6. WILMB'TTE LIFE ·March 8, 1929 Legion .Sponsors Lenten Recital Milan Lusk, north shore violinist, who has achieved di·3tinction by his artistry both in this country and abroad, will present a Lenten recital Wednesday evening, March 13, in the Wilmette -------------:----:~ :::;'1, Woman's club under auspices' of Wilmette Post, American Legion, and the auxiliary of Wilmette post. Proceeds from the recital, which begins ·at 8:30 o'clock, will be directed into the serive fund'3 of the Legion and auxiliary, it is announced · The time of the recital has been set at 8:30 o'clock to provide sufficient time for those re·3idents who attend church services that evening to hear this program. Next Wednesday's program will mark Mr. Lusk's first appearance on the north 3hore since his return from an extended European concert tour last summer. He has since made several tours through this country in which he was received with enthU'siastic acclaim. Mr. Lusk's accompanist in this Lenten recital will be Miss Mary Win'slow who has been appearing in recital at Orchestra hall thi·3 week. Miss Winslow is widelv knowi1 as a pianist of exceptiomil ability. She is as'3ociated with the teaching staff of the Columbia School of Music. ., . Offering the Smartest New. Spring House Dresses Stylishly fashioned of fast color Bro~dcloth, Pique and Soisette materials. Short and long sleeve styles, some with pleating on skirts and smart dainty touches of embroidery. Every one .well-made and priced to sell at $1.95 to $'3.25 ----~;.::::;::;....=___;-====.:=.__;_;....c.:_;~ T A~! ~m~ ~r: s 1123-25-27 Central Ave. Mr. and Mrs. C. ]. Albert, 321 WarMr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, 535 wick road, Kenilworth are leaving to- Warwick road, Kenilworth are in New morrow for Florida. They will be gone York at the Savoy hotel for a few days. two or three weeks. -()--'- -o- Ph. Wil. 1914 Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Smith, enterMrs. John ]. Tracey, 336 Greenleaf tained at an informal buffet supper avenue, entertained several ·of her last Sunday ~vening, at their home, friends at luncheon and bridge Mon2519 Central street, Evanston. day afternoon. · All Telephone and MOSTor THE BEST FOR THE LEAST 9M C. 0. D. Orders Carefully and Quickly Delivered MI;AT MARK~T CO. m.TII~ ~ cASJ.I Charge accounts opened with reliable people. 1559 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 6868 , University 2720 CoiDe To Any One ol Ou· Markets You will find nothing but the very highest quality products displayed in modern sanitary casea. You will be convinced that there ia a great difference in QUALITY and PRICE. We do not misrepresent when we say-EXTRA. QUALITY - · it means just that. Winnetka , 796 Elm St. Winnetka 4 & 333 Wilmette 1145 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2814 & 731 1941 Central Street Greenleaf 4355 Leg Lamb The qua11ty we are proud of and the kind the whole family wm really enjoy. Only, lb ·... .. 39c 59c 45c 705 Main Street Greenleaf 2989 1407 Greenleaf St. University 3700 Pot Roast Spring Chickens S:·lom· Steak U Some more of that wonderful juicy, tender kind. Cut from choice, corn fed Beef, Lb ·.. .. You have been looking for those deUclous, tender fresh flavored kind. Scientifically raised on the great WAPSIE VALLEY FARMS and come direct to our markets. Lb· . ............................ Hubbard Woods 9101/2 Linden Ave. Winnetka 417 & 418 .·Glencoe ~ "Extra Quality." Aged enough to give It a good flan1r and make enjoyable eating. Lb. . . ... ... ... . ............... . 352 Park Ave. Glencoe 172 .I 'I'IIB PRICE IS AI.WAYS REASONABLE IN OUR MARKE'l'S