Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1929, p. 42

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WILMETTE LIFE fl REP AIBING A; REFINISHING tl February 22, 1929 SITUATION WANTED-MALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS UPHOLSTERING General advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either 'WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Notice-ClasSlfi~d Rates--15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE oO cents. Average of five words to the l~ne. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. for Deadline advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TAI.K and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. · I nsettions-Classifted cepted up ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING FURNITU~E REMODELED 994 Linden ~ ve. DOES EXPERT UPHOLSTERING AND furniture . repairing. Estimates on drap- ·woODWORK AND PAINT WASHING done by Alonzo Sandis, by th~ hour or eries, slip covers, etc., given by Mlss by the job. Wilmette 1058. Rose Obermeier. Branch store, 426 61T51-ltp Linden Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Phones · Wilmette 296 or Winnetka 1!'15 YOUNG GERMAN Night Phone Wilmette 2989. 43LTN22-ltc EXPERIENCED gardener wishes position, does janitor and housework as wen. Ph. Lakeview UA SILVER PLATING 2983. 61LTN22-ltp ' SILVER PLATING HAVE YOUR good old pieces renewed at a reason- WANTED-JANITOR WORK & GARable price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, t165 dening. Tel. Glenview 26-W-2. '\Vilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 61LTN20-4ti> 45A-L34-tfc HOUSE OR GARDEN WORK BY HOUR or day. Tel. Winn. 1288. (;ENERAL REPAIRS so 61LTN21-tfc JEWELRY REPAIRING AND REmodeling by a craftsman of rare abil- WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. ity. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 WitCleaning woodwork or windows and mette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. waiting tnble. Winn. 1657. 61LT22-2tp 50L34-tfc :;~i)~~~~L~o~s~T~A~N~D~F~o~r:~N~D~=~~- 62 sn.'. wA:XTED-1\IAI.E & FEJIALE LOST-A WIRE HAIRED rier, female. Reward. WANTED, POSITION AS GARDENER, t1owers or vegetables, and houseman. Exc. refs. Tel. Waukegan 3772. Write 219 N. County St., Waukegan. 61LTN17-ltl> FOR SALE-AUTOS I:SS1'Rl7CTION JANE TRIGGs, B. A. WELLESLEY. Tutoring in grammar and high school subject~;. Ph. Wilmette 3588. February Sale Of Reconditioned used Cars ~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~2~5~L~T~22~-~lt~c Te\s~~'Wi7.::to~ FOX TER- W® W ©IID~it W ~tt® Y © lilllf T iimmce North Shore En1p ..A.gency LATEST SERIES V -63 CADILLAC :H I.N'l'ERIOR DECORA'l'ING HELP 'WANTED-FEMALE custom built suburban sedan. This $5,000 automobile in perfect condition. WANTED-MAID, WHITE, PROTES- WE ARE IN A POSITION TO FURTo be sacrificed for . . . . . . . $850 nish you with good competent :-;ervants, tant, between 25 and 40 yrs. General Nash Amba.ssador with 5 Vogue tires, either white or colored. hswk., 2 adults, 2 small children. Nr. wire wheels. This car was owned by transp. A-1 refs. 379 Ridge Ave. Tel. an extremely careful driver and is in Winn. 1379. 56LTN17-ltc excellent condition. Must be seen to be Ideal effects in home decoration can onlv 1616 Sherman Ave. Univ. 943 & Gr. 6130 be realized when your lamp:-: and appreciated . . ..... . . . . $850 62LTN22-1 te GIRL, WHITE, FOR GEN. HSWK. shades are in perfect harmony. 1926 Nash 4 door sedan. Priced well beand cooking. 4 in family. Tel. GlenRring in your lamp ba!'les and Jet us low the market at .... . $300 OPPORTUNITY FOR coe 1142. 56LTN17-ltc EXCELLENT design :-:hades that are distinctive and Hudson Sedan-Maxwell Sedan-Hup man or woman of good education and different. Touring-Ford Sedan- Hup Sedan. personality in small decorative Art There are a lot of unused miles in the We carry a large sto('k of Early Amer- NURSE MAID, WHI'J"E, PROTESTANT, Studio on N. Shore. Small investment above cars whi<'h can be purchased at ican and Engli:-:h period lamps. Always 25 years or over, willing to do 2n<l required. Address Talk A-294. varying figure::: from $50 to $125. tea:-:onably priced. floor work. Ph. Glencoe 1247. 62LTN17-ltp 'Q 56LTN22-ltc L.ct\MP SHADES TO Ol{DER G lTLD C. D t\ \ T IS, I~ C. 4 GODDI{ICH STUDIO LOANS HUPMOBILR DEALER 632 Church St. Greenlt>Rf 8 1 1' 548 Lincoln Ave. ·winnetkR :10!"10 27LTN22-lt.:! 4LTX22-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mid-n1onth Specials Essex Coach $150 FLINT SEDAN, $125 SEVERAL GOLD SEAL BUJC'KS ON HAND 1928 Buick Brougham . . $1,500 1927 Buick Brougham .......... . . . . $1.Hi0 1927 Buick C. C. Coupe .. $900 SO EXPERIEN ED WHITE MAID FOR 8!1 BOARD AND ROOll general housework; 3 adults hi fam- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ily, small wash. Stay nights or hom('. IDEAL HOME FOR CONVALESCENT $18. Ph. Wilmette 1345. 56L'l'N22-ltc or elderly people with resident nurse. WANTED-COMPETENT WHITE MAID Ph. University 7483. 63LTN21-4tc for g~... neral housework, In family of 2, ~· } OR RENT-ROO'.-S references. Ph. 'Vilmette 2230. vv 1u 22 56 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~ ..T~N~~-~lt~c NICELY FURNISHED FRONT B8DH}.:LP w ANTED-llAL F. room, in private home. Garage SPR(!e o7 if desired, gentleman prGferred. Wilmette 3328. 66L22-2tc Charles H. Bre't hold h:t and 2nd mortgages 7 ruom apt. for rent. Near transp. 545 1\Iair HL, WilmetlL· Tel. 65 30L17-tfc SALESl'viEN North Shore Buick Co. 1027 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON OPEN EVENINGS AND SU~DAYS 4L22-ltc PAINTING AND DECORATING 'Vinnetka 330 38 4LTN22-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOW IS THE TIME T START YOUR inside painting and decorating. I have been a decorator in Winnt'tka and Glencoe tor eight ye:ns. Best Ref. · Buy now. Prict>s will be hight>r "·hen Honest work. and save you money. the weather breaks. Brandt. Phones Winn. 185, Palisade Nash Standard 6 Coach . . . . . . . . $:1:)0 10481. 38LTN22-tfc Chevrolet Coupe . . .... . ... . ... 350 .Marmon 8 yl. Sedan 850 Do<lge Sedans & Coaches . . . $80 to 450 PAINTING AND DECORATING ESTImates furnished on old and ne~ work. First class work, lowest prices. C. Winnetka 165 562 Lin('oln Ave. Franken. Ph. Wilmette 3104. 4LTN22-ltc 38LTN21-4tp 555 C'hestnu t St. Guaranteed Used Cars \VERS'l'ED wiOTOR CO. BUILDING - .t CONTRACTING WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. New and repair work. Get our estimate. Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-t!c DRESS.!UAKING SPRING CLOTHES GOWNS AND COATS A SPECIALTY CHILDREN'S CLOTHES CURTAJNS- DRAPES-REMODELJ.N'G SIGRilJ BENGSTON. PH. WINN. 1687 17LTN22-2tc !I I :LECTRICAL REPAIRS CLOCKS REPAIRED BY EXPERT. Clocks call d for and deli\'E't'ed. Paul Davey. Jeweler. 1165 Wilm~ttt> Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 23L34-tfc 58 HELP W'.rD.-llALE & l'E-:\IALF. ' ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, WANTED, EXPERIENCED COUPLE, nt>ar transportation. Phone Wilmette A-1 cook, houseman, butler. Ph. Kenil1913. 66LTN22-ltp worth 1156. Call after 7 :30 P. l\L 58LT22-ltc LARGE CHEERFUL WARM ROOM, ----------------private bath, garage. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66LTN22-ltc WANTED, EXPERIENCED WHITE couple, references required. Call Glencoe 492. 58L'fN22-1tc PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT. TEL . Winnetka 1687. 66LTN22-ltc GO SITUATION 'WANTED-FJnfALE FRONT CORNER ROOM IN EAST side home. Good heat, bathroom facil\Y ANTED-LAUNDRY 'WORK TO DO ities excellent. Near all transp. Garage at howe. C;:'.ll for and deliver. Univer:.. if desired. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 204. sity o718. 60LTN22-ltp 66L22-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~ COMP. ~r H I T E WOMAN WANTS SD PETS FOR RENT-APARTMENTS housE·work for 2 days a week, Tues. 67 and Fri. Ph. Wilmette 4207. ----------------2 DARK RED CHOW PUPS FOR SALE 60L21-tfc Reasonable if taken at once. Ph. Wil~ mctte 3347. 39LTN22-ltc HALF .DAY 'W ORK BY WJ<~EK. ALSO ~ewing, by reliable woman. Tel. Winn. f2 RADIOS 2, 4 and 6 ROOMS 2367. 60LTN22-l tc Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will fnd well-ar· WANTED BY GERMAN GIRlr-POfHranged apartments. All apartments tion as mother's helper. New comer. have outside rooms which provide an Ph. Kenilworth 392. 60L22-ltc abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches and WASHING AND IRONING TO TAKE shopping facilities within imm'ediate home, will call for and deliver. Phone access. See these apartments today. '\Vilmette 3479. 60LT22-ltc <IS REPAIRING AND REFINISHING Agent on premises. \V ATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EX- A-1 COOK AND ALL AROUND WOMan, general housework by the weel..:. pert. ~ratch s cleaned and adjusted. Exp., ref. Ph. University 8679. 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette 60LTN22-ltp 67LTN2-tfe A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. 43L34-tfc LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. - Run your Want Ad Ia Evanston, too !his Office will accept classified advertising to be run 1!1 ~HE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 famihes 1n Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. - Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 - E:..::PERIENCED COLORED GIRL FOR 7 RM. DUPLEX, IN FINE CONDITION general housework, steady place, · referg.ood location near schools, transporta~ ence. Call Douglas 7257. 60LT22-1tn tlon, 811 15th st. Ph. Wilmette 1243. 81 SITUATION WANTED-MALE 67LTN21-4tc l<.,OR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE EXP. ·CHAUFFEUR, HOUSEMAN, apartment, steam neat, janitor service, garde.ner, do anything around the near transportation. Call .Wilmette house. Wlll accept day work. Best N. 1800. 67LT20-tfc S. refs. Tel. Winn. 204 or 2764 .. 61LTN20-4tc FOR RENT-MARCH 1ST 2ND APT 931-12th St., wnmette. Corner of For~ WINDOW WASHING AND HOUSE est, $65. Klein. Ph. Dearborn 3905. · cleaning. Call Wilmette 2088. 61L22-ltp 67LTN22-1 tp

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