Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1929, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE February 22, 1929 Sports and Other Wilmette Recreation · Board News N. T. Heavies Lose, Lightweights Win in Evanston Games By Winslow Wright At the Indian Hill gym Tuesday afternoon, the New Trier basketball quintets hroke even, for the second time this year, with Evanston's cagers. The New Trier heavies dropped a game which turned out to be a close and exciting one by a 17 to 13 count, while the New Trier ponies clinched the league ·championship, by triumphing 26 to 12. The heavy weight affair started out dully as far as New Trier was concerned, for the New Trier boys did not seem able to get their bearings and Evanston did about as it pleased. Before the first quarter was up Evanston had run up a 7 to 0 lead, due to some good passing and New Trier's inability to find the basket. The second quarter continued in much the same manner, for the visitors kept right on outplaying the Indian Hill boys, and with Goacher and Kremer each making a field goal against the two free throws of Captain Nelson, Evanston was able to leave the court at the end of the first half with the score 11 to 2 in its favor. The second half started off fast and it appeared as if Evanston might keep the home team from scoring even a field goal, for Knight sank a nice short shot before New Trier realized what was happenir~g. But then Nelson of New Trier came through, after some minutes of hard fighting. with a beautiful shot under the basket. He followed this with two free throws and another perfect short shot. lhereby cutting the score down to 13 to 8. These baskets seemed to pep up the Grey and Green team and remembering the defeat which Evanston had administered to them about a month ago, they put forth a huge effort to start a winning rally. With but a minute or so to play ii1 the third quarter Thompson and McLean each contributed a free throw to the New Trier score and brought the count up to 13 to 10. · The final quarter was a memorable one with both teams fighting furiously and the crowd yeHing crazily. Before the quarter· was a minute old, Fox sunk a long shot to give Evanston a 15 to 10 lead. The teams continued playing at a breakneck pace, and occasionally New Trier would raise its score with a free throw, but a final basket by Coacher gave the struggle to the visitors by a 17 to 13 Count. The lightweight game, as the one at Evanston had been, was close the first half, for both teams~ guarded closely and a goodly portion of the points were made on free throws. The score at the half was 11 to 9 New Trier's favor. ' In the second half, however, Hart and Saxton began to get the range of the basket and New Trier was able to draw a\\'ay from the Evanstonians and by close guarding prevent them from making a field goal, during the last half. With the Athletic Leagues BASKETBALL Reports of la s t week's games follow : EnJ;"Iish Lutheran Pre~byterian II (13) (17) Wallace Stark R F. Edward Ryer~on Chester Stark L. F. Philip C re~~Y C'arl Nordberg ('. .Jack Ryerson Dale Gash R. G. Fn~ d Quayle Max Guier L. (; . Earle Leslie Claud e Maine L. G. John Cnmpbell Jay Johnson L. 0 . Clyde Hamilton, refe ret' Pre!-:bytPrian I (~2) Girl Athletes to Compete in Track Event February 26 The complete list 0f entrants for the various events in the first annual track mf'et of the Wilmette Girls' Athl~tic club Tuesday evening, February 26, at the Howard gymnasium at 7 :30 o'clock follows: 7 :30 P. M.-30-yard dash: Mary Epps , Alice Nord, Marjorie '\Varble, Adelin e Braun, .J . De Trost, Blanche Keil, Elizabeth Hoffman, Rosanna Hoffman, Josephine Br.a un, Mat·guerite McCann. 7 :40 P. M.- Running broad jump: Lorraine .Tannes, Ethel Keenor, Blancht> Keil Marguerite McCann, Marcella Kummet·.' Gladys Engels, Clementine Antonio, .Jol'ephine Epp, Marie Braun. 8 P. M.-50-yard dash: Leona Hoffman, Clementine Antonio, J. De Trost, Isabel R eimer, Josephine Braun, Rosanna Hoffman, Dorothy M . Smith, Lorraine Jannes, Lee Epps, Marguerite McCann. 8 :05 P. M.- 10-yard dash: Dorothy M. Smith Hosanna Hoffman, Lee Epps, DrJrothy Kummer, Adeline Braun, Marit · Braun, Mary Hoffman, Gladys Eli~els, .Jane Kri er. · 8 :10 P. 1\f,- Chinning: Dorothy Kummer, Ethel K ee not·, Alice Nord, Clementine Antonio, Marjori e Warble, Adelin(· Braun, Leona Hoffman, Isabel Reimer. R :20 P. l\I.-100-yard dash: Jane Krier, .Jo~ephine Epp, M! ry Hoffman, Isabel Reimer, Mary Epp, Dorothy M. Smith. 8:35 P. 1\1:.- Basketball free throw: Dorothv n. Smith, Marie Braun, Marjorie Warble, .Jan e Krier, J. D e Trost. Blanche Keil, Dorothy Kumm er. 8 :45 P. M. -Missing out race. 8 :50 P. M.-Running high jump: Marcella Kummer, Alice Nord, Josephine Et)Jl. Dorothy R. Smith, Ethel Keenor. 9 :05 P. l\f.-A ustralian pursuit race. 9:10 P. M.- Basketball distance throw: Dorothy R. Smith, Gladys Engels, Mary Hoffman, l\fat'y Epp, Leona Hoffman, Clementine Antonio. 9 :25 P. M.--Relay. Onlv memlJers of tlw duh will competf'- in the meet which h; open to the public. The eluh membe rship has been di\·id efl into two L·qual sidf's and the eontending- sides will send not more than fh·e entries to each evt.·nt. Th e losing· !-:ide in th e mef't will be hostesses to thl' winners at a t'luh p::trty to bf' hPld a l lh ~ latf' t' part of th e season. lndividual winn e rs in the contest re<:eh·e additional merit in that thf'Y als<· rt><'eive points tow:ud th e final award gi\·en to th e girl who wins thP greatest number of points during the cluh season. This award will b e IW!:'sented at the end of the season. Officials for Tu esday e vening's meet will be Daniel l\f. D:nis, !'tarter; Dudley C. Stone, judge of the finish; Glen W . Gathercoal, judge of tht> finish; Miss .Tof· Skidmore, clet·k of the course; Mary Hoffman, recorder. No admi!-:sion will be ehargecl . --i H.idge Eledric (3) .Jake Hoffman .Jacl< Brewer E. Schildgen Nick Spie~ .Tim Hoffman Bernard Thalman INDOOR BASEBALL .st. .Josep.h (~) Vtctor Demlem Harold Schlueter .James Hoffman Peter Wagner Joe Hoffman W endell Phillips Ralph Klinge Ed Phillips Harn_. y t larloff, umpire Wilmf'tte Shoe (5) The Printing- StLulio (11) Ralph Whitsett Ed Hill 11. F . r .. F. Ted Stone C. Franl< Reynolds 'R..G. C'harle!-: Laue t· L. G. Herhert W plcl L . F. Franl< A mold n. r.. C'lyde TTa milton, Methodist (20) Anthony Varney Charles Varney Frpd Waid en er T~owell Todd Tiobert Martin Di<::k Huck Bill Huck 1\loe D e Ha ye Edwin l!dell Arthur Sommerft·l<l George Huck Lawrence Hu ck J,E .H~TJE Bob Wilson Willie Schinler \Vill Uttenreuther Curtis Colegrove Elmer Bangert Herh ert Wolff ... ~·· JI;.u:vey 1 [al'iol'f, umpire S'I'ANDIXOS Unskt·tbnll T...o~t K of C. T (22) Statt' Rank (:10) Won Tioher~. Ludwi~ Jt. F . Lawrt>n cf' Roth 11 T·. F. Tom McArdle Pn·~ hyt e ria 11 r Ral Rohimwn !I r.eorge Ludwig- K. of C. II !Tarry Stone c. 11. (;_ R Hob('rt Stf'ffens T!:'rmi nal A. c. Carl Clifton !I Bernard Smith Wilm ett ShOl' Store Rohe rt Smith L . G. Mt'thodist 7 .Ta ck C:ullf'n R. r. . State Bank 7 C'l:nh· Hamilton, Presbyte rian JT 4 4 Th e Printing· Studio K. of C. T T. 0 . 0. F . .. 1. 0. 0. F. (1 0) (24) St. .lose ph 2 Patti .Totws F. r.eorge TTuek Eng~ lish Lutlwran 0 Rnht>t·t C'azel F. Richard Huck Th e Printing Studio 0 Tom ·'I'hurshy C'. l\fO(' De Ha Yf' C'a rl ('to n Thor!-:011 r..: Arthur Sommf' rfeld YolleylJall G. Harvf'y Young TTarny TT a rloff, refpr('e \Von Haptbt 13 K ,,( C'. TT (24) 'T'erm ina.l A. C'. (17) Prt·~byteria n 11 .Tames Phillipl' F. TittRsell .Johnson Ridg{' Ele_ct.-ir 10 .Tames Montona t'a F. Eugene Hardt St . .JoHeph 8 Hov Leonard 1'. Lym<tn r.oss 1\'fpthodist "'~si <'Y C'oneidim· r:. \Villiam .Toh11son Howa nl I'. T . A. ~. l\l:ttYii1 Dakt·r n. Hnrrv Siet·en!': Eng-lish Luth e rnn 4 G. C'liwdf' Hill Tlw J 'ri n t i ng Studio 0 F. l·~nvin Rntmm('t' Tla n ·c·y I! a rliJff. rt~ff' l'f'(' ltuloor Hast· hall ·) 0 2 2 ., ,, 5 s !) !) 7 Per Cent 1000 S18 800 7:>0 700 583 '363 ~33 2 2 250 181 000 000 Per Cent fi2S 786 712 Lo~t 1 :~ 4 (i 571 461 ~57 7 !I 10 r; 21\R 000 'l'er ('('nt ROO 77?. 667 111 \\. ilml'ltt' SlHl<' ((22) Holwrl Wilson llolwrt \Volff ~tor(' F. F. c~urti;; Cnl<'~rov(' C'. fTprht' rt W< Iff G. \\! . Pttenrt>uther r: . r.. !\fergenthnlet· G. Harvey Harloff, referee St. Joseph (17) Victor Denlt'in Ed Phillips .Tames Hoffman Tlarolcl S<'hlueter Joe Tloffmau Hi<lg·e · t·~ledrie Printing· Stu<lin St. Joseph vVilmt'tte Shoe Wilnwttc 1<:.: 1' U.\'l"ITNO \Yo II R Lost :! :! 7 G :1 ~ 1 0 7 000 AYElti\OJ~S VOLLEYBALL floward P . 'I'. A. (15. Hi) 'T'h(' Printin~ Sturlio (7. S) A lft't·d 8ti'U('bing· Arthur Sommerfeld .John Baughman Hichard Huck Hay .Rohinson La wrpnce Huck Vidor Deinlein f1L·orge Huc·k ll:lt·o]<l ~c·hlta' t P I' Ed Hucl< C. \V. Gatht·l'l'nal, umpirf' ~t . · lost·Jlh (~1. !1) Erl l'hillips P<>t('r \Vag·n\·1' .Tnnws Ha rol<l T~offman SC'hluPter Vidor Deinlein .Jot' lloffman G. ,V. Gatlwr ·o:d, umpirf' Hidge ElPetric (7, 1ii, 10) naptist (15, 15) Earl McDow Earl l'arlson Al C:ruhn .·\ t't hur Youngbf'rg Waltl'r Haas .Tak e Hoffman Frank Gptman Earl 1\fillpt· J./:-.;Iie Hannaw~tlt Jop Hoffman 1\Valter Lindblad .Tanwl' Hoffman Ralph Moulding E<l Phillips . lRl'lie MatRon n. C'. Ston\·, umpit·e (1 5, 10, 15) :\[dhnclist Junior Hikers to Hold · Hobby Show in New Gym The Junior Hikers of Kenilworth, an organization of about seventv-five boys under Scout age, will hold a hobhy show Saturday afternoon and evening, February '23, in the new Kenilworth memorial gymnasium. The hobby show wilt begin in the afternoon. while the program will b e presented in the evening. Drill contests between the seven Junior Hikers' clubs, music hy the organization's jazz hand, and a s t un t h y t h <.' ~ e a Gulls. on c o f thr cluhs. rnmprisr some of the entertainment planned for those who attend tht affair. Robert V\'. Townley, athletic director at J oscph Sears school is in charge of the Junior Hikers. ' Skokie Red Cagers Win From Evanston "Y" Squad After handing the Chase Varsity team of Chicago a 39 to 34 defeat on it~ home floor last Friday night, February 15, the Skokie Reds. north shore basketball team, took the Evanston "\'" dormitory into camp 29 to 18 Tuesday evening at the Evan..;ton Y. M. C. A., where tht> Reds play their home games. On Wednesday of this week the Reds were to clash with Fell's Clothiers of Winnetka. Horsf'feathers (3:l) Hinky Dinks (7) Gladys Fehlen Marion Pearsou Peggy Bettf{ Elsie Paterson Gertrude Koerpf'l' Pahlyma. Le~ Burpe·~ 2 Elizabeth Nelson Elinor Craig 4 Rosaline Mills Plorence Frykman ,, Alma .Jones Lorraine Jannes .., 211 Roberta Muther 211 Betty Ryerson 186 Skaer, referee 167 154 1'E .\Jl S'.rANDJN(;S 150 Per 136 Won Lo~;;t Cent 125 Ponies 11 1 916 111 Horse fen thers ] 11 916 000 Rinky Dinks 8 4 666 000 O'Kays 7 5 583 000 Roughneck!'! 7 5 583 000 Braves 3 9 250 Wild<-atR 000 2 10 166 " FIH)>J)f'I'R 1 1l 083 Pl'l'('lrJ.:ItS' HE('OHUS Per .. l'ikht·r~ and Team \Von Lost Cent James lloffman, St. .J. 1 ·I 250 Ueorg·e Huck, P. S. 5 1 833 Ernest Heller, W. s. 0 2 000 Nic·k Spies, R. E. 4 0 800 Ed Hartman, P. s. 0 1 000 Jaeob Hoffman, H. E. 2 1 667 Ed Schildgen, 11. E. 0 1 000 Halph Klinge, St. J. 2 2 500 Robert Wilson, W. s. 0 2 000 'l Playe rs and Team At Bat l\lilan Misura, ,V. S. !) Frank Kline, vV. S. 6 .Jaek Brewer, R. E. 37 A. Sommerfeld, I'. S. 1:1 Andrew Thalman, H . 1 ~. 26 .Ja nw~ ~eha('fg-e n. n.. E . 56 Nid< Spif'~, It. E. 32 Ed. Phillips, St. .1. 22 Donald Hartn ett, H. R 14 John Sl'hneid er, W. s. 10 .Take Hoffman, n. K fiS 'Vill Sehinlet·, W. T. ~1 Edwin Fflell, P . S. 2S Curtis ('olegro\·e, \V. S . 1:1 C('OI'gt' I~Htt' S, \\'. s. 10 n erll:tl'(l 'l'halman, R. E. 3S Ct:org-e lluc:k, P. S. JS Ed Hartman, T'. S. ll l\Toe ne Hayf', P. S. 17 rtobert vVilson, \V. S. 9 Yic-tor Ddnl Pin. ~t. ,J. 27 .Toe Rorre, R. 8. 12 llolwrt Wolff, vV. ~ 3 ;{ He rbt:' rt Wolff, V'ol. ~ Jos<>ph Hoffman, St. .T. 22 Aug-ust \Vallowitz, W . T. 7 A rthm· l'rnehnow. P. s. 7 l'rsal Sutton, \V. 1. 7 Emi t> llt>llt->r, W. S. 7 .Janws Hoffman. St. .T . ~-~ Halph Klinge, Rt . .T . 24 llerhert Naekf'l, \V. K 9 Pf'te r \Vng-nt'r, .Jr., St. .T. 1S Alex Hoffm:1n. ,V. l. H Paul Braun. P . S. 19 WPnfl pll Ph.llip!':, St. .J. 1!1 Ed S<'hild~t' n, R F 27 Doc C'hestet·, 'V. 1. 6 Rill lluek, r ...,, 1:) ~d 1"-.raun, P. S. 20 Hal S('hlueter, St. .J. 22 Ray 1\ieier, vV. I. 8 !) HarYey Young-, P. s. Dkk Huek, P. S. JR \V. rttenreuthf'r, \V. ~. 4 Elmet· Bangert, W. S. 4 H«:>x Johnson. V\-~. S. 4 ., l.:t WI'<' tH-e II uck, P. S. Per Hits CPnt 7 778 4 667 2~ 622 R 616 16 ..... ! 32 1S 10 616 571 56 a 556 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Bra.ves (1 0) O'Kays (42) Marion Pea rl'ou Marcella Kummer Blanche K eil Dorothy Smith Ruth Braun Betty Barry Kathleen Kalme:-; Emma Hicks Leona HoffntHn :\1:argaret De Marco Helen Deinle in Madeline Jlicl<s Sl<aer, referee Flappers (6) Roughnecks (20) Helen Deinlein Ethel Keenor Betty Ryerson · Vera Johnson Catherine Pf'arson Peggy Beth; Vivian Quigley .Jane Krier Elizabeth Hoffman 1\Ta ··garet McCann Margaret De MarC'o Lorraine Janne::; Marjorie Miller Dorothy Smith Skaer, referee 7 r; 2>-i 10 13 6 ·I Hi 'j 4 !l 4 1 1 6 .. ·l 7 2 2 2 2 6 6 500 500 483 476 464 462 400. 395 389 364 353 333 333 333 333 333 318 2~2 282 282 282 250 250 222 222 214

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