Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1929, p. 26

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WILMETTE LIFE February 22, 1929 Shawnee Country Club Opens Its New Doors to SoCiety ' . .-----------.,, I uTreasure Island,, · Officers' Reception In Club Benefit . __ o_n_H_o_n_ey_m_o_o_n_ __. Concludes Season Opens Shawnee Club 1 . _ _ · on February 23 Friday, February 22 After their performance of "TreaBY JEAN TEN BROECK Figuratively emerging from its chrys- . alis of mud, stone, and skeleton structure .of concrete and steel, Shawnee Coun.t ry club now stands complete enough for its informal opening on Washington's birthday. Without, a stunning Tudor building of greyish stone with stained wood trimming, within, an architect's interpretation f the period as inspired by the early English manor house, it stands, a building beautfiul in its spaciousness, simplicity, dignity. and the truth of its design, awaiting the first advent of its members and guests to give it life. 0Yerlooking the graceful wide stairway of stained oak and to the east, is · the balcony where the Lvchenheim trio will play during the rt·ception hours this afternoon from 2 :30 until 7. At the head of the stairway at the west is the ch~rming lobby with its massive stone fireplace where the officers and their wives will receive the members before they wander off on an inspection tour of the clubhouse. At 9 o'clock, the Opera Club orchestra will strike up strains of music for dancing Mrs. Ernst von Ammon of Winin the magnificent ballroom and at netka participated in the success of 11 :45 o'clock, in the dining salon "Lombardi, Ltd.," the play given Tuesacross the lobby, made bright with its day and Wednesday evening of last open fire and with hostesses presiding week for the benefit of the Woman's at the two long buffet tables at the far club of Wilmette, by sending, from her end, small tables will be arranged for ~h ,1 p in Spanish court, the charming the supper that will bring to a close a ud artistic furniture and hangings the day's festivity. used in the New York atelier of Tito The format opening of the club, its Lombardi. dedication, witl not take place until March 16, when all minute details will he completed and the wheels of a club Hostess at u Fire King, functioning in all it s phases will be Martha Roberts, daughter of the running smoothly. John Marshall Roberts, 328 Warwick \\' hat will these members see who road, Kenilworth, gave a luncheon last will view the club Friday ? Saturday for twelve little friends and They will enter into a wide hall with afterwards took them to the National its stairway mounting to the lobby on Kindergarten college play, "The Fire the main floor, and at the same time King." that their eyes note the stairway, they will be drawn directly ahead across a corridor to several gracefully Plays at Club Meeting arched windows where, in a vista, The Junior auxi'liary of the Woman's the huge pool room is seen. a one- club of Wilmette held a dinner meetstory structure. with its arched roof, ing Wednesday evening of this week. sections of which can be opened to Miss Virginia Knapp of Evanston the sky in the summer; with its west gave a short music program at the end \\ith many long windows roseate, close of the dinner hour. at the time of our vie\\.-ing, from the slanting rays of a .late afternoon sun which made pink a fountain in front night; and lastly, the lounge, with its of the windows which will play from a ceiling in bas-relief, its windows offerbackground of plants and ferns. A ing an unobstructed view of the lake balcony overlooks the pool which is in both its winter and summer moods, the largest on the north shore, its with its bright hangings and furniture, dimensions 35 by 75 feet. At the left and its fireplace which will blaze forth of the pool one enters a solarium with its cheer from under a motto, "A tiled wading pool and sand pit, made . Mind Content both Crown and Kingjust for the frolic of little children, in dom is," a beautiful room entering whose charge there will be an at- upon the balcony which joins hands tendant. At the right of the pool an- with the terrace at the front. One ;s impressed with the restful other solarium has been designed just color scheme of soft pale tans of for the bathers. Passing from the entrance down the plaster, stucco and tile, in contrast corridor to the left members will pass with the dark, stained oak that beams the pool and billiard room, the library, the ceilings, and decorates the entire and the woman's department with its club in interesting detail, the hand lounge, club rooms, locker rooms, and turned brass light fixtures, the stone work at window and fireplace, the soft dressing rooms. Passing along the corridor to the harmony, the excellent taste that right of the entrance, one may see the makes Shawnee Country club a family two handball courts, the five-alley club home of outstanding beauty, and bowling alley with its stand for specta- a monument to clubdom on the north tors. Climbing the stairs to the mail\ shore. This next week brings at the club, a floor visitors pass through spacious rooms, a banquet hall; a commodious program of music in the dining room kitchen entirely modern and equipped Saturday, February 23, with inspection to serve one thousand persons if neces- of the clubhouse, the serving of dinsary; the dining room, overlooking the ner Sunday at 1 o'clock with an hour lake. with long doors opening onto a of music by a harpist at 4; a luncheon terrace where, under bright colored pivot bridge Monday for women memparasols, diners will be served in the bers, and men's night at 8. Thursday, summer ; the ballroom .a story and a February 28, is the occasion of a buffet half high, with its stage and its leaded, dinner followed by a progressive arched windows, opening onto a stone bridge, and Friday, March 1, an interrace where, in the summer members formal dance for juniors will take may dance · in the air of a summer place at 9 o'clock. sure Island" on Saturday morning, February 23, at 10:30 o'clock, at the , Harris theater, the Junior League players will bring their activities for this season to a close. That the two winll'r productions, "Racketty-Packetty House" and Treasure Island," have been played with great success is proved by the report of the ticket sales already counting well into the thousands. Hundreds of Chicago ancl north shore children have been gladdened by the givit~g of these two plays, and the numerous charities in which the Junior League takes interest will benefit materially from their proceeds, it is announced. Lucky programs will he distributed to the children Saturday. Mrs. Norman MacLeish and Miss Katharine Adams of Winnetka continue to play two of the important roles in the production. Owing to illness, Mrs. George Haskell of EvansUnderwood and Underwood Photo ton, '"ho ably has played Long John Mrs. John G. Schneberger was, be- Silver. will not be able to take part fore her marriage Wednesday, Feb- in this last performance. In her place ruary 6, Miss Theresa J. McArdle, will be Miss Dorothy Schmidt, direcdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. tor of the Children's Theater staff. McArdle of 111 Broadway avenue. Mr. and the utterly captivating Peter and Mrs. Schneberger are spending Pioer of "Racketty-Packetty House." North shore members of the Chiltheir honeymoon in Cuba and Florida. dren's Theater staff this season have been Miss Margot Atkin of Winnetka, and Miss Helen Bournique and Miss Margaret Merryweather of Highland Fet~ Park. mf>mbers of the oublicitv committee: Mrs.]. Bernard Mullen of Highland Park one of those in charge 0f The St. Francis hospital foundation properties. already is developing plans for its annual benefit card party and fete that will benefit the hospital. The affair, Woman's Club Gives Dance The Woman's club of Wilmette wi!l this season, will take place Friday evening, April 5, at the St. George give a dance Saturday evening, March High School gymnasium, 450 Sherman 2. at the clubhouse. This is one of the avenue, Evanston. Mrs. Frank Jones fev.r strictly social affairs included on of 821 Michigan avenue, Evanston is the club program. Hosts and hostesses for the evening general chairman. Committee chairman appointed for will be Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Barnhill, Mr. and Mrs. Knight Blanchard, Mr. the benefit are announced as: Mrs. Napoleon Picard, chairman for and Mrs. Charles Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Chicago; Mrs. Charles F. Bunte of Fred Parry, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilmette to represent the Tranquilta Starkel, Dr. and Mrs. H. 0. Weishaar. club, a group organized to work for Mr. and Mrs. Roger Williams. St. Francis hospital: Mrs. Thomas Mack, representing the St. Mar.y 's On Division Program Parent -Teacher association: Mrs. Tbe third division of the Wilmette Frank Dougher, St. Athanasius Par- Methodist church will entertain the ent-Teacher association. second division at the home of Mrs. Mrs. William Schildgen, represent- Richard J. Burrows, 216 Myrtle aveing the North Shore Catholic Wo- nue, Thursday afternoon, February 27. man's league; Miss Irene James, the Mrs. H. A. Fanckboner of Wilmette Young Woman's auxiliary of the Ev- will give a reading, and there will be anston Catholic club; Mrs. Gale Mc- several piano selections by Mrs. Paul ginniss the Woman's Catholic club of Rensch ·and Mrs. C. Rollin Smith of Wilmette: Mrs. Edward W. Belle, the Wilmette. St. George Mothers' club. The Newman council of the Knights of Columbus and the Holy Name so- Plan Social Evening The mothers and "dads" of Alpha ciety of St. Mary's church and the St. George Fathers' club have been Theta chapter of Alpha Xi Delta sorority of Northwestern university will invited to participate in the benefit. Five hundred tickets already · have have a social evening Saturday, February 23, at the sorority house at 710 , been placed on sale in the hospital. Emerson street, Evanston. Mrs. N. V. Freeman of Evanston is social Wellesley Group Meeting chairman and Mrs. N. H. Hall of WilThe next meeting of " the North Shore mette is president of the Mothers' Wellesley circle will · be held at the club. home of Mrs. William Sherman Hay, 645 Sheridan road, Winnetka, on WedMiss Lolita Bertling, 315 Washingnesday, February 27, at 2:30 o'clock. ton avenue, entertained ten guests at Miss Frances L. ·Knapp, dean of freshmen and secretary of the board of a George Washington dinner and admission, will be guest of honor and dancing varty at her home Wednesday evening. She also gave a Valenspeaker. tine's dinner and dancing party for several friends at her home last ThursChanges Meeting Day day. The Wilmette Arden Shore boat1f, is changing its day of meeting from Mrs. John Marshall Roberts, 328 the first to the second Thursday in Warwick road, Kenilworth entereach month beginning with the March tained the Home and Garde~ club of meeting. Kenilworth Monday of last week. Select Chairmen for Benefit for St. Francis -~ <

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