Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1929, p. 64

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64 WILMETTE I LIFE February 15, 1929 second floor, also faces the lake. Shawnee Club Opens There is a gallery on the second overlooking the swimming pooL Beautiful' New Home floor When the members of the club in·Friday, February 22· spect their new home next Friday By Ray C. Pearson A new chapter in the story of north shore clubdom and a most important one i to be written on February 22. That day-\Yashington's Birthdayhas hren selected as most fitting for the informal opening of the new club.house of the Shawnee Country club in '""ilmettc and the event will mark the completion of a forward step which give s to \Vilm e tte a magnificent club home in a setting that would be hard to equal. Sha\\'nee club memhers have been anxiously waiting while the tedious task of construction of their new home was under \\·a,· for the dav when the doors would b-e thrown open to them. That time has now arrived. While the informal opening is scheduled for Men's organizations intere,s ted in the next Friday the formal opening when dedication ceremonies. a dance and advancement of St. Francis hospital dinner are to he held will not take ·vill be invited to join with the manv place until ~{arch 16, St. Patrick's women's organizations already workinl! eYe. That will ~ive the members for the institution as the result of ~ "something" to wait for. decision reached at the meeting of the St. Francis' Foundation Saturday afterGeneral Inspection All arrangements have been com- noon at the Evanston Catholic Wompleted for the opening of the new an'~ club. The foundation is working now on and pretentious clubhouse next Friday. From 2:30 until 7 o'clock in the plans for its annual benefit which will evening there will be a reception take place in April to raise funds for when tl1e members will inspect their the foundation's pledge to the furnishnew home. President Albert N. Page ing of the emergency ward of the hosand the board. of governors will greet pital. Since $1.5JO is still owing on the members. Then at 9 o'clock in the pledge, the board has decided that the magnificent and brilliantly lighted donations from friend·s will be the onl" · ballroom the Opera club orchestra means of meeting the amount. To ue the first contributor to the wilt strike up a tune and the members foundation pledge fund. the Evanston will dance. What Shawnee means to north Catholic Woman's club through its shore clubdom and to Wilmette in president. Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe, preparticular is a story in itself. It tells sented a $50 gift at the Saturday meetof how an aggressive group of men ing. "We hope that other org-anization~ has brought to realization ":! dream club," a place where dad and mother will follow the precedent of th~ Evansand the kiddies may get together and ton Catholic Woman's club and m~ke play. We have mentioned the kid- donations to the foundation." Mrs . dies and that is important for in the Frank Jones. president, staterl. "Perminds of the spirited men at the haps we shall be able to start a prachelm there has been one predominant tice of · annual donations. At nresent thought, which may best he expressed there ·seems no other way to raise the $1,500." . in these words: Plan For Card Party A Family Club "Shawnee is to be a family club." On the committee in charg-e of All this accomplished in less than -this year's benefit project. a card oartv t vo years. Some ... chievement! Less to be given at the St. George's Hig-h than t\\'O years ago, it will be remem- school gymnasium. April 15, Mrs. J one~ bered, the old Ouilmette Country club named representatives of various orat the corner of Michigan and Lake ganizations interested in the foundaavenue and the old Century club of tion or hospital. Evanston were merged and took quarAmong the men's org-an'zations which ters in the Guilmette club. Officers have expressed a witlint"less to supwere elected and with Albert N. Page port the benefit are Newman Counc-il at the head of the club a progressive of Knights of Columbus. the Holv program was started at · once. Every- Name ~ocietv and St. George's Father~' body in the club wanted action. And club through its president, Edward they got it, which accounts for the Belt. fine new clubhouse which is now R~presentatlves of the women's organizations who are on the card party comready to receive the members. It is hard to picture a club located mittee are: 'Evanston Catholic Wom~m·~ club. Mrs. O'Keefe; North Shore Cathoin a more ideal setting. Across Michi- lic Woman's league, Mrs. William Schildgan avenue a park and Lake Michi- e-~n: Woman's Catholic club of Wilmf>ttP. gan-there's a view that's worth talk- Mrs. Gale Meginnes; St. Mary's Parf>ntin~ about. And in this setting a mag- 1'eacher a~soclatlon, Mrs. Thomas MaC'k: St. A thanastus' Parent-Teacher associanificent and spacious clubhouse of tion . Mrs. Frank DoughPr: Young Lad!P~' early Enf,!lish design, carrying lines of Auxntarv of Evanston Catholic Woman'9 beauty which attest the architect's C'lub, Mi~s Irene Jame~: Glenol:t cluh. Mr~. Susanna . L o u g hr a n : Cathollr skill. Daughters of America, Miss Mary .Janj:l: In adjoining columns will be found medical staff of St. Francis' hospital. Dr a picture which shows what Shawnee Marv McEwen ; St. George's auxntarv has to offer its members, but these lmothPr~· club), Mrs. Edward Bell R.nd Mrs. Dougher; Chicago members, MrR. facts we brietlv set down : Napoleo.n Picard; Tranqutlla, M r ~. There is a larg-e ballroom beautiful- Charles F. Bunte and St. Francis hm~ ly decorated and lh;hted. pital auxlltary, Mrs. A. J. Smith, who wlll , There is an Elizabethan staircase also act as house chairman. Dr. McEwen spoke at the foundation leading from the entrance of the club meeting pointing out the great necesto the main floor. There is a wading pool and play-- · sity for an organization to support the hospital 1.a nd make cotttacts for it room for children. There 'is a hig swimming pool. throughout the community, especially 'l l!re is a librarv. because the hospital has no endowment There are card roorris and a hilliard and is now incurring great expense room. with the addition of a new wing. The lounge. which is on the secTickets for the benefit card partv ond floor. is of the Emrli h Manor are now on sale at St. George's High tvoe and commands a. \'iew of the school and St. Francis' hospital. Bridge, take. 500 and bunco will be played· and The big dining room, al"o on the refreshments will be served. improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements f the original ordinance therefor, and ~as applied to said court to consider . and determine whether or not the fact . tated in said certificate are true, and ~-----------------' rhat said court has . fixed Monday, the 25th day of February, A. D. 1929 at ten they 'll have reason to be proud. The o'clock A. M. or as . soon thereaft~r as officers of the Shawnee club are: the business of the court will perJ'!lit, at Alhf>rt N. Page, president; C. H. Searle, the room of said CountY. Court I~ the vice-president ; C. Mil es McDonald, treasCounty Bullding, in the CitY of .Chicago, urer; A. J. DeBerard, assistant treasurer; in said Cook County, as the. time ~nd Howard L. Fogg, secretary; John Andrew place for the hearing. _on said applicaRonan, assistant secretary. tion. All persons desmng may ~le obGovernors- Elmer S. B ersbach, Daniel jections in said Court before ~aid day H. Burnham, Arthur J. DeBerard, Howard and may appear on the hearmg and L. Fogg, Jnm es B. French, Morgan J . make their defense. Harnme1·s, James J . Johnson, C. Miles Dated February 7th, 1929. McDonald, Albert K. Page, Robe rt E . EARL E. ORNER Rick. en, .Tohn Andrew Ronan, C. H. ERNEST C. CAZEL Sel'lrl ' ..John R. t tl ey, Jam es B. ·wescott. ALBERT L. GRINNELL vV. lrYing- Osborn(', Jr., (' X ('C Uli\' (' secrt:'PAUL A. HOFFMAN tary; William F . Somnw rs, manager; C MILES MeDON ALD Miss Binn, '\Yood, hou st:> sc<:retnry. HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L20-2tc Directs Forum Hospital Foundation Ask.f\ Men to Help in Work for St. Francis' SPECIAL ASSFSSMENT NOTICE Wilmette Special Assessment No. 236 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the central thirteen (13) feet of the first alley south of Walnut Avenue from the west c~rb line of Fifteenth Street to the east lme of Sixteenth Street by grading and paving with concrete an~ otherwise i_mproving same, in the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. Special Assessment No. 236 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Im1 provements of said Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, ~nd the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated in said assessment, and also that said improvement has been complnted in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 25th day of February, A. D. 1929 at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated February 7th, 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES MeDON ALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvenwnts: of the Village of Wilmette. L20-2tc SPECIAL ASSESS~IENT Photo by Toloff The Rev. 'Raymond A. Bragg, minister of All Souls' Unitarian church, Evanston, has begun a series of discussions of literature which he opene~ recently with a forum on "The Grow- . ing Literature of Humanism." SPECIAL ASSESSliENT NOTICE ( r ' Wilmette Special Assessment No. 232 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSl\IENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the first alley south of Laurel Avenue from Fifth Street to Seventh Street by ~rading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving same, in the Village of Wilmette, Cool{ County, Illinois. Special Assessment No. 232 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Loca! Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said caust:, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for intert:'st, lea,·ing a deficien<'V of Fiv~ hundred and ninety dollars ($590.00) to be raised by supplemental assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 25th day of February, A. D. 1929 at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the busines::; of the court wiH permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for lhe hearing on said application. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated February 7th, A. D. 1929. EARL E . ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L20-2tc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE Wllm('tte Special Assessment No. 240· IN 'rHE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL . ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of Tenth· Street from the north line of Chestnut Avenue to the north line of the Village · of Wilmette by grading,. paving, curbing, constructing sidewalks and otherwise improving same, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. Special Assessment No. 240 in the · County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause, a · certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated' in said assessment, and also that said · improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements · of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the · facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 25th day of February, A. D. 1929 at ten o'clock A. 1\I. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the· room of said County Court in the ~ount! Building, in the City of Chicago, m .said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said' day and may appear on the hea'ring· and: make their defense. Dated February 7th, 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES MeDON ALD HANS von· REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Boal"d of Local Improvement&· , of the Village of Wilmette. L20·2tc· ·wnmette Special Assessment No. 234 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the central fourteen (14) feet of the first alley south of Lake A venue from the west c_urb line of Fifteenth Street to the east !me of Sixteenth Street by grading and pavi~g with concrete and otherwise · improvmg same in the Village of Wilmette Cook County, Illinois. ' Special Assessment No. 234 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village has heretofore filed in said Court in 'said cause a certifi·!ate showing the' cost of the i'mprove.nent, a~d the amount reserved for !nter£:;;t, )t:'avmg no excess to be abated m sat.d assessment, and also that said

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