Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1929, p. 13

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· February 22, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 13 Mrs.·· Earle L. Hart, 1211 Ashland aven·ue, entertained several guests at a dinner party last Tuesday on the occasion of her husband's birthday. "RADIUMIZE" YOUR DRINKING WATEI& The RADIUM WATER REVITALIZER is here. Relieves Rheumatism, Stomach Disorders, Kidney and Bowel Troubles, High Blood Pressure, Tiredness and makes you feel like NEW. No medicine, no drugs, no pills. Lasts a lifetime. Money back guarantee. Ask for information. WALTER A. REINICKE, 4708 Broadway, cor. Lawnace ChJeago, IWaolt Phone: Long Beach 1!5!. ·New Trier Swimmers · 1 Garden Talks Divide Contest With Deerfield Thur .~day ~---------! New Trier's senior team for the second time this year sank the Deerfield swimmers, when they submerged . them 31 to · 24 in · the Deerfield pool Thursday afternoon. However, the New Trier juniors failed to repeat the triump·h which they eked out of 1he Highland Park swimmers earlier · in the season, for they finish ed on the short ei1d of a 26 to 15 :;core. In the senior meet all the events were decisively won by one team or the other. One of the interf! sting features of the meet was the sensational diving of Edgar Harrel, a newcomer to the school, who seems to have stepped into the shoes of Don Granstrom, a ninth semester man. Harrel's diving helped chalk up some of the points that were needed to give New Trier a good margin and aided in paving the way, for a Gray . and Green victory. In the junior divi sion De erfi eld avenged the 22 to 18 victory which the: Indian Hill boys copped from chcm about a month ago. Barnard, N(;w Trier's small junior diving performer, as usual took a first place in the diving, but this was the only fir st place that the Gre\· and Green t eam succeeded in obt.aining. It was not sufficient t o give New Trier the meet. The summaries are af' follows : . SENIOR MEET Relay: New Trier. Tim e-1 :26. 40 Yard Swim: Roo:-; (N) L a m e t· (N) Berg (D). Time-21 100 Yard BrNtst Stroke: Gallop (D) Sprenger (N) Hein eman (N). Time1:2:1 100 Yard + '· (Contributed by Wilmette Garden Club) On Monday the third annual garden and flower show opens. Tuesday is \:Vilmette day, with the Wilmette luncheon given by the vVilmette Garden club at 12:30 o'clock in the Hotel Sherman. There is one exhibit to which Wilmette is looking forward with more than ordinary interest.' This is the little garden , eight by eight, made by Mrs. Charle s N. Hurlbut and Mt s. David Cooke, both expert gardeners of the Wilmette Garden club.· In 1927, Mrs. Hurlbut's spring garden received second prize in the North division in the Tribune ·Garden contest. In the fall, the same garden received first prize. Her garden is like a bit of natural woodland with many native flowers and native shrubs in it and a pool that is like a spring bubbling in the woods. So ethereal and light is the effect of the whole, especially \\'hen the blue phlox is in bloom, that it would not surprise anyo ne to sec the garden fade away like a mist before his eyes and vanish as he looked. It is "the stuff that dreams are made of." How Mrs. Hurlbut gives this delicate beauty to her garden, no one knows. She touches · a plant here and there and perfect harmony results. At the Flower show, before you glance at the label on each little garden exhibit, ,see if you can recognize the Wilmette Garden club's little garden by these qualities. For part of the pleasure of going to the Flower show is in discovering the individuals in the arrangements they have created. Invite Public to Inspect "Book Trails" at School A set of six. volumes. entitled "Book Trails." will be on display at the Stolp school library for two weeks. Each book contains a certain set of literature regarded as suitahle for children of the various grades. Illustrations, both colored and plain, are a prominent feature. ·. Anyone wishing to inspect the set is invited to visit the sc hool librarv. The titles of the six volumes are: "For Babv Feet," "Through the Wildwood," . "To Enchanted Lands." "On the High Road to Adventure," "To Turret Tops," and "At the Crossroads." Third Annual Chicago Garden and Flower Show Hotel Sherman Come Early- The exhilarating fragrance of thousands of flowers permeates the air. February 2 5 to March 3· inclusive DAILY- SUNDAY- 1o A. M· . to 10 P.M. Formal and Rock Gardens Running Brooks Intriguing Natural Setting Fifty Model Gardens Back Stroke: Anden;on (D) Granstrom (N) King (N>. Tinw- 1 :111 Diving: Harrel (N) 8nchel meyc r (N) Knox (D) i\Tedlcy Relay: New Tr·il'r. Tim P- 2.20 .JUNIOR MEET 40 Yard Swim: Wellman {D) Wilder (N) 'fime-23 41) Yard Back Str·ok e: WolmAn (D) Rompel (N) Fox (D). Tinw- 27 40 Yard Breast Stroi<(l: T)Jw (ln:-;tein {D) narling- (N) 7-inn(lr (N) . Tim e- 28 Di\'ing: Barnard (N) Kraft (D) J\(·]ay: Det>rfield. Tim e-1 ::14 AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL SPECTACLE Admission-Fifty Cents Don't envy your neighbor's luxuriant lawn- have one yourself. Plan now! Proper methods in the beginning will go far towards eliminating Ia w n troubles later on. A good silt loam is the bes:: soil, but a few inches of added black dirt with subsequent care will produce a fine lawn on almost any subsoiL The first essential is an adequate application of ..,.. 1 Art League Directors Show Foreign Land Posters The hoard of directors of the \:Vilmrtte Public School Art league held a poster exhibit Friday afternoon and evening of last week at the Byron Stolp school. Tea was served in the library and d1e posters lined the walls -::>f four of the school rooms. There were many posters from France, England, Switzerland. Sweden, Italy, Russia, China, and other countries, the art in many of these being of unusual interest, portraying many of the noted and typical scenes of the Old World, such as St. Michel, a street in Strasburg, an old Irish castle, a Chinese interior. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McOwen, 723 Cummings avenue, Kenilworth, had as their guests this week, Mr. MeOwen's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. ]. Daley of Boston, who spent their honeymoon with the MeOwens. .Ar.~nourS fr.':ae-:: GROWER ·Smile at Bad Weather! ENJOY FRESH AIR with NON-DRAFT GLASS VENTILATOR Inexpensive Free Installation A.tk for descriptlw fJooldet on fereiliter practice for suburban lawru and &ardena. John WeUand 1161 WIJmette Ave. WUmette, 111. 18U Sherman Ave. Evanston, Ill. A call will send o~r Representative A LARGE ASSORTMENT John Weiland E. C. Weissenberg 813 Elm St. Winnetka, Ill. VETERINARIAN hANK B. ERWIN Specializing in the treatment of your best friends the of Mirrors, and Plateaus, reasonably priced. See this large display. Indian Hill Auto & Hdwe. Co. Indian Hill, Ill. Hoffman Bros. Wilmette, Ill. Wilmette, Ill. ~~oog aad Cat" HAMILTON GLAss Co. John Millen Hdwe. Co. Stac:hel's Greenhouse Wilmette, Ill. W olff-Griffis Hdwe. Co. 1119 Central Ave. All Calls Receive My Penonal Attention LADY ASSISTANT OF EVANSTON Ualv. 9634 914 Cbieago Ave. Wilmette, Ill. Make Your House 1000 Ridge Ave. Wilmette 3347 a Homt.

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