March 8, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE At the ·Neighbors Home and Garden Club Celebrates Birthday +* i I I The Kenilworth Home and Garden club celebrated its birthday on MonThe regular meeting of the Neigh- day at the home of Mrs. Edwin Blutbors was held on Tuesday of this week. hardt. The president, Mrs. Frank W. The program was in charge of the art 'Cperry, gave an interesting history of $255. THORNHILL BROS.' and literature department of which the club since its organization. Mrs. MASTtR TRU SU'RG~NS 1\{rs. Joseph White is chairman. Miss John Roberts, chairman of the pro(Not jaclu of all tradn) ltlrs. Burt Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, . Eleanor Perkins gave an informal talk gr·a m committee, then introduced ¥iss Keni~worth entertained her bridge Phone Wll. llti !O!i Sehlller An. about .books, with comments. She Isabel · Cline, who presented several club at luncheo·n yesterday. spoke at length about Dinet's "The song selections. This was followed Art of Thinking," and Strachey's by reports by membert who had ex"Elizabeth and Essex," also the recent hibits at the Chicago Flower show. Ball Every Live Boy "I olm Brown's Body." It was a most Mrs. Benjamin H. Bisbee spoke on Waatl a Bearing i;1teresting talk and gave inspiration "flower arrangement," Mrs. W. W. to read not just the good books but Wheelock reported on the ~~luncheon Union table," and Mrs. Henry Taylor talked the best books. Hardware on the "window box." Mrs. Rufus Air Rifle On \\1 ednesday of this week the Porter discussed the "little garden," Single Shot .. $1.50 K eighbors sent representatives to the and Mrs. Theodore Moritz discussed 580 Shot . ... $2.50 Tenth District meeting held at the Ev- the points considered in judging at 1,000 Shot ... $3.00 anston Women's club. the flower show. This Friday morning the education The club voted that the Columbine department is presenting the second of should be the national flower of the Rollfut the series of Dramatic recitals and Garden club. Following the program, Roller Skates lectures by Esther L. Harcourt, at the a birthday cake and tea was served home of Mrs. B. C. Dowe3, 315 Leices-· from a table beautifully decorated t er road. The third of these lectures with spring flowers. will be held on March 22, at the home Mrs. Henry Taylor of the club reof Mrs. John Rathbone, 523 Abbotts · ceived honorable mention for her winford road, Kenilworth, at 10:15 o'clock dow box at the flower show at the in the morning. Hotel Sherman. The art and literature department \vill meet next Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. Burt Crowe, 234 Raleigh road. at 10:15 o'clock. Mrs. D. n. Flood will give a report of a current art exhibit and Mrs. A. B. Spach will review a current book. NEW FIRE EQUIPMENT ,. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buehler, 151 Wilmette firemen soon will have new Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth have tr.helmets, boots, and coats. A ·motion turned from a trip to Florida. was pa·sse<J at the meeting of the Village board on Tuesday to purchase the TREE OWNERS necessary protective equipment for the dtsiring the most reliable tree surgery service and counsel to be had, call Ul. fire-fighters at a cost not to exceed DAISY $1.75 MILLEN HARDWARE COMPANY 1219 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette Phones 3060-61 ALL CHILDREN SMILE FOR BERNIE Mr. and Mrs. Otis Heath (Elizabeth Stolp) formerly of Kenilworth, are leaving March 15, to motor to St. Petersburg, Fla. They expect to motor through Florida and will be gone a month. -oM iss Harriet Newey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. ]. Newey, 436 Lake avenue. who is teaching in the St. Katharine school, Davenport, Iowa, wilt spend this week-end wifh her parents in Wilmette. -0- +I Mr. and Mrs. Jule A. Petersen and family, 222 Cumberland road, Kenilworth are leaving tomorrow for Daytona Beach, Fla. They expect to be gone a month. -oMr. and Mrs. James H. Prentiss, 201 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth. left Saturday for St. Augustine, Florida. They expect to be gone two weeks. -0- RICHARD PITTS BARBARA WILLIAMS JANET MCKNIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Guv S. Osborn, 330 Cumnor road, Kenihv"orth, returned last week from Arizona and Texas, where they had been on business and pleasure for three weeks. EASTER SPECIAL Three Large Buff Photographs ~} ·~·.I'. I --oMr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lundberg and their son, Harold, 1010 Elmwood avenue, ·3pent last week-end with Mr. Lunberg's sister, Mrs. E. W. Carhon. in Morris, Ill. --oM rs. William A. Melchior, 719 r· tral avenue, will entertain at a s1 11 birthday party tomorrow afternoon wr her daughter, who will be 4 years old. -0- $ .00 Regular Value $15 . ..... ,"<~' · · Thc Paul ]. McNamecs have moved from 1739 Washington avenue , into their new home, 625 B.riar street. Kenilworth. -0- BERNIE STUDIO 1623 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON Georgc Kingsley, 529 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, returned last Tuesday from Florida, where he had been touring for a month. -oMr. and Mrs. H. M. Gardiner, 250 Oxford road, Keni-lworth are leaving soon for several weeks' trip to California. -O- Tel. University 8998 Kenilworth is entert~ing her eon club today. M rs. George Jones, ~18 Oxford road, JANE HARDING lunch- . I! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~