE' SR BR s kethall Boob· ~ <.: f'::t<:0n . Our r ecord is: '-'ron 3; Lost 1.·Doroth~· Jane Orr, 8B Stolp Spring Thaw Leaves Pool of Water at' School Door. It is Rure tough for a lot of pupil~ at the Howard :-;('hool the:-;c days. The wat e r in front of the :o::ehool is ahout a foot deep. On(' day on the way to ~chool , Oll f' bn\' ff'IJ down and YOU know the rest. H e <:<~me baek later with a clean pair of pants on. Everybody is wishIng for I" Umnwr now. But I am 1'\Ure lt will come ~oon . -George Green, 6B Howard DIVIDE READING CLASS In Mr!'l. Stalling's room the 6B class 1~ dh·ldE>d into three classes the A. B and C. The A class can read any book they Uke. The B class have to read books given th m but they can go to the Ubrary once in awhile. The C class haY·· Lo read books given to them but they l&on't go to the library. So I think the A and B classes are pretty luclfy.-Alnn Henrekson, 6B Howard 27. 8A Stolp Stolp haske thall team anrl won by a sco r e of 6 to ·1. f' f'C' il ,\~ illinm s was jumping ce nt r on th e R.\ t r am although X ed Shapker, jumpin~ c·e ntPr on the 8(' t eam. is much tallf' r t han f' ec il , Cec il got the jump half of tlw tim f' . C' <> cil made two baskets anrl (' harl c·s Knapp, ri g ht forward made th-: oth e r for SA. RA Stolp would haw won tlw chai11pi on!'hip if th e ~· had not lost to 8B Howarrl h~· a !-' ·ore of l 0 to !l . Althoug-h ('pcil's t E:' am let 8B Howarcl !!'et th E' c·hampionship. th ey won th· · 7 A ~tnlp c-lub had it s wel· kly meeting d1ampionship of Stolp.-Roge r Pal e nskP , Thursday, F e bruary 28 , in the class RA St olp r,oom. The meeting was called to orde r at 2 :45 by our preside nt, Dick Hall. "·e had th e Flag f'alute and sang th fir:-;t \' ~:> r se of the "Star Spangled Banne r .·· The president then called for the seeAfte r a hard battle 7C baskE:'thall t eam r tary's report of th last m ee ting·. It bE:' at 7A first team 15 to 10 at the Stolp was approwd. W e th E:' n had th.-> t rea:->- gTmna sium Monday afternoon F e bru' urer's report stating there ·w as $t1 .5 :i in aJ-y 25. the class treasury. Tht>n we had ll disThe game stnrted after the fifth gracl<· cussion on how \\'<' ~hould s alut ,· the game. The referee tossed the ball up. Flag. AftE'r that w e had the tm.g-ram . It was batted around hetw f'e n th.: > pl:; vFrancE's Shuman read. " Th e 1,1100.000- e r~ a few times when Preston of it; g0t pound Banknote" by ::\Jark Twa1n. Th P a free throw and put it ·in. Only a ft'W mee ting was adjourned at 3 :1~ . - --Ruth baskets were made during the first half Anderson, 7A Stolp and the score )';tood 7C', 8; 7A, 4 at thP end of the half. 61 \ WIN~ f'AGF. 'l'fJ/f After about ten minutes of play in the l.ast Tuesday, 6A played 6B in basket- second half, both teams ran up large hall in the Howard school gymnasium. scor('s and the final count was 1fi t1) J 0. It was a very C'Xciting- gamt>. Th e making th e 7C tE'am chamnions of St0lp ba)';kets Wf're made by GE:' raldine Ruw·h school. -Howard Herbon, 7C Stolp and Eleanor Steen. Lois Sandberg who was the scorekeeper received (]uit<' a. lT N A.NDIOI ~ collE>ction of wrist watchC's hE'eausf' most One day l\Ir~. GroYes said to our class· of the girls do not risl< playing with "look at that picture over there." w~ them on. The game ended in 6A 's fa,·or looked. and !';aw C'olumbuR cros!'ling the 11 to 2. - Eleanor StE' n, 6A Howard ' AtlantiC:· 1\fr!". Groves says &"he just loYes tHeturf's and maps because of the ]).JL\ W A XCIE:X1' l,lf'Tl ' JU:S pretty col0ring and the meaning of the Lately, in school we have hf'en mak- picture. I ag-ree with her for the same ing pictures on Roman, Egyptian. Gre- renson.-Stanley Cochran, Howard 6B cian, and stone age history. The pi·:· turf's Wf're first mad t> on small 9 b~· 12 MEDIEVAL EUROPE inl'h paper hut aftf>r they were looked In Mrs. Grm es' class of Social Science 'l\'E>r they were put on paper three times we are studying · about Central Europ(: f". ~ hr~f'. The pupils who die] ~hio:: Art in the Middle Ages and this new bobk Work liked it a great deal an·l hopt-d takes in 0ther countrieR than the United we could have more of lt.-Vlrginla States \Ve hope it will be very tnterGreen, 6B Howard · esting.-John Osborne, 7A Howard Stolp 7th Grade Club Has a Splendid Meeting 7-C Cagers Take Game From 7-A Stolp Squad Manual Training Pupils Get "Comps" for Big Game ;\Jr. nail, manual training teacher fm· the fifth. sixth. seventh and eighth g-rades. got tickets to the New TrierEYanston hasketball game. Thev we!' t> !!'ivf'n only to the boys who play ·bask t> th:l.ll. Many Grammar ~chool hoys wE>rP thE're to ch<>er them. New Trier has a very good team. The li~htwf'ights \\'011 the lightweight game by 25 to 12. Th" heavyweights for New Trier have a bad team. They lost to Evanston 11 to 2. -Kenneth Rahn, 6B Howard REOPEN )fANTIAIJ ROO~[ The Howard school manual trainingroom will be opened next week after being closed for several weeks on account of the building of the new addition. The SA boys could be seen cleaning away the rubbish Thursday afternoon.- Bruce Meaker, 8B Howard SPRING IS CO)IING Out ~ide the snow is melting and th ~· days are getting warmer. Everybodv will have to put their skates away and the skis and sleds will have to go too. Summer will bring baseball and footb::tll, tennis, track, rowing and swimming. The old folk wm like it better too.-Wayne Cochran, 6B Howard

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