Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Mar 1929, p. 12

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m· WILMETTE'LIFE . March 1. 1929 ports and Other Wilmette ·Recreation Board News Red Team Honor Guests at Party of Girls' League The Red team will be the honor guests at the party to be given to the winners of the first annual track meet conducted bY the Girls' Athletic club at the Howard school Tuesday evening as a re sult of piling up a total of 69 points to their opponents' 39 during th e meet. · Thirty girls repre senting the club membership participated in the track meet before an audience of 200. The members were competing in tw:o teams captained by Mary Hoffman and Margu erite McCann. Winners of the event s were: 30 Yard Dash : Dorothv M. Smith. Alice Nord, Roseanmi Hoffman, Blanche Keil. Running Broad Jump: Dorothy R. Smith, Gladys Engels, Dorothy M. Smith, Elizabeth Hoffman. 220 Yard Dash: Gladys Engels, Roseanna Hoffman, Lorraine J annes, Elizabeth Epp. Basketball Free Throw : Blanche Keil. Marie Braun, Jane Krier. Alice Nord. 10 Yard Dash: Dorothy M. Smith , Dorothy Kummer, ·Clementine Antonio, Marie Braun. Missing Out Race: Alice Nord, Dor othy R Smith, J osephinc Epp. Jane Krier. Running High Jump: Alice Nord, Dorothv R. Smith, Lorraine }annes, 1osephine Epp. 100 Yard Dash: J osepbine Epp. I sabelle Reimer. Elizabeth Hoffman. Jane Krier. Basketball Distance Throw: Lorraine .Tannes. Dorothy R. Smith, Gladys Engels, Jane Krier. v : Red team composed of DorRela: othy R. Smith, Dorothy Kun1mer, Gladvs Engels and Alice Nord. Officiating at the meet were Daniel M. Davis, Dudley C. Stone, Glen W . Gathercoal, Joseph Hoffman, and James Hoffman. Miss Joe Skidmore, assistant in charge of women's activities of the Playground and Recreation board. was director of the meet and clerk of the course. Barnyard Golfers Play Indoors Baptists Annex Championship in Volleyball Play The Baptist volleyball team, by winning two straight games from· the Presbyterian team last Monday evening at Howard gymnasium, clinched the volleyball championship in the Playground and Recreation Board league. Monday evening closed the league for the 1928-1929 season. The Baptists lost only one game during the season and that was to the Ridge Electric team just before the Christmas holiriays. This makes the second consecutive season that the Baptists hav e been ch~mpions of t_he league. The Presbytenan team, wm ners of two vears ago, were runners up in the league this season, having won 12 games and lost 4. Recreation officials announce that the season has been very succesful this year with eleven teams playing in the league consistently throughout the season. Standings of the various team s in the league at the close of the sea son are: Won Lost P e t. 1 937 ... . ... . 15 Baptist ... 753 4 Presbyterian ... . ::: ....... . . 12 6fl6 5 ...... .. 10 Ridge Electric 6 624 .10 The Wilmette Playground and Recreation board now has the only indoor St. Joseph .. 3 2 600 I ce horseshoe court on the 'lorth shore and, probably, the only horst·shoe pitcher Wilmette 439 9 .. 7 Howard P . T. A. !) in the country who wears a fur cap while. pitching. Here we have a group Metho~ist 400 .. 6 266 11 ..... 4 of enthusiasts at the offi cial opening of the court last week in the attic of Engli!';ll Lutheran 4 200 .. 1 Legion the Howard schooL The court discovered and location donated by J. R. Harper. American .. 0 7 000 The Printing Studio .. superintendent of schools, wm be open to the public Monday to Friday· eve- Wilmette 161i 5 Shoe . . . ....... 1 nings, inclusive, from 7 t o 10 o'clock. Horseshoe pitchers are urged to attend. Reading left to right the pitchers shown here are: J. R. Harper, H. F. Prochnow, Fred Prochnow, Ed Cramer, L. F. Todd, and Emil Salzman. School Children Ready to Pass Their Posture Tests The pupils of the Wilmette schools will havr the opportunity of passing the last posture test of the year next week. The posture tests, given monthly, and authorized by the American Posture league in New York, are th e standardized tests followed bv all the schools in the country. They are given in the Wilmette schools by members of the Physical Education staff under the personal direction of Daniel M. Davis, supervisor of ph~· sical education in the public schools. A bronze medal is awarded to everv pupil from the fifth through the eight grade who passes three of the six tests given consecutively and a silver medal · to those passing five consecutive tests successfully. Th~ tests consist of standing, and marching correcth· for at least five minute s and maintaii1ing good posture throughout a series of calisthenic· exercise ~ t<iven bv the instructor. Last year about 70 per cent of the Wilmette school children in the grades taking the test were awarded the bronze medal and about 45 per cent were awarded the silver medal, Mr. Davis announces. With the Athletic Leagues J,F.AGUF: Team Bapti~t S1'ANDr~GS , . niiPyball "\Von Los t P<"t. Presbyterian Ridge Elec trie .... .. 9 St. .Joseph .. . Methodist ... ' ...... . ...... 6 Howard P. 'l'. A .. . .. 6 English Lutheran .......... 4 'l'h e Printing Studio . . .0 lhtskethall ..... 14 . 12 . 10 Frank Getman John Baughman Thoma s W e!"it Ed Phi11ips L e slie Hannawalt John Miller D . C. Ston e, umpire St. Joseph (0, 0) (15, 15) Richard Huck Victor Deinlein Moe D e Ha ye Harold Schleuter Arthur Somme rfeld Ed Phillips l"!obert '\'a t ers .James Hoffman Peter Wagn er Joe Hoffman D. C. Stone, umpire 1 ., .. !) !la3 n3 Tht- Printing Studio 633 6 8 !l 11 6 600 429 400 266 + I 000 Women's Basketball LEAGUE Ponies Horsefeather ~ STANDINGS Won Los t Pet. ....... , ......... . 12 1 923 . 11 Rlnky DinkR . . . . .N Roughnecks ................ 8 O'KayR . . .. ... ....... .. R a !'i 5 1 916 Braves .. ...... ...... . .3 611; 615 615 230 10 10 Wildcats . . Flapper" . .. 2 .. ....... ... 166 12 07G PonleR (-40) Rinky Dlnks (39) Eva Berndtson Elsie Paterson Vemette LewiR Pahlmya Lee Burpee EllzabE'th MuehlbE.' rg Ethel Keenor lfarjorie Thorsen Marlon Pearson Hlldur OuRe Elinor Cral~ Bernice Sc ulJy Dorothy Smith .Jane Krier Skaer, r eferee Roughnecks (22) Braves (12) Geraldine Weber Betty Ryet·son Ethel K~>enor Ruth Braun Jane Krier Eleanor Clifford Vera Johnson Kathleen Kalme8 Dorothy Smith Florence (niftord Rita Weber Helen Braun Lorraine Jannea Skaer, referee Jl'lappers (12) Ellu.beth Hoffman Jane Krier llarlon Pearson Dlabeth Kuehlberg Catherine Pear110n lleleJJ DelDleln YIY1an QatcleJ' O'Kayf' (20) Betty Barry Dorothy Smith Florence Clltrord Betty Ryerson ·Emma Hicks ·Karjorle Thorsen Bkur, retere.e Won Lost Pet. 0 12 1000 Presbyterian RASKETBALL 846 Presbyte rian I (32) 2 K. of C. II Wilmette Shoe (13) . ' 11 818 Herbert W eld 2 Terminal A. C . .. .......... .. 9 R.F. Robert Wolff :1 .S 727 Ed Hill Methodist L .F . Robert Wilson 4 Wilmette Sh op Store .R 666 Ted Ston e: f'. W. Uttenreuther 461 Frank Arn old StatE> Ba.nk ...... 6 7 R.G. G. Merganthaler X ~R4 K. of ~ - I. . f> Frank R e ynolds L .G. Herbert Wolff ,;; X 3R4 I. 0. 0. F . .. .. C lyde Hamilton. referee !I 303 Presbyterian II . . .. . 4 11 Hi3 K . of C'. T (fi3) .......... 2 St. Joseph English Luthe ran (7) 3 English Luthet'an ........ . 0 000 Robe rt Ludwig· H .F . Wallace Stark ... 0 3 'l'he Prlntin~ Studio 000 Tom McArdle L .F. Chester Stark George Ludwig C'. Dale G~u · h Robert S!<>ffe n :-; ILG . ~arl Nordberg VOJ,I,F.YB.\LJJ Re m:un Smith L . G . William Johnson FE>bruary IS. 1929 L. G . Fred Abbott Methodist (!l, 7) St . .Toseph (15, 15) f'lyd e Hamilton, referee Frank .Getman Joe Hoffman Lesli t> Matson .James Hoffman State Bank (24) Peter ·w agner Walter Lindblad Methodi~t (32) Harold Schleutt~ r Earl C arl:;;on Anthony Varn ey R.F. Ballard RobinRon CharieR Varney L.F. Lawrence Roth Victor Deinlein Fred 'Vaidener f'. Harry Stone Ed Philllns TA>wt~ ll '"!'ocld Rl1. .Jack Cullen G. W . C:athE>rcnal, umpire . Hobe 1't :Martin L. G. Robert Smith C. Carl Clifton Th E> Printin~ Studif) Presbyterian Clyde Hamilton, referee (15, 15) (6, 4) Charles Henderson George Huck At·thur Sommet·fe 1tl 'l'Jw Printing Studio Terminal A. C. Victor J onef' (6) Ed Ryerson Ri('hard Hucl< (44) RF. Earl Leslie Eugene Hardt Lawrence Huck l!obert Waters L.F. Ed Hill Moe De Haye Pichard Huck Harold Johnson George Huck c. D. C. Stone, umpire Lyman Goss II A. Sommerfeld R.G. Ervin Brammer Moe De Haye I... G. William Johnson February 25, 1929 Baptist (15, 15) L.G. Presbyterian (6. 6) Lawrence Huck Claude Hill Harvey Harloff', referee Earl McDow Charles Henderson Earl Carlson Ed Ryerson Ge(lrJ~e Williams Earl LesliP J. 0. 0. F. (41) St. Joseph (22) AI Gruhn R.F. Edwin Hill Paul Jones Petet · Wagner Arthur Youngberg L.F. Victor Jones Ed Phillips Robert Cazel C. G. W. Ga.thercoal, umpire Ray Hoffman Carleton Thorsen R.G. Joe Hoffman Methodist Howard P. T. A. Tom Thursby J....G. Victor Deinleln ( ~. 10) (15, 15) Harold Schleuter Lesll& Matson Martin Lynch James Hoffman Staver Moulding Harvey Harloft, referee Ray Robinson · · ······ 0 Aero Club Initiates Group of New Members · The Wilmette Aero club has been initiating several new members during the past few meetings and a new class of seven boys is starting the first model airplane built in the club, the Baby R. 0. G., Glen \V. Gathercoal. recreation assistant in charge of the club, announces. The older members of the club who are starting the more complicated planes have their R. 0. G.'s flying for 20 or 30 seconds. Presbyterian II (7) K. of C. II ( 40) Jack Ryerson R. F. Jame!'; Phillips William Babcock L F. .T. Montonarn. .Tohn Campbell C. Roy Leonard Fred Quayle R.G. Wesley Concidlne Earl Leslie L.G. Mar\'in Baker L.G. Ed Seyler Harvey Harloft, referee

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