February 22, 1929 WI L M E T T E · . f.; lF· E Shore Theaters I FOR AIR MOVIE FANS Crime Detective Device Feature of C. H. Picture V araity Theater Now Showing "The The latest thing in crime · detectors Flying Fleet," Starring Ramo~ Na- is used with startling results in Glenn varro and Anita P . .e Tryon's comedy vehicle, "The Gate Crasher," which is to be shown at the "The Flying Fleet," featuring Ram- Community House next Tuesday, Febon Navarro, Ralph Graves, and ruary 26. The crime detector's name Anita Page is now showing at the is Oscar and he is a wooden snake Varsity theater in Evanston. High mounted on a short stick. He pospraise was accorded this picture by a sesses the ability to point out any leading Chicago theater critic, who missing article or the perpetrator of said, "As an air picture, 'The Flying a crime. Oscar is just the thing Fleet' is s~cond only to '\Vings,' and needed bv our law enforcers and he is especially serviceable to Tryon in in some respects it surpasses that." The film tells the story of a trans- his role as a correspondence course Pacific flight-an attempted flight, detective who sets out to locate the that is, for distaster overtakes the jewels stolen from the actress with Ayers. Ramon Navarro and Ralph whom he has fallen in love. Oscar Graves have the roles . of comrades in add many hilarious moments to "The the flying force of the navy and rivals Gate Crasher" when he goes on a for the favor of the girl, played by pointing spree after establishing an Anita Page. Navarro, as Tommy, excellent reputation for himself. Patsy stands a little higher with the girl Ruth Miller is featured with Trvon in than Graves, as Steve. But Steve wins this Universal laugh film. the roveted honor· of piloting the Made' from the George Cohan stage plan . . on its long flight. success, "The Home Towners," comThen comes the report of the wreck, ing to the Community House screen and the rescuers, among them Tommy next Friday, March 1, has been called in his plane, set out to find the men. bv a leading theater critic "a triumph From then on the storv is one of ab- of both acting and sound." The pic sorbing interest. ture, like the play, . points to the douGary Cooper. Nancy Carroll, and ble moral tha t it is a wise man '"'he Paul Lukas have the leading roles m minds his own business and a smart "The Shopworn Angel," Varsity at- one who knows anYwhere near as traction for next Monday. Tuesday, much as he thinks he -does. The storv and Wednesday, February 25. 26 and tells abo~t a well-meaning frieni.t from "hack home" who arrives in New 27. News · -Now Pla,.iaaA.Il-Talkiaa Verae Buck Air Epic I and Colleaiaaa York just. before the hero's wedding and manages to upset the whol~ affair through his suspicions of thl! good faith of the bride-to-be and her relatives. The man from the small towt' is convinced that his friend is being taken in by a band of sharperli and resolves to save him, with near tragic cons. e quences. Richard Bennett, Doris Kenyon, Robert Edeson, and Gladys Brockwell are notables in the cast, which includes many fine players. "Conquest" Monte Blue iD "GRAB-BAG" -STARTING SATURDAY- Kvale Back at Norshore; Barrie Play on Screen A Revelation in TALKING Pictures! Child Study Theme of Conference in Chicago Mar. 9 Mrs. James M. Sheldon of Glencoe is Korth Shore chairman of publicity for the One-Dav Conference which will be held by the Chicago Association for Child Study and Parent Education Saturday, March 9, in the Red Lacquer room of the Palmer House. The subject of the day's program will he "The Adolescent." There will be three sessions : the morning meeting will be gin at 10 o'clock, a luncheon meeting at 12 :30, reservations for which are to he made in advance by telephoning the Palmer House, Randolph 7500, or the Chicago Asso~iation for Child Study. \Vebster 7354, and an afternoon session beginning at 2 o'clock. The chairman of the morning session will be Prof. Frank N. Freeman of the University of Chicago. The luncheon chairman will be William J. · Bogan . superintendent of schools, Chicago; and the chairman of the afternoon session will be Prof. ]. B. Morgan. department of Psychology at Northwestern university. During the morning session Dr. Arthur E. Morgan, president of Antioch college, will talk on the subject "Indoctrination: the school life." "The Social Aspect of Adolescent" will be discussed by Rev. Paul Han.lev Furfev, of the Catholic University of Amer.ica, \Vashington, D. c: During the noon session Dr. Ernest R. Groves. research professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina, will speak on the subject "The Social Ordeal of tlw Adolescent: the social life. 1' And in the afternoon Eleanor Rowland Wembridge, sociologist and author, will discuss "The Perfect Girl and Her Bov Friend: the normal sex interest." And Elton Mavo, associate professor of Industrial Research at Harvard U niversitv, will lecture on the subject, "Choice and Freedom: the two generations." "This is a soendid program," announces Mrs. James M. Sheldon, "and is arranged to study the needs and prob- The dramatic vehicle that swept Maude Adams to new heights of glory has now been translated to the screen as an all-talking motion picture. The rights to Sir James M. Barrie's renowned play, "Half an Hour," were acquired by Paramount and made into a full length all-talking production under the title of "The Doctor's Secret," to be presented at the Norshore theater beginning this Saturday, February 23, for one week. Ruth Chatterton, H. B. Warner, Robert Edeson. John Loder, Ethel Wales, Wilfred Noy, and Nanci Price comprise the cast, which is stage trained. \\'illiam C. de Mille not only directed the production but adapted the storv. AI Kvale, .back at the Nor shore after a two week's absence, and his Jazz Collegians will hold sway oa the stage in their latest presentation, "Tulip Time," a delightful travesty of Holland, with its quaintly humorous coslems of the b o~· and girl. Those who tumes and colorful windmills. An exattended the previous child stmly asso- cellent cast of stage stars will be seen ciation conference will undoubtedly in this st oduction. rr sen-e the date of this one." "The Doctor's . Secret" Ruth Chatterton, H. B. Warner, Robert Edeaon -ON THE STAGE- Welcome Him Back! Dazzling Syncopation Revue "TULIP TIME" Every Friday Evening Ia "Northwestern Night". Howard School Will Have Art Poster Exhibit Soon The Public School Art league's exhibition of posters at the Stolp school \\-ill he removed to the Howard school after next week. Many of the posters '"ere collected hv ~[ rs. Stella Maher during an extended trip through Europe last summer. An open house was held at the Stolp huilcling last Fridav afternoon and evening so that residents of the villag-e might have an opportunity to see the posters. Herbert B. ~[ulford, 835 Elmwood avenue, returned last Monday from a week's busine ss trip to New York. His daughter, Miss Betty. '"ho is a student at \Vellesley college, spent la st weekend with him in New York. DOLORES ·COST· ELLO and -aSidney Davies, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. DaYies. 2755 Eastwood avenue, Evanston, " ·as initiated to Kappa Sig- J ma fraternity at 'Cni,-er.;ity of Illin:ois last Saturday. CONRAD NAGEL in the Vitap hone Talking Sensation -oMrs. Philip D. Davis. 17.33 Washington avenue, entertained eight friends at luncheon and bridge \Vednesday at her home. · COMMUNITY ·HOUSE Tues. 'Feb. 26 Glenn Tryon's . New Comedy Riot Fri. Mar. 1 Geo. M. Cohen'a Stage Hit · "THE REDEEMING SIN' -And on the Stage- CHARLES KALEY . in "PEACOCK STRUT" with Patty Spiers, Castleton A Mack, and SUZZOF Introduelng to Chleago The Peaeoek 8tnt "The Gate Crasher" with Patay Ruth Miller "The Home Townera" With a caat of Favorites Vitaphone and Fox MoYietoae Dnnclng every Friday Nlte, Northwestern Nlte, In Lobby to Kaley's or :Merotr· Orehestra after the last stage performanee.