ll WILMETTE LIFE March 1. 1929 OF~ICIAL ~tatement PUBLICATION CHARAcrER-BUILDING SCHOOL'S BIGGEST JOB Eaton V. Tubbs Finds Outstanding Leaders Emphasize Training for Life Work Eston V. Tubbs of Wilmette, director of curriculum for the Chicago Public schools, has been conducting a survey recently on the relation of school trainin~ to successful careers. Mr. Tubbs sent questionnaires 'to 250 persons whose names were compiled from \~Vho's \,Yho in America. On the basis of replies to his ques tions regarding the influence of school training on careers, Mr. Tubbs con :cludes: "It is quite clear that the combined school influences in the lives of the boys and girls of a gene ration or two ago were very marked. In vie\Y of the fact that society is coHtinually delegating wider and greater responsibilities to the schools in the training and rearing of children, it is reasonably safe to predict that the influence ·w·hich ""ill be exerted by the schools in molding and shaping the character of future generations will become more and more pronounced. Can't Replace Home of Hesources and Liahilities of the ·T he · W ilmette ·State Bank of Wilmette. l11inois, at the close of business on the 31st day of Decetnber, 1~128. as sho\\'n hy the annual report made hy said hank as a trust company, to the Auditor of Public 1\ccounts of the State of lllinois. pursuant to law, and flied in the office of the said \nditor of Public Accounts on the Fifteenth da\· of Fehrnary, 1929. ...... 1 . .,( RESOURCES Loans on Real l~state .......................... $ 821,598.62 l.oans on Co11atcral Sccnrit\· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,006,289.94 ( )thcr Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403,917.01 < )\· cr<lraf · s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,207.41 U. S. ~O \ erntnent ln\·esttnents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336,866.97 < )t her Bonds and Stocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693,765.41 Banking ] fottsc. F'urniture and Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . 101,037.62 1htc frotn Hanks, Cash ·and ( )ther Cash Resources. . . . 468,301.94 Cust<~tners · Liahi11ty under Letters of Credit . . . . . . . . 100.00 ()ther Hesources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,986.24 'J'otal l~csource s ......................... $3,896,071.16 LIABILITIES Ca]>ital St<>ck ~ttrJ>ltts ................................... $ ........................................ . l !ndiviclcd Prolits ( \'et) ........................ . 'l"1111C D e])OSltS . ....... . ......................... . 1)en 1a nd J)epos its ............................... . J)i\·idends Unpaid .............................. . l\eser\·e _ ,\ ccott n t s .............................. . Letters of Credit ............................... . ()ther l~iah11ities .................... ; .......... . 'I' ota 1 I ~1a . l)1·1·1t1es . ..................·...... 100,000.00 100,000.00 106,728.43 1,452,057.51 2,019,791.79 4,022.00 26,314.68 100.00 87,056,75 3,896,071.16 "Although the home is a time-hon ored institution, it is being assailed from man_v quarters and its supposedly beneficient influence is heing seriouslv questioned. 1t is very improb able- that anv satisfactory substitute will ever be -found to take its place. Hope lie s rather in training . _\·oung: people to make hetter homes in the future. Training toward such an etHl is one of the greatest responsihilitic :' confronting our schools at the presL·nt time." Nearl_v all of the persons respond ing ~o the questionnaire had something to say in answer to the request for constructive criticisms as to im provements that might he made in the conduct of our schools. Character building was the one outstanding point emphasized in these comments. Mr. Tubbs found. ... 1 I I Would Fit for Life Work "As a matter of fact," he continues, "very little was said regarding the !nformational aspect of school work. Both teachers and school administrators readily admit that the building of character ~s of paramount importance. but in realitv what is done in this direction is ahogether roundabout and incidental. ... Such subjects as arithmetic, spelling, geography, etc., are ushered into our schools by way of the front entrance. hut courses which emphasize character - building are forced to sneak in at the back door. Perhaps the time is not far distant whe·n our school programs of stud_\· will be completely ' overhauled, and first things put first. Then more thought will be given to the individual student and ·to the means of fitting him for his life work." + Par ,·alue of securities deposited \\·ith .'\uditor of Public :\rcounts. ~pringlield. Illinois. as re quirrd hy Ia\\·, to secure 'f\ust l)eposits ........ $ State t,f lJiin()i~·d Count~· of Cook}s". 50,000.00 \\'. B. Hohinson, Jr.. one of the managing officers. and Frank J. Sengand H. F. Le\\·is . .l r .. 1 l)f the dirl'ctors of the \\'ilmette State Rank, a rorporation of the ~tail' of 11linois, being severaHy duly sworn, each upon his uath states: That he makes this affidavit for the purpose of con1plying with the requirements of ~ections 9 and 10 of an Act of the General Assetnbly of the ~tate of Illinois. entitled ". \n Art to Provide for and R egulate the Administration of Tni· st~. hy Trust Companies." · · . That the foregoing statement of the said officers and directors on I >cremhcr 3bt. 1<>2g. is true and correct in all respects to the hest of his knt)\Yicdge and belief. and that he has examined the assets and hooks of the said company for tlw purpose of making said statement. V\T. B. ROBINSON. l R. ,,.o SORORITY BRIDGE TODAY Mrs. Elliot V. Youngberg, 419 Washington avenue, will entertain the members of Alpha Xi Delta sorority of Northwestern university, this afternoon at a benefit bridge for the Mother's cluh of the sororitv. Mr.s. "chris Peterson of Chicago wilt assist Mrs. Youngberg as hostess for the 1fternoon. 1· RANK J. SF.NC . IL F. LE\"' IS, Jlt TO ADDRESS WOMEN VOTERS Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, Cook county coroner, will be the speaker at the next meeting of the . Wilmette League of Women Voters which will he held Monday, March 11, in Pilgrim hall. of the Congregational church. Luncheon will be served at 12 :30 o'clock. · Mrs. Howard Bent, 338 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth entertained a few friends at luncheon on Wednesday. ~uhscrilwd and s\\'orn to before mr. this Fifteenth day of February, (~1·: . \L) 1929. C. \V. SCHAFER. Notary Public. ~~ ,. . .;·· commission exp1res Jan. 30, 1933.