Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Mar 1929, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE ·LJFB· llarch 1. 1929 News of Interest to the · Chur·ch-Goers · of Our Village First Methodist The Annual Lenten luncheon wlll be held Thursday, March 7, at the Shawnee club. Mrs. Horace G. Smith will preside. An exceedingly fine musical program has been planned to follow the luncheon. Miss Anna r.hinlund, who is head of the Wilmette branch of the Columbia School of Music, will play a group of compositions. Miss Chinlund is well known In Wilmette as a successful ~acher of plano. Elizabeth Houston: member of the Chicag9 Concert Opera t·ompany, will render a group of songs. Peter Grimson of Highland Park will play the xylophone. held at 9 :45, and Holy Communion with dollars. H~ Is ·:ery much sought after as a speaker and an·: group which hears address at 11 o'clock. him is certa.in to turn its own problems Next Sunday, tht- first Sunday in the with greater vision and consecration. . The Vagabonds, a quartet of boys, wtll month, will be Corporate-Communion for both the Bovs' and the Girl~' Communion furnish some music for t,he o.c casion. leagues. · On Thursday the Cozy Corner Circle The rector preached one of a serleR of will hold an all-day meeting at the Lenten sermons last Wednesday evening church. Mrs. C. L. Darling i:-; chairman at Grace church. Hinsdale, the Rev. R. J. of the luncheon committee. Lee, rector of Hlnsdnle, preaehing at St. Augustine's. The Boys' club will meet at the church The Associated Guilds will meet in the at 3 :45 P. M. · Club House building immediately after the 10 :30 service in the church. Lunch1.'he Junior choir will meet for reeon will be served at noon. hearsal at 4 P. M. The Senior choir will meet hearsal at 7:30 P. M. · for re- Wilmette Baptist On sunday morning our minister, the Rev. George D. Allison, begins a new series of sermons of great practical religious value. We invite anY: wh~ have no · church home to fellowshiP w1th .m; during these IJenten days. Th e top1cs are as follows : March 3-"How Can \Ve Know God Better?" , G t ,, 1 March 10-"How Shall We e !~ore Good from Our Bibles?" March 17-"What Should the C1'oss Mean to Us?" March 24-"What Think Ye of Christ?" March 31-"How May We Gain the AH~urance of Immortality?" We rejoice in having so many boyH and girls in our church service .. The subject of the children's story th~s Sunday will be "The Greatest Thing in the World " After their story the little ones go into ·o ur kinclgr!{arten. . in charge . of Mrs. Maude Kehl while the1r parents g1v~ undivided .attention to the sennon. It If! hoped that every woman related Extra Lenten services will be held each to the church will be in attendance Wednesday morning and next Friday at R eserva tl ons may b e m ad e w ith M rs. E · · 10 :30. Evening services for nne hour will M. Statrord, phone 4082. bt ··e ld every Wednesday at 8 o'clock. The second of the ::;eries of F'ellowship suppers wlll be held next Wednesday night. These are served in the "potluck" style. Each family is asked to bring sufficient sandwiches for their own use, and one covered dish sufficient for themselves and six others. No reservations are needed. Coffee and milk will be supplied. The Phllathea Class will have charge of this second supper. The discussions at these Fellowship hour~ will center around Mark's Gospel. The servIce will close at eight o'clock, at which time the choir will hold Its regular weekly rehearsal. A membership class · is being started under the leadership of Mr. Emmett Johnson. The class meets during the church period In the house next door to the church. The theme will be "The Church Carrying on the Work of Jesus." The topics under discussion are as follows: March 3-Why We Have a Church. March 10-'rhe Minister. March 17-The Members. March 24-The Story of thf> Church. Stories, discussions, and npJ)ropriat~ Bible reference work will be used with t.ach topic. A· Membership campaign is under way which will continue until the Pentecost Sundrv, ::;even weeks after Easter. A cla::;s will be received the Sunday following Easter and again at the later date. Progress on the new building has been slow during recent monthH because of weather condltionR It is apparent now that the first unit may be dedicated on or near the first Sunday in June. The New Trier Boys' quartet, composed of Junior Morgan, Martin r.asRel, Howard Blaser, and Deibert Miller, sang at the worship serviC'e last Sunday morning. Miss Winifred 1\fkkt'Y was the acco· m· panist. The Renior High league meE-ts Sunday evening at 5 :!lO in the C'hurch chap<>!. Leader: A1·t And·· rson. Speakers: Marcia Smith and Lucille Boyajian. ·.roplc: "Why the.' Pre!-;ent ConC'ern About War." Wendell Kdth will furnish the special music. l<"'ollowing the d~votional service, a social hour will be held at the home of HO\a.·ard Williams. The .Junior Hi league will meet Sunday at 5 ::10 In thf' .Junior department room. Bob HermanRon iR the leader. The Philathea class will hold its re~ Jar monthly meeting 'fuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ruby Hammett, 1715 Elmwood avenue. MrR. Hazel Triplett will bt' the al'sisting hostess. The Cot-k Book is still on sale through the church office, and through the various mt::mbers of the divisions. The Young Married People's group has tentatively reRerved March 12 n s the date · for their next meeting. The Wilmette and Winnetka W. C. T. U. will meet Monday at 2 o'clock with Mrs. William . ·risk, 222 Catalpa place, Wilmette. The church has suffered a great loss In the death of Mrs. L. P. Denoyer. She wag a teacher in the Church school anct was greatly beloved among the small (·lrcle of friend!'; who knew her Intimately. An Inaugural ::;ermon will be preached next Sunday morning. This wm · otter a message of peculiar import at this time In our national history. St. Augustine's Sunday, March 3, belngtlfe third Sunday In Lent, there will be Holy Communion at 8 o'clock In the morning. Chu~h school and Bible classes ~Ill be On Friday the Woman's Guild will hold its Lenten meeting at the church. Th~ Next Wednesday evening, March 6, Executive board will meet at 12 and the after a short service of worship in the luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock by church, at 8 o'clock, devotional pictures members of the North End · Circle. Mr. of the I..ife of Our Lord will be shown Loper will speak on "Self- onsecration" in the Parish House. and Miss Esther Heather, assistant soOur Sunday ~chool is striving for a prano soloist in the choir, will . sing a high attendance record for March. Every The Vestry of the church will mt 0t group of songs. member is urged to be present and on' Wednesday evening, · March 6, at 9 o'clock, time, 9 :30 A . M. sharp. The Blue Birds will meet at the church in the rector's office. at 3:30 P. M. The Young People's m~eling SuT}day Dr. Charles E. Jefferson, pastor of the afternoon will be in cha1·ge of Beulah Broadway Tabernacle, New York, will Lovell. chairman of the f:iervice commisbe the speaker at the Sunday Evening sion. club in the auditorium of the Congrega- Wilmette and Park a venues, Wilmette tional church, at 7 :30. Dr. Jefferson is Herman W. Meyer, 1\L A. pastor Our mid-week meetings are drawing a famous speaker and writer, well know . 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 unusual attendances and d evelopin~· throughout the United States. Church telephone 3111 growing interest. Next Wednesday we have a Bible study of the great book of The rector preached a special sermo .. Isaiah at 7 :15 followed by a pageant by SERVICES to the Boy Scout troop No. 4 at St. Third Sunday in Lent, Oculi some of our young people on the theme, Augustine's, on Sunday, on "Washington !) :30 A. l\1. Sunday S<'hool and Bible "From Self to SE-rvice." a::; a Boy." The Scouts attended in uniclasses form. 9 ::W A. M. Preparatory service for comThe Easter <'a 11 is sounding throughmunicants 'JUt thE> Chl'istian world, challenging ~ :45 A. M. Fi1·st service and Holy Com- young· and old to acknowledgt> the claimimunion · of Cl11'ist upon their lives. Easter has t 1 A. M. Second service and sermon Vere V. Loper, MinistE-r co m e to be an ingathet:ing time for church Sermon: ·· Positive Christianity," Lul{e mt:>mbership. This ehureh has no creed W. E . McCormack, 11:23. Minister of Education but Christ and on the basis of Christian fellowship and personal loyalty to JesuH we invite men and women to become 1.'oday the ('entral Avenue Circle is LE:X'fE X SERVICE membE-rs with UH. meeting at the home of Mrs. M. A. Wednesday, March 6, at 7 :45 P. l\1. Clampitt. 823 Greenleaf ·wenue for s · 'I'h ·" K' d f G d tuncheon at 12 ::!0. Mrs. J. c F. Jo'hn~on a~~m~~~ ~ro~;;r~~t Ou~n1,aov~or~' o The Sunday Evening club presents D1·. and Mrs. F. A. Wil~on are assisting. Charlt>s E. .T efferson, pastor of the Broadway Tabet·nacle, New York. JIEE'l'INGS '.rhe Senior department is to have a and Friday at 4-Children's party this evening at the home of Miss Monday The Woman's society ~ill hold its regclasses ular monthly meeting 1.'hursday, March 7. Hazel Knepper, 1404 Maple avenue. ~Ionday at 7 :~0-Choir rehearsal The lun<·heon will b e prepared by Link R. On Sunday the Church school meets in Tuesday at 7 :45-Church council The program at 2 o'clocl< is in t:harge of . the following departments: 9 :30 A. M., Thursday at 2-Ladies' Aid a n d Link P and the to~ic will be "PrPsent Missionary Beginners, Primary, Junior and InterDay ("onditions in China." mediate departments; 10 :45 A. M., Cradle 'l'hursday at 7 :45--Senior Walther league Holl dC11artment and C'Ontinuation of BeThe Junior choir nwets Thursday f'Vt'About two hundred young people repreginnt::rs' and Primary departments; 12 ning at 7 o'clock. ::Hmting dght Lutheran churches of the noon, Senior department and Forum for north shore attended the 4uarterly Zone Adults. The Boy Scouts m eet as usual Thm·smeeting of the Walther league at Highday evening at the chUJ'Cll. at 7:30. land Park last Sunday afternoon and At the morning worship service at 10:45 l\11·. Loper will preach on "The evening. 'l'he feature of the afternoon The <·hoiJ·, under the d ir~ction of DiRcovery of God in History. " This i:s was a.n address by Pastor A. Kretzma.n, Madanw Gilderoy Scott, rehE>a.rses ThursCommunion Sunday and there will be the the newly electt·d president of the North- day evt>ning n.t 8 o'clock. Au servkt> for the rt'ception of new m embers. ern Illinois di:-;trict of the league. Th e Wilmette Baptist church is tht· appropriation was made for the Lutherau chureh of the lighted cross at the corner At th e Sunday Evening club which Sanitarium a.t Wheatridge, Colo. It was of WillnE>tte nnd Forest avenuE>K meet:-; in the auditorium of this church also derided that every socit·ty of the at 7 ::~(J Dr. Charles E . .Jefferson, · pastor North Shore zone Hhould hold an oraof Broadway Tabernaele, New York, will torical contest among· it::; nwmber:s, I.Jefore ~peak dn "'I'he World Problem." Dr. .May, when the winners in the societies Jeffer~on i~ widely known throughout will compete for the Zone championship CH.l TU.CH OF TJH: HOLY f'O~IF(HlTEit Anwrka and is the author of many books, at the next Zone -,rneeting. The winner of The Hev. Leland 1 lobart Danforth, rE-ctor among them "'l'hing::-; · Fundamental," the Zone championship will be entered in On the Third Sunday in Lent, March 3, "Faith and Life" and "Doctrine and the district contest, and the winner of this will enter. the finals at the Interna- services will be as usual ; Holy ComDad." Eugene Dressler will sing. :.ional Walther leag·ue meeting at Ft. munion at 8 o'clock, the Rev. R. Malcolm ·· Ward. of Chirst church, Winnetka, The North End circle will meet on Wayne, Ind., in July. celebrant. Church school at 9 :30 o'clock. Monday at the home of 1\lrs. E. M. MerThe Lord's Supper will be celebrated Holy Communion and sermon at 1l rill, 1106 Greenwood ave·nue. Mrs. W. T. Lane, Mrs. A. 1\l. Rossman and Mh:;s in the first service on Sunday morning o'clock. The "Rev. Ernest V. Kennan, asFlor nee Butz will be the assisting hos- next, March :t The confessional or pre- sistant at St. Mark's church, Evanston, te~se~. Luncheon will be served at 12 :30. paratory ser\'lce for communicants will will be the celebrant and preach the begin at 9 :30 and the regular service at sermon. The B·o ard of Trustees will hold its 9 :45 o'clock. Those who desire to receive A mid-week Lenten service will be held regular monthly met>ting at 7 :30 in the the Sacrament are requested to announce this to the pa~tor on Friday afternoon or Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. The parlor. evening. speaker will be the Rev. Ray E. Carr, rector of St. Mary's church, Park Ridge. On Tuesday the Crescent Circle will The Junior Walther leag·ue will have At the following Wednesday evening'::; meet at the home of Mrs. F. E. Parry, 622 Maple avenue. Mrs. G. F. Iliff is its regular monthly meeting according r...enten service, the Rev. John K. Coolidge, ehairman of the hostess C'ommittee and to schedule on Friday evening, March 1, rector of St. Elisabeth's church, Glencoe, ~frs. Henry Hammill, Mrs. C. F. at 7 :45 o'clock. Come on out, Juniors. will preach. BatcheldE-r and Mn;. N. H. Hall are There is much to be done at this meeting and much of interest to tell you. The women of the church meet on Mona~sisting. days at 11 o'clock, for their regular Midweek Lenten services are held every Guild work. Luncheon is served. The The Wekeacafila Camp Fire Girls will Wednesday evening at 7 :45 at St. John's. women are sewing busily on articles. mee t at the church at 4 :30 P. M. The sermons are based on the story of our Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will Lord's great ])assion, as told by the four The Rector's Aid and the Woman'~ evangelists. Our church most cordially Auxi~iary are continuing their Monday meet at the church at 7 :30. invites everyone to attend these services, me~tmgs as usual, and are sewing on Sen Scout Ship No. 7 will meet at the in particular such as have no church con- a rtlcles to be used for distribution amongchurch at 7 :30. nections whatever. There is a real mes- the charitable organizations within this sage for faith and life in every sermon. diocese.. Instead of p1·eparing lunch in On Wednesday at the regular monthly the .P~nsh hall, as is ordinarily dont>, J>arish dinner Dr. Ernest Graham Guthrie, The classes for the Christian education sandwiches and coffee are served, each director of the Chicago Missionary and of children meet every Monday and woman contributi~ enoygh sandwichei" Extension society, will be the speaker. Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. These for one person. In oraer that a greater Dr. Guthrie was chosen as the best man classes are open to any child between the amo.unt may be accomplished at these in the denomination to direct the ex- ages of 6 and 1'.i. A graded course of meetings, it is hoped that there will be panded program of the society which has study 1n the Bible and the Catechism is a good ~ttendance at these Monday been made possible by the Lawson be- offered. There is no charge whatever gatherings. quest which amounts to seYeral million for tuition. All chiJdren are welcome. (Continued on Page 47) St. John's Lutheran . First Cong'l Church _ Kenilworth· Episcopal

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